~Brought to you courtesy of the Illuminati and Mickey D's.
Yes, this year's Olympics is what sci fi films are made of. Let's start with that stadium design pictured above. Look at the pyramids that encircle the top of the structure. Note the "all seeing eye" lit up at the top of the pyramids. Made in grand Illuminati style. For those that don't know what that symbolizes click here.
Now let's move on to the official logo and mascots.
The numbers 2012 appear to spell out the word Zion. hmmm..how odd, what's that about? Know what else is strange about that logo? Apparently, a little animated ad was made containing the jagged image which triggered seizures in people with epilepsy.
Next up, is the mysterious card from the Steve Jackson Illuminati Game that seems to portend a disaster taking place at the Olympics. The colors of the figures clothing are said to represent the colors of the Olympic Rings. It depicts explosions and Big Ben falling over. The time on BB either says 5 mins to 3 or 11:11. Honestly, it may be my poor eyesight but I'm having a hard time deciphering which. I'll leave that up to you. We do know 11:11 is very significant in numerology and the Illuminati play by the numbers. Also, when you take the time of 2:55 and add those numbers together, as you do in numerology, you get 2+5=7 7+5=12 1+2=3 which when added to the time 3 o'clock gives you the number 33. Also very symbolic to the Illuminati.
We've just scratched the surface of this Orwellian event. It appears that fascism and draconian measures are all the rage in jolly old London town for this summer's Olympics. For instance, did you know that there is a "copyright" on certain common words ? That retailers that aren't multi national corporate sponsors that dare use such words or any symbol relating to the Olympics can come under punishment by law? That little mom and pop restaurants can't even sell chips (fries) as in: Only McDonald's can sell fries unless they are accompanied by fish. (as in fish and chips). You can buy a Coke in London but not a Pepsi, a Heineken but not a Coors. Little floral shops aren't permitted to make arrangements in the image of the Olympic rings. Small retailers can't sell Tshirts with Olympic images.... and on and on the corporate/fascist madness goes...
'Britain is at the start of an experiment in the criminalisation of everyday speech; a locking down of the English language, with punishments for those who use it too freely.
In passing the London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Act of 2006, the Blair Government granted the organisers remarkable concessions. Most glaringly, the Act is bespoke legislation that breaks the principle of equality before the law.
For it has given privileges to the Olympics and its sponsors and to them alone. The Games’ organisers can protect the Olympic trademarks, as any other organisation can protect theirs, but they can also control the use of words any business or shop, for example, may or may not associate with the Games. Along with bans on the use of the Olympic name, rings, motto and logo, the organisers have appropriated ordinary language.
At the organisers’ behest, the Government told the courts they may wish to take particular account of anyone using two or more words from what it calls List A: ‘Games’; ‘Two Thousand and Twelve’; ‘2012’; and ‘twenty twelve’.
And the judges must also come down hard on anyone, even a charity, who takes a word from List A and joins it with one or more words from what is List B: ‘Gold’; ‘Silver’; ‘Bronze’; ‘London’; ‘medals’; ‘sponsors’; and ‘summer’. Common nouns are now private property.
The London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games does not stop there. To cover all eventualities, it warns everyone in Britain against creating an ‘unlawful association’ with the Games, which can be done without even mentioning the forbidden words!
Even the London skyline, believe it or not, is out of bounds if it is combined with, for example, an image of a runner carrying a torch."
Read more here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2173335/London-2012-Welcome-Censorship-Olympics.html#ixzz20e6uK59Z
And now we get down to the prepping for the next big terrorist(false flag?) event.
Yea, you read it right. Rooftop surface to air missiles. So where the hell are they positioning those rooftop missiles? Why, on the rooftops of public housing buildings, of course! Buildings that house families with small children. Now that's got to make an Englishman feel safe and secure in his own home, yea? No, not at all. They are not happy about it.
They took their case to court and........ lost. No bloody surprise there, mate. Not enough of us stood up in support of their cause. People in the U.S. didn't even know there WAS a fight.
It's hard to beat a global cabal that's existed for centuries without lots of backup. We have no choice but to keep on fighting the good fight individually, and in small groups, a battle at a time, as we are confronted with them. But if we ALL stand up together united, we form a huge opposing force to be reckoned with. I think that's one battle the Illuminati prays to Lucifer that they are never faced with. I'm starting by boycotting their Olympics and all it's sponsors. Care to join me?
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmUD9Jhfh_U&w=560&h=315]
Wow, the absurd proportions this London Olympics has going is beyond sci fi and off into Becket's 'End Game' - Theater of the Absurd.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the detailed description on how utterly mad it has become Deb.
What an amazing time to live in...and hope to live through. Aye?
Hope you don't mind Jayjee - I don't have Patrick's email in my list anymore...
ReplyDeleteSo I thought I would put this, that I asked you about posting here. Maybe Patrick could get this posted on COTO as I can't do it, nor can you:
A Hypothetical Blasting Scenario~Jim Hoffman - Version 1.2, April 9, 2009
This really works as a feasible scenario - although it is from all the way back in '09, I had never seen it before.
And did those feet in ancient time.
ReplyDeleteWalk upon Englands mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On Englands pleasant pastures seen!
And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?
Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In Englands green & pleasant Land
...I do believe this is their big coming out party....Interesting times indeed....
ReplyDeleteReblogged this on Johnsono ne'Blog'as and commented:
ReplyDeleteSiūlau pažiūrėti. Gera informacija.
ReplyDeleteSure is mad Will. I'm mad as hell too. People think of the Olympics as a chance for young, bright eyed athletes to compete with others across the world. The athletes themselves think it's all about that too. Unfortunately, as illustrated in this post, that's not the purpose at all.
ReplyDelete"I do believe this is their big coming out party"
ReplyDeleteSo do I ewo, so do I. It's the Illuminati's celebration of their accomplishments.
haha .. cute little greeting card (mad world?) version of the Police which is quite fitting actually since it's fake and the whole premise of the Olympics is fake. Here's a live one with Sting (at his cutest) with relevant words and point I think you were trying to make. (there is no political solution...have no faith in constitution, no bloody revolution) Btw, how'd you get those 010101010's to cross the page like that? Or is that just a glitch in the matrix?
No problem Will but I thought I sent you that email a while back, no? I'll resend so that you have it.
ReplyDeleteI havent ever bothered to watch an olympic event, did see a bit of the Russian one due to working in a place with TV on all day.
ReplyDeleteseen the clusterfuck with the G4s security?
NONsecure more like it,
then today i read the airports hired new staff for the rush, except a one day training instead of six weeks means theyve been letting" persons of ill intent" in without grabbing em.
seven years to get it sooo badly wrong:-)
its a bigger shitfight than india etc were.
the raveup re expected terrorist attack?
I think its a non event, they are ruining it without help..
however its also a real good attention getter DIVERSION for a real attack elsewhere.
or a takeover try in Syria etc.
the fact a huge amount of military and police are now dragged in to be gate keepers for this fiasco?
and then of course..theres the never ending rain. see the kayaking car park had kayaks swishing past the bogged and flooded cars:-)
anyone read the Tom Clancy re an attempt to use bioweapons in a fictional aussie olympics?
ReplyDeletesee they are also pushing measles vax for incoming fools.
gee a whole 17 outbreaks they say came from american european travel last yr.
222 people all up. not one serious problem..
far better for immunity to the paramyxo henipah threat to have had real measles.
Oz, who knows what their real agenda is? We just know, they have one. Guess we'll have to wait and see what it is.
ReplyDeleteI personally hate the Olympics and always have :)
My new gmail has only 7 entries of contacts in a small box to the left - gone is the total listing it used to carry of every address dealt with...???? It was called an "upgrade"...{grin}...it has a "New Look"....hohoho...but it doesn't work for shit...hehehe...and loads like swimming in cold molasses...hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou know how google is - so "people friendly"--boolcheet.
No Oz, never read the tom clancy book but a bio attack wouldn't shock me. As for measles, I had em as a kid along with mumps and chicken pox and survived em all and developed my own immunity to them forever. Unlike vaccines which firstly compromise your immune system and make it more likely you won't ward off infections in the future. Vaccinations are for dummies that don't know what's in them.
ReplyDeleteYea fuck the machine.... and fuck that guy that rode in on that lawn mowing machine too! WHat is there to mow when the "grass" which is now hay is flat, brown and crunchy? Well at least it sounds like he isn't wasting water by "sprinkling it" to make it green :)
ReplyDeleteWell, this is interesting. Evidently this Drake dude and some DLady were calling for arrests of "the bad guys", and descending on Bohemian Grove for the same purpose and their radio show got nixed off the air. Rabble Rousing has Commenced! Pitchforks at the ready? Sounds like "the Machine" has been pegged to be perforated...
ReplyDeleteI posted the article Willie
Interresting.. Just today I was commenting with Cindy Sheehan on facebook about BH. She was there protesting too. And yea, they should storm the place and drag those pervs out kickin and screamin'!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post Deb. It is absolutely resolute, the need for understanding EMR, the spectrum, power of not only the visible but the unseen forces to which world government has succumbed.
ReplyDeleteFremo's patents are the tip of the ICEBERG and you have seen nearly one hundred I have posted. We are and have been under assault from these WMD for longet than anyone would ever imagine.
Those who reject it now are doomed. Those who accept it now must look back in past frequencies to understand the where, how and why of these energetics and forces. They make your world, your reality and effect internal and external spacetime events for you while others are not even in the same scalars. Thus the sheeple are as advertized. completely unable to see, feel or understand.
I have posted many comments and inferences to the dipole effect, scalar power and the underestimated magnetic weaponry used speciifically for human social engineering. If you discount the ZION emblem causing epileptic events, then you could never go to the deeper understanding of the science that was in their hands many years ago.
The events they have in store, whether bio, state created terror, Electro-pulse or Atomic based EMP is a cover or deflection for the magnetic event that has been the source of their propaganda (earth shift) solar phenomenon and new age, ufo crap.
The pyramids of Giza, other specific coordinates, receivers, all work with the sources of the Arctic and Antarctic. Egyptian, Mayan, Druid, Roman, Reich, to the NWO generation.
How Resolute?
Deeper clues - simplified courtesy of wikipedia
from here you can go back to Leif Erikson and foward to Admiral Byrd and Nazi Germany New Schwabenland. Olympic games are just the open clues to world dominance and trust me when I say the US - EU medal count will be very low.
The Energy shift is our drain and their gain. The balance of power is gone. Best all learn very fast how to conserve it and then use it at the right time when time itself will differ for each one of us.
I certainly don't discount the zion logo and it's seizure causing ability. That was by design. The same as the flicker rate on a tv is set to a certain frequency to draw us in, in an attempt to control our brainwaves. The cell phones and towers, smart meters and wifi everywhere is screwing with our nervous systems and brain patterns. Of course they are. Add in the chemtrails, radiation and fluoride and you've got one helluva toxic, damaging cocktail. And we wonder why everyone is having headaches and stomach problems? I sure don't.
ReplyDeleteSeeing how they are running this Olympics..how they are so blatantly displaying their "symbols" and flexing their totalitarian muscles without a worry that anyone would dare try to stop them is disturbing. Even I didn't expect THIS kind of nazi show of force at the games. Should be interesting.
David Icke is having that gathering of thousands at Wembley Arena to help negate that power you were speaking of. I wish I could be there. I really like David Icke and his message. However, being who I am, a tiny nagging part of me wonders what it's really about..........
The pyramids surrounding the stadium aren't just there for decoration, that's for damn sure. Watch.. like so many other dates and events that have come and gone without anything happening, this too shall pass without a cataclysmic event. It's afterwards I'm thinking about.
Look at This -- Mexicans are smarter than Americans.
They also don't take BS lying down or sitting in front of the TV. Their allegations rhyme quite nicely with those attached to the U.S. 70 years of a 'circus'? Sounds familiar.
The ramping up of the UN Small Arms treaty has been escalated. I have posted several CCRBKA alerts . The brazeness which is the Fast & Furious affair is nothing to the media reminder that Mittens or Barry are ready to skirt congressional process over the UN Law. It's usurping the current laws at every turn now.
ReplyDeleteI find the EMR and anxiety level on the same graph when ever it's a major new move by the Chicago crime syndicate. We never really recouped from NAFTA and the Arkansas crime family and the box gang bush's. I hope the Arpaio July 17th offers a wake up call to the tragedy of another election. I think intervention is in order and that will only slow them down.
Sure does. I'm old and know the kissinger years. The FOIA has given us some softer version of his war crimes but the election fraud and assassination trail is as long as the Amazon River.
ReplyDeleteAnother framed election there and the incumbent is a drug czar. The Mexican people have better math skills, that's not debatable. There's some magic in that Aztec and Mayan blood.
London 2012 Olympics: Rapier missile defences 'designed to reassure'
Have you ever heard a bigger lod of crap. Please who buys this bullshit? Show what you got? Something the lords of london know well. It usually involves a zipper and a child.
Put them near the venues for pat-down and scanning.
Some clear-as-day pics of the Olympic Stadium design (by intent mind you)
From this link: http://humansarefree.com/2012/07/is-olympic-star-lolo-jones-sacrificial.html
This linked to from: http://beforeitsnews.com/story/2389/414/Why_Is_UK_Preparing_For_War,_Instead_Of_The_Olympics.html
More on the stadium:
There's a plethora of related youboob videos on the right side of the screen also about this subject...
Part 1 -- Notice the "g0d" in the youboob code below:
Part 2 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL32AAF3AFDABFD3D5&annotation_id=annotation_217567&v=C-ux_b8xyYk&feature=iv&index=2&src_vid=g0dwMZ6kZjs
There are lots more on this subject if you look.
"Don't Be...THERE!"
5GW video. Great video and it shows the extent of holyrood mind control. Her 29 status makes her most definitely a target for sacrifice. Amazingly consistent with what has become so predictable.
ReplyDeleteG4S security is incompetence for black swan in a model similar to 911.
It focuses on 4th level stagings and models while Beta Testing the 5GW programs and science. The damage of the event again will pale in comparison to the force and data acquired during this sophisticated event.
The silent weapons of the Quiet War Operations Research Technical Manual TW-SW7905.1 wraps the MK, EMR taco into a nice historical fold. I expect IBM and Boeing were quite shocked to have let the cat out of the bag by simple omission of an optical scanner.
Recall Rumsfeld announcing the $3T missing funds from the Pentagon on 9/10, then kablooey on 9/11 takes precedence, and that $3T is overshadowed and forgotten?...
ReplyDeleteDo consider this LIBOR scandal being uncovered and having the light shown upon the Banksters & accomplices -- Originating in the City of London. 9/11 was a multi-pronged op, with profit$ for those in-the-know built in and planned for, as well as the disintegration of Law firm in the towers investigating gross financial crimes, plus the wing of the Pentagon hit, plus the Agency files, etc. in WT7...
Would this possible Olympic FF also erase evidence and cause a much needed distraction, as well as accomplishing the other NWO agendas? You can bet on it.
LIBOR scandal news is surfacing everywhere on the financial writer websites and blogs. Its a BIG DEAL! One source is http://www.zerohedge.com/
Zion Vid #2 - There again as in thousands of EVAN images and time sequences we have seen the rainbow, a simple yet serious exploitation of the bluebeam projects. I just loathe the constant emphasis on it and the continual sheeple passing it over for 3g bullshit!
ReplyDeleteThe "fire-wall" that exists between the masses and the real reality awakening may as well not exist at this point because it is apparently obvious in the segment at 7:22 is another clear indication of the torching of our reality. The red ring, the final ring was strategically the 5GW closing of the event 2012 as I discussed from the XXX Olympiad in my prediction piece. It was especially poignant to merge the spectrum into the red vector.
Munich and the Federal Reserve of XX + X closes the final end game. I have nothing left in the tank to say after the final EVAN entry.
You are on target, imo Boomer but I offered a clue to Wanda's comment that it is a memory issue. What I posted in the Time Predator piece is the factor that gets by.
ReplyDeleteThe LIBOR is just FIAT, FED, CURRENCY, ENERGY from day one. That frequency has not deviated one iota. When it all goes away it will be from the same phenomenon that made you lose the memory of your own birth.
Do the linguistics and acronyms of LIBOR and LABOR fly over the sheeple heads in zephyrs from zion? Yes I think they do.
"until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law" not one jot.
What is the law? read more........
Certainly, just one frequency as you call them. Many, many others are broadcasting. Who shall receive them, and hence interpret them, to change the Energy into malleable functional form?
ReplyDeleteWhat are you saying with the 10 Commandments Law? I'm familiar with its eternal status. What do you mean by alluding to it, as the frequencies are played out?
Since we're breaking this thing down, as it comes into the light, I'd like to remind folks that "then next FF" will differ from those before, but also, will bear similarities and "trademarks" of the perpetraitors.
ReplyDeleteAs with 9/11, "the stage" was bristling with Trillion dollar defense systems, redundant and overlapping in many instances, no room for error or penetration, if you will.
Thus, the inane intelligence insulting story/meme of 19 Arabs with boxcutters successfully breaching said defense systems (which Americans count on for national security, the hi-tech stuff to brag upon) with Cessna lessons and Walmart priced boxcutters, is so ridiculous as to be disconcerting for the masses.
Yet, what COTO knows, and many others now know, the 9/11 FF was a classic "insider" job, replete with much lipstick, diversions, massive propaganda and mind control, etc. Once, commencing, everybody was rubbernecking and "looking at the sky" for the next incoming. As a pre-set and pre-wired demolition, everything was already "built into the exploding cake" by the real conspiracy nuts. So, from looking to "the sky", to being directed to "look to bin Laden and Afghanistan, and then look to Iraq", the magicians sleight of hand worked quite well upon the gallery of the masses. A "trick" indeed, with many rabbits pulled out of the hat.
My point here, is that London and the U.K. are bristling with all kinds of gear pointing at "the Sky" again. Looking everywhere except "inside". "Within" is where the strike will emanate, according to the analysis of the videos above. They can't say, "Gee, we never saw it coming from "underneath". Already, all the forces are pointing "outward", looking for those A-Rabb terrorists, or maybe some home-grown football fans who're gonna get "lucky" with some fertilizer or something. Get all the eyeballs looking in the opposite direction is the ruse and MO.
As many London-based flags that keep floating through the Live Traffic Feed, the James Bond types ought to get busy looking "underneath" London to prevent a FF.
Should this thing come off { and I hope it is busted wide open and stopped } the "story" and who to blame for the FF will probably be as idiotic as was the tripe circulated regarding 9/11.
More the laws of energy. Crafted by the creator. Written and directed by the universal constant and physics for a better word.
ReplyDeleteI suspect the FF's will not be isolated to London and may be at the historical prime meridians:
Graticule Intersection at 5' intervals
Washington, D.C. (77° 3′ 2.3” W)
Philadelphia (75° 10′ 12” W)
Rio de Janeiro (43° 10′ 19” W)
El Hierro (Ferro), Canary Islands (18° 03′ W)
Paris (2° 20′ 14.025” E),
Rome (12° 27′ 08.4” E), meridian of Monte Mario
Alexandria (29° 53′ E)
If the happenings in Brazil, London, Egypt, France. Penn State Canary Islands dont ring a bell then lets see what comes from the Vatican.
The Vatic Master offers his treatment on the Chinese commercial, and other premonitions -- http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2012/07/china-joins-scam-olympics-false-flag.html
ReplyDeleteMy time has been spent on the coordinates. We cannot assume the Olympics London are not the safe zone and multiple events will be elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteWe have been assaulted (in vivo - ex vivo) and under the grand petrie dish in vitro. Mass extinction has been performed systematically in demographic fairly evenly throughout time.
Now the option to take out specific genetic stata is in their power. Geographical ENMOD and biological BIOMOD pre and post natal are where the threats will come in my logic.
I think the hype is hype and if the XXX triple cross is in effect for XXX Olympiad, the games end with the bio-assault and spread of the superbug to all points geometrically.
In the year of the torch, the viruses are the wilfires and the world burns to save itself. I get a chill thinking about it and Contagion wins the TRIAD over the bomb, EMP or Cosmic Geo Event. The Psychopaths have only scratched the surface of real terror in an assortment of small beta-tests.
The 0 Olympiad in Athens in 1986 brought several events but this one stands out.
/_\ - ΔF = α ln(C/C0)
Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius quantifies carbon dioxide's role in warming the Earth.
From there it began and here and now it will end. Again I speak in EVAN and reality as we know it.
hmmm...you raise relevant points. They complicate the scenario much. But must be considered. May not be possible to defend the indefensible. That works both ways of course.
ReplyDeleteInteresting 'border patrol' stopping traffic in central New Hampshire on the highway this past Sunday. I took pictures and pissed them off :) Gotta do, what you gotta do! hahaha Looked like a nazi post complete with flashing lights, building, tent set up & a half dozen 'border police'. What the hell? Border is 100 miles NORTH!
ReplyDeleteits really absurd guys!!!