Thursday, August 2, 2012
Black Swan or 'The Dark Knight Rises'
Taking a halftime view of the Apotheosis, the event ONE for the Olympics and my prediction for India has been fulfilled by the rolling EMP blackout affecting 620 million people in the dark.
This as an EMP assault via ionospheric scalar NASA event just as the 2003 blackout here at homeland central. A sudden focused heater bounce pulse at the bottleneck point by an electromagnetic Tesla pulse came at the time of the blackout along with associated ENMOD supported by other facilities supporting the la Nina jet stream that continues to provide drought and dry conditions which enhance the heater facilitation and provide the consistent model for Agenda 21 and global scamming [anthropogenic climate change] Along with the empire plans of Monsanto GMO and Abortion and exponentially high suicide rate, India is a major target for G^6 population adjustment.
I may conclude the truncated data in the NOAA, EISCAT and HAARP archive proves the system is in coverup mode. No one wants to provide a satisfactory cause until the googleplex comes up with a swan explanation. Until such time the frequencies will be global man-made problem caused by AGW and population strain on resources.
This event, like the rest of the Media Induced EVAN engineered events for fear/trauma based transition will likely happen again and soon. I said that the Olympic Event would be of such an EMP staged variety but not necessarily in London though it would be the prima facie for the masses in either a terror attack or Black Swan that would target a larger audience than the usual Thomson Reuters MSM stream. The closing ceremony would make a nice entrance for such.
It also may be the connection to a world threat for the empire kinetic action if a small EMP plasma smart bomb was used and blamed on Irangate. At the current time the deflection of WWIII false flag is high and Syria is a pivotal point. Now that the fraud of fake photochopped Reuters /AP photos has been discovered and the Syrian Girl type exposures of foreign GLADIO /AL-CIADA mercenaries confirmed, the heat is on and the master architects must find a way to link the two together. Distortion contemporary reality
Chicago would also be ripe in current drought for a blackout. We will have to see if this is consistent for the model. We are at the Apex of the MK, Pedophile, False Flag triad and the India event is four of the five events that occur and we know each could have as many as three copies of each.
EVAN: - 1/9/12 [22]
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Scintillating insights, Puddy! You have your finger on the freakqueensees Obviously. I think your calls are quality.
ReplyDeleteWish I could shove a stick through the the spokes of the TRIADcycle as it careens by at breakneck speed. Watching the freak parade go past all dolled up and in endanger mode, without pranking on its bold and hideous floats, marching bands, and geeks, leaves me feeling like a bystander. HA! The joker ain't on me, its on Them, in their inflamed psychosis.
Thanks Boom. I hadn't edited the spelling yet. Yikes, my speed typing is less than desirable.
ReplyDeleteWhat do think about the 2 million additional jobless claims predicted by the PTB?
This is Alert Central. Food-Water-Jobs ala Hunger Games will drain what's left in the fake printing they have addressed.
Even with QE3, the masters have the polyhedron 5-3 in perfect working order. The five point system G^6 model seems to run in this formula.
Scalars for ENMOD, DUMBING, CONFLICT, MEDIA, FINANCIAL are operated under the TRIADS in each category. All a hegelian process of P-R-S to a single goal. Making the transition to One World Order a requisite for very survival and bringing a group to the apotheosis level.
This is where the angles are seen as Angels and at that time there will be an additional booster shot, so to speak. The delineation of us the enemy, the virus and terrorists will be made law and the dying constitution in it's death throes will succumb to it's end.
The gradual new reality will be cloaked in a memory erasing cleansing of the patriot spirit and the orwellian INSOC ushered in with the efficiency of a mindbodysnatcher movie. Self determination and independence will be impossible.
The release of Harvards fluoride study is a great example of the chemtrail GW mitigation revelation. One day 911 will be admitted as well as the method to the ultimate utopia. (for our own good)
But before this can happen much more industrial/entrepeneur freedom must be exposed as the enemy of the utopia with the theatre of contemporary reality by Committee.
Well, well, sorta well, not-so-freaking-well.
ReplyDeleteWe're at the Apotheosis (Illuminati 1/2 time show?). You say, This is where the angles are seen as Angels and at that time there will be an additional booster shot, so to speak. The delineation of us the enemy, the virus and terrorists will be made law and the dying constitution in it’s death throes will succumb to it’s end".
I say -- I've once spoke with a police man who pointed out that some folks don't worry about "prepping" 'cause they got em weapons... There's something to that. In that, it is the ole "I'll take what I need, what I want, when I want it" meme. "Because I can!". No different than the criminal hooliganism going on Big Time amongst the NWO professors, professionals, and psychoramas. I surmise, that when All Hell Breaks Loose, those unprotected by a certain type of Guardian "Angel", WILL become Dog Chow for the demonic sausage machine currently being erected upon what used to be referred to as "The Republic, for Which it Stands, One Nation, Under God, etc.".
Dog Poet has his nose to the winds-of-change, and sniffs out the same frequencies appearing on your radar:.
ALL is being ground up, turned inside out, upside down, shaken and stirred, until the dross is removed from the gold (character). So, I'm concerned with the important "stuff", not the material stuff. The prophesied "happenings" are happening, but are spiritually discerned as previously foretold. Those that don't "get it", won't "get it", unless their Frequencies are changed by a miracle.
I came back to this spot, to review what I wrote in a hurry above, as I was being interrupted and called away. Lately, there is much distraction about, "distortion" if you will, but it should actually be embraced as family is in town. However, things that should work refuse to, and have morphed into attention-sucking "problems" that must be dealt with. It is all very weird, unexplainable, and frustrating, as things shouldn't be this difficult if you know what I mean. Peace is afar off. And this frequency is right in my own space, notwithstanding that which is squelching and phasing in and out out in the fields afar. It is nigh impossible to imagine anything more that doing the best I can to survive the tempestuous waves of "interference" rolling and billowing about.
ReplyDeleteDrowning in the froth seems apt, but is unacceptable to one such as I. Rather, it is time to "cork up" and become light-as-possible that I might float above the storm, ride the waves, bob and weave, and achieve the impossible...peace in the middle of the tempest.
I think our choices become quite clear. We choose either to become a part of the frequency, the waveform of Evil, or we choose to become the exact opposite. Become a portal for Truth and Goodness. As an electrical force, or using the analogy, become positive or negative. You know my choice.
Reblogged this on Lissa Humane Life: COINTELPRO Slow-No-Touch HIT JOB Victim Post 911.
ReplyDeleteThat " major power grid failure" in India is something I've been expecting to happen though I didn't have India in mind as you did PD . I expect the same to happen here any day. How many times have we heard that the power grids are so outdated and over stressed by the lame stream media? They usually give some kind of a little hint before they strike, don't they? Rolling brown/black outs are already common and have happened in major cities in the U.S. They can "flick the switch" any time they want and blame it on that tired old grid. The state California and Enron come to mind.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I hope I'm wrong. Because if they want chaos, that's the one sure fire way to get it.
As for the mindsnatchers, they've done such a good job that the average person just cannot think critically at all anymore. The majority of Amerikans have fallen asleep with the pod under their bed and are lost forever. Their mantra is "everything is just fine". Just leave them with their prescription drugs (soma) and stop talking that gloom and doom nonsense to them so that they can discuss issues that are uplifting and fun. What will they do when their teevee doesn't work and they can't watch the bachelor or dancing with the stars? What will they do when they can't text or twitter or play with their ipads? Not a pretty picture is it?
As for me right now, the thing I'd miss most, in this god forsaken land of humidity, when the electricity fails would be my a/c.
Oh speaking of soma, here's a short little vid illustraing Big Pharma's grip on so many with doctors as their pushers.. Oh how I agree with those sentiments
From OZ ~ Down Under. Thanks OZ :)
ReplyDeleteWhy the indicators would say Chicago-New York would be ripe
for a panic-false flag. The New Katrina is a the EMP with a death pulse bluebeam for the useless eaters.
I had read that Binney article. Another example of the Civil War and not WWIII they want universally.
ReplyDeleteYou know that I puff-puff a World War in the Neo-Con traditional sense. Like Holyrood Wellaware 1 points to everyone of these triggers to be playing their part.
Divide and conquer but in the FInal War it's mano e mano in each area. So I point to the frequencies from Holyrood for examples.
District 9 was movie that metaphors the alien, unwashed, terrorists, useless eaters who eat rubber tires.
So I ask you if that is not us?
FEMA has 9 districts for revolution-revolver. It's where you can map the US for yourself. Syria is the mirror of US. The reality of what is taking place there is equal. So far it's the closest Beta - test to the Grand Games (hunger-avatar-contagion) being prepared for this District.
Hey Jude, sung by Faux Paul was the most telling clue for the reality of nine. We are in the games now and on the uneven bars unless we get the masses to prepare.
Mormonology history tells you that Smith knew 9-11 was not the Twin Towers but the date and numerology for the change/tranformation. A six month supply and a keen understanding of the program is needed.
Whistleblowers are selected purposely and those who were not selected are killed. The WIKILEAKS was a directed operation beta-test. Now the ruling minority is orchestrating them as part of the transition, like I said earlier.
The formula does sum up to 9 and I have nine holyrood epic mind control traps that tell the story. Then you can watch the reality news and see the incremental parallels to the sysnthesis. formula 3-5. Count the numbers on the polyhedron I illustrated. There are 9.
That's the best observation Boom. If everyone does see, feel and hear the distortions and conflicts in the reality fields by now they are going to be hugely undergunned in the event cycle stages to come.
ReplyDeleteNothing is in harmony for those who are from ZeroPoint or have been there. Any effort to prepare, deflect and move to where you want to be will be met with heightened resistance. Whether your work, family, finances, health, conscience or thoght. They are all under attack and it seems that many just can't grasp it.
Those who are not experiencing it are going with the flow of the force to move them where the engineers are directing them. If you are moving with their flow you are on a "runaway train" (another of the 54 fr.)
If you struggle now, you are blessed. Hard for me to tell people that you are in the best power mode now though they feel weak and overmatched.
Even your family may appear to be "minbodysnatched" (another of the 54 fr.) and that's the task at hand is to get them to see it. Do your best.
Excellent comment and insight JG. Let's consider "Mindbodysnatched" as it is one of the 54.
ReplyDeleteThe pod under the bed is a plant (green) and that itself is telling considering the age of the story from from Jack Finney's 1954 novel The Body Snatchers. This frequency you and I have addressed several times throughout COTO.
Remember my story about my meeting D. Sutherland? Well I offer the the family as deeply rooted in the NWO (actors guild) including K. Sutherland [24] They are Royal Canadian PsyOp family jewels. Mind controlled? Yes. Met them in Vermont, the mind control state. Pat Leahy is a major handler in MK-Ultra and secretly one of the most powerful in the DC sect of Holyrood east. Island Pond Vermont is a tiny town near the Canadian Border and has an entire coven of MK-Ultra handled by a corrupt Sheriff and covert players.
I have been moved to Denver, Houston, Vermont and Miami, Palm Beach for reasons. The Zeropoint in action has moved me in many ways. It's been an amazing life thus far full of the most impossible coincidences including meetings with insiders and outsider victims. This made me a victim and I was targeted heavily at two times during this including my wife as a key player admitted later. She is near death now and I cannot reach her any longer. They forced her back to Vermont for programming and drug therapy. They threatened her to comply under threats of her family and they made good on it.
I admit these things now because I know they know me. Alway have and always will. I used to be afraid and paranoid but I am no longer either.
I read Finneys books and Orwells books when I was growing up. As a pre-teen and teenager my mother got me a paperback subscription and I was totally into this Genre.
I point this to you and Wanda. Holyrood-Wellaware and Jack Finneys Time and Again which I read and you can download for free now.
I ask you to look at the simple wiki plot and notice Denver used a location as well as the NY Dakota Apartment Bldg. I ask you to remeber Hinckley Lennon event One. I ask you to readdress my postings on Revolution 9, the psyop Beatles and assassination of Paul McCartney, intro of Faux Paul and the Lennon project. I ask you to review Philadelphia Experiment, NAZI Bell project. Time Predators and Prject Bluebeam, canadian Serge Monast, his murder as well as the whole Con-Edison Tesla conspiracy.
Your wildest dreams are childs play in the reality of the Zeropoint. I hope to be wellstoned or Palfreyed soon to lend credence to the madness I know to be true.
Curious, isn't it. This from the news stream.
Newport City about 10 miles from Island Pond. MK trigger goes on MV rampage
China's Coastal Regions Gear up for Double Typhoons
Yesterday hit on Taiwan Phillipines antipodal to Peru earthquake 6.1 assault
Patrick, how did you get involved with all this in the first place? You said your wife was part of it? Is that how? and did you know when you first got together or did she confess to you later? I remember you saying she had a really bad drug habit..
ReplyDeleteWell look at that, Vermont :) All those smashed popo cars make me smile ..............
ReplyDeleteYou don't need to be Wellstoned ..dont' even say that !
ReplyDeleteThat book Time and Again sounds very similar to the Stephen King book I just read this past winter. I always liked King until I read in that very book's epilogue that he thinks Oswald acted alone. REALLY ? You, Stephen King thinks that? Apparently, his wife is less brainwashed since he says that she doesn't agree with him....i liked the book but not the whole Oswald plot. I like time travel sci fi. (?)
I'm not so sure he was an MK trigger of any sort. Rather, a Fed Up Non-Fan of the system, machine, and billy swingers. See there! Another term coined! There's the Feds, and now, a much larger group I'll refer to as the "Fed Ups".
ReplyDeleteSee, I once owned a particular piece of machinery that easily rode over the tops of cars, or could smash em, or pull them apart. Not what it was designed for, but, I did enjoy the experience of squishing a discarded car for a neighbor. Kinda fun and satisfying in a Big Toys for Boys way. Anyways, I don't see it taking much to flip folks switch these days, as they've been marginalized, robbed with no accountability, etc., blah, blah as you know.
So -- I rather see this as "payback" for too much pushing by The Man. I expect to see a lot more, and in 10,000 different ways. This was a mini-monster truck rally of "1" against The Man's inanimate machines. Wait till the Drone attacks commence sometime in the future. Wait till they do sign a document saying the 2nd Amendment is a piece of GD toilet paper! That's when the ropes, pitch forks, real guns, and real mad men "go hunting". I don't advocate it, but that's what is going to happen, and The Man is pushing this Agenda along steadily, spoiling for That Day. God Have Mercy On Us All!.
She was aided and abetted by corrupt police force and a black drug dealer protected by the police. She had the drug habit on her own. They just used her once they wanted to punish me. I got the bullet though my SUV and this dealer had the nerve to call me at work at a finance company and demand to speak to me regarding her debt. I said I was going to the cops and he laughed. At a later date an investigation popped the dirty cops and the dealer was on his own. I survived but left FL after that. I had all the documents and went to States Atty but he was covering up the scandal and deep into the F. Lee Bailey case and another one he was botching and it was election time if you get my drift. His name was Barry too :)
ReplyDeleteGot to outlaw those cars people. At least high performance. Restrictions on 3/4 ton and deisels. 3 day waiting period for delivery, etc.
ReplyDeleteI dread to see what double Typhoons means for eastern China. The Floods have ruined their crops inland and now their fishing will go to shit.
ReplyDeleteMiserable time for the people.
Hi all -
ReplyDeletePuddy - hate to be a bother, but could you post the links to those posts you reference relative to the psyop Beatles, assasination of Paul, faux-Paul, the Lennon project?
I couldn't seem to find them on site, but I did try :-)
Here's a link I received through the one mailing list about James Holmes and the Batman shooting:
Ill find them and send them. Give me a day or two to extract them Cin.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! If you need my e-mail it's