Saturday, June 6, 2009

Alex Jones' impersonation of RK?

No one shatters the left/right paradigm better than AJ.. So here he is,  with tongue planted firmly in cheek.   This one goes out to all the Obamabots and former (or current) Bushites....


  1. So Alex does have a sense of humor. Thank God for government.

  2. Purr.... “We will not be intimidated or pushed off the world stage by people who do not like what we stand for, and that is, freedom, democracy and the fight against disease, poverty and terrorism.”

    - Madeleine Albright

  3. MEGO (my eyes glaze over).

    I have begun to tune out anybody who crabs about "the government." Whatever "the government" is, it's a facade for the real power... and isn't it OBVIOUS what that is?

    Checkpoints? Taking blood? hmmmm. Checkpoints we have already... for seatbelts, drunks or just cos the kapos need to make their quota. And where was all this outrage when every workplace has to check your piss?

    We have the "realpolitikers" who want to "work within the system" and folk like AJ who criticise "the system." There IS NO system... except to systematically reduce you to serfdom or death... and "the government" is a stalking horse. The rich shitpokes will do it with or without a "government."

    They don't need a "government" to open concentration camps... they have them already. And what will it take to open more?

    ...oh... about $10 an hour.

  4. Waldo, AJ knows there is no real government. He rails about it all the time. He was making fun of people who believe in the "government" and think it will save them.

    Checking your piss, taking your blood, forcing innoculations on you, mandatory volunteerism? Alex is against all that too. He has reported on the illegal police/military checkpoints and police brutality complete with taserings and beatings.

    Alex's rant is against the nwo..the ruling elite. He knows presidents are merely puppets groomed to do the bidding of their "masters."

    In fact your rant sounds a lot like an Alex Jones rant ....

  5. not to change the subject jersey--but why is it warmer in alaska then here in the usa---we had a dismal 53 today---ancorage was in 70's--the interior will be in the 90's==no chem dimming there cause they want to melt the polar cap to get the resorces----still believe there is no global warming--just wait you will see the light---

  6. Hey Randall.. I know there is climate change. That's quite obvious. I just question what is causing it. I know we contribute but if you have never heard of H.A.A.R.P I think you should google it and see what you think. The government has been fooling with the weather for decades.

    Also, I don't think imposing a carbon tax and further gas taxes on we the people who are already grossly overtaxed and are all about to drown financially, is the solution.

    Do you really think the major corporate polluters are going to be asked to pay for the damage they do and have been doing to the envirornment? They haven't so far, and in our new, "improved" corporate govt, do you really think they will start penalizing them now?

    No, it's the middle class that always pays while the major offenders continue to rake in the $$$ with no consequence for their harmful actions.

    "Going green" has become a new way to bilk the public. If you doubt that, notice how every product now announces it's "green" credentials. Do we believe their claims or do we know it's just another way to make more $$$?

    Having said that, I"ve never been wasteful with anything, including water. Everyone must learn to conserve and act as if every drop of water or every kilowatt of energy were their last. I am just against the government mandating ever more taxes on the people and turning a blind eye to the most egregious offenders.
