I always do. You look good in the pinhole glasses. Lots of particles flying about.
We have been under attack for weeks here. See the IP flooding? I haven't been able to work for days. I don't think the Mossad appreciates Jersey Girls last posting. Take a look out there. See the deer staring at us. Broad daylight, no headlights. They just stand there. What do make of it?
They are waiting for something to happen it seems.
Waiting, for three days? It is one of many freakish things I've had to deal with here for the last month, though it was not a surprise to me in this perfect year. It's has all but crystalized now, with the remaining details coming to fruition. I have been disabled both internally and externally over the last month. The visitors, the deer, my new odd neighbors with the tinted suburbans, a bout of Bronchopneumonia from my mailbox or by chemtrail overnight air.
Cotocrew came through didn't they?
Yes they did, as always. They are on top of the events that continue to occupy waves and space here and the relationship to the collective of sheeple outside of the COTO seems to be predictably spiraling down to their ultimate coordinates at an accelerated pace. The effects are now being seen with such distinct separations. Hollywood's offerings this year are not as obvious as what you can see in your own local town and news.
Let's mention the LORAX of project bluebeam and start making some connections.
WHO is keeping humanity down? THRIVE attempts to answer this timely question. Some stuff you'll believe, some you won't, some stuff you'll know, some you don't.
Question for Americans -- Have you put much thought into WHY, with so many intelligent and experienced people around (decent folks too!), Amerika gets a historical string of dolts, sociopaths, narcissists, doofuss bumblers, criminals, and teleprompter readers for pResident? There is an explanation, but it keeps getting redacted every 4 years. These are little puppets put on the media stage to keep your eye off the puppeteers in the background, who work for the agents in the shadows, who represent the interests of the elites, who laugh at you for being so stupid! Now, WE can't have that can WE?!
Consider this movie THRIVE, and its explanation of corruption, banking, corporations, elites, and government. Consider CONgress and the list of administrations' mismanagement of everything affecting this country and YOU. And your children. The number of non-owned, free range congresspersons may very be counted on two hands. Perhaps one. The number of dual-citizens would astound. WE've got problems. And WE didn't create them. WE didn't vote for them. And WE should never vote for anything or anyone who is a party to their lasting and pervasive corruption. As it is every human's right to defend themselves and their family -- it is your right and responsibility to reject across the board, everything that is against you. When the prey realizes "he's whats for dinner", that is when the party and buffet are closed down.
RSA Films - Lady Gaga - Fame perfume commercial "This five minutes short film (or advertisement (or commercial)) for Lady Gaga's new perfume FAME was done by Steven Klein of Ridley Scott's company RSA Films".
What the HELL was THAT?! THAT for selling Perfume? The perfume thing is an after-thought. Who would wear something that black, that dark, that creepy?
Remember when the sun shone in a clear blue sky? When Everything was different? Remember a time when people smiled...people laughed...people loved...
Green Trees, fields of flowers, clear trickling streams, birds, bees, and a soothing breeze. Beauty could be found without looking too hard.
I remember...
If this Darkness that seems to permeate the offerings of a NWO culture are any indication of what is in store for humanity, NOW is the time to head for the exits.
BLACK & BLACK & BLACK is the THEME these daze. An inversion of white, a perversion of goodness. A new kind of Culture Shock is coming at you in dark waves on every wavelength.
Guys like Kirwan continue to direct people to the Scenes of the Crime. He's been downright Testy about the continued criminal activity with recent posts at http://www.kirwanesque.net/articles-listing/
Can't a Khazar catch a break? Well, they've been getting them for decades, so don't feel bad for them. Rather, read some of this stuff, and see if a "picture" develops from all the many dots getting connected. Start wherever you want. You can choose Warmongers if you like. What's the Bibi Netanyahu guy been up to recently?... Oh that's right -- Attack Iran, for a trumped up reason that makes no sense. Don't let them have nuclear "anything" whilst Israel bristles with the deadly quills. Common sense and logic doesn't seem to be one of their strong suits. I'm just observing here. You know, I can't believe everything I read or hear. Especially if it comes over one of those Khazar mutated mainstream media rectums. Just saying. Who can you believe, who can you trust, who treats their "neighbor" like they treat themselves? Amazing how dots just seem to connect themselves, aye?
The "Fake" fiat money gambit is a choice spot to start from. Remember -- its ALWAYS ABOUT THE MONEY!
[caption id="attachment_19863" align="alignnone" width="300"] Mitt Romney in his green yarmulke[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_19860" align="alignnone" width="300"] Yep, Bush Jr.[/caption]
Yep. George Bush, Snr kissing the wall. Hmmm.
Yeah, I've seen Jeb wearing one too, but I'm not gonna go look it up. This is some nutty stuff, all these power players wearing someone else's uniform. Perhaps, it is WHAT THEY DO, because they're in cahoots? Oh, that's just ridiculous. Walk on past, don't see anything, don't say anything. Is this the only blatantly "religious" and nationally-synonymous garb pResidents and power brokers adorn themselves with when they visit other countries? Nothing else is really coming to mind of these folks emulating other country's shtick and beliefs. This praying, wearing of the religiously-connotated hat seems to be only for Israel. What's up with that?!
[caption id="attachment_19862" align="alignnone" width="277"] Clinton as well.[/caption]
Just trying to make sense of it all, folks. My life is too laden down with fake stuff in this fake society. I GOT NO MORE ROOM FOR FAKE ANYTHING!
Awww, just go to the "LOONY" link above to see for yourself -- there's more! What does it mean? I could also pull up each one of these individuals throwing the "Satan" hand sign. What does it mean?
This is a little over an hour and a half long but you will want to watch the entire fascinating documentary. Combine this with the mind control experiment video that Veri posted and you have a really powerful presentation.
The strongest information is that presented at the end regarding James Holmes' father, Robert Holmes. He was scheduled to testify before a U.S. Senate panel regarding the Libor scandal. He is credited with developing algorithm software to detect banking fraud. He is the senior lead scientist for FICO. You will see a motive develop beyond the gun control issue. Kill two birds with one stone comes to mind. ~jg
Apparently youtube is not allowing this to be posted anywhere else. Too close to the truth? When you copy and paste the url, it comes up as a different documentary. So click below to watch.
Demoralization is Weapon in Secret War-- KGB Defector
Vatic Note: This is the man hired by Homeland security, so what he is describing is a continuing operation for HLS through TSA sexual criminal assault, FEMA camps, Unemployment, loss of retirement, etc etc. This is what he is doing and we are the citizens of Russia in 1917 and Germany in 1934...... now we know why they did not fight back. There was no visible enemy, everything was done behind the curtain.... waiting for Toto to pull it back so everyone can see.
Then the protocols tell us what they will do once we reach this stage of demoralization. Also remember who conducted, funded and controlled the Russian revolution? The same people who wrote the protocols and ran Russia into the ground for 70 years afterwards. That is why they brought this man here to work as head of operations for Homeland security. This is a true eye opening disclosure of the planned manipulation, brainwashing etc of masses of humanity and fits very well with the BRITISH/Rothschild tavistock groups funding for research in these fields out of britain. Remember we gave you a list on this blog of the elite institutions funded for doing this research and work, which included Harvard, Princeton, Yale, MIT, NHI, Stanford, etc Source: A 1980's interview with Yuri Bezmenov, Khazar KGB defector and expert in propaganda
In light of the recent lone gunman events leading back to JFK and before. This is one that needs to be out front and center. This might be just theater but it sure comes across as being real. Tailor made for the Coto crew
WRONG!!! The reason is -- we forget to "PLAY!" We forget how to HAVE FUN and ENJOY LIFE. Normal stuff that normal humans would rather spend their time doing. The world has gone to the dogs of war, but some dogs show how whacked the junk yard dogs are...
Rogue1 -- what's your Toucan do? {HeHeHe...sure to get a response}
Anyone else got something "light" to add?
I liked this one:
This Non-Political Post is brought to you by, well, no sponsor at all. How refreshing! But, if you are going through political withdrawls or something akin, then listen up!
The "shot heard 'round the world" is a phrase that has come to represent several historical incidents. The line is originally from the opening stanza of Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Concord Hymn" (1837), and referred to the beginning of the American Revolutionary War. This 1775 first shot was fired during an armed standoff between British forces and local militia in Lexington, escalating into engagements at the Old North Bridge in the battles of Lexington and Concord.
Later, in Europe and the Commonwealth of Nations, the phrase became synonymous with the shot that killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand and plunged Europe into World War I. Since then, the phrase has also been used to allude to the importance of single actions in sporting and other cultural and social events. The War to End All Wars
The "Shot Heard 'round the World" is the term given to the walk-off home run hit by New York Giants outfielder Bobby Thomson off Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Ralph Branca at the Polo Grounds to win the National League pennant at 3:58 p.m. EST on October 3, 1951. As a result of the "shot", the Giants won the game 5-4, defeating the Dodgers in their pennant playoff series, 2 games to 1.
I write often regarding MI6 and the CIA Mormon connection that runs through the BATFE, DEA and FBI. It is the Mormon mission to destroy America and save Israel.
Not likely the most powerful movement in history to secure the world order will fall for this like the sheeple do. Iran Contra style financing, drug running and gladio to orchestrate the arab springs and ousting of the petro power puppeteers will not be deferred or detained by the same old Mr. October tactics. Reggie Jackson hit for the cycle, so did the Gipper, but I think it's beyond the Romney team capabilities.
As if the mere fact that QE3 will collapse the economy isn't the main focus of the committee, the October Surprise will be shot heard around the world. One that appears to bring the final war into the main stage while the American Revolution that needs to happen will be a suicide squeeze and failure. Bernanke's final blow and home run for the world monetary transition and to welcome the world to open-ended eugenics and death to millions of brown people.
There are no wars that could deliver what the committee has ready in TRIAD for the shot heard around the world. When asked which will happen first, it's always the false flag then the event and lastly, the accounting. In simple logic, the INDUSTRIAL MILITARY COMPLEX has had to keep the Hot and Cold Wars in the loop periodically or face extinction. The WOT had to come once they had all the sovereign nations into Central Banks and Committee tow. al-Qaeda, Taliban, Brotherhood (the Gladio) has to now transition to you and me specifically. It was inevitable, feared and predicted for over a thousand years. It's all about managers handling their own affairs.
Nothing geopolitically means anything more than what is being perpetrated by each goverments assault on it's own people by all means at their disposal. Funding comes freely from the World Bank, central holdings and Q-easing fiat printing to finance this transition. Once completed the collapse will sound the bell for a whole new ball game.
Though it is true that we must survive our own goverments specific unique assault on ourselves and fellow citizens, we must see our role in the extermination of other independent minded peoples elsewhere and until we can get involved with what is really going on in another sovereign's backyard we need only look at what we are dealing with here and assume the worst. The transition is enemy combantants and terrorists at home and the real agenda is full spectrum financial slavery.
Originally known as "eight drunken gods" style is My fav style. As a bold move to deny the PTB the pleasure of confounding My earthly existence I do the things that I enjoy,one of them being developing a large collection of vintage kung-fu movies.Chan is a master at drunken fist. The earliest Chan movies,when he was a young teenager are the best,before he went hollywood.
WELCOME to the Wiener State. Or, we could report on "The State of the Wiener".
[caption id="attachment_19775" align="alignnone" width="170"] Do you really want this wiener stuck in your bun?[/caption]
Everybody wants to know who will be the "Wiener" of the next fake election. Just know -- There WILL Be a Wiener. And Americans in general will be the losers. And OHHH, what a losing streak we've been on!
Than again, another homosexual -- BIG SIS, or the "Group Groper" puppet head-- commands Americans, "If you SEE something, SAY something". But, NO WORRIES there folks. Most Americans only see what comes over their Big Screen TV's, the radio waves, and magazines of ilk repuke. By the way, if the "Mystery Meat Man" is a homosexual, what does that make Michelle? She surely knows. An AIDer and Abettor? For that matter, SCOTUS knows 'cause SCOTUS "knows" the POTUS. Congress "knows". You can bet pretty much Everybody within the "political industry" "knows" the lie(s) concealing the truth.
Its like in Hollywood folks. Within the Entertainment Industry Everybody knows who's what, and what's what. Those on the outside, the spectators who "watch" and idolize their Idols, get The Production. The consumers get to eat the product. Yum!
For years it has been child's play for studios and other agencies to hide Famous Icons predilections from the public. Can you not imagine how easy it really is for The Really Big Production Studio to create "characters", personas, anything they please for their Actors? Puhlease. Consider the false reality constructed around the False Flag of 9/11? People want to eat those wieners they're served up!
SING ALONG!!! Its engrained in the American Brain:
Funny, how the voters in America think their votes actually count for something in rigged sElections? Did you think it really requires the Billions spent on the pageantry of sElection theatre to come up with decent candidates to shepherd the Herd? Of course not! But IT DOES require The Show and Billions to Sell Mystery Meat as wholesome, good-for-you product. What a farce! Odd, how nobody really knows who Mr. Obama is? Get it! Don't watch how your hotdogs are manufactured. Yuk!
[caption id="attachment_19777" align="alignnone" width="115"] Don't read the small print -- Just gobble and swallow.[/caption]
In the "Land of the Afraid, the Very Afraid", the Fear-Mongered, crotch-grabbed and groped, post 9/11 cognitive-challenged dissonance-hating masses -- ain't nobody gonna see anything worth reporting. Why? Because Americans like being lied to is Why!
Amerika has become a country where everything is wrapped-in-a-lie and sold as "fit for consumption". What's new, aye? Buyer Beware!
There's some real tasty quotes in this piece. Plus, a name like Cass Sunstein floats to the top of the slime. Govs. Rick Perry of Texas, Sam Brownback of Kansas and Terry Branstad of Iowa. Stuff like this:
"here's betting the pink slime episode will one day be cited as evidence that society has begun developing antibodies against product scares stirred up by media liars and activist groups". Don't bet on the anti-body thing developing any time soon.
Here's a double entendre for ya -- "It is not dangerous at all. The question is whether it's socially acceptable." RIMSHOT! Ba-Boom!
"If your meat is stamped USDA organic, it's pure meat, no questionable filler. But everything else is suspect, say critics." Were they talking about Government-stamped "Candidates" or just pink slime? I dunno. Grok it! "Questionable filler". That's a good one!
[caption id="attachment_19778" align="alignnone" width="170"] Go ahead -- Vote for your Favorite! It looks the same going in as it does coming out the other end.[/caption]
Have you noticed, the current filler, the pResident and his fellow government "approved" and "stamped" opponent have been spending gigantic wads of money and time on campaigning for the Weasel in Chief? Isn't anybody really concerned about actual "work" being done? You know -- running the country, sorting out the American Mountain of problems? Guess not. REAL Americans gotta WORK for a living. {Those who still have jobs anyway}. The organ-grinder (pun there, hehe) monkeys perform in their continuously running Dog & Pony Show for "the greater good", and the adulation and votes of the masses. Greatest Show on Earth you know! Right -- A Circus. With bread and wieners.
"Because ABC and a few others have judged that, of all the unsightly realities that define the modern meat industry, pink slime is one to rub in consumers' faces". Righto!
Its time to get back to the real important things in life, so I'll wrap this meaty piece up for the time being. The "Thought for the Day" is Most Things are Not What They Seem. They're Worse...
After watching the video below..Discover why we are really waging war in the Middle East, who is behind it and stands to gain the most.
Then ask yourself...Why is one attacked as an anti semite simply for asking the questions posed in this video?
Coto already knows the answers to those questions. We've studied 9/11 inside and out. Unfortunately, most don't even know enough to pose the questions.
Happy Anniversary 9/11. Your gift is the new Amerikan Police State.
If it's in the Corporate Owned News (CON) than you best believe that it has nothing to do with the truth. The CON isn't in the business of truth, it's in the business of manipulating perception. Propaganda.
"Political language . . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." - George Orwell
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H. L. Mencken
All of this stems from the lie that is 9/11. Once sold to the masses as an attack by "crazed religious fanatics," the CON was set to present us with our next made-up enemy.
There are many that attack those of us that speak out to what we perceive as to being obvious. Tough shit. Your ability to stomach the truth isn't going to stop us. And you might call us crazy, and crazy we well may be, but we are talking about insane things, that we are not doing. We're not insane, the people, namely the elite sociopaths, in positions of real power, are the insane ones, and if exposing them for what they are makes those of us, that are doing this seem a bit crazy, than so be it. I accept that charge.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it." - John Lennon
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic." - Dresden James.
Because of the Internet a factor that has really never existed before has taken hold. Unbridled, uncensored truth at the speed of light. This is changing the dynamics of political discourse and challenging ancient dynasties of inbreed sociopaths. The natural clash between the mass awakening to the truth of our enslavement, and the criminal elites desperation in maintaining that control is now taking place.
We couldn't have picked a more exciting time to be alive! Of course, there's excitement, that may be enjoyable, and the kind you could live without.
There will be undoubtedly be blood shed. Our jobs is to keep it to a minimum. Right now, and always, we fight with words and truth. The more we can get people to break free of the CON's mind-control, and to start thinking for themselves, the better. As much as we're capable, we have to concur our own fears, as well as show others, through example, how to not be more afraid of the truth, as much as your ignorance of it.
It's getting easier to lampoon the Powers That Be. And ridicule is one weapon we can use very effectively. Reject these charlatans and mock them, and strip away their protection and entitlements. Punish them with waves of laughter to counter their outrageous lies.
I would love to see it, brigades of citizens, too just burst out laughing with every utterance and gesture these puppets of propaganda make. Treat them as if they were stand-up comics, it wouldn't be a stretch, and laugh at everything they say. Give them the same respect they've shown us as they laughed in our faces over the past few hundred years.
I hereby wish to announce a new coalition. Laugh All Useless Government Hacks Out! Or LAUGHO. Unless any of you clever wordsmiths can come-up with something better.
I call on everyone everywhere to laugh at anything anyone whenever someone in a position of authority speaks. The higher-up the food-chain, the harder we laugh. Classes should be given in infectious laughter. So just one plant, could start the whole audience laughing.
I can see Obama now ... before he gets three words in, someone starts giggling, and it builds into a full blown laughter, hopefully he'll stop and ask, what's so funny, which would result in hysterical, uncontrollable, pleading for him too stop, tears coming from your eyes, gut-wrenching, catch your breath laughter. And if approached by security, calm down, with the promise to try to control yourself, and that you were sorry, but the very next word from Obama, or whomever might be the sock-puppet for the Illuminati that is on stage, go right back into laughing.
What are they going to do? Taser you for laughing?
Well, yeah, they did arrest those people for dancing at the Jefferson Memorial. Oh well, who said civil disobedience doesn't come with risks? And what could be more fun than laughing our way to oblivion?
Instead of jostling for position, to get a chance to ask a serious question, ala, like the great patriots of We Are Change, stand-off to the side, and just start laughing. If enough people do this, and it really doesn't take many, it could be the first revolution won by laughing them off the world stage.
Do the same with the TSA. They go to touch you, start laughing your ass-off and fending them off, screaming that your ticklish.
Of course I don't know if I'll be laughing when they pour molten-lead down one of my bodily cavities, but let's hope it never get to that point.
"The government, which was designed for the people, has gotten into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above all the forms of democracy. " ~Woodrow Wilson
Yes, Woody, you stupid son-of-a-bitch, someone should have been there to laugh at you, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess now.
Huh. Not much commentary on this subject. This has been a work-in-progress through the day, as I intake more information. If you were to look at NewsStands, you'd think Clinton "Lit up the Place!" with panache and poignant rhetoric! My initial thought is, "Clinton ripped a hearty farty, and a flagrant lighter caused a Flash Bang episode". Krowd Kontrol was imposed, and then the episode was excused, forgotten, and the subject changed to repetitive banalities which hip-no-tized the crown. I could be misinterpreting of course.
I suggest a quick scan of the rhetoric, so the sticky napalm-like stuff won't stick to you and present a hazard. But, let it register briefly before discarding it like trash found in the attic.
Consider the man, and his deeds. Consider his wife, and her deeds. Consider Obama, and his deeds.
When I see politicians' lips move, I consider they are lying. As for Mr. Clinton, he is considered by some as the consummate "Politician". This intoned by blinded men and women as a virtue. I consider him a consummate LIAR. A virtuous liar? I consider most of the latest and greatest pResidents as narcissistic sociopaths/psychopaths. The difference only by degree. A great number of individuals surrounding them are of the same stripes when one considers what it must take to care out orders of the nature given. "Takes one to know one?". Let's just say they tend to hang out together...kinda like gangs do. They even have their own "Hook Em Horns Hand Sign" they like to flash. All Texas fans I guess?
Take a look at the people's faces across the top of the page for the link above. DRONES-- Somebody somewhere flicks their joystick, lips move, pens write and sign off, and Bad Things fall out of the sky on the unsuspecting below. People like these are THE PROBLEM, not the solution. These are individuals who are responsible for where America is TODAY! And the cast of characters going back quite a number of years, including ALL of Congress and many other movers and shakers and fakirs also bear responsibility. Bad Actors in a horror movie script.
WOW! Read some of this writer's scalding descriptions -- Translating And Dissecting DC Lies By Karl Schwarz http://rense.com/general82/tran.htm
I note the Trend, the Trajectory of America and its Ideals is distinctly DOWN, and has been for a long time. This can only be attributed to the policies of the administrators along the way. Have the American People worked less, innovated less, strove less for the American Dream than in times past? No! If anything, WE work harder with diminishing results. Flailing against Ripoffs, Bailouts, and Zero Accountability. Legislation, policies, and policy Makers are to blame. No accidents here. This is all intended.
So...you're all "Propaganda'd Up", waving your spangled flag, riding an elephant or an ass down to the voting booth, and WHAMMO! Out of the sky, like a drone strike, drops this video from FOX SNEWS of all places -- whaddaya do with this news? BOOT EM ALL OUT! Video: Reporter Confronts Obama Over Kill-list September 6, 2012 Source: Fox News
Yep, Amerika needs 30,000 drones in our skies along with all the Big Brother EyeSpy surveiliing...to keep us safe. Yeah, we need drone jobs and safety via a Police State and technology. Its a Star-Spangled Suppository Salute! In fact, let's not keep it to ourselves (we don't), let's increase profits (for the 1%, yeah, like Obama, Romney, Clinton, Bushes, Congress, etc.) AND EXPORT! http://www.blacklistednews.com/Pentagon_OK_with_selling_US_drones_to_66_countries/21371/0/0/0/Y/M.htmlWE SHARE -- BECAUSE "WE CARE". Sing it!
As I survey my chemtrailed skies this a.m., and consider the gigantic waste of money spent on sElection theatre; as I consider 4 More Years for any of the latest Wrecking Crew, or any other Administrators sold as Saviours; as I peruse the alt-news and on-line financial proclamations -- I fail to see the rosy hues painted by men like Clinton. Obama's teleprompter prose falls on deaf ears. Romney's rhetoric clangs like a banging trash can lid in my ears. I've heard it all before. I see where it all has taken us. And America is now almost fully "changed" into Amerika. A country which resembles in form and theme, despotic countries steeped in infamy.
I consider the Obvious. Mr. Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize right out of the gate, yet has endorsed and continued UnAmerican and inhumane policies such as "pre-emptive" war, the WOT, torture, and vastly expanded America's military entanglements abroad. The U.S. once again tops the list for spending on Defense (offense), tops the list on Debt incurred, and tops the list as a Dealer of War Materiel sold around the world. The Patriot Act was re-upped. The NDAA invoked, as well as a slew of other legislations for the most part, eliminating all American's Rights granted under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
But, I don't blame Obama, Clinton, the Bushes, or any other figureheads for the state we're in. These puppets simply danced as their strings were pulled, while the real powers behind the scenes directed events and policies to bring us where we are today.
There is a "system" in control, and it is imposed with intent. Events happen for a reason under this system of control. The entire system is corrupt and rotten, manipulated by psychopaths for personal gain. Most of what we "see" is Theatre. Most of what we hear are Lies. Most of what we feel is Pain. If Americans hope to improve their lot, and live as Free Men and Women then they must understand who their enemy is, and systematically dismantle the "system of control".
I'm adding this video as of 6:50am 9-07-12. It will also be put in the comments section of LaughnMatters Thread above, because it deserves the Obvious Derisive Laughter of Millions, that we are not fools buying this fool's snake oil:
Washington, D.C., September 5, 2012 -- The online magazine ForeignPolicy.com today published an extraordinary CIA document on the recent Iraq war which the National Security Archive obtained through a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request to the CIA.
The document, "Misreading Intentions: Iraq's Reaction to Inspection Created Picture of Deception," dated January 5, 2006, blames "analyst liabilities," such as neglecting to examine Iraq's deceptive behavior "through an Iraqi prism," for the failure to correctly assess the country's virtually non-existent WMD capabilities. The review was one in a series of reevaluations the agency produced of its own work after Operation Iraqi Freedom.
The Archive obtained the analysis by filing a MDR request after noticing a footnote to it in a September 2006 report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. MDRs are similar to Freedom of Information Act requests but are more effective in cases where a specific record can be identified, such as by title and date. It took the CIA almost six years to release the report.
The National Security Archive is a non-governmental research organization and library based at the George Washington University. As the government declassifies more such materials in response to our FOIA and MDR requests, we will continue to make them widely available.
Check out today's posting at the National Security Archive website -
Another timely reminder of the GOP, Bush Cheney shooting from the hip and failing to dot the I's and cross the T's. Yellowcakes Plame games, Tenet backpedalling and Rove shenanigans. The Blue team's failure to cover the bases like those of Slick Willy and Sly Barry come back again in timely fashion. Can you hear the chant? "Four More Years"
Been back in the 21st Century since 6:00pm Sunday. But if a Cat-1 can knock this city down for over a week, we might as well surrender to our enemies now.
As the Activist Post header states, "Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming"
Its FUN to learn more about other countries, cultures, and their peoples. Its helpful to learn about them before they are blown up and destroyed using all the modern methods of capturing the kingdom for the financiers. It doesn't take much of an attention span to research a little and figure out that spreading democracy resembles spreading small pox or some other deadly disease.
Its damn easy to see what the Wrecking Crew and Profitcoholics were/are interested in with their WOT ruse and other choice little wars. Never once, has it crossed my mind that the Administrators, their cabinets, congresses, gatekeepers, cronies, strategic planners, media whores, military and private contractors, the minions of the weapons industries, Hollywood, the entertainment facilitators, the think tanks, the secret societies, the vast security apparati, the corporatists, the financiers, and on down into the depths of the chasm of Craft, EVER cared about anything except Money, Power, Control, and How to Get More.
The Creator God Laughs when he imbues another human being with an incredible "Gift". For the sheer pleasure and enjoyment of it. Contrasted with the base schemes of humanities' dregs populating the short list above, whose only bent is to create Hell-on-Earth, WE can only wonder at the "Why?". How many with incredible Gifts have been eliminated too soon from a life meant to grace this place? Some day, I believe we will find out. Thank God we will always be blessed with little surprises and evidences that our world wasn't meant to be oppressive and dark like the NWO's creations!
Of sorts. Not too yellow, not white, maybe more gold.
It's been a free zone of frequencies here lately. You've seen the tweets and heard the chirps.
Yes, and it's flying especially high here in the motherland. I of course include all of the American Union. As a Canadian.
So you sent me several interesting signals. I have posted many thoughts on the Nines. REVOLUTION '9,
HOAX-HOAX-HOAX, FRAUD-FRAUD-FRAUD and SCAM-SCAM-SCAM = TRANSFORMATION. Agenda 21. Clearly laid out in the XXX games. We transition to the new American Century. You told me at the time of NAFTA and Clinton's China deal it was a transition to a techno-service industry.