4 Wounded in Shooting at YouTube Headquarters; Police Say Female Suspect Is Dead
At least four people were injured, one of them critically, in a shooting at YouTube’s headquarters in San Bruno, Calif., on Tuesday afternoon, the police said. The shooter, who the police said was a woman, died from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Brent Andrew, a spokesman for San Francisco General Hospital, said at a news conference that the hospital had received three patients: a 36-year-old man in critical condition, a 32-year-old woman in serious condition and a 27-year-old woman in fair condition. The condition of the fourth victim, and what hospital he or she was at, was not clear.
Outside the YouTube headquarters, armed police officers waded into a crowd of 200 or so employees who had evacuated to a nearby parking lot. The police asked for employees who had witnessed something firsthand to come forward, and about two dozen people, some visibly distraught, walked over to the officers.
Many employees said they had initially thought the episode was a fire drill. Others said they ran when people started shouting that there was a more
Youtube HQ female shooter identified as Katniss Everdeen
This has the all the numbers and clues to a another HOAX. Not only being the heart of San Fransisco crisis central, the appearance of other vortex clues makes it very suspicious.
Add the Fox News and Laura Ingrahams FOX staged crap. Cant you see it how FOX CNN are the same as Dems and GOP. They work in tandem as polar vortex players in the First and Second Amendment sting. We are wotnessing the complete takeover of freedom of speech and constitutional rights and Trump & Co. and the deep state are all crisis actors. It's stagecraft, lies and deception by the whole Media and Industrial Congressional Complex. Hollywood and Holyrood in a dialectic dance on the elevens.
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Female Suspect Shot in Chest Handgun Found Near Body
Katniss is a typical woman right? She did not want to shoot herself in the head and ruin her hair and makeup.
around the matrix - alt media conspiracy
A woman opened fire at the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, wounding three people before taking her own life, authorities said.
What you need to know:
Three people were reportedly struck by gunfire, according to the San Bruno Police Chief
A 36-year-old man was in critical condition, a 32-year-old woman was in serious condition and a 27-year-old woman was in fair condition. All three patients were being treated at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center
So far authorities do not believe this was an act of terrorism and appears instead to have been a case of domestic or workplace violence — although the investigation has just begun
San Bruno police chief Ed Barberini said the weapon used in the shooting was a handgun and police are still searching for a motive.
C'mon Ed. You and your lodge members have already written the script. It's a #metoo, harassment, bullying, postal event. Let's add some pro-gun and Parkland intrigue as we;;. We are breathless waiting for your narrative............
Where did the victims go?
ReplyDeleteActive shooter at YouTube HQ, victims taken to Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital via @smdailyjournal
Where else?
Mark Zuckerberg's wife Precilla Chan gave $75 million to S.F. hospital -
ReplyDeleteDon't be fooled. This shooting was a move for YouTube to "Initiate" some new type of REGULATION(S). Just Watch & See what youtube does NEXT!
We have already seen the psyop and agenda from GOOGLE. The free speech is hate speech and conspiracy is criminal. Not much more needed to see how they intend to play this out.
ReplyDeleteThe Mind is most manipulated by fear. If they cut you off and demonetize you, that is fear. If they plan to monopolize net neutrality we can expect the same Naxi program Soros learned as he became the kingpin he has become. Financial terror is a frightening as physical terror.
Our days are numbered here. We all know it.
Orwellian beyond George.
My 55 yr old spouse just passed from a quick battle of cancer. I wish it had been me instead. Now I'm alone to deal with this. Not liking what the future is unfolding for me. If you must cry, cry for all of us being stuck here in these times. It ain't pretty.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear this MsD. Our prayers to you through this time. I have lost two friends earlier this year and another just went into the hospital with it. And now he has MRSA. This doesn't bode well for him. We had a coto member here who had a fight with the C. They were successful in remission. I remember TonyC from Germany who died quickly from it several years back.
ReplyDeleteI went to the local senior center recently and spoke to some folks about the weather manipulation through chemtrails and EMR. We have been assaulted in the southern states for sometime with the Gulf Churn vortex. It has moved mega tonnes of corexit laden, metals and who knows what else down upon us. We get about one day of hazy sunshine here for every six to eight days of total cloud overcast. There is little room for doubt in my mind that the frequencies are that of those which do the most damage to healthy cellular function. Like those of 2GHz and higher and the ELF at under 30Hz.
Rapid cancer is aided by this and all the other environmental and genetic factors of the global mafia. What they see as the perfect economy is making money on death. The perfect Hegelian dialectic of depopulation, profit and full spectrum dominance. Meanwhile they are working feverishly to advance life extension, cloning and robotics to advance their immortality.
I tell people who are trying to give up tobacco to give up GMO corn syrup, Aspartame, WiFI, Cellular, Medications and fluoride first. And if they get sick never go near a hospital.
You are not alone Darlene.
Thank you. Good advice you give people. I've always been the holistic one. Other than the damn smart meter on the house and living close to the power lines I do all of the above.
ReplyDeleteMy man was on blood thinners, and not so healthy. You can't eat healthy while taking them! We all make choices, unfortunately it's the ones left behind that suffer.
They won't get shit from his death, I kept everything in my name. Jokes on them, loss is on me. But, thanks for your sympathy.
KATNISS EVERDEEN (Wheres her weapon?)
ReplyDeleteNasim Najafi Aghdam 39 (See the vortex) 6-9-3
One thing clear about these cretins is they are not creative. How obvious
YouTube shooting: Female suspect 'angry over video postings' - BBC ...
The suspect in a gun attack at YouTube's HQ in California had expressed anger over its treatment of her video postings, media reports say. Police have named Nasim Aghdam, 39, as the suspect but say they are still investigating a motive. US media say Aghdam was angry that YouTube was filtering her content [videos[
#370 does the 180
ReplyDeleteMaylasia’s Fake News Bill Enables Imprisonment Of Journalists, Follows Larger Trend
Fake News Media CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and the Reuters Firewall should be nervous but I doubt they are. The reality is flipped by design for the GOOGLEPLEX, YOUTUBE-FACADEBOOK model.
When the World Trade Terror Organizations get this really airborne we will have arrived at the Rubbicon. Get ready for war.
NASA hires Lockheed Martin to build quiet, supersonic ‘X-plane’
As early as mid-2022, NASA plans to fly the X-plane over certain, yet-to-be-determined US cities to collect data and gather community responses
Forget the Moon and Mars. The new frontier is between your ears..
ReplyDeleteAntibiotic-resistant ‘nightmare’ bacteria spreads to 27 states
Going forward, the CDC is betting on what it calls a “containment strategy” Yeah contained for the Right White Targets.
ReplyDeleteNever underestimate the audacity of the NYT.
Sinclair Videos Renew Debate Over Media Ownership
ReplyDeleteEXCLUSIVE: White Couple Spied On, Raided and Kidnapped by Feds for Peaceful Posts Questioning Gov’t
Nasim Aghdam 6-9-3
ReplyDeleteVortex says this is a complete HOAX!
ReplyDeleteDear MHB Reader and Supporter,
This is a quick note to inform you that after a 16 month hiatus MemoryHoleBlog is back online and safely accessible.
The new url is:
Peter Klein, producer of We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook and The Life of Adam aided us in getting the site back up, and
we are still working on some cosmetic revisions and re-indexing the site on major search engines.
As you may recall, in November 2016 MHB was departing BlueHost. We were subsequently told by that their
parent company would no longer host the site there. Their staff refused to explain why we were being denied service, yet
this has become all-too-common at YouTube, Facebook, and so on, where a violation of vaguely-worded "community
standards" can result in having accounts and channels entirely trashed. I discuss these experiences here:
At the time I asked Kevin Barrett who his webmaster was, and he referred me to a Douglas Sayward. Mr. Sayward offered
to assist but this is where MHB's misfortune really began. He turned out to be unreliable nd dishonest. After he accepted
two hundred dollars as payment up-front, he then placed the blog on a malicious server, discontinued contact and locked
me out of the site entirely. I have no way of knowing whether this was a setup of some sort, or whether he's simply a negligent
individual. Our attorney is presently requesting that Sayward fully relinquish his control of the original site url,
Sayward's only response thus far has been to take the content down entirely.
Concerning my federal civil rights case against my former academic employer Florida Atlantic University, we made a tremendous
amount of progress over the past year. A major national law firm, Carlton Fields, recognized the significance of the case and
signed on as co-counsel in mid 2017, providing crucial aid in briefing the case and with trial support. Our case is very
strong in terms of demonstrating that my firing was pretextual and FAU polices and procedures violated my civil rights and
potentially those of all FAU faculty. At the district court level, however, we believe that the court weighted heavily toward FAU,
acting to effectively determine the jury verdict against us by refusing to allow pertinent evidence, granting individual FAU
defendants immunity, and throwing out most of our case after it allowed us to proceed with several months of painstaking
Nevertheless, this is all preserved in the record and we are in the process of appealing to the 11th Circuit. At this time we
continue to await the District Court's final decisions on our post-trial motions, the last of which was filed in January. Until
these decisions are handed down the case cannot move forward to appeal. The most detailed examinations of where we
presently stand, one of which is written by our lead attorney Louis Leo IV, are available here:
As you know Memory Hole readers and commenters really made the blog what it was and is--a place to converse and share important
information that today's fake news media refuse to report and/or comment on. We apologize for the long time away and hope you will see
fit to aid in reviving that community.
Thank you for continued interest and support! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any suggestions on improving MHB in any way.
Sincerely yours,
James F. Tracy, Ph.D.
Academic in Exile
You are right Puddy. Men and especially a woman would not shoot themselves in the chest. If there were statistics you could find on that, they'd be extremely small.
ReplyDeleteMy condolences to Ms. Darlene. And I am sorry to hear of your friends' passing, and another in dire straits.
What?! Nobody wants to build a Sniffer plane to follow, collect, and analyze Chemtrail emissions? I hear...crickets.
ReplyDeleteRumormillnews reporting Atlanta CDC worker's body found, following disturbing conversation he'd had day prior --
ReplyDeleteTSA lawyer's freaky death --
5.3 Earthquake off coast of Los Angeles --
I saw and tweeted the CDC missing person about a month ago.. It was suspicious. Missing for weeks and now found in the Chattahoochee River. Did he jump or was he pushed? I believe he had a gripe over a promotion. but that may have been a planted story. Black lives matter.
ReplyDeleteWhen they say no signs of foul play, assume foul play!
This is no the heels of the William Thompson's expose on MMR Autism. Julie Gerberding MD was CDC Director and an ex Merck Pharma whore. After leaving CDC she got cushy post and Merck and the Gardasil unit.
Just call her Lilith.
Julie Gerberding, Woman of the Year Award – Protest Event
New York City Midtown Hilton, 1320 Sixth Avenue, NYC
Thursday, May 3, 2018 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM EDT
Contact Person: Heather Turano
Of I were in NR I would be there. Woman of the Year, hah! That's rich!
L.A. EQ. You got an antipodal to that, or is it an antipodal to a previous?
ReplyDeleteGerberding MD was a Merck exec, aye. Then to the CDC. That's like a Goldman Sachs "rich" turnstile into politics kinda whoring. Nuttin but the money honey.
Big Pharma is the antithesis of Health & Well-being. They're ALL pushers of perverse pharma concoctions. We laugh at the TV ads for drugs when they start listing the "side-effects". I don't have a TV anymore (about 8 yrs or so now), but if I'm around one and see an advert I wait for the punchline of, "may cause coma or death". Yeah, BIG morbid laugh there. But, its freaking pathetic.