It is about Liberty Stripping Executives in suits, and their DOUBLESPEAK! This latest Imposter of a Chief Executive, a "Constitutional Scholar" {LOL!} has a difficult time even reading the teleprompted traitorous lines put before him by some Anti-American cabal:
It wasn't that long ago that Americans (any Individual for that matter) did not leave home without their rifle, pistol, best weapon owned. And the wife and kids at home were also armed and proficient at protecting themselves. Why's that? If you can't answer this, then will be one of the first of the "herd" to be "thinned".
Even though the Masses are asleep, dumbed down, whatever the reality and excuse, it is difficult to imagine they cannot grasp the hidden meaning behind the steady removal of their Constitutional Rights. AMERICANS ARE BEING MADE DEFENSELESS with illegal "laws" {scoff!} that stand alone naked and pitiful, in contrast and against the hard-won FREEDOMS that are literally Totems in America, standing as Pillars against Tyranny ever setting foot on this piece of land! Yet, here it comes sneaking and slithering along the ground.
These moves to categorize AMERICANS as TERRORISTS in their VERY OWN COUNTRY, to remove their Constitutional Rights by FIAT, and "hopefully" disarm them -- while the PTB WAR incessantly, and illegally around the world on innocent people in far off nations, deserves ALL AMERICANS MOST ACUTE CONSIDERATION! The Guv puts Drones in OUR AIR, along with the poisonous chemtrails, now puts troops on the ground IN THE USA, and seeks to remove each households only "defensive" weapons, outside of 17th century tools, deserves TO BE CHALLENGED AND REVOKED WITH JUNK YARD DOG VEHEMENCE!
Americans may be dumb and asleep for the most part, but disarming in the face of absolute chaos, gross criminality, no accountability above the "peasant level", lies, and violence in every direction -- is INSANE! This is not a matter of "trust". In government, in police, military, systems or services. It is a matter of personal responsibility and the inalienable RIGHT to protect what is yours from those who would take it...whether by the guile of the serpent, the violence of bandits, the insanity of the psychopath, the charm and lies of a banker or politician, or in any other vicious form of attack.
See and do read the comments...
Looks like Nimmo feels about the same way:
More Grist from the Grimy CFR: "CFR Globalists Say Don't Worry - "Your Guns Are In Safe Hands" by Brandon Smith"
Sleeping Stupid Folks like to intimate that there are no "conspiracies". COTO KNOWS CONS!
*** Due to recent strange events, tragedies, and future Outrages -- "Impartial Slaw" has been implemented by a member of the COTO CREW. This is a Mandatory Exercise to maintain sanity ***
While THEY are implementing CHANGE you Won't Believe Could Happen, you may want to recite the NEW IMPROVED (AND G-APPROVED) AMERIKAN "PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE". Gather your children, grannies and grandpa's around. SHOOT! Make it a damn BLOC PARTY to sell-i-brate...
Let's Try it, O.K.?! Recite after a meal, and before a bathroom break:
"I pledge allegiance to some gold fringed maritime meaning flag of the NEW & IMPROVED (ALL CAPS) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. One NWO masonic district, for which it stands, under a NEW GOD of Unknown Origin (not specified due to National Security "reasons"), with neither justice nor liberty for anyone except those sporting the ID chip, or issued uniform, or NWO credentials specified in the by-laws of the Secret Society you have sworn an oath to rather than the former Republic of Free Folks.
small print says -- current government employees are automatically "members" of the New Club of Consciousness and may just raise their straight right arm vertically in salutation to Their Employer's Goodness and Godlikeness. Iris scans, DNA swabbings, TSA "screenings", and NSA file reviews will occur randomly to substantiate "membership". {All Rights Reserved to G not U}.
You may find the following tidbits interesting, at least as a refresher to what we've been pledging all these years. Funny how it has "changed" into something else altogether unrecognizable from our youth? -- The modification in 1954 adding the words "Under GOD", is apologized for because, "hey, we must be politically correct" though spiritually defunct.
NEWSBREAK! Over at Prison Planet / InfoWars, threads are discussing various aspects of the Batman event, the upcoming probable signing by Obama of the UNConstitutional UNAmerican UNations gun-grabbing illegitimate legizlateshun, and the knee-jerk, survival-instinct warning light, go-get-um-gun-grabbing reaction of folks that "don't have em", or "need more of em" reflex response...
Interesting comments like the one below provide valuable insights into WHY citizens might want to have a "tool" handy to fix "problems" themselves; rather than hand their tools over to a potential Tyrannysaurus Rx.
"ScwewyWabbit says:
July 24, 2012 at 12:16 pm
Well, I’m not surprised that Holmes intended his attack and his failed apartment diversion at night. The police usually operate with a skeleton crew late nights in most aread. A friend of mine who is a park ranger in Austin, TX, told me about 20, 22 years ago, that Austin PD had the city divided into 4 zones late at night with only 4 officers on patrol. Likely, they have a bit more than 4 on duty now at night the way the city has grown.
My point is that when some n’er-do-well decides to make someone a victim, the police aren’t going to be there to protect anyone. This is going to be one time when God will help him who helps himself. Even if an officer is nearby and in a position to respond immediately, it could take a few minutes for the officer to drive over and to find the address in the dark, which is not always easy. There is a window of opportunity where the police can’t stop a perpetrator, and the situation is perpetrator vs. soon-to-be victim. It’s better to be prepared to defend oneself or one’s loved ones if necessary. Police response time can also be really slow on a Friday or Saturday night, especially if there has been a recent stabbing or shooting in the city, the way there are several here in the San Antonio area every weekend. (Tourists think we have a nice river and Alamo where they congregate, but they don’t realize that much of our area inside Loop 410 is made up of older homes that are large poverty areas infested with gangs, and loose, roving pit bulls after dark. Sorry, Chamber of Commerce. Not!)
I think people should be prepared to defend themselves and their property after dark, and I think most people should be consider chp. As it has been said many times, “An armed society is a polite society.”
{Editorial License permits the following insertion of visual cues for no apparent reason}
[caption id="attachment_19027" align="aligncenter" width="333"] Lobbyist[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_19028" align="aligncenter" width="333"] New Uniformed "Personality Threat" Seers[/caption]
ScwewyWabbit's comment continues...
A wise friend once told me to be prepared to defend myself in these situations, because the police aren’t there to. She said they won’t show up until after it is over to make notes for their reports and to look for someone to haul away if necessary. It’s good advice". END COMMENT of the ScwewyWabbit.
Some folks might f-f-find it f-f-f-fascinating that f-f-f-folks are just coming 'round to the realization that gun "crimes" usually last only seconds, rarely minutes. Military veterans will corroborate this reality. I'm referring to something akin to the Batman event. Maybe 90 seconds or less. Unless someone THERE possesses a firearm, its a Turkey Shoot. Fish-in-a-barrel. A public place, a dark alley, right out in the open, your house, name the place, pick your spot. The "Authorities" will be too late to the Event to do anything more than "investigate"...their specialty.
Witness the plethora of cool investigator shows that have been on TV -- Columbo, Dragnet, etc., up to today's forensic shows where the "victims" are d-d-d-dead. Its like you can't have a show these days unless there's been a murder(s). And THEN, "The Man" goes to work trying to figure it out. Get my drift?
[caption id="attachment_19029" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Chertoff & Napolitano in the "Rose Garden"[/caption]
If its "the authorities" themselves who are rogue, or working for a rogue agency, administration, Bad Guy, etc., then again -- YOU FOLKS are ON YOUR OWN!
I get it. It is OBVIOUS!
[caption id="attachment_19030" align="aligncenter" width="333"] Ticket Takers at the HLS sponsored New Guv "Ball"[/caption]
Thus, we have Americans getting startled into Action after a fatal event. Perhaps these folks will be able to prevent the next event in their area? We can only hope. And it won't be because The People turned in all their firearms to the "authorities" based upon UNConstitutional UN hopey dopey doo doo fear mongering illegizlation...
You can't fix stupid. But you can make sure it isn't You!
[caption id="attachment_19031" align="aligncenter" width="333"] The Borg is Waiting...4U[/caption]
Aye, Dusseldorf! Your flags are flying all over our Live Feed...You recognize the photos? I linked to em from a latest Dog Poet "adventure" in your country.
Your post reminds me of that old Simon and Garfunkel song "In My Little Town" where they sing "as I pledged allegiance to the wall" cause basically, that's what we did! I like the tiny little hand on that girls head.
Btw, I'm a former gun control advocate. I've done a 180 in the past few years due to the fascist nature of our "government." When the military disarms, then they can take the people's guns :)
ReplyDeleteI'll let Ice T speak for me :!
The dudes in chartreuese look really lame.
ReplyDeleteWe here at Korn-tech allways on the cutting edge of personal defence aparatus have all the answers for a post USA new world cess-pit self defence. Go out and buy an electric chain-saw and plug that sucker in next to the bed. If you want to make the attacker suffer more turn the blade around backwards so it just rubs and burns rather than a clean cut. If you are really paranoid and think the lights may go out get a re-chargeable circular saw and remove the guide plate and guards. This will also allow you to go out and patrol your A.O. armed. If a cop or NWO kill-bot asks you what you are doing just tell em you are a carpenter in search of material to "cut to size".
A better and more "spectrum dominant" personal defence goody is a large 500 lb. cap. sandblast generator with a one-quarter inch carbide orifice. The larger the sand the bigger the hurt. You will need at least a 50 CFM compressor to power this baby and a truck to transport it,but I pity the fool who is downrange when you open up with this shit. Lead shot may be used in place of sand but we dont want to violate any EPA guidelines now do we ? BB´s however are environmentally correct and will run very nicely through the unit.
A commercial Wheelabrator unit may be converted into a very nice anti-personnel scatter-gun. It will move any projectile at speeds rivaling that of a 22 magnum cartridge but will launch thousands per second.
For more advanced aparatus contact Korn-tech via encrypted UHF radio.
Many are the restrictions,millions are the alternatives.
Never have justice on stolen land, OUCH that bites U.S. and special relationshippers.
ReplyDeletelol... wow... you're starting to scare me korny.. you sound a bit like a deranged serial killer !!
ReplyDeleteMy luck I'd trip over that chain saw and cut my own leg off getting out of bed in the morning.
Thanks for your comments JG, especially the Ice-T "reality rationale" vid. Yeah, the ole "pledges" don't have much meaning in the New World Disorder, do they. Bush the junior wiped his butt with OUR Constitution and flushed it in the D.C. toilet. The latest resident, supposedly a Constitutional "Scholar" apparently didn't learn anything but subversion techniques and bar tunes sung with a lisp like, "Gimme Three t'Reasons and I'll Take What I Get".
ReplyDeleteKornDog! You're kracking me up cannon man. You've Obviously gotten creative in the ole shop a few times. Luv It! Good to know a cutting-edge kraftsman with kreative ideas for sending shit flying in the opposite direction.
By the way, my 12 yr. old likes the chartreuse get-ups. Its a school thing 'round here.
Glad y'all picked up on the lighter tone and contributed, 'cause the darkside has gotten really dark lately. Cheers!
Tasty commentary Master Boomer.
ReplyDeleteThe logistics of scooping up all the weaponry in this country is formidable, especially if word gets out that it is happening anywhere.
They knock out communications and the first thing armed folks will do is get paranoid and lock and load.
This is the problem the so-called 'government' has faced for the last 70 gun fearing years of the criminal cabal. So they don't "ban guns" they divide people amongst themselves and let them kill each other.
Notice, every time the gun control bozos crank up their bullhorn, people rush out and buy more guns and ammo - you think this isn't part of the planning?
Project Bluebone, the anal stretch machine coming soon to a block near you.
"Walk pidgin-toed and carry a big banana."~Teddy RuseForFelt
I put 2 links at the end of the comments section of JG's thread B4 this one. Important info for folks to be considering at this shaky time.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking the herd will mass up with horns outward, as we see in nature. The wolves are going to have a difficult time keeping their costume on, when the SHTF, and people "wake up" rather quickly. The current administration point people lie with such impunity, and their actions are so inconsistent with ingrained American principles, that the masses will have to work incredibly hard to remain blind, deaf, dumb, and mute in the face of Constitution Crunching Acts of Treason for weak & wobbly BS reasons...
ok sit down and NO laughing..
ReplyDeletethey Banned...
Slingshots in Aus years ago, ditto air rifles,
and they ARE taslking about ALL bows to be banned as well lately.
must buy mine soon.
You're kidding, Right? All the people and native aussies just handed over their survival "tools"? What's it like in the cities, and what's it like in the Bush?
ReplyDeleteYou must have one peaceful and pacified nation, aye?
By the way, its rather difficult to laugh at such an outrageous concept and reality as you've presented.
By the way, what do gangs and criminals use for their capers? Bullhorns and mean language?
Ramifications of the Fraud perpetrated on Americans:
ReplyDelete"Kuhner: Arpaio probe could dwarf Watergate"
Its quite interesting to consider that a vast segment of the world's population, and particularly in America, are living under blatant rapacious fraud. This means that The People are NOT bound by the diktats of fraudulent perpetraitors. The only power they have is that which is conceded to them! Just say "NO!". Then back it up.
u r a Tourorist king korn! evil bane type. post apocalyptic road warrior. tractorman, lawnmower man, warrior. my liege!
ReplyDeleteI have said the the crew that AUS has seen the most draconian shift as has Britiain. It's real folks. dead we are, just going though the throes.
ReplyDeleteDo I end this all for the world to see (In waves, In waves)
DO I take everybody else down (Every body else down) Everybody else down with me
I know that death approaches fast (In waves, In waves)
What's the purpose if this life won't last (what's the purpose)
Pulling everyonre down with me
TRIVIUM (the messengers)
"The global arms trade is estimated to be worth between $60bn and $70bn (£40-50bn) per year.
ReplyDeleteThe US and Russia - among the world's largest exporters of weapons - as well as China, have reservations about an international deal".
Do note that the USA is one of the largest "Exporters" of weapons and munitions in the world. Couple that with their involvement and offensive actions world-wide. Ironic that they want to disarm their own population, aye?