The Military Industrial Congressional Complex has some plans for World War Z. This onslaught of the techno-tactical transformation has peaked at what I call the event horizon. We have finally reached the point of no return. What is obvious is the itch that the N-Team cannot scratch. I was waiting for some more clues and looking at the MK-Media Pareidolia of potential US-Russia engagement and how they get to that itch and what kind of back scratcher they would come up with.
I love this one: US Army Exploring ‘Devastating’ New Weapon for Use In War with Russia
The Kinetic Energy Projectile would be a tungsten warhead that moves at three times the speed of sound, destroying anything in its path.
This is a component of the Earthraker. It is part of the arsenal that is secret, very secret. It is the compilation of years of shuttle missions, supposed SATCOM and other orbital deployments and the phony ISS money hole that has no presence in space. From where they run this CGI studio is debatable but I would guess at either polar extreme. Maybe Greenland, maybe New Swabia.

After listening to the Trump UN speech and after hours of laughing at the comedy that was this Bush Cheney Rondo, I figured they were serious. I then got the cold chill of a possible Zionist Mossad false flag anchored by the Jesuit N-Team psyops of creating fear from the Soviet Cold War Chest. As back then this threat is impossible unless they sanction it by the players who are the nation leaders. Those who may not be Joo-joo-bees have no ability to wage nuclear war. As of now I can barely find a leader that is not in the I$I$ black hand of the military jesuit arm and not a crypto-jew wall wailer.
The Kinetic weapon is a possible tool but would be spaced based. My rendering of earthraker has the kinetic projectile under the wing of it's pulse plasma cannon. The reality of a strike must be solely based on a retaliation. So the vortex dictates the false flag comes from earthraker. The counter-strike comes from the land based systems as not to tip the hand of space based WMD. Deniability runs like 911 and we all will go after the first strike source. Conspiracy theorists will look for geo-coordinates from where this missile strike came. Everything from China to Diego Garcia, Japan, Guam or South Korea. Submarine Tonkin as well.

Kinetic Bombardment: The typical depiction of the tactic is of a satellite containing a magazine of tungsten rods and a directional thrust system. When a strike is ordered, the satellite would brake[1] one of the rods out of its orbit and into a suborbital trajectory that intersects the target. As the rod approaches periapsis and the target due to gravity, it picks up immense speed until it begins decelerating in the atmosphere and reaches terminal velocity shortly before impact. The rods would typically be shaped to minimize air resistance and maximize terminal velocity. In science fiction, the weapon is often depicted as being launched from a spaceship, instead of a satellite.
In first UN speech, Trump threatens total destruction of North Korea
Rods from God: You think that the masses would not fall for the same 911 Rondo? It's hard to believe but I suggest they would. Especially so if they up'ed the anti and killed 30,000 or 300,000 this time.
U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis Weighs Using “Kinetic Weapon” On North Korea
The game requires they pre-place the grassy knolls and shady Kroll's about before the event. As in 911, the vigilant guardians will be tasked with the cover while the predictive programmers and alternate MSM go to work releasing limited hangouts from their now, very impressive complex. Let's call it the Snow-Wiki slow leak because Snowden, Assange and the rest of these disinfo distributors are slow leaks preying on the masses pretending to be real whistleblowers and not controlled opposition. The rule of thumb is if you get a large enough microphone, you are a shill. Those who have been silenced, many of which had a much smaller microphone but much more powerful messages were silenced for good.
If the Trump war stump and UN narrative was not a joke, it follows the same Predictive Program messaging that 911 carried until September 2001. 16 years later Trump 777 is sitting right at the refrain position for false flag ala Korea, Iran or Russia. What happens for Cuba is clean up detail unless Russia decides to re-militarize them is some variation of Bay of Pigs which seemed a good idea during the Ukraine verses and the NATO missile Shield. This still remains a part of the NWO Rondo but may come later or may be the event. Either way we live day to day now in my opinion waiting for a financial event, redistribution of wealth, a robbery and then the false flag event to cover the whole movement.
Listen to the music, feel the rhythm, feel the beat and remember the episodes. You should begin to be able to name that tune.
52 minutes = #7 Trump et War Stump
ReplyDeleteThe Jesuits exposed:
SYRIA: Game Over for Macron after Shameful UNGA Performance
[Before the UN General Assembly, you treated President Bashar al Assad as a criminal and declared that he should be held accountable to “international justice”. You have betrayed those who believed in a turn-around in your politics and you have brought this serious accusation against the legitimate leader of a UN member state. ...]
Even Trump does a better job at hiding it....
ReplyDeleteKim Jong Un: 'Deranged' Trump will 'pay dearly' for threat
Trump doesn't pay, Kim. Don't your intelligence minions read? You mean the people of the US will pay dearly and yes we know, we have been paying out for decades. Trump is a stiff.
New episode: Banksters bite the bullet and invest in big profits after the purge. It's just business!
ReplyDeleteTrump signs new order to expand North Korea sanctions
Announcing the executive order, Trump said the measure would allow sanctions against "individuals and companies that finance and facilitate trade" with Pyongyang.
They still have their ISIS, Saudi and African contracts to fall back on.
ReplyDeleteStrange ‘ring comet’ discovered by Hubble telescope
where Jake Gyllenhaal plays a Boston Marathon bombing victim — works so well.
[Stronger is a tear-jerking movie that actually earns your tears
Not another inspirational true-life story, you might be forgiven for thinking when considering the new movie Stronger, about Jeff Bauman, who lost both his legs in the Boston Marathon bombing and identified suspects (later revealed to be the Tsarnaev brothers) to authorities. ]
The Three Jeff Baumans
It's coming to a theatre near you any day. Are you going to spend your money after they took your money that day?
World War II started for us when the Jez-Joos blocked Japans fuel trade lines and sanctioned them. Then they insulted, harassed and egged them on. Then they recreated the japanese Zero fighter planes and initiated a false flag, Then they supposedly dropped two H Bombs on Nagasaki and Osaka.
ReplyDeleteSo let's take a look at what is happening now. Gee i just don't see any pattern. The Joo-joo-bees run this TRIAD over and over with "the event" the Tonkin Tango" the "Maine Mambo" the "Pearl Harbor Hustle" and US puppets dance on string and the American Sheeple watch in mesmerized mind control.
I turned on Alex Jones this AM to hear his take on Trumps UN speech which was a Bush Rondo worthy of Dumbed down-Dubya himself. Alex went on a thirty minute mimicry of Kim Jong Un that was so pathetic, I was embarrassed for him. How far this sellout has fallen.
As long as we keep our faith in God, we'll all be alright. Hopefully, we go in the 1st strike!
Heres a HAARPing I expected in California (very shallow but strong)
Shallow M5.7 earthquake hits off the coast of Northern California
I will watch Chile and then a larger one in the mainland
Even under the TRIAD which was Harvey Irma and Maria the redistribution of wealth is always present. This is what the UN scum Sharia filled local government do to make their nut. As we see FEMA is bankrupt and the Red Cross is on a donation drive that will never pay off just it did in Haiti. But the money from the Jesuit scum is pouring into Mexico.
ReplyDeleteFlorida Residents Warned They'll Be Ticketed For Hurricane-Damaged Homes | Zero Hedge http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-22/florida-residents-warned-theyll-be-ticketed-hurricane-damaged-homes
Jesuit Traitor Jerry Brown - Trump 77-7 Scenario
My motto: You will be on your own!!!
LOS ANGELES — This week’s deadly earthquake in Mexico has many Californians asking: What will happen when the proverbial "big one" hits?
And their government is telling them two things: You will be on your own. And most of you are not ready.
Cities, counties and Gov. Jerry Brown’s Office of Emergency Services say a big quake will overwhelm police and fire crews and require citizens to take care of themselves for a week, maybe longer.
They are pumping up the volume as I noted two comment up. This 5/7 event was a shallow assault. Way over the 3M depth common variety.
This scalar quake is unique as the criminal cabal used 11Kilometers instead of the usual 10km for HAARP related seismic events.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds Very Real, so take heed people --
The Miami surfer boys replied to me stating they believe thousands maybe three thousand died in the keys. They prevented entry for days before military CG got it cleaned up. This would be between Marathon and Key West.
ReplyDelete"you are on your own" if you call for authorities they may just kill you. FUSION CENTER FEMA DEATH PANEL
ReplyDeleteGunman opens fire in Nashville church; 1 dead, 7 wounded
REFUGEE GLADIO FROM SUDAN which is one of the seven countries on the list
[Authorities identified the attacker as Emanuel Kidega Samson, 25, of Murfreesboro, who came to the United States from Sudan in 1996 and was a legal U.S. resident.]
Legal? None of them are legal. This is a GLADIO C agenda for the American Spring coming in the near future. Note the TRUMP 7 , 25 and 22. Staged event? Possibly a MK-Ultra or staged event.
How can a man watch this crap anymore?
ReplyDeleteNFL Week 3: Protests escalate as Steelers, Titans, Seahawks skip anthem; Trump praises ‘solidarity’
WTF? “Black Sky” drill went live just two days before Hurricane Harvey made landfall
ReplyDeleteBLACKSKY EVENT - August 9, 2017
"IT'S" BACK!!!!
ReplyDeleteEnemy #1 - The UN
ReplyDeleteTwo more HAARP 6M shallow assaults. Neither are aftershocks from 7.1 scalar attack
M6.0 - New Britain region, Papua New Guinea
Preliminary Earthquake Report Magnitude 6.0
Date-Time 25 Sep 2017 20:29:25 UTC
25 Sep 2017 20:29:25 near epicenter
25 Sep 2017 14:29:25 standard time in your timezone
Location 6.193S 152.735E
Depth 5 km (extremely shallow!)
This is getting so shallow that it is beginning to look like a strategic antipodal seismic collateral event to the EM Storm generator off African coast.
ReplyDeleteNetherlands Cover-up? A New Twist in the MH17 Investigation http://21stcenturywire.com/2017/09/25/netherlands-cover-new-twist-mh17-investigation/ via @21WIRE
Remember this perfect TRIAD?
What they achieved was the death of WHO whistleblower, AIDS/HIV scientists and then the Ukraine Russia Cold War for TRUMP. What the "Flying Economy" tells us is that Malaysian science, BIG PHARMA and the UN WHO are deep into the assassinations that have killed hundreds of scientists in the new millennium.
When the limited hangouts all come out, the JFK grassy knolls just keep coming out so that no single conspiracy can be ruled in or out.