Friday, June 5, 2009

A Real Steal



  1. The Holy trinity - Cars, Houses, and Banks.

  2. Too bad bailout money won't go to all the gm employees about to lose their pensions, while management walks away with bags of cash. Aside from that, for the last 20 years they've been producing nothing but crap cars. They deserve to eat shit. But pay the workers their just due. Otherwise what doesn't come around is going to turn around and bite greedy management in the ass. We've had the ability to produce cars with 70 mpg capacity for as long as I can remember. On the other hand - what do we get - a plethora of gas guzzling suv's that are even dangerous to drive. What amazes me is the shear stupidity of auto makers. Have you noticed lately - that every single auto giant is trying to make a vehicle resembling the worst of the worst - the Hummer? I think I read that Arnold the Gropenator owns no less than 5 of them. He's as hypocritical as they get! Man, we've got serious problems. Someone comes out with a bad idea, promotes it a lot, then everyone else copies it instead of trying to do something different. I call this dumb-down engineering. The worst only gets worsted by something worser.

  3. Hey Cinder, I think with gas prices so high & the economy on life support all across the country that the hummer has already become a dinosaur. Good riddance !! Having said that, I'm not thrilled with the tuna can known as the "smart car" either. Wtf is that?

    Most here know that they have the technology to make a normal sized car that would fit a family and get outrageously high gas mileage. However, the powerful oil giants & their friends have always stymied any such plans for obvious reasons.

    The GM employees have been getting screwed for years.... concession after concession just to keep their jobs. This is the final blow. Of course, so many dumb americans blame the workers "greed" for GM's failure. It always amazes me how so many are so happy to take the corporation's side against the workers. I guess that comes from all that "conditioning" through the teevee

    Mr M's a "steal" alright !

  4. i feel arnold is in his last political death throws--no re-elect for him--i dig the gropenator thing--

  5. Indeed Mr. M. This is NO laughing matter.

    There's only so much the American people are going to tolerate.

    U.S.: GM Gets Billions, Says No Money for Crash Victims

    BOSTON, Jun 5 (IPS) - U.S. taxpayers have given 50 billion to rescue General Motors, but the company says it should not have to pay a penny to people harmed by known defects in its vehicles.

    Despite the billions, the company is in collapse and filed for bankruptcy Jun. 1 to re-work debts and restructure its operations. It will dump the Hummer and Saturn models, lay off 21,000 workers, shutter 3,000 dealerships and start anew as a largely U.S.-owned company with a green edge.

  6. Look, we know why this is happening, why we're being silenced ... a good friend of mine recently said that no one likes to be told their whole lives are fucked ...

    I can understand that ... and if wasn't for the fact that I can't drink anymore, I might well be one of those escape artists floundering in the bottom of river denial ...

    but what task has been plundered by a feckless army of patriots, most of whom would be better suited to just screwing-up their own lives.

    Read Dawn is near upon us ... innocents will be not shield, as much be a magnet to those leaving their trust in god alone ... natural order need never be kind, and reality a harsh master

    yes ... my friend is right ... no one wants to know ... they might have to do something, risk being found wanting ... and I can understand that too ... for those that have known me for 30+ years know that I have nothing to be sanctimonious about ...

    so what drives us? an awareness of our finality?

    a chance? a hope no matter how small that it's really about the journey anyway?

    if that's it, it pisses me off ... just the fact that we have to treat this beautiful planet as a doormat to gain admission to a as yet unspecified Nirvana, pisses me off! How many lives does one have to live to get this right? If we gang-rape this planet, what's to come back to?

    are members of COTO doomed to floating around an ever expanding universe being kicked off one web-site after another?

  7. "2. Cynics are the only honest people.

    Which is why you should always avoid them. It’s hard enough stopping yourself from asking “Why?” The last thing you need is someone else doing it for you, and worse than any of that, actually providing the answer. Unless you make enough money to look down on the whole of it from your helicopter, the trees are the forest. The office, your career, everything you do for money - it’s all make believe, a patchwork of polite systems we’ve constructed wherein we can compete as we did in the days of the Crusades without having to gore each other with swords and maces. The cynic’s like a bad manager. He tells you to hold out for a better title fight that’s never going to come. In the end, he’s right. It’s all a game of diversion, deferment and delusion. But you’re stuck in it either way, so you might as well play along, see if you can cruise through the thing in a fancy car, a big house and maybe a time-share somewhere sunny."

  8. Purr....Purr....I've been sharpening my claws for the day they come for podzemi, this Kitty is hungry.
    Laughnmatter, keep up the good work. We ain't beaten yet and I don't like to lose, it's not an option.
    I've been looking for the feredal revesre ctrehar.

    Section 31. Reservation of Right to Amend
    1. Reservation of Right to Amend
    The right to amend, alter, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved.

    [Omitted from U.S. Code. Part of original Federal Reserve Act; not amended.]

  9. And I dig the declension: "The worst only gets worsted by something worser".

    Remember Edward Albee's classic in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf?": "Good, better, bested. How do you like that for a declension, young man?"? Well, this is betterer!
