Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Richard Gage is interviewed on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, California

TruthAbout911This is astounding!   Of all news venues, it is Fox who interviews Richard Gage, member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

1 comment:

  1. There is a reason that Fox allowed a little affiliate station to run that interview and it's tied directly to "nano-thermites" and Steven Jones, the guy the Department of Energy got to torpedo "cold fusion" research years ago.

    Jones: Look everyone! Don't look for explosive residue in the controlled demolition job, look at this lovely THERMITE... oooooo

    others: that's nice, but it doesn't quite match the signature...

    Jones: Oh well looky here! I found THERMATE! It's got SULFER and is MILITARY (don't look at private commercial demolition contractors...)... it's BETTER!

    others: well that's all well and good, but does it work on a horizontal plane, and it's not an EXPLOSIVE so it couldn't destroy the floor systems...

    Jones: OH MY GOD!! Looky HERE. I found active NANO-"Thermetic"-material... IF combined with an organic (can't prove that with tests... QUITE YET) then it possibly COULD, MAYBE, THERE IS A CHANCE that it could be used as an explosive... possibly... (then again, it could just be used as a themite match trigger for the REAL explosives... just like people suggested years ago...)... THIS is the "Loaded Gun".... ONLY LOOK AT THIS.... don't check for anything else... God knows I wont....
