I'm one of those loony "conspiracy nuts". I believe that there was an agenda within and above the scope of our government and I'm going to beat this dead horse like it was Cheney's fat ass.
Do you realize what's happening each day that goes by that we don't force the 9-11 issue? Has your grocery bill gone up much this year? Haven't you noticed the price of gas creeping back up? Sure, it's not as high as it was last year this time but that was just to cushion the blow of what's to come. How many of you have health insurance but the cost of premiums has risen to a point where you may have to consider dropping it? Just why did we bail them out anyway? Why did we bail out the people who have a great hand in destroying our way of life? Between the major corporations, the military and organized religion there is a movement. The same people who used and abetted 9-11 to terrorize this country and the world in order to further their agenda are not necessarily all in our government. Actually, aside from the bush administration I don't believe that there was much collusion other than that born out of fear. Just look at all of the non-action in congress and the senate. Just witness Nancy Pelosi. What's the motivating factor? Fear.
Members of our elect often receive little reminders of who's in charge. Kind of like the most recent Air Force One flying through NYC. How could you believe otherwise when you examine the uncharacteristic actions and decisions of our elected officials. Krist, just the fact that the most obvious terrorist attack in history, obviously perpetrated with much inside cooperation, will never be investigated tells us that our government is not in control.
We have been taken over by the corporate military. It's illogical to not believe that there are designs to turn us into a third world nation. It's not a silly misconception to believe that other entities control our government. It is not only foolish but dangerous not to believe otherwise.I can't name individual names, I wish I could. I believe that if someone in the know did speak up the streets would be running red with the blood of the guilty parties. Rightfully so. Isn't that what we did to the British when they tried to rule us unjustly? That's what Patriots do. They sacrifice everything to keep our country just.
I faintly hoped that Obama might have the balls to step up but unfortunately it's just business as usual. Pretty much what I expected. What happened to the Patriot Act? Why is it still in existence? Why did Obama all of a sudden become the Corporate Welfare King? Why didn't he use that money to help equalize the economy by lowering interest rates on upside down mortgages? Oh, I hear you, fool, "that's socialism"! Is it now? What would you call this? Is it any different than a giveaway of our tax dollars to the very people who are the cause of our country's downward spiral?
One of the biggest problems our economy faces is low pay scale compared to price increases. Just as we're trying to work out a better health plan , insurance companies (who just received massive bailout money from our taxes) have been raising premiums almost quarterly. Not small increases mind you. I'm talking 20 to 30% at their whim. Go to the grocery store and check out your cost increases and those who haven't raised prices have cut quantity on their products. Why do you believe that the government hasn't done anything about illegals? Because to the Establishment they're not a problem. Illegals are going to replace Americans in the low pay job market since they have no intention of raising wages to keep up with the skyrocketing increase in the cost of living. Has your income kept up with the cost of living? When's the last time you had a pay raise that actually brought you up to par? If you're in the $40,000. bracket I doubt seriously you have or are going to see anything more than 4% increase. And how are things going for you? Top of the world? It's simple for people in the $100,000.+ and up income brackets to poo-poo this talk as ludicrous,, let's hear from you when you lose your job.
As for the working class who are struggling to keep heads above water, no one seems to mind, we're the perfect drones for what the Establishment has in mind. Let me correct that, millions seem to mind but no one is going to do what it will take to right things. There aren't too many choices left these days. Had we acted on 9-11 as we should have we may have set the process in action but now we're buried neck deep in it and about the only answers are either revolution or corporate assassinations. This is how our country was built and unfortunately this is how it needs to be maintained. The corporate rich won't hear anything else.
There is still one alternative but it's quickly slipping away. 9-11 wasn't the first indication of someone other than our elected officials in control, it's just the most recent. We could have eliminated the stranglehold they have on our government 45 years ago had we had a real investigation into the hit on JFK. That was another action that was obvious to anyone with a brain that Oswald didn't act alone, maybe didn't even act at all but we were too afraid to know the truth. Even when MLK and RFK were murdered in such a ridiculously contrived manner the majority couldn't muster the balls for true examination. The Establishment was just digging in deeper and deeper. Anything for more control, for the "One World Order". I can almost hear the discussion over plotting 9-11; "Hell, they didn't question politically motivated murders back in the sixties and it was right in their face. They won't question anything." The Elite know where they stand and who's in charge. Does all of this sound almost cartoonish? Listen back to how often Reagan and Bush sr. called for "One" or "New World Order". It's no joke people. You never heard of it before? look here, or here . It's not too lat yet. Not just yet. Hell, most of the evidence is on DVD around the world. There's enough footage and idiots like Rudy Giuliani to first, prove collusion and second , to start naming names. There has to be someone in the know who's more afraid for the future of this country and their children than they are for themselves. Where have all of the Patriots gone? Where are the Heroes? I don't believe we have any. Anyone out there who has any sort of information could be the one person who sets the ball in motion. I'm sure that there's a general consensus of who is responsible. It's a big circle, those close to the flame. Politicians, civilian workers in DC, celebrities and media and more who can provide information, just name names. Tell where to aim. I don't understand how anyone can sit back and allow America to be ravaged by a pack of parasites and not feel an allegiance to step up. Krist, I know people who, at this very moment, are sacrificing all to bring this information to light.
In the meantime there are a few actions we can take to hurt the Elite. Boycott. Don't frequent large conglomerates such as Wal Mart, Target, etc. I know their prices are cheap but the price we'll pay in the long run is quite high. Try not to buy anything "Made in China", we need more American manufacturing. Frequent only small locally owned stores and restaurants. This will be disrupting for us now but it won't be long before the major corporations start to fold. They already are. AS a matter of fact, people are alreaddy revolting and don't even realize it. It's not by choice that they're boycotting, they just don't have any money and the big guys are feeling the heat. They need more than that, they need to burn. If we're going to fix this country in the manner that they've left us to then we have to tear it down from the top and start all over again.
Or, start arming yourselves. That will be the final solution.
I'm scared, are you?
Book to read; This Land Is Their Land
by Barbara Ehrenreich
Keep it up! many are listening and believing now. pity, as you say, they didn't act sooner, and I do believe it will end in citizens revolution, but the longer it takes the more they are sewing you all up.
ReplyDeleteA country of people who don,t even walk to the shops, and believe MSM is telling them truth.. and have little to no emergency/survival skills is going to make it messy.
Welcome to the COTO Roll of Honour Peter.
You might want to take a look at Paul Street's article The Dawning Age of Obama as a Potentially Teach-able Moment for The Left
ReplyDeleteat http://www.zcommunications.org/znet/viewArticle/21576 and especially the comments including this from Street "it strikes me that Paul's thesis of a totalitarian era of long-term corporate-managed fake democracy ----something that the liberal-left political scientist Sheldon Wolin has warned us about --- is entirely plausible. That may be what's (a) happening; (b) about to happen; or (c) already happened some time ago (Paul seems to date the counter-revolution from the 1970s, which makes historical sense to me). But ok, so what --- who cares what Mandarins think and observe? Emotionally and existentially (so to speak), the Wolin outcome is unacceptable and it is our duty not merely to observe chilling authoritarian developments but to actively resist them."
It may seems wordy, but it's all really about HOW to resist.
Thanks for the post peter, but you're preaching to the choir here. But, I am hoping as more people ck out "our site" they will stumble upon articles like yours and maybe a light will get turned on! We all know what the problems are, but now we gotta come up with some good solutions. Quickly.
ReplyDeleteBut unless you include the Rothschilds and their combo at the top of your findings, the horse you're beating is already decomposed. Unfortunately, so far, this does not refer to Cheney. But never fear, Dick, it will, it will.
I'm also with you Peter. 9/11 was the catalyst that sent us hurtling towards the fascist state we now find ourselves in.
ReplyDeleteWith Obama's "city year" in full swing(american stasi/obama youth) and the police getting more and more brutal in their treatment of average citizens, it's time we decide just what we should do.
Waking others up is crucial. As the economy worsens, that will get easier and easier to do.
As an example of the "police state".. since when is it ok for a cop to pull over an emt and try to arrest him for doing his job?
In Aus there would be an immediate enquiry into this, and the officers suspended while it is investigated...so? what will happen in your country?
Nothing will happen in the USA to kops committing crimes "on duty" ... or soldiers (above the rank of Captain) who commit war crimes.
ReplyDeleteThe porks need their mercenaries and have conditioned the peasants to believe the mercs are there to "protect" the peasants.
"...what do they use Molotov cocktails for in your country?" http://www.fornorealreason.com/page/2/
Thanks Michael
ReplyDeleteand especially for the assistance.
As a matter of fact I think almost everyone helped me out in getting me logged in so thanks every one.
A very cool cabal of revolutionaries.
I'm proud to be included.
Thanks laudyms,
ReplyDeleteI'll check it out when I have a bit of time for reading.
There are a few people here whom I'm not real familiar with, thinggs like, laud, what's your name? If you, or any of you who aren't familiar with me care to share, feel free to email me @ pcmirisola@bellsouth.net
you know my name.............
hey waldo buddy --go read unintended consequences-you too peter 51
ReplyDelete"In a way, the world-view of the Party imposed itself most successfully on people incapable of understanding it. They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening. By lack of understanding they remained sane. They simply swallowed everything, and what they swallowed did them no harm, because it left no residue behind, just as a grain of corn will pass undigested through the body of a bird." -George Orwell 1984
ReplyDeleteHi Peter- my name is Claudia
ReplyDeleteGreat quote! I've put it in my 'keepers' file
ReplyDeleteGood to meet you Claudia,
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the site where open minded, logical, intelligent people meet.
Check all ego's at the door.
Since we have officially become a Right wing state. You never know just what you may encounter in the course of a simple traffic stop. If the so-called 'officer' happens to not dig tatoos, your hair or just didn't get laid you can expect an antagonistic attitude which, on someone like myself becomes a fuck-you fest which can end up in an arrest or a beating. I know enoough to keep my hands by my side so as to not suggest assault but that's what they're looking for. You can say virtually anything that you want as long as you establish that you're not under arrest and you don't make the mistake of putting your hands on them. They may be ignorant assholes but they know that they have to explain their actions. Always remember that a touch is an assault and a pull is resisting arrest (even though you're not technically under arrest, you will be for resistiing,,,figure that out) Do not let them get you so angry that you lose control, stay calm. You can tell him he's an ass hole and still control your temper. If he loses it just let him cuff you, calmly, no resisting.
ReplyDeleteIf he begins an assault, cover your head and ears, bend into a ball position but don't run....resisting.
It's a tough call these days. I try to be friendly and compliant as possible. I've had my run ins but I'm aware of the laws so in the end I walk away.
Always remeber, you're dealing with another human, same as you except they're probably right wing assholes. Don't piss them off unless you know you can handle yourself and the situation.
Years ago we had a community practice of standing by police-citizen interactions. We stood far away enough to not interfere, but close enough to see and hear what happened. Today many people have the capability to take video and photos with their phones, so this practice is even more effective at keeping "public safety" forces within bounds.
ReplyDeleteYes, Mark, excellent quote.
ReplyDeleteWho would have thought back in 1984, we'd be actually living the novel "1984"?
It's as if they used it as a primer on controlling the masses.
In about 1967 the band Steppenwolf wrote the song Monster, the lyrics are below.
ReplyDeleteWe believed then that this song was an anthem of the times but I believe, because of our actions at the time, we delayed things a bit. Now, this song has never been more apropos.
We escaped in the 60's what is happening right now. We have another chance to put an end to the Establishment who would see us in literal slavery. This is it though, if we fail now there will be no third chance.
Now it's time to stand up and prove that we're Americans and we are NOT to be fucked with, not by the rich, not by politicians, not by anybody.
by Steppenwolf
Once the religious, the hunted and weary
Chasing the promise of freedom and hope
Came to this country to build a new vision
Far from the reaches of kingdom and pope
Like good Christians, some would burn the witches
Later some got slaves to gather riches
But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light
And once the ties with the crown had been broken
Westward in saddle and wagon it went
And 'til the railroad linked ocean to ocean
Many the lives which had come to an end
While we bullied, stole and bought our a homeland
We began the slaughter of the red man
But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light
The blue and grey they stomped it
They kicked it just like a dog
And when the war over
They stuffed it just like a hog
And though the past has it's share of injustice
Kind was the spirit in many a way
But it's protectors and friends have been sleeping
Now it's a monster and will not obey
The spirit was freedom and justice
And it's keepers seem generous and kind
It's leaders were supposed to serve the country
But now they won't pay it no mind
'Cause the people grew fat and got lazy
And now their vote is a meaningless joke
They babble about law and order
But it's all just an echo of what they've been told
Yeah, there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watchin'
Our cities have turned into jungles
And corruption is stranglin' the land
The police force is watching the people
And the people just can't understand
We don't know how to mind our own business
'Cause the whole worlds got to be just like us
Now we are fighting a war over there
No matter who's the winner
We can't pay the cost
'Cause there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watching
America where are you now?
Don't you care about your sons and daughters?
Don't you know we need you now
We can't fight alone against the monster
listen; http://www.ask.com/bar?q=listen+to+steppenwolf+monster&page=1&qsrc=2106&ab=0&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DfpuyXdKx9Ws
Try this link:
It's apt that the full name of this cut is Monster/Suicide/America.
You're pretty hep Claudia,,
ReplyDeleteIf this song doesn't make you want to stand up and fight I don't know what will!
Orwell was in the know on how the state controlled the minds of the proles. Though you'll never see it written, one can surmise that Orwell was a member of Britain's (nothing "Great" about it) secret police in Burma right after college (he scored high on the latin part of the entrance exam and the intelligence agencies love those who are bilingual). Seeing the enslaved locals was too much for Orwell and he eventually quit, but I believe he kept the memories in store for a political novel to be written...later. The television came along and made mind control a snap. Prior to that, the principles of mind control were written down in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in the late 1800's. Though there's lots of controversy over authorship, it makes no difference who the author was. All that matters is that the principles work and any state could adopt them (and all surely have).
ReplyDeleteHave you ever seen Flobots-"Handlebars"? good video, watch the whole thing to the end... (not embeddable (is that a word?))
sorry, i thought I was leaving you the email address to it... take out the parenthesis surrounding http...
Hey ski,
ReplyDeleteI find several links to "unintended consequences".
One is a book about gun laws. there are several others so I'm not sure which one you're alluding to. Could you let me know a bit more about it?
Thanks Brother