WELCOME to the Wiener State. Or, we could report on "The State of the Wiener".
[caption id="attachment_19775" align="alignnone" width="170"] Do you really want this wiener stuck in your bun?[/caption]
Everybody wants to know who will be the "Wiener" of the next fake election. Just know -- There WILL Be a Wiener. And Americans in general will be the losers. And OHHH, what a losing streak we've been on!
Beware! This post is not for the Squeamish
OBAMA IS A HOMOSEXUAL! I didn't say it. These guys said it -- http://www.wnd.com/2012/09/claim-obama-hid-gay-life-to-become-president/.
Than again, another homosexual -- BIG SIS, or the "Group Groper" puppet head-- commands Americans, "If you SEE something, SAY something". But, NO WORRIES there folks. Most Americans only see what comes over their Big Screen TV's, the radio waves, and magazines of ilk repuke. By the way, if the "Mystery Meat Man" is a homosexual, what does that make Michelle? She surely knows. An AIDer and Abettor? For that matter, SCOTUS knows 'cause SCOTUS "knows" the POTUS. Congress "knows". You can bet pretty much Everybody within the "political industry" "knows" the lie(s) concealing the truth.
Its like in Hollywood folks. Within the Entertainment Industry Everybody knows who's what, and what's what. Those on the outside, the spectators who "watch" and idolize their Idols, get The Production. The consumers get to eat the product. Yum!
For years it has been child's play for studios and other agencies to hide Famous Icons predilections from the public. Can you not imagine how easy it really is for The Really Big Production Studio to create "characters", personas, anything they please for their Actors? Puhlease. Consider the false reality constructed around the False Flag of 9/11? People want to eat those wieners they're served up!
SING ALONG!!! Its engrained in the American Brain:
Funny, how the voters in America think their votes actually count for something in rigged sElections? Did you think it really requires the Billions spent on the pageantry of sElection theatre to come up with decent candidates to shepherd the Herd? Of course not! But IT DOES require The Show and Billions to Sell Mystery Meat as wholesome, good-for-you product. What a farce! Odd, how nobody really knows who Mr. Obama is? Get it! Don't watch how your hotdogs are manufactured. Yuk!
[caption id="attachment_19777" align="alignnone" width="115"] Don't read the small print -- Just gobble and swallow.[/caption]
In the "Land of the Afraid, the Very Afraid", the Fear-Mongered, crotch-grabbed and groped, post 9/11 cognitive-challenged dissonance-hating masses -- ain't nobody gonna see anything worth reporting. Why? Because Americans like being lied to is Why!
Amerika has become a country where everything is wrapped-in-a-lie and sold as "fit for consumption". What's new, aye? Buyer Beware!
Jenkins: Sliming Pink Slime
There's some real tasty quotes in this piece. Plus, a name like Cass Sunstein floats to the top of the slime. Govs. Rick Perry of Texas, Sam Brownback of Kansas and Terry Branstad of Iowa. Stuff like this:
"here's betting the pink slime episode will one day be cited as evidence that society has begun developing antibodies against product scares stirred up by media liars and activist groups". Don't bet on the anti-body thing developing any time soon.
Here's a double entendre for ya -- "It is not dangerous at all. The question is whether it's socially acceptable." RIMSHOT! Ba-Boom!
"If your meat is stamped USDA organic, it's pure meat, no questionable filler. But everything else is suspect, say critics." Were they talking about Government-stamped "Candidates" or just pink slime? I dunno. Grok it! "Questionable filler". That's a good one!
[caption id="attachment_19778" align="alignnone" width="170"] Go ahead -- Vote for your Favorite! It looks the same going in as it does coming out the other end.[/caption]
Have you noticed, the current filler, the pResident and his fellow government "approved" and "stamped" opponent have been spending gigantic wads of money and time on campaigning for the Weasel in Chief? Isn't anybody really concerned about actual "work" being done? You know -- running the country, sorting out the American Mountain of problems? Guess not. REAL Americans gotta WORK for a living. {Those who still have jobs anyway}. The organ-grinder (pun there, hehe) monkeys perform in their continuously running Dog & Pony Show for "the greater good", and the adulation and votes of the masses. Greatest Show on Earth you know! Right -- A Circus. With bread and wieners.
"Because ABC and a few others have judged that, of all the unsightly realities that define the modern meat industry, pink slime is one to rub in consumers' faces". Righto!
Its time to get back to the real important things in life, so I'll wrap this meaty piece up for the time being. The "Thought for the Day" is Most Things are Not What They Seem. They're Worse...
[caption id="attachment_19780" align="alignnone" width="170"] EAT ME![/caption]
Classic, V! Lips & Assholes -- speaking vulgarities out of both ends.
ReplyDeleteNote that Blockhead, Sponge Bob, Cheesehead caricature in Puddy's header looking down longingly at the wiener in the post...that's Classic too!
Check out this short description of the film-maker supposedly the source of the Libyan Ambassador and entourage murders.
“Islam is a cancer, period,” he repeatedly said, claiming the film cost £3.3 million to make and was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors".
100 Jewish donors + WOT against Enemies of the "Jews" + 9/11 perpetrated by Khazar "Jews" http://www.smoking-mirrors.com/2012/09/go-tell-it-on-mountain-israel-did-911.html = Pretty Much ALL the Shit Americans have been embroiled in is directly traceable to the Khazars and their "Puppets". I bet my fiat money on it. The BS "Story" sucks hotdogs like an everlasting gobstopper.
Photo and more here:
By the way, I seriously doubt this "Ambassador" was helping the local Libyan population. As all pink slime is suspect, he was for all intents and purposes working "the plan" to further the "agenda".
So far...I haven't seen any Humanitarian Agendas happening in the countries where "Freedom" has been imposed.
I promised someone I'd put this up on COTO. This is NEW VIDEO from inside Bohemian Grove. The video highlights the "dark" themes of the place. Consider -- take one of the most majestic natural sites left on the earth, and turn it into a grotesque resort for black magic, black acts, and black backdoor deals to be played out upon humanity and the earth "in secret".
ReplyDeleteI see nothing uplifting for humanity here. Thus, those who attend fit the decor and demonic intentions. It is why WE SEE the schema surrounding us, as conjured by the power brokers of this twisted age:
Oh I'd like to be an Oscar Meyer Weiner.....how fuckin stupid is THAT??! ANd yet, once you've heard that tune, it's hard to get out of your head!
ReplyDeleteIt's the pink slime that washes over your brain conditioning you to actually want to eat something as gross as a hot dog. Ahhh sweet advertising on my teevee..just like lamestream media does with pre election coverage :)
Bohemian Grove... land of a thousand pervs...
ReplyDeleteVery good vid of the grove. Knew it was rustic but it's REALLY rustic. Who is Bohemian Kyle and how did he get in to film all that?
ReplyDeleteDon't know the background of Mr. Kyle, but he obviously got in and takes us on a visual tour of the foreboding landscape.
ReplyDeleteThanks JG! That made me laugh out loud!
ReplyDeleteObama was the ripping-out of whatever faith anyone had left in the American political system. Only the most hardened imbeciles could possibly believe their vote counts anymore. And things won't get any better with Mittens. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. Same as it ever was.
ReplyDeleteOf course the American people could reject both. It still wouldn't make any difference. Most of the votes are being counted by mostly foreign owned private companies. If they wanted a ham-sandwich to be POTUS, a ham-sandwich would be sworn in. And the sad part is many too damaged to think rationally people will accept the ham-sandwich, and defend it against any criticism. Gotta respect "the office," you know.
Why not? History proves worse has happened when a society becomes so corrupt it collapses from the center out. Nero made his horse the entire Senate of the Roman Empire. And lover.
Obama and Romney might as well be ham-sandwiches. Or wieners. Or both. One of each. In this case Obama would have to be the wiener.
The Ambassador, in Libya, was most likely set-up to be assassinated by the same people that made the movie. The unrest now is to give cover for the coming collapse. The only hope we have is that enough people start doing something about it and stop waiting for some one else to stop this insanity.
So in other words - there is no hope.
Too start, the film is a sham. It is so badly made, acted and produced, that it's laughable. It is a SNL skit. The bad-boys at the NSA and CIA, must be really laughing it up.
The only reason that this could have possibly cost $5,000,000 to make, proves it's a government made movie, because only the government is capable of spending $5,000,000 on something you could make for $5,000.
The only REASON this is in the news is because whomever made this poorly made propaganda movie, (CIA) did so too stir things up. The natives at home (us) are getting restless, what with all the broken promises, rising prices, guilty walking, innocent suffering that's been going on, what better distraction is there than WAR!?
It's getting to the point that whenever anyone asks me casually "how I'm doing?" - I fly into a rant about "how would you being doing that with an insane group of people poisoning our water, land, air and food, shooting us up with poisons, injecting us with cancer, as the rob-us blind and laugh about it in our face?"
And I wonder why no one invites me anywhere.
Aaaaa-h poor COTO ....
Now, you just have to love that.
ReplyDeleteThanks Deb ...
I want to be a Sonic foot-long.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Dubya was and has been gay all his life. The Yale method of skull and bones laid out on the walls of harvards faculty as well. What deal was made when Laura murdered the love that had jilted her, her punishment was a loveless marriage to a homosexual.
ReplyDeleteBetter than a murder rap? I guess if you can secretly run another life without issue it may be. What the secret service had to adapt to was dividing their time between counterfeiters destroying American Empire and making sure the sexual deviants who were groomed to be PResidents and CONgressional power figures kept their appetites limited to room service menus.
The Children of these arranged marriages were assumed to have been created through en-vitro methods or artificial insemination (AI). The Bush gang may have had Mengele science and for that fact maybe many more families were designing women. The Royal Pilgrim society keeps very close tabs on the genetics of the sociopaths and bloodlines and finding the right zygotes for the perpetuating of the lineage has presented us with some of the worst characters in history.
I think like Cheney, Michelle O is a powerful player and others like Big Sis, Kagan and Sotomayor are the same. Handlers for the psychos who dictate to the secret service.
Destroying the nuclear family by the guy who says Nucular.
Dubya no different from his Butswanna buddy.
"Embassies targeted as anti-film protests spread...The day of protests, which spread to around 20 countries".
Boy, Hegemon's can really spread the "Love" aye? Who's running this latest gambit? Getting their dollars worth out of a puny film surrounded by controversy. Creighton's busy talking 'bout the topic at http://willyloman.wordpress.com/ .
In the Dunne model this is the triple double. Theres six angles and six winners with Israel scoring the most points when it's all done.
ReplyDeleteLosers are India, Indonesia and China. Watch the pump and hosers. Soros and the Syrian brotherhood of Khazar cutthroats sending their calling card as the new face of radical foe of the tea party zionists who want to reclaim eight years of renewed empire to slaughter another 3 or 4 million muslim innocents.
It couldn't be any clearer that these embassy riots are the result of Western Intel scheming and provocation...all designed to bring in more troops, more occupation, stronger involvement of meddling Western interests.
ReplyDeleteThose who can't see this much have gray puree flambe in their skulls.
It made me laugh out loud too...in fact I'm still giggling.