Ivanka Trump influenced my father to launch Syria strikes, reveals brother Eric
Eric Trump has said he is "sure" his sister Ivanka used her influence over their father to encourage the US president to launch military action against Bashar al-Assad in Syria.
The Weird Thing You Might Not Have Noticed About Ivanka Trump's Eyes
It would be fair to say Ivanka Trump is something of a chameleon, what will her role as former executive vice president of The Trump Organisation and running the White House as assistant to her father, President Donald Trump. However, rumours are now circulating the 35-year-old is employing a cunning strategy to help her manipulate her father's supporters.
Ivanka Trump wants to be president and Jared Kushner is a minister?
“It is a war between the Jews and the non-Jews."
Only in a crumbling America could we be stuck with this newly anointed Dynasty. Watching the latest episode of Syriana is beyond belief. Assad is the most punished man on earth and he does not get the limelight that Trump and Putin get. The MSM presumes you know nothing about the man but read your history and try to figure why he would suddenly become the most stupid man on earth. But wait, it's not he but we if we are not to see the timing again of this latest chemical false flag and staged hoax.
Even CNN said previous chemical attacks were hoaxes. But Trump supporters don't read and the never Trumpers could not be happier to see Trump issue another Ivanka strike for the heart of Zion.
Trump's strikes on Syria last year were pretty popular - WaPo
Trump Vows 'Big Price' for Syria Attack
His presidency is the price. But there is another Trump just wandering and waiting for the word. The Lilith, the chameleon.

Hillary says "no way"
F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump's Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen;
Seven Crises John Bolton Faces on Day One as National Security
Last Parkland shooting patient leaves hospital -CNN
Check out this BS!
Venezuelan socialist GLADIO actor wanted to be a soccer player. Looks real good for what would have killed a mortal man.
TC smells the stench of the Ziocommie Zoo critters too:
So many "leaders" need their power plugs pulled that it boggles the mind. All the warhawks really should be sent into the front lines in the countries they're so hot to destroy. Send them with a megaphone and orange shirts right out into the desert to see if they can lie the "enemy" into laying down for them. Quite sick of the FF's and charades.
Go look at Stones site at (the scroll box in "combat" mode, and make what you will out of the photo of Trump flanked by 9 mils on his left and 11 mils on his right, minus the 2 suits behind him.
ReplyDeleteAlso, scroll down and consider the other things he highlights. Put em in your noggin and roll em around with your own personal insights. Quite a flibberty jibbit the long eared jackal rabbits are brewing in the bushes.
If anyone doubts the Vortex science and numrology of the illuminatae, they are lost.
ReplyDeleteWEATHER WARS - APRIL 10, 2018 - ALBERTA
RARE VIDEO OF STEVE: Last night in parts of Canada, dogs started barking at the midnight sky. The canines were responding to a bright purple ribbon of light--also known as "STEVE." The apparition, which occurred during a G1-class geomagnetic storm, was so long-lasting that at least one onlooker had time to capture rare video of the phenomenon. Visit today's edition of Spaceweather.com to see STEVE in motion.
Reality: They were barking at the HF of HAARP Scalar heater Interferometry and signal targeting of the ionosphere. The heating of the gases. Even small thermal changes causes this.
Granted solar winds are going crazy right now so they can cover their asses but the fact is these are the electromagneic assaulkts that has the northern jets pushing down the Artic currents into the US to meet with the Gulf HAARPing they are doing to bring massive amounts of COREXIT toxic gulf moisture up to meet the Cold air masses.
You see Global warming is MAN MADE!!!! and the men are psychopaths.
Read THIS --> http://drwilliammount.blogspot.com/2018/04/we-people-double-crossed-again.html
ReplyDeleteIt rings true, as I and someone else were just talking about the "adverts" showing up on computer, phone, tablet. Out and out blatant targeting is happening Now. Its gotten ridiculous.
If folks are not aware of the scenario Dr. Mount is describing, then they soon will be. The Matrix is taking shape all around us in conspicuous Orwellian fashion.
ReplyDeleteThis "Putin" doesn't even look close to the other Putin photos I've see. I say a FAKE Putin.
ReplyDeleteFILE PHOTO: Russia's "acting" President Vladimir Putin talks to the media
IMO, the number one rule for COTO is to read carefully and listen to what they say. I have pointed out too many times that they tell you the truth if you are willing to decode the numbers and assess the linguistics.
This may be the only factor we have by which to glimpse any truth. AI and algorithms will make it impossible to trust the information but the universe operates on rules and the truth is revealed inside the vortex.
That "Putin" kinda reminds me of a Rodney Dangerfield Putin-look-alike. More Dangerfield looking than Putin looking.
ReplyDelete"War by Deception"...got a shitload of That.
ReplyDeleteDo we expect any Truth out of the Talking Heads now? We'll just consider the historical record on that note.
Does any of this charade make a lick of sense? Only to the evil-minded. I find it patently ridiculous for Trump to claim "righteous" anything in his speech announcing the "GO!" for missile strikes on Assad and his "Bad Guys". Perhaps this rhetoric works on the CNN and ilk crowd, but shrivels to drivel with those who have been paying attention for a spell.
Once again, "America" feigning righteous indignation, starts a maelstrom in the Middle East on another of Israel's "enemies". The Dots have already been connected on this picture for many a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteIn hoc signo vinces = By this sign thou shall conquer
US-led coalition ‘manufactured consent’ with ‘fabricated’ gas attack - George Galloway on Syria
When John McCain (and other WarHawks) are verbally "patting you on the back" for making war, it tells us all "something".
ReplyDeleteMaybe this was the 3-level dimensional Chess Game we have heard about, by sending substandard missiles? We don't know and can't really know what was lobbed into Damascus. Any Pro-war activities in the M.E. will get the liberal Warhawks clucking however.
Twas reading 1 Chronicles 29 and then of Solomon building the Temple (Beginning of 2 Chronicles). I see Syria was at that time an enemy of Israel, and was overcome with King David's efforts and God's help, as well as other nearby pagan nations.
Drawing from that, Syria today remains an enemy of Israel, but Israel is no longer a "favored" nation of Gos. With Netanyawho? ensconced and brimming with Khazar idealoges as is the present U.S. adminisration we might surmise that None of these foes represent God's ideal nor image. We might also guess that Trump is where he is as is Assad because God has allowed it to be so.
From here in the cheap seats, we see no rightful claim to Righteous anything by either side, nor from Israel. For purposes of demonstration, events are occurring rapid fire as the time of The End draws nearer.
Whom shall win? Why Jesus Christ, the Lord of Hosts. It is He who will sit in judgement, as it was given Him. All these bit players in the drama of the ages are showing their true colors to the world. It is something to behold, is it not?
Forgive me for posting PJWatson's swearing screed. I don't even like him. But, I was incensed for the moment at Trump's turnabout, and the start of more death dealing in faraway places under the banner of "righteous indignation". Won't happen again.
But, we shall see more of this shedding of blood by those "leaders" fulfilling their destiny.
Didn't take long for Jolting Bolton to get his way, did it? Exactly who selected this Bush, Jr. warhawk to rise to the surface of the cesspool?
This say it all! - Look at BBC Headline
ReplyDeleteSyria air strikes: US still 'locked and loaded' for new chemical attacks
You see, they tell you the truth if you read it and do not add any interpretation. I sent this by email to a COTO member who asked about Syria and the Jesuits:
Reump said never tell them what you are going to do. What a joke! I said he would bomb them the day after staged chemical attack. Same ol JFK-Bresneve Cold War BS. It’s a chance for the blood thirsty military to deplete old stockpiles so they can start spending the 700 billion war chest. While thye GOP talks about cutting Medicare and Social Security and other intitlement programs, the Military is getting all they need to wage war on humans all over the world including here.
I’d put him, Clintons and Bish’s all in front of the firing squad for treason and then go and collect all their minons from Bosnia to Iraq.
TPP was dead on arrival and they knew it. They have been crafting another over the last year and it will essentially be the same gift to big corporates while piling huge pressure on small business.
Trump has done nothing but gove the global mafia and their banks the means to drive up market shares which appears to boost the economy, but no one is better off now than when Obama left office. The job numbers are fiction and wages have dwindled and stagnated while inflation has kept a steady pace. If wages do increase, the FED will continue to hike the rates and the it will continue as a dpg chasing its own tail.
This is as I said before the election. Now you know what Obama supporters went through when he finally showed his global banking colors. And watch the Trump voters defend his corrupt sorry ass. I hate the right worse than the left because they are bigger hypocrites than the DEMS.
Paul Ryan is leaving because he wants no part of what the swamp Joo-joo’s have coming this year. I said there was an event coming between Mar 15th and May 1st . The Parkland event and this Dog Wag in Syria are just appetizers for the next stage. Expect a plane crash or a huge data or grid event which will be blamed on Russia-Iran. Expect the Trump staff changes to continue and expect a DEM kill in the mid-terms. Then chaos comes from Bolton and his whacking crew on Iran via Iraq.
Ivanka Trump was groomed, MK Ultra’d, indoctrinated, a Kabbalist Jesuit crypto-joo who likely has enormous control as a possible succubus. I have little doubt that Trump is a sexual deviant and she and Ivana have Donald in a Joobee honeytrap. Donald Trump was near bankrupt in the late 90’s. Had not the Talmudic bankers Tabbis and Vatican Bank bailed him out, he would surely have crashed. Now just like the Cosa Nostra, they made him an offer he could not refuse and they made him president,
Amazing how Trumpers excuse the absolute moronic tweets and child-like mental retardation of speech. At least Obama was impressive when he was committing treason. It’s a dumbed-down world of hopeful losers who still think Presidents run the show and make the decisions. The reality is Russia Roulette and eventually the bullet will fire. I just thank GOD each day for another misfire.
Look at the digital media as well. Trump gives the Jesuit Freemason sifn again for the Globalists pleasure....
I should not type in the dark :)
ReplyDeletePAUL RYAN or JACK RYAN????? I love the CIA scripted theatre. Don't worry about 2020. It will be on the wall before then. Last pope, last president will be like the first of many in the grand scheme (delusion)
we are all "un-tethered from the truth"
Beautiful Loser!
ReplyDeleteActivist lawyer burned himself to death to protest global warming https://nyp.st/2IWNxIl via @nypmetro
Renowned gay rights attorney and environmentalist self-immolates at Brooklyn park
You can assume he was depressed, in a love triangle or without family. He just made his death have some meaning in a last ditch effort to make a mark on the completely bogus "global warming hoax"
The Jade Helm Media crew will never waste an opportunity to advance the mid-term election and Agenda known as "21"