Sunday, September 30, 2012

EVAN: Bits and Bytes

Enter at your risk.

I always do. You look good in the pinhole glasses. Lots of particles flying about.

We have been under attack for weeks here. See the IP flooding? I haven't been able to work for days. I don't think the Mossad appreciates Jersey Girls last posting. Take a look out there. See the deer staring at us. Broad daylight, no headlights. They just stand there. What do make of it?

They are waiting for something to happen it seems. 

Waiting, for three days?  It is one of many freakish things I've had to deal with here for the last month, though it was not a surprise to me in this perfect year. It's has all but crystalized now, with the remaining details coming to fruition.  I have been disabled both internally and externally over the last month. The visitors, the deer, my new odd neighbors with the tinted suburbans, a bout of Bronchopneumonia from my mailbox or by chemtrail overnight air.

Cotocrew came through didn't they?

Yes they did,  as always.  They are on top of the  events that continue to occupy waves and space here and the relationship to the collective of sheeple outside of the COTO seems to be predictably spiraling down to their ultimate coordinates at an accelerated pace. The effects are now being seen with such distinct separations. Hollywood's offerings this year are not as obvious as what you can see in your own local town and news.

Let's mention the LORAX  of project bluebeam and start making some connections.

Dr Suess? Disclosure? An obvious agenda 21 mind propagation for the battle for the mind of the future societal order. I like the alchemy of Dr. Seuss, who  like Disney provides elementary clues to their complex agenda. The Lorax is Al Gore's nightstand reading. Agenda 21 never sleeps. Transformation never changes, change never transforms positively or upward other than the wealth.

The Lorax was right on schedule after 40 years, the leap from 1972 to 2012, the global warming hoax, the occu-pi continues in scalars regardless of the other major vectors at work. The Aurora Event, other MK Ultra stagings and now the Erection cycle winding down to insignificant bytes and consistent coto conclusions. And then there's the UN Summit. Big talk, little energy, business as usual with the financial collapse and manufactured depression looming.

Could Al Gore and George W. have built a less meaningful or realistic facade to this theatre we suffer through every leap year? Theres so little value in this cycle that even the erectionists have little to offer through the pi-holes of the automatons in the race.  I have not recalled a campaign with so little substance in history. If Mossad agent and Bush watchdog, Ari has to call BiBi's bomb "gripping" can they not be close to setting off the real big bomb?

Not surprising is it? If you have sufficiently succeeded in systematically reducing the base to a roux, albeit a burned roux, you have to admit the reduction is quite an achievement. They have told the world of the LIBOR, Fast and Furious, Fluoride, GMO, Chemtrails all while under the effects of the  LORAX and none are the wiser. It's the economy stupid. That's the only necessity to drive the  masses to the black box blowout coming in a few days which is scheduled to trigger a global NATO, Russian, Chinese and Martial Law event.

The party organizers are doing their jobs. The red team is giving invitations in bluebeam.  Barrytown  operatives tweeting free cellphones?  That's as deadly as the Barrytown healthcare plan don't you agree?  They are pumping in the chemtrails through the climategates at Obamacare Central on Capital Hill.

It's really just a quantum leap from EMR to DOA and the gifts, well he just keeps on giving. I can imagine the Gates plan hasn't even occurred in these vacuous heads, They don't understand the pusherman gives it free until such time as the customer becomes hooked. It's the liberally laconic way they utilize the tweets and texting propaganda and the power of suggestion.  And then there's the audacity frequencies.  I brought you a few that the blue team has transmitted to stir up the pot.

It is a hook, line and sinker for sure. Much easier to see  the financial vector  from Romney to these poster children who got their fifteen minutes of fame. The reality is that one was correct in many points. The cellphones are free, but she is not. And about Romney sucking, well that's a fact.  Too bad the paradigm prisoners could not assimilate the bits with the bytes. It really shows the deeper agenda of race and class that the whole transformation model is working in. I've heard Barry's handler Michelle use it in her slave speech and now this viral ditty shows the further polarization for the dependent lambs and the  richie rich romneybots, not to mention that the iPhones will keep tweeting the bluewaves to the islands of these lost souls. What urgent matters that exist can always take a backseat to the tactical strikes of meaningless events that are occurring during this cycle. The View? Really? Is this what the leader of the free world finds pressing?

Only if the base roux needs a stir. Do you imagine Barry and BiBi had a rehearsal conversation of their UN scheduled speeches and graphics?

They grokked certainly and Mittens might have made it a three-way call. They likely used the first three free cellphones and we know his Mossad based Amdocs is getting their bits and bytes. We'll never know that though we can conclude there are two or three ways to skin Schrödinger's Cat. I'll continue to go with the COTO interpretation or maybe Seuss' Cat in the Hat.

Even if it kills you.

Yes. Even if and it nearly did as you know.

I warned you how dangerous it can be when you attempt to disconnect too fast. Total wave collapse is a serious jolt to the system. The sphere of influence controlled by the ruling minority isn't just the de facto standard control over your energy but when you detach in volume, you are left completely defenseless and without  the life forces. Suicidal ideation, physical and mental illness are side effects of it.

I had a run of years in the nineties where I got sick during my birthday. It was many years, six or seven maybe where like clockwork I would get the flu, a cold or whatever manifestation they had concocted for that cycle. My friends and family gave up on any celebratory events during those years.  I had thought it was some effect of the zero point process with sub-conscious implications to birth. Maybe I had fought harder to resist leaving the comfort of the womb.  Fear of the light maybe, who knows, but it ended in 1999 I believe and what I do know is that I never had a cold, flu or any affliction since that time until my birthday last year.  Twelve or thirteen years of absolute health. Uncanny perceptive changes were included in this period as well. I needed far less sleep. I rarely ate and when I did eat I could hardly taste what I was eating. My olfactory senses were still very keen and though I have below normal vision and average hearing my olfactory perception was almost canine. After analysis, some research and considerable thought I attribute it to the first awareness of the effects of EMR and though I had already made the GMO, PhRMA and lifestyle connections to the committee agenda for dumbing and dimming, it remains today.

So Hannibal, you have had a rough patch as of late and I can tell you that you are correct in the assessment of the assault on the neural network and the bluebook EMR follows your timeline with precision. The proof is in the documents, the history of the analog conversions, the data and the changes you  experienced. Others should be able to note these types of anomalies as well. As a result we have seen exponential increases in the plagues associated with  EMR. The health research data curves all run in a relatively consistent trajectory on the statistical graphs but as you well know are carefully crafted, redacted or altered as not to show the real numbers. My assumptions are always to take their numbers to the second power when looking at the world population mortality data. Are you happy to be sick again and tasting your food?

No, not really. I now realize the food supply is all but shit. I can smell scum walking through a store. I can detect chemtrails blindfolded and can differentiate it from ozone. My dogs lag behind me on our trail walks and I am the one who discovers the bear scat.  I had an experience at a restaurant where I complained to my guests and the staff that I was smelling gas, who were all unable to corroborate my statement. It became so bad that I had to go outside only to follow it behind the restaurant where I discovered the small leak in their propane system.  They were amazed I was able to smell a leak emanating from outside a closed air-conditioned restaurant, while it was overpowering me to deal with the noxious scent. That coincides with the Tinnitus I developed during those healthy years and to why it had disappeared while I was sick. Now it's back and with a vengeance.  It's all nerves baby. This is all nerves. EMR in toxic doses following up a series of food and chemical campaigns.

It overshadows all the other insignificant distortions and deflections doesn't it, this agenda?

It most definitely does. Whatever forces are trying to counteract this assault, it is uncertain whether it is of internal or cosmic origin or possibly both. It is also clear to me that as my primary senses decline, other than smell, my other senses are changing. While my balance is going down the crapper, my interoception and exteroception are sharpening dramatically.

Am I supposed to be shocked or surprised by this?

No, of course not, I expect COTO to respond. It is all but pointless for me to post on anything else other than this phenomenon and subject. I don't know how to continue in this venue and on this trajectory.  I am completely focused on it and in all other aspects and of my time I would come across as absent-minded and exhibiting signs of A.D.D. I find myself in a very strange state right now, An altered state if you will.

You want to share something you cannot share, correct?

Yes.  At least some sympatico with others. Just not a doctor. Since we agree the committee is in the Disclosure phase of bluebeam, disinfo and mistrust are huge obstacles. The carpetbaggers and barkers are coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches from building seven.

It is an exercise in futility trying to convey it to sheeple but you are going to share it here with those who have some form of this knowing? It is epistemic, knowledge and certainty and it is truth but not a truth you can prove to others. It is the reason I can discuss it but still, after years cannot explain it as your experience is unique from my own. When perceptions and observations are discussed there are far too many factors, conditions and differentiations to deal with when trying to find commonality or congruence. It is not a closed system, this interoception.  

You may see the universe in terms of that Mandelbrot shell you love so much because it resonates and indeed it may be the TRUE visual depiction of the universal fractal schematic that is the same for all, but the primary senses and interoception are extremely influential to the perception of reality, truth and the universe. In zero point two or more can share but don't expect the confirmation until then. It is only experiences you can share and knowledge you gain in a search for the unobtainable truth. Deductive and reductive exercises and certain conclusions you can all share but everything else is subject to the law of one.

Interoceptive changes are at the very heart of the science and eugenics behind the agenda 21 program. You have adequately and only adequately disbursed information regarding this.  You have stressed the points of EMR, GMO and PhRMA and the assault of  RNA compounds and their cognitive effects as well as the physiological issues.  You discuss the Aspartame science, Vaccines, Fluoride, SSRI's and the common themes in a person's ability, or lack of, to develop the interoceptive abilities due to the very behaviors that prevent this development. You'll never be able to get confirmation from those still under the influence.  You think you can find matching snowflakes in a blizzard? Good luck sir.

No, there's too many internal and external factors. And then on top of that problem you have an agenda based on the thousand ways to die. These are too many chemo combinations, genetic predispositions and environmental factors that have allowed the alchemists to create unlimited syndromes and diagnosis for these designer specific targeted assaults.  It would certainly throw a wrench into the program if everyone began to die from ..let's say colon cancer or Alzheimers, but rarely a year goes by where you don't have some celebrity coming out to discuss a rare disorder of their child and then parade the dying child in a debutante fashion for a new foundation. Autism was one in ten thousand and now one in a hundred.  Now look at the interoceptive and cognitive challenges for those sufferers.

It's not nor has it ever been about the war on terror, it's a fucking war on truth. It has never been surveillance for terrorists or even sovereigns but surveillance on whistleblowers, truthers  and solution providers. It has never been an effort for science or medicine progress and discovery but an agenda to provide themselves with the antidote. Containment and Control, one hundred percent.


There is enormous frustration involved with this transition yet I have had periods of extreme bliss. Is it a reaction, a spasm or relapse? Is that the explanation for the bouts of illness?

May be a timing issue. You have a chrono sense too. A circadian rhythm and clock genes. You need little sleep? Maybe it's deprivation induced. Some of the issues may be simple some may be more involved. I expect a myriad of explanations to the assault on the centers of the brain. The effects of their alchemy may be at play here or the impact of your exorcism of the ego and fear. Can you hope to detach and detox without some withdrawal?  It likely has some retention or a bouceback type effect. Maybe all the real food you have been consuming and your lack of getting the big agri-antibiotics and GMO are creating a toxic shock effect.

It's not like some claim that I am transporting my conscious being from my own body. This is merely about cleaning the shit up and then getting in touch again with your own mind and body. That's no hoax.  These so-called travelers outside the body are so full of shit they'd like to vacate the stinkhole they inhabit but you don't buy this scam do you?  This has nothing to do with the unified field and it's power.


Neither do I except upon possibly at the time of death.

You hope.

Imagine the possible first sensation and effects of transporting out of the body. They may call it Descartes Disease or some other scientific medical fabrication but it must be considered. If you and I are to agree on the soul and self as separate then emerging from the body leaving the ego and the vessel you have abused for fifty years, it would, in my book, constitute a serious blow to the physical system. When you hear such versions from those who claim to have achieved this state I believe it to be part of the conspiracy for the bluebeam, the grandaddy of all the blue projects. The alien agenda, the EMR depopulation, the revelations theatre presentation played out in a tragicomedy of hope.

You are critical of this thing called hope?

Oh yes I am. I make no nice over it. Hope is an opiate for idiots. In the world of energy it is powerless, a state of wait for lazy minds. Hope floats no boats though fiat and eugenics floats one.

Aristotle said hope is a waking dream.

He was too kind. Tragedy and hope, like war and peace are synonymous with cause and effect. Lessons never learned. Those are the cycles for the insane living under the spheres of influence and grasping for a free cell phone. What a waste of Lithium. The sheeple are already fluoridated so they should just throw the lithium in the baby formula.

Hope plays well in the divide and conquer.  It also crystallizes the contempt the ruling elite feel for human life.

Like looking at the face of humanity in a makeup mirror. There is the ugly truth in an image if you choose to want to look that close. It sells well from Hollywood to Harlem and Washington to Watts but it never got a single ass off a couch did it?  But I agree, it motivates the two-party organizers to play the race card, class warfare, greed and white guilt trip. I'd like to get a cross-section of hopes from both camps. That would be an interesting Gallup survey I'd like to see.  The Great Black Hope needs four more or the Great White Hope and his Tabernacle Temple plans for Israel. Or maybe it's the coming Great Grey Hope from the Khazar Quasar galaxy.  Whether we see the The White, Winged, Collective consciousness of nine, Skinny Bob or Frank Marshall Davis, it's all the same hope-a-dope.

The mystery is all within. The outer just smoke and mirrors. It's a journey in and not out.

Agreed. It's not about changing the reality, the universe or even your aftershave. It's about charging your inner self, powering up your inner reactor, rebooting your brain, erasing ego and fear programs and then you can go exploring outside the conscious mind and body.

It seems like all the other options have you waiting and hoping for some cosmic superwave to come.  Some promise of a better world. Something to make your discontent and hopelessness less difficult.

Bits and bytes of bullshit. Hopes and dreams of lottery wins. More "it's the economy stoopid" while they continue to manufacture ways of killing brown people.  Hope is that they don't kill us like the browns but give us the free shit so we can do it ourselves.

The crime of the century isn't it? Like LIBOR and drones, there's no perpetrators. Just derivatives and suspects flying about the airwaves.


  1. GOP created videos


  3. One from the DEMS

    Being on your own is a good thing Sammy. Beware of the Snakes on Planes.

  4. That blond black girl in the second vid is putting on. None-the-less, the point is well taken. UB ROBBED People! And lots of folks are laughing at choo.

  5. BRAVO! A truly Great EVAN discourse! By the way, Health to U!

    On the local radio snews this a.m., folks arguing about the fool Biden vs Ryan, and the pucoming "debates". Please, oh please, sheeple -- "Wake the Fuck Up!". Left/Right paradigm divide/conquer to the gut, some stiff headshots, body blow, body blow, upper cut, and your lights are OUT!

    Good Golly! The fodder in the media trough is pig slop for sheep. Thread back a step, and watch that Thrive movie I posted yesterday, if you can't seem to figure out whatz happening 'round da world. WE live in "make believe land", a circuitous Circus made to deflect and keep the mice on the treadmill to Nowhere.

    Jump Off for once DAMN IT! Call in sick, stay home and watch Thrive, and the chock full library of videos and posts here on COTO, until you Get the Truth! It is all so easy to see once you accept that everything is Fake, everything is Intentional, really Bad People/Beings hate humanity and Lie with every exhale.

    This Matrix we wake up to every day is one huge LIE! Bottom up and top down. Created to deceive YOU. Until humanity "gets This", our destiny is as it is "designed" to be -- Slavery.

  6. "The mystery is all within. The outer just smoke and mirrors. It’s a journey in and not out."~Puddy

    Sweet Puddy Pudding that.

    Exactomondo Doublaladunne!!!


  7. Imagine the energy the right wave can generate with this kind of mind-set pointed at the mindless. I had a nice laugh at both but heard some didn't.

  8. A header for you Boomer and the rest of the 'WTFU' leapers from the paradigm. I'm thriving now and will continue to regardless of their feeble attempts to thwart it.

    I'll watch the THRIVE vid as soon as I can get to it. Looks interesting Boom. Thanks.

  9. gracious praise from the master rogue of the cognitive dissonance dialectic.

    I do not recognize defeat, but merely know it's the strategy of hope and dream to have us not recognize it when it presents as synthesis. But see how well it is working on the majority who have accepted it without even knowing. Tragic.

  10. It's so bizarre, I'm not scared of snakes or spiders. But I'm scared of butterflies. There is something eerie about them. Something weird! – Nicole Kidman

    One might wonder if the large gold - black trimmed butterflies in particular..?

    'Presidential Model'??

    I'm sure the thought surely is prescient in the Pudster's mind...{grin}


  11. Are we in the forefront of a shift? We see a lot happening and catch snippets of a change more so now than in the recent past. You read Wikipedia and the hundredth monkey effect is urban legend. The skeptics had a field day with it but then that's what skeptics do. Rain on parades "Oh well, it's only going to rain anyhow". What a droll lot, what can't be put to scientific method has no validity. A life with no magic, pity them.
    I beg to differ, As we see in a vast flock of birds, they're able to instantaneously change direction, no matter how close in formation they are and not collide into the others, all veering into the same direction as if they detected an invisible ripple wave in the ether. Explain that. Are we not seeing a reaction in the way people are coming around, a changing of minds? It certainly feels like it's amping up to me.

  12. ‘Presidential Model’

    I met a girl when a waiter at Magoo's on Hollywood Blvd, around 1968 who I am convinced was a 'Presidential Model' wasn't just her looks, utterly amazing, total launch a thousand ships beauty, but her incredible abilities during coitus.

    Had to be powers induced by hypnosis, while on top of her, she could arch up like a bridge just the back of her head and heels touching the mattress, her eyes rolled back in their sockets, her tongue lolling out of an open mouth, strange mewing sounds deep in her throat. And she could maintain this for hours... and keep me in a hard state for the same period...
    From about midnight 'till dawn this would go on with her.

    I've never experienced anything like it before or since.

    Seeing women put in trance on stage and laid with their head on the seat of one chair, and their heels on another, with their body rigid like a board, it dawned on me that that was what had gone on with Ruth Ann.

    The fragrance of lemontree's always brings her to mind.


  13. Jesus Will. The way you describe her, Ruth Ann sounds like some sort of succubus. Totally creepy.

  14. PD, odd you mentioned having a very strong sense of smell.. so much more acute than your other senses. Same here. When I first moved into my townhome, I noticed the smell of gas in my kitchen. No one else smelled a thing. I called the gas company. The repair guy came out and didn't smell it either. When he moved the stove out and attached his gas dectecting instrument, he said..."wow, there is a very miniscule leak, I'm really surprised you picked up on that".

    I also smell the effects of chemtrailing overnight. The dog does too. She sniffs the air for several minutes before going outside. I heard the planes all last night and I awakened to a lovely sunrise filled with pink stripped chemtrails after a day yesterday of mostly blue skies and real puffy white clouds.

    My ears are average, my eyes are shit but my sense of smell extraordinaire!

    Speaking of eyes, are you really using those pinhole glasses? I keep seeing ads for them on here. The theory is sound. I can definitely see clearly when I squint :)

  15. Nicole Kiddman hates butterlies probably because she is a victim of Project Monarch. The butterflies aren't weird, it's the programming that's eerie.

  16. Maybe Will had to peel her off the ceiling first ALA "The Exorcist"

  17. right on my rouguish friend-

    There is an exceptional confession. As Nicole lived the Buttefly in the Scientology of MK-Ultra, she was giving us a clue. I've been a fan of Kidman for years. Her actions speak to that praise IMO.

    There was some backlash for her from the "attack, don't defend" strategy of the cult philosophy. Now Katie Homes has been warned. The flight of a butterfly can be quite erratic and unnerving.

    I'd rather face the pit vipers and black widows head on over the gangstalking games of the Monarch-e of mind control.

  18. Yeah, Puddy. Its worth the 2hrs. To glimpse what is "news" to the sleeping. Christian P. below points out some Obvious alt points. But, folks gotta start somewhere. If you get your news from the MSM, then you've been hoodwinked, lied to, ad infinitum. Its pathetic when folks trust predators with their lifeblood. Long ago, the Native Indians learned that rudimentary lesson. Everyone with their earnings in stocks, bonds, and other paper/digital assets are trusting banker snakes to play nice. Really?! Everyone who views politicians as "saviors" and benefactors are provably trusting snakes to save them from the mean ole world. Anyone watching these "administrators" for any length of time should come to the conclusion that politicians only care for themselves. To vote for more of the same, registers as that corollary of "doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity".

    Pity the fools.

  19. Interesting comments to say the least.

  20. Me too V. Whatever links the collective and universe together is beyond the limits of disclosure. One of the most protected secrets?

    Is it somewhere between the Schumann Resonance and magnetosphere they look to break the communications? Me thinks it may be at home base in the pineal they have fought to flood the curcuits and fry the CPU.

    As you commented on another post, 'she', as maybe the motherboard has changed or shifted and raised the frequency to allow more to syncronize?

    I'm going to give the kids a physics lesson by holding taught, a linen bedsheet. Then dump the marbles onto the sheet. I'll lay under it as the universal unified field but I will push my fingers and toes from under to raise the space time intervals and have them watch the movement and settling of the marbles. Then will discuss the nature of the marbles in all things on earth and how gravity and force plays the role in energy phsicial and then thought.

    That's after the rain stops of course. :)

  21. I know, right? V, lol I thought maybe I didn't get it because I'm a woman and don't think like a man but damn, that's a very freaky description of a sexual encounter by any measure.

  22. Not an exact fit but what the hell

  23. I think he's just going through a "randy" spell. He kind of missed Spring a little bit

  24. Yep. That's the ticket Deb. Your olfactory chemo receptors heightened by some stimuli. These neurons and the proteins under your particular experiment/experience had similar effects.

    It is the question of whether the intero/exterospective systems are being;

    altered similarly
    altered with purpose by whom or what
    altered as part of the DoD supersoldier superman research
    altered by divine intervention to an awakening
    altered as part of a eugenics death throe as in a supernova burnout
    altered as a reaction to a physical tranformation like Sofia Smallstorm chemo-transition

    and a host of other considerations.

    There are other exercizes you should do with some friends to test and discuss. You can review all the thirty or so senses in similar ways.

    As for the pinhole glasses I have worked with them for a few years. Since my eyesight is astigmatism/far sighted and I opt out of quacks with knives I went with other methods.

    Don't squint, exercize the muscles. If you take both thumbs and index fingers to make a pinhole and view your monitor, you can see the effect it has on retinal focus. It is good science that the moneygrubbers have made billions in the fraud we know as science and medicine. Boy could we do volumes on this subject.

    As for Rogues Ruth Ann, I'll need more details in order to derive a proper comment ;)

  25. I'm sure Willy would be more than happy to provide them.

  26. I think she gave them (scientologists) a jab and gave us a clue. But we here know what most don't. Certainly it flew over the sheeple.

  27. I just hope you had a good saddle and strong stirrups partner.

  28. My pick

    Her fragrance all in my keeping

  29. He may be working on the novelette as we speak :) :) :)

  30. Sweet music, sweet voice, sweet soul. The gift of extraordinary talent. Despite the darkness swirling around us, we're blessed indeed

  31. just gotta say, as one who spent my late teens, and 20's as a cook...loved the "reduce the base to a roux...burnt reduction" bit hilarious

    glad u r feeling better PD.....was Dr. Seuss part of them? do you not agree with the CIA that remote viewing is capable of acquiring "actionable intelligence". Seems like a whole deep discussion on the soul was being fished for. I'll bite. Reincarnation is a fact. One reason i get so pissed about how we r FUKing shit up. We are coming right back for an encore.

    don't know about cover girls spending all night propped up only by their head, heels and a Whitten Post....but i rarely say anything is impossible. Astral projection is real. not just in dreams tho those can be a real trip. Soul is likewise very real and eternal. just my coupl'a pennies

  32. Campus Rebel, you hold to some beliefs as factual, which are in opposition to many established theorems, and dwell in the debatable category. And your profile is empty as a beer can in the desert. Are you projecting yourself here, or is this a reincarnate round about? And how do you know your soul is eternal? Are you God? And why are your missives so cheap?


    I'm just ribbing you.

    Your sunglassed triangle is opposite mine.

  33. camus' triangle reminds me of a slice of Yours boomer reminds me of a cartoon shark :) You both need more of a personal touch in your avatar if you don't mind me saying ;)

  34. Camus... I don't know if reincarnation is a "fact" but I do know it makes the most sense to me. It explains child prodigies and why some we know seem to be such "old souls" while others are wandering this life as if they don't have a clue. Reincarnation is my own personal belief but again, I don't claim to know for sure. . Human recycling ?...........

    Yea, I too believe anything is possible. We just aren't that evolved yet to have all the answers. Astral projection... yep... I know this is possible from personal experience. I didn't do the flying but a very dear friend did and convinced me for sure.

    This new agey stuff is supposed to be all crap. But the monsters, whatever they really are, know it's real and use it for bad.

  35. PD so you think Nicole escaped her programming? She's had some very weird tiny breakdown moments that I've read about. I always thought she was so beautiful and delicate looking yet at the same time she appears almost plastic, like a doll.

  36.'re both right. I'm sure he is ;)

  37. I think Gordon holds the record for published songs. Quite a talent and I saw him in a small venue in the round. He was all as advertised. Sweet indeed.

  38. I can imagine she has and has been in contact with Katie? Let's step back a bit and look at the trajectory of Cruise and Travolta. How about Dansen and Alley? How about Samuel Jackson?
    Pulp Fiction??????? or victims of snakes on the plane.

    Holyrood is the darkest lodge in the cabal.

  39. I have to agree with you there Patrick...along w/ some in the music industry.

  40. Not sure CR, on the remote viewing. It would be the ultimate weapon. Dr. Suess may have been one such conspiracy.

    I have to work hard and it is stressful trying to drop the clues to the greatest hoax and the most hidden truth without the shadows involvement. That's why the posts with the Electromagnetic-Visual-Audio-Network are so cryptic and chaotic.

    The ROUX is the Reductio ad absurdum that we find in our everday perception. The same that confounded the brains of the episteme for centuries. The creator and universe will continue long after the roux has been reduced to X. (n)

    The reference to Shroedingers CAT being the interpretation of syllogism. Whether we wish to deduce the reincarnation of being as fact is an exercise we could begin. I have expected at some time to delve deeper into the prior analytics of the discourse. It would get touchy in religious aspects but even the philisophical would generate some real fireworks.

    As the reference to coto interpretations of Suess' Cat in the Hat, I'll refer to the return of the alchemy and secrets lost long ago in the ancient civiliazations. The ET, UFO new ager themes can get into it as can the deists-theists.

    The Law of One comes into the mainstream consciousness?

    But for the sake of the comment let's change it up. The principle of non-contradiction. I think therefore I am. Let's assume that we are dead. The moment of death of body into another. Is this life or recycling until such time we are truly born?

    THe arguments: Birth is our first trauma, the womb is the universe, the unified field exists withing and without, the death of the soul is death on earth, nothing on earth is real or exists, the abortion is the permanent death of a soul, etc etc etc.

    Don't look to closely if you are weak as it could kill you.

    Remote viewing is a factor I have used in the big blue omnibus of projects. Whether the committee has the technology is another proposition to whether the Philadelphia experiment and CERN are actively trying to break the code and barrier of time space and we being viewed by those we do not see sitting next to us?

    I have theorized that the big event under the bluebeam may include the reemrgence of those long and lost. It would essentially captivate the religious and athiest into a mode of least resistance to the NWO and help to complete the roux. Maybe Geisel will be one of them. Like Disney the cryogenics could be in the books now. Disclosure is theirs, the committees to SOAP or to sequester.

    Did Horton hear a W.H. O.?
    If I ran the Circus - I do run the Circus
    If so I'd have one fish, two fish, the red fish and the blue fish.

    Welcome to the LORAX, my friend. Always good to see you in death as well as life one day. Keep in touch.

  41. And then, you could always take Major Ed Dames course. "Oh well, the sun's gonna super nova and we're gonna get fried anyhow" Eeore

  42. Actually it is true just as I describe it. Ruth Ann.
    She is on the cover of the August 1967 Playboy magazine. She is wearing a sailors cap. I had that issue for years, she had several copies and gave me one.

    There was more mystery that played out in this time period.

    She had a boyfriend, a small built Sicilian guy, very good looking, always dressed for the Ritz.

    After I had been with Ruth Ann the last time, I had about four days off from work. I came back in around 5pm on a Friday to start back. When I came in the front door, I found the head bartender Gary acting as doorman. As I passed through, I asked where Joe was...Gary just glared at me. I shrugged my shoulders and went on in back to the entrance of the kitchen where the coffee machine was, and where the waiters and waitresses would congregate as the restaurant got customers seated.

    Something was up, I could feel the vibe. Gerry, my best pal at work was acting bartender, though he was a waiter too. as I walked along the bar, he leaned over it and motioned to me.
    I stopped. He glanced around all melodramatic like and said in a low voice, "Joe just left, he beat the shit out of {Ruth's boyfriend}
    The ambulance just left, he's in real bad shape." Then he said, "be cool, don't ask any questions right now."

    Hmm...??? So I finally made to the timeclock inside the kitchen doorway. I could see Ruth Ann sitting in a booth talking to Saul, the manager. She was obviously upset and Saul was holding one of her hands on the table sort of patting it and speaking real soft.

    Okay, yea a long story...but I've never written it out and put it all together before...

    Anyway Joe was a big guy, as wide as tall thick build, and tough. He was the doorman and bouncer. I knew Joe real well, I knew he was deeply in love with Ruth Ann, though he never admitted it outright, it was just he was real protective of her. Even threatened me that if I ever hurt her look out.

    So back to Magoo's that night. I clocked in and came out and poured a cup of java. While I was putting the cream and sugar in, Gilbert, Joe's little brother came out of the kitchen {he was a cook} he touched my shoulder, I looked back at him and he said, not to say a thing to anybody, but Joe had gone home and packed a back and caught a plane back to the islands...St. Croy {sp?} and wouldn't be back.

    After a time of standing back, Ruth Ann finally got up and came over to me...that was when I saw her lip and the bruise on her cheek. Turns out boyfriend had found out about her and I and had smacked her around.

    She took me out back to the alley for a short talk. She was crying again...I was baffled at all this. She grabbed me and hugged me with her head buried on my shoulder..she was sort of babbling, saying she had to get out of town, that I had to be careful, to be careful if this Sicilian guy got out and came looking for me, it could be serious...and other stuff...she said she was leaving that night...
    We couldn't even kiss good-bye, I just kissed her on the forehead. Saul looked out the door and motioned to her.

    We both came in, Saul looked at me and said, stay low tonight, I'm putting you on the backroom, and will watch who we seat there.
    Then he escorted Ruth out, drove her back to her place and took her to a bus station or one ever got those details.

    Anyway, Gilbert ended up going back to the islands the next week. I never heard from Ruth Ann again.

    And it has all remained just a weird mystery to me since that time. I ended up getting fired about a month later...unrelated, I think, though the deal of being five minutes late that caused it seemed contrived...???

    Probably all a Peyton Place deal ... but ya never know.


  43. the pizza slice guy was gettin old

  44. thats me with his head bout up the elephant's sez "9/11 Truth: the elephant in the room" our group was in DC raisin some hell at a teabagger shindig.

  45. I wrote this mainly for myself - always wanted an account for my memoirs...{grin}


  46. Well Deb, it wasn't 'creepy' being with her__but it sure got weird after as the story continued above shows...


  47. Puddy,
    The "saddle" was tight and perfect--no stirrups required.


  48. Wouldn't you like to know. Is it another Bogdanovich Stratten triangle? I hope she still breaths.

  49. It would be some show wouldn't it. Popcorn everywhere too.


  50. Handsome fellow and the pachyderm's a looker too. :)

    Looked like hard work that day. Hat's off to you CR.

  51. Hi Willy, August 1967 Playboy's front cover displaying a pretty average looking bunny wearing a tiara, not a sailor's cap.

  52.'re right Al, I got that is Aug. 1966, not 67.

    I just discovered that going back to my jpgs.
    The only pic I found on the web is a thumbnail size.

    Hard to tell from that one. But if you see her, nothing average about her at all, even at that small size.

    If you do find a larger shot of that cover from Aug. 1966 do give me the URL.


  53. Well gang, I had better luck finding a larger pic of that cover.
    It says the covergirl is "Sissy". It is Ruth Ann, and I think I know why she is anonymous...the shot was taken in a group for a perfume ad as I recall. Her agent had sent those to Playboy after the perfume people had chosen some other shot for their purposes.
    Playboy wanted the pic, and wanted to shoot the standard "covergirl" nude shots. Ruth Ann refused, as she wanted a modeling career on a more 'legitimate' track. Playboy used the shot anyway without attribution, and this is the only issue I know of that didn't have the cover girl inside as a nude layout.

    Anyway, I'm glad I found the larger jpg of the cover.


  54. Love it Camus ! Yes, you are a handsome fellow as PD says:) Good work by the way. The elephant is brilliant.

    I like this one much better than the pizza slice ;)

  55. Will, the link you provided says her name is Susan Denberg. Yes, she is very pretty.

  56. Hey Patrick... that's my dx too. I have a severe astigmatism... meaning I need a mile of open space to parallel park..ha. I dated a guy a few years ago that gave me a chart to exercise my eyes. I never really used it. I wish I'd kept it.

    I went on to that pinhole glasses site just the other day. Yea, it's amazing how much better I could see using that technique. Would be so nice to ditch the glasses totally...

  57. Hmmm...Susan?...I know it is Ruth Ann...but I sure wish you or Puddy would redact her last name from my was really stupid of me to identify her so specifically.
    Please take care of that for me.

  58. Thank you for the recent redaction on the Playboy thing, Puddy or Deb.

    I am much relieved.


  59. She still breaths...I did locate her on the web...she has a business in Cacafornica and is going by her maiden name.

    I do wonder if a goonsquad ever caught up with Joe though.
    Thinking on it, that "boyfriend" may have been her handler.

    For me, now, it's say levee or Levi's or maybe Wranglers...
    Whatever denim strikes yer fancy Clancy.


  60. Wow...that is pretty amazing news. A world without the Zionist Entity in Palestine would certainly be better off.

    But, the heart of Zion is not in Palestine, and the actual core of the power that perpetrated 9/11 is not Israel. Israel played a role certainly, but blaming the whole enchilada on them is letting the real perps get outta jail free.

    There is always something fishy at the bottom of the barrel.


  61. Looks like their Monopoly game is starting to unravel. You'd think they'd offer "Baltic Ave". but it looks like "Park Place" is it with a misplaced "Get Out of Jail Free" card. May "Reading Railroad" be their Hell bound train. Typical of a coward, put the baby in front to take the shot.

  62. The Gnomes of Zurich
    {selected tidbits}

    Michael Sindona had close ties to the Gambino crime family. He looted Franklin National Bank which, according to former Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp’s book The Franklin Cover-up, was at the epicenter of an international pedophile ring.

    In a search of Lucio Gelli’s home, police found a list of fellow Freemason collaborators that included three cabinet ministers, forty members of Parliament, forty-three military generals, eight admirals, intelligence heads, police chiefs of four major cities, industrialists, bankers, diplomats and celebrities.

    They also found a document titled *The Strategy of Tension*, which proposed fabricating terror to discredit the leftist Italian Red Brigades and to compel Italians to demand a more authoritarian fascist government. The plan evolved from Gladio, a secret NATO strategy implemented after WWII that advocated an alliance between the mafia, CIA, Vatican and Knights of Malta.


  63. It seems to be aligned with COTO type thinking that the NWO will not have state or sovereign entities. We have discussed the false flag Nazi/Reigstadt and purpose of the tool known as the state of Israel. It appaears to continue to be the cover for the zionist globalist sect of OWO.

    The transition in sheeple minds sees these events as progress to utopia, the time of peace and the end of conflict.

    Rational thinkers understand human nature and all things that is encompasses. A time of peace can only mean the time that the masses are containable under the full spectrum dominance controlled by the technocratic society of the enslavers.

    The day Israel falls we best be shitting large bricks for the temple of doom.

  64. The ABC of mind control. New this fall, another lackluster uninventive, pathetic relic from the Dynasty of Sion.
