Saturday, June 6, 2009

American Dream Pushed Down the Hole… The China Syndrome

by Scott Creighton

In order to keep China from pulling their money out of the country, the Clintonistas and Friedman Free-Market zealots of the Obama administration are selling out the middle class and working poor of America. They are putting our workers on par with those of China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Mexico.  I call it The China Syndrome.

(click on image for larger view)

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="451" caption="Unemployment/Job losses/Corrective Measures"]Unemployment/Job losses/Corrective Measures[/caption]

When the TARP bill was being debated in Aug of 2008, one congressman came forward and admitted that the head of the Dallas Federal Reserve had testified that the credit freeze had been demanded of them by the then current administration and the New York Federal Reserve Bank, a position then held by Tim Geithner.
A majority of banks tightened their rules for granting loans to businesses and consumers. The survey shows little appetite at banks to lend for home mortgages, credit cards, home equity loans, commercial real estate loans, or commercial and industrial loans.   Aug. 2008 Market Watch

Geithner, grew up in Thailand and speaks Chinese and Japanese,  worked for Kissinger and Associates, is a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, worked on projects for the International Monetary Fund, and helped to “manage” financial crisis’s in Indonesia, South Vietnam, Mexico, and Brazil. All of those had Chicago School type economic “free-market” “bricks” slammed down on the general population. He has personally been involved in government actions involving Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, AIG, TARP, and the Stimulus Bill. In short, he has been involved in every part of the largest transfer of public wealth this nation has ever seen. All of it was done as a reaction to an economic “crisis” that had been manufactured for this specific reason:  to reduce the standard of living in the United States to that of other 3rd world nations.
As Geithner suggested in a speech Monday at Peking University and in public statements, the US administration’s strategy is to slash social spending and permanently reduce so-called “discretionary spending” by the American people (meaning the “standard of living”)…

Consumer spending in the United States will be restrained for some time relative to what is typically the case in recoveries,” (Geithner) said, adding, “These are necessary adjustments. They will entail a longer, slower process of recovery, with a very different pattern of future growth across countries than we have seen in the past several recoveries….

In return, he called on China to provide the US with “increased opportunities to export to and invest in the Chinese economy.”   Grey from American Everyman

Hillary Clinton’s first trip overseas as Secretary of State was to China.
Now it is more important than any time in the past to deepen and develop China-US relations amid the spreading financial crisis and increasing global challenges,” Hu told Clinton, according to state media. Breitbart

Obama appointed  Jon Huntsman Jr.,  as our Ambassador to China.

In China alone the Huntsman Corporation has at least 19 plants and offices.


  1. Time to show 'em the torches and forks. Maybe not to use them yet... but show that we have them... and will use them.

    Why the "Chicago School" is not yet as discredited as the Laffer Curve is beyond me. These econo-fundamentalists really believed they had a clean sheet in Iraq... all they had to do was privatize everything, and Iraq would become the shining city on the hill that Ray-Gun blathered about.

    That worked out really well, didn't it?

  2. I wish my new Gravatar would show up....

  3. Be sure you hit "update Profile" button at bottom of your profile page....

  4. Someone else told me they see the new Gravatar (I call it "Biohazzard Smiley Globe") but it is the same old one on my computer.

    Do you see the new one, or the old one?

  5. This is the management of 'the herd' in practice.

    There is a very simple solution to this wilful subjugation, to which we all appear so helplessly compliant.

  6. willy I see biohazard smiley:-)
    slap your PC!

  7. Hiya all, and I thought our system of govt was warped and weird..
    boy am I ever getting a eddykashun:-)
    I sent Rady and another usa friend a link to our National Broadcasters link, to an interview on the next 100 years as a fairly cluey chap,? was tipping us the nod.
    now Rady and said friend have had problems, so I thought ..dangerous of me:-)
    I would place it here, because it does send a shudder through me to read this, and remember what I just heard.

  8. Thanks oz. It came through this morning. So now I see it. I made it yesterday. You like?

  9. clever you, you made it? my foray into web design making a cartoon, with presupplied figures, one of which we were required to trace with the cursor...had me realising I wasn't up to it!! poor little blue dog..He had the wobbliest lumpy legs, and the rest of the class dissolved at seeing it, however the instructor "failed to be amused" and I failed.:-(

    Wish there was some humour in the current scenario, I am close to a permanent anxiety attack, as so many friends refuse to believe me..
    don,t have kids, and I am close to 50 but I want my dogs and I to be safe awhile yet, and my friends have kids -I would like to see them have a decent life,
    I now have a whole pile more people to fret you are all IN the place where it will start to go pearshaped...
    Radys opedder on the strange device, that started the excision. well The jammer is my choice, and so when shit hits, no one will be able to communicate. Which stuffs us and everyone else right up. And pigeons can't fly that far;-(
    staying sane in a crazy world is getting harder daily!

  10. Thanks for this link ozspeakup!

    gor, mate... this is spooky... he's dancing around the die-off, you know.
