El viejo y el nuevo mundo
Juan De Fuca, El viejo y el nuevo mundo -Posted by: Puddy Dunne | May 25, 2013
Now for your local weather: (previously posted)
For the last several months most of the chemtrail ENMOD activity has been Pacific generated while the US has been blanketed as well.
They have controlled la-nina with HAARP and other facilities in the Canary Atlantic region. We have seen much activity in nina around the SW and that was seen by Chilean earthquakes and rim seismic activity off Japan.
If they continue to provide this ENMOD, we will see large spikes in el-nino/LA NINA with emphasis on nino. Maintaining this cold weather by cooling pacific and US land regions will then react with southern oscillations and extreme heat both natural and HAARP/EISCAT scatter.
The program is designed to give us the worst Hurricane season in recorded history for this Season. It is my prediction for 21 names storms coming off Africa with several forming in tropical atlantic waters.
The Miami surfer boys have told me that the markers are there in El Nino spikes and then larger and more severe El NiƱo aided by El Vieja (enmod) in the Fukushima event.
This was purposely done in order to play the “Modoki” card to give us the temps we are seeing. Along with the damage they will cause in superstorms and typhoon/hurricanes, the effects will kill fish populations and destroy American farming seasons this summer with higher rainfall and flooding again.
The perfect TRIAD with no opportunity wasted. And as usual, the insider Wallstreet sect will redistribute the wealth in commodity futures and stock specific fluctuations due to the en-mod geoengineering plan for the 2013-14 season.
I expect the season to be most active late but expect early activity so they can ride high off the Moore False Flag tornado event. I would leave coastal zones soon because the ICLEI, UNESCO and NAU program is to obtain all wetlands and coastal property while killing or bankrupting the maximum number of slaves which we know are on coastal regions geographically.
I think Texas may be safe but Atlantic coastlines get hit and New York and DC could get nailed. Katrina strength 5 is prime for Florida Gold Coast like Andrew. These storms will have numerous exterior tornadoes in out bands.
Imagine the fireworks that explode and the debris that explodes, explodes again. And then again. Oooooooh! Aaaaaah! OMG!
The Quantum Leap to Global Geo-Engineering Control
Now we see that the IPCC Climate data is completely wrong. The Climate changers are running scared and livid over the Trump Paris Exit. Though a meme, the fact is and will prove me right that there will be no exit. There will be no wall, no Obama repeal on the death panels or any other Joo-joo crime syndicate contract already in place. It's now 2013 again in that the seismic events follow the same from that year. Not the Paris deal and global data models can sell on science so they scrap the logical for the emotional. Watch the fake news insufferable coverage of the deaths by Trump. Trump is a puppet and Jesuit traitor. His coronation was a rigged and planned move to destroy independent, truth motivated people. He is the fountainhead of the population of America who have a brain and are not sellouts for financial gain. So they will continue to play this total psyop on America until they can finally win by fear, emotion and this politically correct assault on those who publish or speak truth. Economic terrorism and control of the monopolies that we need to buy,sell and trade.
Now that Japan, Philippines and Mexico have been hit, this is the same signature from 2013 and could or should indicate the big event for Juan de Fuca, Mexico (Cocos) and Japan are more vulnerable than San Andreas and de Fuca but the event is overdue. So we can again watch for the next shoe to drop. A large event for Chile and then the US will be ripe.

North Korea offer a perfect cover for the Ring of Fire agenda. It provides explosives, scalar assaults, military chemtrailing, submarine shenanigans and NASA pulse laser testing. There are many opportunities for a long overdue seismic event. The US can shoot down any fire cracker from NK's Un & Co. and this fear campaign just offers them the cover for a large deep state military presence. It's not that they don't have plans for the remaining holdouts to world order but the geniuses behind this technological WMD pogrom are smart and never waste opportunities.
I will be watching for a possible sizable event off Chile and if it occurs the axis again makes California Oregon Washington susceptible for the event. We might get to watch the space needle tumble this year and a series of triggered events for the west coast. This is the same sequence I saw in 2013 which came after the 311 event which I did manage to get right in 2011.
Beyond the Wildfires being set by the I$I$ crisis team and also the Oreville Dam EPA project, a large seismic event and volcano eruption would get the CO2 team in a better position to sway the sheeple for a Climate Change which is just the front of the new economic carbon based fascism that the committee has been planning for decades. It all connects. Be warned that it comes fast and furious. Trumps UN speech was full of clues inside what was a ridiculously bullshit laden diatribe. He covered all the Rothschild free nations of Cuba, Iran and North Korea and insiders to the Joo-joo-bee agenda heard what they wanted to hear which was an old world order to be made a new world contract that will make any dissent or rejection by us a crime worse than Kim Jong Un or Raul Castro could ever commit.

The events of Fukushima Radiation, Macondo Gulf Spill, Corexit, Nino/Nina and fracking all play into this final blow. Even the tunnel digging by NWO hack Elon Musk have e deeper agenda than the dumbed-down media narratives will tell. This is a master plan, a complicated program where all the wealth distribution is just a compliment to the deep and dangerous world changing events that are forthcoming. They have sufficiently programmed the masses for a host of cataclysmic chain of events as faux black swans and Force Majeures of human cause but the reality man made global climate change is all them.
Yellowstone swarm continues. Idaho too.
ReplyDelete14 minutes ago 1.5 magnitude, 3 km depth
Mammoth Lakes, California, United States
15 minutes ago 1.6 magnitude, 0 km depth
Southern Alaska
22 minutes ago 1.6 magnitude, 0 km depth
Central Alaska
about an hour ago 2.0 magnitude, 1 km depth
Hawaiian Ocean View, Hawaii, United States
about 2 hours ago 1.5 magnitude, 3 km depth
Coalinga, California, United States
about 2 hours ago 6.4 magnitude, 200 km depth
Isangel, Tafea, Vanuatu
about 2 hours ago 2.5 magnitude, 41 km depth
Leilani Estates, Hawaii, United States
about 3 hours ago 1.5 magnitude, 2 km depth
Alamo, Nevada, United States
about 3 hours ago 2.2 magnitude, 0 km depth
Northern Alaska
about 3 hours ago 1.6 magnitude, 36 km depth
Anchorage, Alaska, United States
M6.4 - Vanuatu
Preliminary Earthquake Report Magnitude 6.4
Date-Time 20 Sep 2017 20:09:50 UTC
21 Sep 2017 07:09:50 near epicenter
20 Sep 2017 14:09:50 standard time in your timezone
Location 18.798S 169.095E
Depth 200 km
M6.1 - off the east coast of Honshu, Japan
Preliminary Earthquake Report Magnitude 6.1
Date-Time 20 Sep 2017 16:37:16 UTC
20 Sep 2017 16:37:16 near epicenter
20 Sep 2017 10:37:16 standard time in your timezone
Location 37.982N 144.669E
Depth 10 km
Preliminary Earthquake Report Magnitude 7.1
Date-Time 19 Sep 2017 18:14:39 UTC
19 Sep 2017 13:14:39 near epicenter
19 Sep 2017 12:14:39 standard time in your timezone
Location 18.584N 98.399W
Depth 51 km
The Vanatu is antipodal to the Cumbre Canary African Plate under the La Palma volcanic ridge. It was active in the 2012 season and that would also be a factor should it erupt again.
ReplyDeleteUS Retracts Reports it Opened Military Base in Israel
A US European Command spokeswoman is knocking down reports that the US opened a military base in Israel just days after US officials attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony to commemorate a new building cluster in the country.
“The new buildings located on the Israeli installation are not a US military base,” Meghan Henderson, a media operations official at EUCOM, told The Times of Israel Wednesday.
It's a base...................al qaeda......"THE BASE"
And from the Goys 'R' Us Media. this big pile of Harah...
'Dead or Alive': President Trump Appears on Al-Qaeda Wanted Notice.
Lindsay Graham Calls for Action on Climate Change
Air Force Fairy Lindsay Graham Calls for Carbon Tax as he presents Healthcare bill that has no chance of passing at the deadline September 30th. What a coup for his NWO resume. He ought to get an award.
ReplyDeleteDiCaprio Rips Trump’s Climate Record, Says Hurricanes Should Be A Wake-Up Call
“The cost of our inaction these past couple weeks has become even clearer,” the actor and activist says at the Yale Climate Conference.
[Actor and activist Leonardo DiCaprio said Tuesday that the recent string of devastating hurricanes — Harvey, Irma and now Maria — shines a light on the climate crisis and should come as a wake-up call for President Donald Trump and the world.]
Hacktor and Hactivist indeed! Arnie Grape returns!
Heres a HAARPing I expected in California (very shallow but strong)
ReplyDeleteShallow M5.7 earthquake hits off the coast of Northern California
I will watch Chile and then a larger one in the mainland