The corporate behemoths collectively known as "Big Food"—companies like
General Mills,
Tyson Foods, and
Archer Daniels Midland—are feeling squeamish.......But Big Food persists in battling the wrong target. While it is indeed locked in an existential struggle with an implacable foe, the government is not the enemy. The enemy is Mother Nature.
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This article affirms my belief that nature will in fact be the undoing of Big Ag's manipulations in the interest of shortsighted financial gains. I won't be at all surprised if B.M. or R.W. find their way here and try to refute these assertions. They have never replied to any of my questions regarding their petrol-based technology in an oil short world. Playing politics with my grandchildren's future makes me spittin' mad. Of COURSE we need to promote organic agriculture and localized production, distribution, and community gardens, supporting each other as human beings. Might as well get on with it....the cure is better than the disease, unless you are part of the problem.
ReplyDeleteThere is some good news. I'm seeing more and more organic products in the big supermarket chains. Not everyone lives near a whole foods so people started demanding organic products on their local shelves and as usual.... money talks..
ReplyDeleteSadly more and more of those products are produced by big corps who have bought out smaller companies. Their standards are slim to few, plus the USDA organic certification process has been taken over by cheap rubber-stamp groups in some areas.
ReplyDeleteOrganic is still good. LOCAL and organic is best.
ReplyDeletethis is a lovely vid on indian farmers going back to NO chem farming:-)
and the latest Organic consumers assoc newsletter is outing the Fake Organic dairies. hooray!
Ceres Harvest, a huge Eu organic brand has been taken over by a biotech company
The compliance costs were announced at $1,000 US under the new scheme Obamas mob look like approving, this is going to push many small holders right off the edge. The big corps are bitching...as if they won't just add the cost, and more, and keep adding it!
If they pay 1,000 and make billions..where? is the justice for people who make less than 10K a year?
honesty fairness and justice do NOT exist in US Govt.
I hear ya laudy... in fact, how good are the organic standards on any product if we have to leave it up to the govt to decide what those standards are? You really can't trust anything you buy anymore. Local is best but even here in s jersey that is known for it's fruit & veggie farms there are less and less of them. The farms are disappearing and so are the little stands that dotted the highway. We should all be buying heirloom seeds while they are still available and planting our own gardens.
ReplyDeleteI hear ya laudy... in fact, how good are the organic standards on any product if we have to leave it up to the govt to decide what those standards are? You really can't trust anything you buy anymore. Local is best but even here in s jersey that is known for it's fruit & veggie farms there are less and less of them. The farms are disappearing and so are the little stands that dotted the highway. We should all be buying seeds while they are still available and planting our own gardens.
ReplyDeleteMonsanto... what a joke! I remember forever the entrance to the "permanent" monsanto exhibit at the original Disneyland back in the 50's. There in big letters over the entry to the exhibit were the words "Giving us hope for the future and a brighter tomorrow." Geez, maybe the future part was gmo's, and no doubt the brighter part was agent orange. I think we're going to need something on the order of the french revolution to get things going right. Some heads are just going to have to roll. And we can recycle them too. Just imagine how many poor folks on this planet would love to use them for soccer practice. Head shots will be in.
ReplyDeleteLots of little farms where I live, jersey... keep the faith :) We've still got religion here. Big monocroppers failed. We're talking sugar and pineapple. The competition is so keen here, that organic is just a starter. You don't dare show up as a vendor with tomatoes that have even the smallest patch of green on them. Produce is the best of the best. I go to the farmers market late, and I get almost half my stuff free! They just wanna go home. What's left they toss to the pigs, chickens, or compost it.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand there's areas in the islands where monsanto and others are screwing with - maui was a primary producer for all their gmo seed corn - because they could turn over a field 3 times a year! There was not a damn thing we could do except write letters to the editurds.
there seem to be at least 3 of
ReplyDeleteus here from Hawaii!
Who's the other one? Did we speak before? I got a bad case of CRS. Kudos for joining coto. I'm going to write some articles about hawaii that I would never dare submit to a publication in the islands, much less would any of them publish! I've gotten in enough trouble via the press already here. Aloha.
ReplyDeleteProblem is, it's hard to know what crops monsanto has or hasn't infected. Their crap blows with the wind into organic fields and contaminates the "good stuff."
ReplyDeleteSomebody here is from Maui.
ReplyDeleteYes I think you messaged me
once at OEN- I'm in Honomu.
I'm looking forward to your