Friday, June 5, 2009

Police Violently Attack Peaceful Indigenous Blockade in Peruvian Amazon, Killing Many

peru_rf_protest     Peruvian police reportedly shot indigenous protesters from helicopters -- as peaceful protesters were protecting their ancestral land. Peru's police have clashed with Amazon tribes opposed to foreign companies opening oil wells and mines in their rainforests without their consent. Police reportedly shot at protesters from helicopters, killing as many as twelve blockading a road to protect their land. Amazon Watch and Western media report indigenous protesters outside of Bagua, in a remote area of northern Peruvian Amazon, were forcibly dispersed by tear gas and real bullets. Reuters reports 12 protesters were killed

read article


  1. We should be fencing off indigenous people - and generously so - to keep outsiders - out! These people are the last link we have to our primitive relationship with nature, and as such, should be preserved like monuments. Developers that rape and pillage indigenous tribal territories could make far more money by offering disney type "eco" tours to see remnants of the last vestiges of native culture and lifestyles. I know this sounds zooish (btw, I hate zoos) but also give these poor tribes enough elbow room so they never will have to feel contained. So what if a bus or two of tourists come into their village a couple times a day? The tourists buy some trinkets, get to do some local drugs, and see a glimpse into modern day anthropology... and everyone comes away happy. It's a win/win. We're already doing that here in Hawaii with both artist and ag tours sponsored by the state. Everyone benefits.

  2. Thanks for posting this laudy. I hate to say this but those poor tribes are the canary in the coal mine.

    I can see the same thing happening all over the world. Just take a look at the headlines and notice how tyranny is spreading like cancer over the globe.

    Here in the U.S., as our civil liberties are being crushed, our jobs lost, our homes & savings given up to the bankers, we too will have to fight for what is rightfully ours. I see that day coming sooner rather than later.

  3. Costa Rica has given up having a military in favor of educating its population, preserving its incredible biodiversity and makes money and friends from eco tourism.....
    This from the Nat Geo movie "Home"....a startling,
    beautiful documentary about the evolving destructive effects to the biosphere from human activities. We have ten years, people. Ten years to turn it around through massive alteration of our MO. After that, all bets are off, as we enter the uncharted territory of nature out of balance. I journeyed down the Amazon some years ago in an eco tour. The cattle barons and oil and mining companies were business as usual killing and stealing, destroying lives and habitat. Greed and ignorance coupled with zero empathy have brought us to this precipice. Where is that asteroid when you need it?

  4. The chaos will hit within a year -
    The four remaining members of the energy-rich GCC are Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
    Although the Chinese central bank in March floated the idea of creating a reserve currency alternative to the U.S. dollar based on the International Monetary Fund's special drawing rights ( SDR ).

  5. Podzemi.....nice tiger.....on the endangered species list I believe.....
    The "ten year" reference was to eco-catastropy.
    Of course this is interconnected with "policy" which continues the rape and burn (emissions)
    mentality. Industrial agriculture and endless war, pointless consumerism and social inequity and injustice.....think anyone on that helicopter will be prosecuted?.....are destructive forces combining to create this nexsus of tradgedy.
    Please elaborate on your what sense are we not already experiencing "chaos"?
    If one becomes an eco refugee, migrating from drought or flood, that would play as chaos. If one goes bankrupt and homeless from medical expenses due to illness incured from a toxic environment, that would play as chaos. If one's home town is taken over by violent drug cartels
    and ICE poisons the lives of those around you, that would play as chaos.
    Is overt suppression/oppression what you are refering to? I have no doubt that is in the cards and coming to a rally near you......

  6. We have those trinket-tours here because Hawaii's people have already been reduced to utter dysfunction by Colonialism.

    I'll skip the diatribe and just refer you to my blog entry on Colonialism:

  7. Purr....Bail-out gets dispersed to the El-ites
    they purchase hard commodities during deflationary market
    then scuttle the dollar leaving the suckers holding worthless paper
    it's nothing but a street hustle with astronomical notation
    the sheople cry and plead for bramble currency
    El-ites give them a hook to swallow
    Global dominion achieved
    Let them control our currency and they care not who makes our laws
    I agree the eco-system's in trouble
    However, the hunters trap is about to close
    starvation, food and water, will be the training
    Learn to be a circus performer or get euthanized

  8. I am the "savage" in Huxley's Brave New World. In all fairness, eco tours are better than the current alternative. Given my druthers, I too would say "just leave them alone." Same goes for dolphins, whales, and all the other animals we take for granted, while we abuse their habitats as insanely as possible.
