Friday, June 5, 2009

Barbershop Diaries Volume I, Issue 4

Come on by for a cut and a shave.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="453" caption="ObamaNation"]ObamaNation[/caption]


  1. Interesting, observant, thoughtful....thanks

  2. Esculapius was associated with the city of Tyre, This city was entitled the 'Queen of the Sea,' and she received the tribute of all nations. Merchants from all parts of the globe would trade there. Tyre was a city not belonging to any particular nation, as the common city of all nations and the center of their commerce. Hiram, king of Tyre, was instrumental in the building of the Temple in Jerusalem during the time of Solomon Brothers Building.

  3. wow what a powerfull picture--just came back from cindy sheehans site only to see this picture--the old boy is choked up--man i think the hellbound train REALLY-is close to its last stop--and cindy--WHAT A CHAMP---POSTING DEAD CHILDREN OF THE WAR ON UTUBE-.==I HOPE LONG LIFE FOR HER---AND I HOPE WE ALL THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN MORE--GOD DAMN IT--IN THE BIBLE THERE IS A SPECIAL WARNING FOR THOSE WHO HARM THE CHILDREN--I HOPE IT IS TRUE--I WONDER IF BUSH CAN SLEEP WITHOUT DRUGS--I DOUBT IT THE F*****
