If that's the case, I wonder how much it cost to buy them off. Can you imagine the order playing that tune in their opening ceremony. That would have made those 13 Horus eyes blink don't you think?
Looked at the opening ceremony songs list of 36 tunes. Didn't see any mention of "Muse". Besides, they can tell us dissident types with those new fangled lazers that can detect what we ate and what's in our next bowel movement from 50 meters besides the cocaine on the bills in our pockets (be it ours or not). They wouldn't have let us in anyhow and probably would have arrested us.
Veri I love this song. They performed it live last year at the Grammys or one of those music shows. Are they part of the NWO plan? Probably since they are a very popular band and have been for a few years now.
But, I still like their music. Another good one is Shooter Jennings "Black Ribbon" album. When the radio goes dead is a haunting tune.. http://youtu.be/3kF3GZC1J7c
Thanks JG, couldn't listen to the other one, won't allow it here in the great white north (not available here, so it says). Good tune, reminds me of the sixties
Damn JG, now I gotta find it. My curiosity's peaked. First time I heard "Uprising" was a couple of years ago online. I've only heard it a few times lately on our local "Edge" FM station. No doubt it was too hot for air play, makes me think that if they can't suppress something, they legitimize it. Catchy tune, probably goes over too many peoples heads though. A friend of mines 20 year old daughter at the time of the conversation surprised me in how knowledgeable she was on subject. Upon asking how she knew, she told me it was in the music she was listening to from when she was about 12 years old. She said all her friends were up on things as well. My hope is with the youth, they inherit this mess. We had it going back in the day, those of us that don't have the big house, the investment portfolio yada,yada,yada were the ones that didn't sell out, we got sold out. Hope that's not the case in this next leap.
I have the BLACK RIBBONS CD... the whole thing is an amazing sonic and soul searching journey....I listened to it night after night for weeks when I first got it.
As far as MUSE...it is called "co-opting" and it is simply part of the process.
Whattaya THINK, the elites DON'T want the rebellion???? They have been taunting for a decade....that will be their excuse to smash it.
And what does "sell out" really mean? Are you a 'sell out' each time you fill up your gas tank?
nice enough beat, lyrics to appeal to ..? anyone. seeing warner bros at the end had me laughing. the games? really they played this? THE most controlling hidebound pack of anal retentives the Olympic comittees.? meant to appeal to us sightly olders ie the 50s tvs teddy and vans. and the truck etc. wont give em airtime till they ditch the agents.
True, but then doesn't matter how you see it. Each of us occupies our place in this matrix be it whether you agree with it or not. You go along , you do good, you hold it off in repudiation you don't. Same as in the cookie cutter system we call education that spits out bright ones that question but rewards mediocrity. Some thrive in the vacuum created by the manufactured paradigm as opposed to natural order despite their leanings, by far the most don't.
I hate the olympics. I read an article about how there is much abuse of those kids by coaches ...physical, mental and sexual. THey didn't need to tell me, it's obvious to anyone that thinks about it. It's such a commercial, money making enterprise. It's the same as the entertainment industry. Pushy parents living through their kids in many instances and then the handlers get them and push them harder towards their "goal". Which is what??? Swimming the fastest, running the hardest, jumping the highest for their country's pride? What a goal to spend years trying to achieve ! Bullshit.. Waste of lives . As stupid to me as "toddlers and tiaras." Hunger Games is the end game.
I agree Will. I have the CD and did the same. Stephen King as the DJ adds that touch of creepy realism to it. Though SK is on my shit list for revealing in his book that he thinks Oswald acted alone.. yea...really?
Now I feel the need to pull out black ribbons and have a listen :)
A lot of kids are aware of what's happening. I wish they all were. Ron Paul had huge support from young people who knew the two party system here in the U.S. was a fraud. But then they had to watch his son endorse Romney. Wonder what they are thinking now?
Second that. It's a matter of Civil War and how to foment it. They'll be happy with a series of Gettysburgs and not address it til martial law is executed and then we'll get the address for world order.
JG, hardly a day goes by during the current pedophile phase that I don't get sick to my stomach visualizing JonB Ramsey in that makeup and costume and I can only imagine the references that Rusty Nelson made regarding a cataloguing/photograghing the children like a menu for these predators. Everyone remember the film '8mm'?
I had Olympic potential in track... ran the 50 yard dash in 4.8 seconds - in 1963 a world record {barefoot on the grass} but out west there are not indoor meets...so the shortest sprint is the 100 yard dash {9.7 my best} Anyway. The coaches got all excited, then all pushy – I need a stronger finish. I said fuck it, and quit the team...Lol It was more complex than that – but this is the digest version.
Hi Puddy....I'm in Vietnam (love the people...and figure it's good to live in a place where they still know how to cook with fire...)...was in the mil about 25 yrs ago or so...
I wrestled in HS. I was damned good thanks to a set of barbell/weights my Dad got me at age 15. I went crazy with those to make sure no bully would have his way. I went undefeated freshman year and they used to put me against the higher weight classes. I laugh at Rogue because coach Allison was wet over my talent. Thank got it wasn't coach Sundusky :)
I missed the trip in 1974 by one year. I was never lucky at the lottery. Just dates. :)
We'd love to know your birth country an how you wound up there if you are so inclined. I miss Patricia from Japan as I had worked with the Japanese years ago.
I never got to Cochinchina. You must be near one the major centers. Saigon? I was reading the other day about the triangle meetings. The recent Monsoons have missed you?
Very happy to hear about your bad luck...similarly...I exited the US Army about 5 days before the first gulf war (massacre?)..and since I'd joined the reserves they couldn't call me back to active duty....luck of the Irish...
Me: Born in England (Irish mother, English father), moved to the US, Cali in 1977 at the tender age of 8...lived in Ca, Tx, and Mass...started traveling to VN about 12 years ago on business...I was terrified my first trip out...hammers and sickles and all that...fell in love with the people and culture (real not manufactured, low plastic factor)...moved to Saigon about 7 years ago...haven't been back to the land of the big mac in about 3 yrs...the changes in the US are very noticeable when you've been gone for a while..still a resident alien (I'm an alien!...I have an ID that proves it...)...
The weather's been pretty good in the south (hot, humid...) no major storms so far...fingers crossed (which is a profane gesture in VN..who knew? ;-) )...
Hey just had thought...triangles are like pyramids aren't they? The hairs on the back of my neck always stand up when a Clinton (*EOE) or Pannetta is around...I wouldn't be surprised to find a US (UN) navy base here soon...Interestingly...the hotel where Billy boy stayed at in the 90's is named the New World...
Where have your travels taken you Puddy?
Well...I'm off to have a proper roast beef dinner at an Irish pub, cooked by a Welsh man...in Saigon...
*Epitome Of Evil p.s. If you haven't noticed...I tend to ramble...
Will, Patrick, you guys stayed fit without training for the olympics :) Will, good for you for telling them to fuck off !
Me, I hated gym and playing sports. I was more into books and writing. I got my exercise from walking everywhere. My friends and I would walk to dances, dance all night then walk home. OH, and I did like playing badminton...lol. Odd that I wound up dating and marrying a guy that was star halfback and capt of his undefeated football team. He's a smart man but not a great communicator. That would explain the divorce:)
I never had a school teacher come on to me. The first time an adult man did was an Evangelical Lutheran priest I met at the YMCA... walking nude from the swimming pool back to the locker room Lol..
I was 15. I guess he was 30 something.
It wasn't until later, after I had been attending his sermons for a while that I got that 'weird feeling' when he was pushing me for a 'confession' while sitting in his car a few houses down from mine.
Anyway, I felt some odd tension in his posture and mode...
I just suddenly said, "see ya later" and opened the door and walked away. I told my mom when I got into the house that I decided not to go to church anymore - not mentioning anything about weird feelings and such.
That ended that, he called a couple times to see if he should pick me up for church, and my mom just said I had decided not to attend anymore.
Buy the time I got out of HS I was certainly much less naive, and learned how to handle such situations better...usually without taking anyone's eyeballs out of their sockets....usually...{grin}.
Hi ya all; Hope you don't mind me wading in here. Cool MO EOW, will look forward to your future comments and postings. I can't say I was sports savvy. I did study martial arts when I was 15 back in the day when it was all new to North America, helped me out in a situation at school. Being reclusive with no self confidence, long hair from lack of funds for the barber, no front teeth from a bicycle accident with loser indelibly scoured onto my soul by the education system. I appeared to be easy pickings for my home room classmates to bully. I got conned into an encounter with them when they decided to cut my hair in one of the school washrooms. They were all there, all 30 something of them. When I grokked what was coming down and tried to leave, they grabbed me. The more I struggled the more they restrained me. When the big mouth piece of the class walked up to me with the scissors, they forgot one thing, to restrain my legs. You got it, I snap kicked him in the balls, he dropped, I thought I was going to get mangled but but that prick was going first. I walked out, they carried him out, they were in shock, said I wasn't fair but left me alone and got out of my way when I walked through. Ended up studying the arts into my 50's, wasn't a natural but became knowledgeable on subject. I studied it as an art. Little hint about disabling someone with that technique, the big wind up kick them to the moon doesn't work, you'll hurt them but not stop them. A snap like a slap is what it takes. Works for women very well but must be practiced.
I have never notice you rambling EOW. Hope the Beef was good.
Well the Japanese were my only east -west venture. Never been to EU and never will. Africa is my final destination with luck. Here is the Homeland is was able to spend time all around the North American Union. Canada, Vermont, Florida, Texas, Colorado and some time in Mexico, Cozumel, Turks, Bahamas and Haiti.
I'm certain the global eye is on Southern VN and the 33rd. I expect big games in indonesia soon and China is the reason. Japan got the hard lesson regarding Central Bank exit as will Greece in the Euro. If Germany threatens to, then they won't. When they stop threatening then they will.
I hope your time there has been good and continues without excessive restrictions. The signs do not appear as bad as other countries there but it is early. If Dinh and Company cannot change it there is always a spring rebellion to look forward to. They work well over the internet and from Thailand I'm sure. The economy is pretty good considering everything else there. Farming to Industry.
Was the travel from UK to here a military move or foreign service? What did you think about Texas and where were you at?
The beef was perfect, the roasties a perfect golden brown, the brown gravy...well...brown...tis English food after all :-) ...reminds me of Sunday dinners as I was growing up...
I'd say you've done a fair amount of traveling Puddy...more than most...Haiti sounds an interesting destination...I feel for those poor people...I don't know much about Japan...other than I wish Enola hadn't visited..
Why do you choose Africa as a final destination? Closer to the beginning? I am really starting to think that we're all where we're supposed to be...if that makes any sense...
Can't disagree with your synopsis...big things are afoot in this part of the world...I fully expect a repeat of Pol Pot somewhere...although that might be an outdated method...perhaps replaced by 'natural' disaster? ... My view is that most countries 'leaders' are already on-board with what's coming...those that aren't...well they'll have democracy bombed into them or a spring uprising (Thailand comes to mind...)...I don't call them countries these days...Petri dishes seems more applicable...
Best I can tell VN is pretty much signed up for globalization...far too many visits from US / UK politicians, far too much UN stuff...(I met the ambassador (at the time) to Ireland a while ago...happened to be in the aforementioned Irish pub...I was a little inebriated ;-)...and asked her about the referendum re the Lisbon treaty that had just been 'done' over, she kept saying I didn't understand... I got to using words such as treason & tar & feathers &....made me feel good...I was quickly brushed aside by a very large man)...
The economy here...about all I could say is it's just as manipulated as most others...it does seem that Asia is being built up as the west is being deconstructed...I don't know...do you think they're really going to crash the whole world or just the west for now? A friend of mine here wants to make a short movie...boat people from America -- their triumphs and challenges...
Dinh...you mean the really frickin rich guy? I don't know much about him...rumored that the helicopter pad on a fairly new skyscraper is for him though...I always find it funny (in a strange way)...when I'm driving around town on my moto (accompanied by 8 million more...) and I pull up next to a Bentley or a Silver cloud...
You're not wrong with the internet (s'pose this is one of the reasons it was given to us)...I've noticed an increase of anti CH stuff...with just the right amount of nationalism...doesn't bode well...
The move to the US was based on the 'dream'...the land of golden opportunities...no foreign service involved, my dad was an electrician...if I remember correctly, it took about 4 years to get the paperwork done...apparently times have changed in that department...
Texas...took me a little while to get used to it, grows on you though, after a while I came to really love the countryside and some of the people.....I lived in Buda...about 15 miles south of Austin. Knowing what I know now though...gives me the chills to know I was that close to a Bush... While we're on TX...if anyone is looking for a beautiful 50 acre horse ranch, located in Seguin..views for miles...I happen to have one (well the bank does... ;-) )..and since I quit my job a year ago (chose not to participate, once I understood)...selling it would be a blessing...
One more question Puddy...how the hell did you get so smart / wise?
Told ya I can ramble ;-)
p.s. trying to lessen the indents...not to confuse things..
Got to say, C1 is pretty cool. Have no idea of the following but as you show, this is worldwide. Thing I like here is the people are brilliant but there's no derision between us save a debunker or 2 just here to stir up doo doo. It's a comfortable spot to come to even if one's a little off key. Someone will come back and set the record straight in a non confrontational way. I first discovered COTO via "the crowhouse .com". Max Egan is a true artist and has a magical way with presenting a subject. Anyone not aware of crowhouse check it out, you won't be disappointed.
That which doesn't kill ya... I truly do enjoy reading all the posts here in COTOland...wish we could start our own country or something...no psychopaths, bs artists, etc...need apply...
hahaha that's what I always say about twitter. I have a facebook page but it has no info and contains one picture of me, two of my dog, 1 of my cat and one of a painting of Paris :) They already know who we are. I just refuse to make it THAT easy for them.
Weren't they (or their music) part of the recent XXX Olympic opening? ,,,
ReplyDeleteIf that's the case, I wonder how much it cost to buy them off. Can you imagine the order playing that tune in their opening ceremony. That would have made those 13 Horus eyes blink don't you think?
ReplyDeleteLooked at the opening ceremony songs list of 36 tunes. Didn't see any mention of "Muse". Besides, they can tell us dissident types with those new fangled lazers that can detect what we ate and what's in our next bowel movement from 50 meters besides the cocaine on the bills in our pockets (be it ours or not). They wouldn't have let us in anyhow and probably would have arrested us.
ReplyDeleteVeri I love this song. They performed it live last year at the Grammys or one of those music shows. Are they part of the NWO plan? Probably since they are a very popular band and have been for a few years now.
ReplyDeleteBut, I still like their music. Another good one is Shooter Jennings "Black Ribbon" album. When the radio goes dead is a haunting tune..
AND Summer of Rage::
Thanks JG, couldn't listen to the other one, won't allow it here in the great white north (not available here, so it says). Good tune, reminds me of the sixties
ReplyDelete"London 2012 Olympics: Muse song 'Survival' revealed as main Games track"
Suffice it to say...the lyrics to this song are interesting....
The first comment on the lyrics page provokes my thoughts....
Stop the bus!!!!! I want to get of this ride.... ;-)
Damn Veri, that ones more controversial in it's message (and better) than the first.. You think that's why it's not available.. censorship?
ReplyDeleteOr off...damn...I hate it when I do that...
ReplyDeleteThat Shooter Jennings song makes me cry...
ReplyDeleteI could view it last year but now it's blocked in my country (VN)...
Damn JG, now I gotta find it. My curiosity's peaked. First time I heard "Uprising" was a couple of years ago online. I've only heard it a few times lately on our local "Edge" FM station. No doubt it was too hot for air play, makes me think that if they can't suppress something, they legitimize it. Catchy tune, probably goes over too many peoples heads though. A friend of mines 20 year old daughter at the time of the conversation surprised me in how knowledgeable she was on subject.
ReplyDeleteUpon asking how she knew, she told me it was in the music she was listening to from when she was about 12 years old. She said all her friends were up on things as well. My hope is with the youth, they inherit this mess. We had it going back in the day, those of us that don't have the big house, the investment portfolio yada,yada,yada were the ones that didn't sell out, we got sold out. Hope that's not the case in this next leap.
I have the BLACK RIBBONS CD... the whole thing is an amazing sonic and soul searching journey....I listened to it night after night for weeks when I first got it.
ReplyDeleteAs far as MUSE...it is called "co-opting" and it is simply part of the process.
Whattaya THINK, the elites DON'T want the rebellion???? They have been taunting for a decade....that will be their excuse to smash it.
And what does "sell out" really mean? Are you a 'sell out' each time you fill up your gas tank?
nice enough beat, lyrics to appeal to ..? anyone.
ReplyDeleteseeing warner bros at the end had me laughing.
the games?
really they played this?
THE most controlling hidebound pack of anal retentives the Olympic comittees.?
meant to appeal to us sightly olders ie the 50s tvs teddy and vans. and the truck etc.
wont give em airtime till they ditch the agents.
True, but then doesn't matter how you see it. Each of us occupies our place in this matrix be it whether you agree with it or not. You go along , you do good, you hold it off in repudiation you don't. Same as in the cookie cutter system we call education that spits out bright ones that question but rewards mediocrity. Some thrive in the vacuum created by the manufactured paradigm as opposed to natural order despite their leanings, by far the most don't.
ReplyDeleteI hate the olympics. I read an article about how there is much abuse of those kids by coaches ...physical, mental and sexual. THey didn't need to tell me, it's obvious to anyone that thinks about it. It's such a commercial, money making enterprise. It's the same as the entertainment industry. Pushy parents living through their kids in many instances and then the handlers get them and push them harder towards their "goal". Which is what??? Swimming the fastest, running the hardest, jumping the highest for their country's pride? What a goal to spend years trying to achieve ! Bullshit.. Waste of lives . As stupid to me as "toddlers and tiaras." Hunger Games is the end game.
ReplyDeleteWhich one makes u cry eow? Actually, they both make me cry but summer of rage really gets to me.
ReplyDeleteI agree Will. I have the CD and did the same. Stephen King as the DJ adds that touch of creepy realism to it. Though SK is on my shit list for revealing in his book that he thinks Oswald acted alone.. yea...really?
ReplyDeleteNow I feel the need to pull out black ribbons and have a listen :)
A lot of kids are aware of what's happening. I wish they all were. Ron Paul had huge support from young people who knew the two party system here in the U.S. was a fraud. But then they had to watch his son endorse Romney. Wonder what they are thinking now?
ReplyDeleteYea, the page with the lyrics has the zion symbol stating that Survival is the official song of the olympics.. ha... I missed that!
ReplyDeleteThat's the one...
ReplyDeleteAre you in Venezuela or vietnam, EOW? Are you in the mil?
ReplyDeleteSecond that. It's a matter of Civil War and how to foment it.
ReplyDeleteThey'll be happy with a series of Gettysburgs and not address it til martial law is executed and then we'll get the address for world order.
See you all at Andersonville.
JG, hardly a day goes by during the current pedophile phase that I don't get sick to my stomach visualizing JonB Ramsey in that makeup and costume and I can only imagine the references that Rusty Nelson made regarding a cataloguing/photograghing the children like a menu for these predators. Everyone remember the film '8mm'?
ReplyDeleteYea Deb,
ReplyDeleteI had Olympic potential in track... ran the 50 yard dash in 4.8 seconds - in 1963 a world record {barefoot on the grass} but out west there are not indoor meets...so the shortest sprint is the 100 yard dash {9.7 my best} Anyway. The coaches got all excited, then all pushy – I need a stronger finish. I said fuck it, and quit the team...Lol
It was more complex than that – but this is the digest version.
Hi Puddy....I'm in Vietnam (love the people...and figure it's good to live in a place where they still know how to cook with fire...)...was in the mil about 25 yrs ago or so...
ReplyDeleteI wrestled in HS. I was damned good thanks to a set of barbell/weights my Dad got me at age 15. I went crazy with those to make sure no bully would have his way. I went undefeated freshman year and they used to put me against the higher weight classes. I laugh at Rogue because coach Allison was wet over my talent. Thank got it wasn't coach Sundusky :)
ReplyDeletea truth anthem.
I missed the trip in 1974 by one year. I was never lucky at the lottery. Just dates. :)
ReplyDeleteWe'd love to know your birth country an how you wound up there if you are so inclined. I miss Patricia from Japan as I had worked with the Japanese years ago.
I never got to Cochinchina. You must be near one the major centers. Saigon? I was reading the other day about the triangle meetings. The recent Monsoons have missed you?
ReplyDelete10 Facts Revealing Conspiracy Behind Aurora Shooters
Very happy to hear about your bad luck...similarly...I exited the US Army about 5 days before the first gulf war (massacre?)..and since I'd joined the reserves they couldn't call me back to active duty....luck of the Irish...
ReplyDeleteMe: Born in England (Irish mother, English father), moved to the US, Cali in 1977 at the tender age of 8...lived in Ca, Tx, and Mass...started traveling to VN about 12 years ago on business...I was terrified my first trip out...hammers and sickles and all that...fell in love with the people and culture (real not manufactured, low plastic factor)...moved to Saigon about 7 years ago...haven't been back to the land of the big mac in about 3 yrs...the changes in the US are very noticeable when you've been gone for a while..still a resident alien (I'm an alien!...I have an ID that proves it...)...
The weather's been pretty good in the south (hot, humid...) no major storms so far...fingers crossed (which is a profane gesture in VN..who knew? ;-) )...
Hey just had thought...triangles are like pyramids aren't they? The hairs on the back of my neck always stand up when a Clinton (*EOE) or Pannetta is around...I wouldn't be surprised to find a US (UN) navy base here soon...Interestingly...the hotel where Billy boy stayed at in the 90's is named the New World...
Where have your travels taken you Puddy?
Well...I'm off to have a proper roast beef dinner at an Irish pub, cooked by a Welsh man...in Saigon...
*Epitome Of Evil
p.s. If you haven't noticed...I tend to ramble...
Will, Patrick, you guys stayed fit without training for the olympics :) Will, good for you for telling them to fuck off !
ReplyDeleteMe, I hated gym and playing sports. I was more into books and writing. I got my exercise from walking everywhere. My friends and I would walk to dances, dance all night then walk home. OH, and I did like playing badminton...lol. Odd that I wound up dating and marrying a guy that was star halfback and capt of his undefeated football team. He's a smart man but not a great communicator. That would explain the divorce:)
Patrick, same with me. I think the same about facebook and all those pictures of little kids on them. What a feast for chester the molester........
ReplyDeleteI don't think I saw 8mm..though I know the title.
I never had a school teacher come on to me. The first time an adult man did was an Evangelical Lutheran priest I met at the YMCA... walking nude from the swimming pool back to the locker room Lol..
ReplyDeleteI was 15. I guess he was 30 something.
It wasn't until later, after I had been attending his sermons for a while that I got that 'weird feeling' when he was pushing me for a 'confession' while sitting in his car a few houses down from mine.
Anyway, I felt some odd tension in his posture and mode...
I just suddenly said, "see ya later" and opened the door and walked away. I told my mom when I got into the house that I decided not to go to church anymore - not mentioning anything about weird feelings and such.
That ended that, he called a couple times to see if he should pick me up for church, and my mom just said I had decided not to attend anymore.
Buy the time I got out of HS I was certainly much less naive, and learned how to handle such situations better...usually without taking anyone's eyeballs out of their sockets....usually...{grin}.
Hi ya all; Hope you don't mind me wading in here. Cool MO EOW, will look forward to your future comments and postings. I can't say I was sports savvy. I did study martial arts when I was 15 back in the day when it was all new to North America, helped me out in a situation at school. Being reclusive with no self confidence, long hair from lack of funds for the barber, no front teeth from a bicycle accident with loser indelibly scoured onto my soul by the education system. I appeared to be easy pickings for my home room classmates to bully. I got conned into an encounter with them when they decided to cut my hair in one of the school washrooms. They were all there, all 30 something of them. When I grokked what was coming down and tried to leave, they grabbed me. The more I struggled the more they restrained me. When the big mouth piece of the class walked up to me with the scissors, they forgot one thing, to restrain my legs. You got it, I snap kicked him in the balls, he dropped, I thought I was going to get mangled but but that prick was going first. I walked out, they carried him out, they were in shock, said I wasn't fair but left me alone and got out of my way when I walked through. Ended up studying the arts into my 50's, wasn't a natural but became knowledgeable on subject. I studied it as an art. Little hint about disabling someone with that technique, the big wind up kick them to the moon doesn't work, you'll hurt them but not stop them. A snap like a slap is what it takes. Works for women very well but must be practiced.
ReplyDeleteI have never notice you rambling EOW. Hope the Beef was good.
ReplyDeleteWell the Japanese were my only east -west venture. Never been to EU and never will. Africa is my final destination with luck. Here is the Homeland is was able to spend time all around the North American Union. Canada, Vermont, Florida, Texas, Colorado and some time in Mexico, Cozumel, Turks, Bahamas and Haiti.
I'm certain the global eye is on Southern VN and the 33rd. I expect big games in indonesia soon and China is the reason. Japan got the hard lesson regarding Central Bank exit as will Greece in the Euro. If Germany threatens to, then they won't. When they stop threatening then they will.
I hope your time there has been good and continues without excessive restrictions. The signs do not appear as bad as other countries there but it is early. If Dinh and Company cannot change it there is always a spring rebellion to look forward to. They work well over the internet and from Thailand I'm sure. The economy is pretty good considering everything else there. Farming to Industry.
Was the travel from UK to here a military move or foreign service? What did you think about Texas and where were you at?
That is Myron Fagin talking about the UN One World Order at the end - that entire talk is amazing if you can find it.
ReplyDeleteHere it is
The beef was perfect, the roasties a perfect golden brown, the brown gravy...well...brown...tis English food after all :-) ...reminds me of Sunday dinners as I was growing up...
ReplyDeleteI'd say you've done a fair amount of traveling Puddy...more than most...Haiti sounds an interesting destination...I feel for those poor people...I don't know much about Japan...other than I wish Enola hadn't visited..
Why do you choose Africa as a final destination? Closer to the beginning? I am really starting to think that we're all where we're supposed to be...if that makes any sense...
Can't disagree with your synopsis...big things are afoot in this part of the world...I fully expect a repeat of Pol Pot somewhere...although that might be an outdated method...perhaps replaced by 'natural' disaster? ... My view is that most countries 'leaders' are already on-board with what's coming...those that aren't...well they'll have democracy bombed into them or a spring uprising (Thailand comes to mind...)...I don't call them countries these days...Petri dishes seems more applicable...
Best I can tell VN is pretty much signed up for globalization...far too many visits from US / UK politicians, far too much UN stuff...(I met the ambassador (at the time) to Ireland a while ago...happened to be in the aforementioned Irish pub...I was a little inebriated ;-)...and asked her about the referendum re the Lisbon treaty that had just been 'done' over, she kept saying I didn't understand... I got to using words such as treason & tar & feathers &....made me feel good...I was quickly brushed aside by a very large man)...
The economy here...about all I could say is it's just as manipulated as most others...it does seem that Asia is being built up as the west is being deconstructed...I don't know...do you think they're really going to crash the whole world or just the west for now? A friend of mine here wants to make a short movie...boat people from America -- their triumphs and challenges...
Dinh...you mean the really frickin rich guy? I don't know much about him...rumored that the helicopter pad on a fairly new skyscraper is for him though...I always find it funny (in a strange way)...when I'm driving around town on my moto (accompanied by 8 million more...) and I pull up next to a Bentley or a Silver cloud...
You're not wrong with the internet (s'pose this is one of the reasons it was given to us)...I've noticed an increase of anti CH stuff...with just the right amount of nationalism...doesn't bode well...
The move to the US was based on the 'dream'...the land of golden opportunities...no foreign service involved, my dad was an electrician...if I remember correctly, it took about 4 years to get the paperwork done...apparently times have changed in that department...
Texas...took me a little while to get used to it, grows on you though, after a while I came to really love the countryside and some of the people.....I lived in Buda...about 15 miles south of Austin. Knowing what I know now though...gives me the chills to know I was that close to a Bush...
While we're on TX...if anyone is looking for a beautiful 50 acre horse ranch, located in Seguin..views for miles...I happen to have one (well the bank does... ;-) )..and since I quit my job a year ago (chose not to participate, once I understood)...selling it would be a blessing...
One more question Puddy...how the hell did you get so smart / wise?
Told ya I can ramble ;-)
p.s. trying to lessen the indents...not to confuse things..
A very unique voice, I've heard parts before...head o the nail..., never knew who it was...Thanks Rogue and Veritable.
ReplyDeleteS'pose it fits with the hunger games and such...I can't really see how it ties in with sports though (depends on the definition of sports?)....
ReplyDeleteThanks Veritable...blame my parents for MO though :-)
ReplyDeleteInteresting lessons you learned at school...bet they've served you well over the years...
Eyes asks how Puddy got so smart....
ReplyDeleteThe Strategy of Tension - it will either make ya or break ya.
Puddy struck back and was blessed for it.
Twitter is for twits, they don't fuck around when they name things:
ReplyDeleteLike Google = G. Oogle {government oogle}
FaceBook = mugshots of the precrime 'terrorists'
Etcetera, Etcetera, Et set Terra up for full spectrum dominoes.
Got to say, C1 is pretty cool. Have no idea of the following but as you show, this is worldwide. Thing I like here is the people are brilliant but there's no derision between us save a debunker or 2 just here to stir up doo doo. It's a comfortable spot to come to even if one's a little off key. Someone will come back and set the record straight in a non confrontational way. I first discovered COTO via "the crowhouse .com". Max Egan is a true artist and has a magical way with presenting a subject. Anyone not aware of crowhouse check it out, you won't be disappointed.
ReplyDeleteAgreed...this is a cool place..with a wealth of info / ideas..
ReplyDeleteI've been listening to Max Egan for a while now..he has an amazing voice.
That which doesn't kill ya...
ReplyDeleteI truly do enjoy reading all the posts here in COTOland...wish we could start our own country or something...no psychopaths, bs artists, etc...need apply...
hahaha that's what I always say about twitter. I have a facebook page but it has no info and contains one picture of me, two of my dog, 1 of my cat and one of a painting of Paris :) They already know who we are. I just refuse to make it THAT easy for them.