what we need is a re-education. This is so way over the top its unbelievable. The doc is at the Army site ,FM 3-39.40
Internment-relocation.The thing behind the curtain is now unveiled,and it is putrid and grotesque. It grieves Me to have to distribute this doc,but maybe this will shake up the sheeple.
Yup! This is another 2x4 whupping the sheeple between the eyes, but they may just keep on denying everything that doesn't pop out of their main street media toaster.
There comes a point where ignorance isn't bliss anymore. That's when reality alters an individual's circumstances beyond their limited and protected imagination. That point comes to the ignorant when it is Too Late. Reality is a bitch, aye?
Thanks for posting this Korntech black & white reality check.
Warnings, Sirens, Smoke & Fire, are everywhere. The wise will at least attempt to prepare, on the premise that doing what you can is better than doing nothing at all.
The MSM addicts and true believers in fictions and delusions will have Hell to pay...
Problem is, if it isn't on Oprah, it'll never hit mainstream the corpora/psycho's have the game well fixed. Maybe flouride has another function. It facilitates your your brains to migrate to the nether regions you sit on while one is watching that crap. Haven't watched the hypno box in a long time, can't remember if they had X LAX commercials on or not
So Charlie Daniels is on AJ talking about his film “Behold A Pale Horse” an obvious CIA move to coverup the real book by Bill Cooper.
Charlie and Alex are talkin MIAC report, the MO CIA cointel on the Militia movemnent. Alex says to Charlie that the Goons have been instructed that returning veterans are the top of the lone wolf terror homegrown virus. Charlie says that Americans are not stupid.
How wrong can they be?
Psyop, Psywar is now called Military Information Services [MIS] which is sectional to MI6 Mother ship City of London and all branch offices.
Like Veritable, best to avoid plasma brainwashing but best you review digital psyops so that you know the mindset [MK] of your neighbors psychological entrainment.
All the information has a timestamp on the greater NASA clock and chronology. The pace of things has become too great for the masses to discern truth from MIS.
Yeow! I'm not quite sure what the implications would be of an Agenda aimed at demonizing and targeting Veterans. There's a "brilliant" factor to it, with some of the splintering it would create, and strategically useful to "them" the khazars. But, there are also many problems associated with waging war against trained warriors, should they mobilize strategically against the khazar high value targets and instigators.
Who wins the allegiance of former "cannon fodder", and wields this two-edged sword is key. Whatever the case, much collateral damage will result. Also, the foreign forces, blue helmets, alphabet soup agency operators would be sure to be thinned by angry Vets with a vengeful revenge streak. Or so it seems likely...
Silly people them, training all those warriors. Especially to piss them off enough to get them thinking, heaven forbid that they start thinking that they've been getting reamed where the sun don't shine. I read something just recently that they want to start indoctrinating Russian troops in the US to familiarize them with the urban landscape should the US troops turn against them. Thing that doesn't jibe with me is with Medvedev sword rattling a preemtive strike against the US missile sites being prepared in Eastern Europe. What's with that, best I can figure is the B.S. is flying thick.
Think about this a minute.....they have mandatory vaccines for veterans, maybe just a little extra something for our soldiers to put them under the weather, per se. I was reading somewhere ? about germs, bacterias, viruses etc stored all over the world, even @ Fukishima......and poof, they can't locate the 'cooties' now.
Crummy paradigm We exist in. Fukishima got away from them. Japan's a goner, just a matter of time. That's the beginning, going to be a lot of sick people on the planet being turned further into cesspool by damaged people that missed out in the soul department. An apt description of psychopathy. Funny they're classed in the one % of the population also.
They say the radiation has made it all the way to the VT milk, that's next door to me. I gave up milk, but my grass fed cows won't be safe either. It IS just a matter of time. Depopulation has begun, change you can believe in, eh?
With better stewardship of the planet, populations would stabilize. Their solution just keeps this world a mean grubby place and humanity in an evolutionary stasis of stunted development. Don't know about you but this all reminds me of "Back To The Future 2 with a closed Cabal of Biffs running the show top down. Nature will eventually come back as the balance is reached but differently one way or the other. Hope we don't become another Atlantis Fable.
When you look at the demographics and terra, you should question depop as the largest agenda of 22 and the biggest fraud to date. Simple math indicates the entire population of the planet can sit on thier own plot .38 acre on the island continent of Australia
~or in Florida everyone in the world could stand in a 2 sq. ft. area.
Control Control Control - How many can they control? I guess the number is 800m - 1.4b
There is an estimated 100m military (active, reserve para) personnel worldwide. Enough to handle a few billion sheeple me thinks.
The plan for internment and relocation is no different than what cities did to perpetuate this scam. If we all spread out and went back to warlords we'd be better off. Instead it's snake pliskin in escape from new york.
Part of the wetlands project - ECLEI - Agenda 21 is the creation of slums on top of the worst toxic dump locations. That's how you really operate a soft kill eugenics program. Japan, being a perfect example of this model. I expect they will be watching very intently on the next few years there.
With all the archaeological finds that have recently been discovered and realized. Stuff like the Bosnian pyramids that have in some accounts been carbon dated back 35,000 years, no doubt, we keep doing the same blunders over and over again. Could be, the next crowd that crawls out of the cave to do the civilization thing will be more naked than us. Wonder what the babes'll look like
HOLY CRAP Boomer........this reads like another NWO. I gotta find my shit boots, cause the plots getting deeper daily. The elites got their backs covered on all fronts. I better get my garden planted so they can come steal my food!
WTO -WOT from BCBS. Not bluecrossblueshield but BushClintonBushSoetoro.
NAU-SPP tagged for UN faceless master. It's easy to see that MSDarlene and my garden will get us terminated while the drug cartels runnng through the I-45 Corridor are taking out dissidents whistleblowers and competitors "out" in clips of 22-33 at a time.
The most dangerous job in the world is free media journalism.
U.S. government international broadcasting was consolidated even further when President Clinton signed the International Broadcasting Act (Public Law 103-236) on April 30, 1994. The legislation established the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) within the U.S. Information Agency (USIA), and created a Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) with oversight authority over all non-military U.S. government international broadcasting.
If I ignore it...will it go away?
ReplyDeleteYup! This is another 2x4 whupping the sheeple between the eyes, but they may just keep on denying everything that doesn't pop out of their main street media toaster.
There comes a point where ignorance isn't bliss anymore. That's when reality alters an individual's circumstances beyond their limited and protected imagination. That point comes to the ignorant when it is Too Late. Reality is a bitch, aye?
Thanks for posting this Korntech black & white reality check.
Warnings, Sirens, Smoke & Fire, are everywhere. The wise will at least attempt to prepare, on the premise that doing what you can is better than doing nothing at all.
The MSM addicts and true believers in fictions and delusions will have Hell to pay...
Can't say this website, and it's patrons have not sounded off.
Problem is, if it isn't on Oprah, it'll never hit mainstream the corpora/psycho's have the game well fixed. Maybe flouride has another function. It facilitates your your brains to migrate to the nether regions you sit on while one is watching that crap. Haven't watched the hypno box in a long time, can't remember if they had X LAX commercials on or not
ReplyDeleteSo Charlie Daniels is on AJ talking about his film “Behold A Pale Horse” an obvious CIA move to coverup the real book by Bill Cooper.
ReplyDeleteCharlie and Alex are talkin MIAC report, the MO CIA cointel on the Militia movemnent. Alex says to Charlie that the Goons have been instructed that returning veterans are the top of the lone wolf terror homegrown virus. Charlie says that Americans are not stupid.
How wrong can they be?
Psyop, Psywar is now called Military Information Services [MIS] which is sectional to MI6 Mother ship City of London and all branch offices.
Like Veritable, best to avoid plasma brainwashing but best you review digital psyops so that you know the mindset [MK] of your neighbors psychological entrainment.
All the information has a timestamp on the greater NASA clock and chronology. The pace of things has become too great for the masses to discern truth from MIS.
Yeow! I'm not quite sure what the implications would be of an Agenda aimed at demonizing and targeting Veterans. There's a "brilliant" factor to it, with some of the splintering it would create, and strategically useful to "them" the khazars. But, there are also many problems associated with waging war against trained warriors, should they mobilize strategically against the khazar high value targets and instigators.
ReplyDeleteWho wins the allegiance of former "cannon fodder", and wields this two-edged sword is key. Whatever the case, much collateral damage will result. Also, the foreign forces, blue helmets, alphabet soup agency operators would be sure to be thinned by angry Vets with a vengeful revenge streak. Or so it seems likely...
Silly people them, training all those warriors. Especially to piss them off enough to get them thinking, heaven forbid that they start thinking that they've been getting reamed where the sun don't shine. I read something just recently that they want to start indoctrinating Russian troops in the US to familiarize them with the urban landscape should the US troops turn against them. Thing that doesn't jibe with me is with Medvedev sword rattling a preemtive strike against the US missile sites being prepared in Eastern Europe. What's with that, best I can figure is the B.S. is flying thick.
ReplyDeleteYeah, its like they are here and cool with us and simultaneously they gonna bomb us ? Somethin rotten in Denmark.
ReplyDeleteThink about this a minute.....they have mandatory vaccines for veterans, maybe just a little extra something for our soldiers to put them under the weather, per se. I was reading somewhere ? about germs, bacterias, viruses etc stored all over the world, even @ Fukishima......and poof, they can't locate the 'cooties' now.
ReplyDeleteCrummy paradigm We exist in. Fukishima got away from them. Japan's a goner, just a matter of time. That's the beginning, going to be a lot of sick people on the planet being turned further into cesspool by damaged people that missed out in the soul department. An apt description of psychopathy. Funny they're classed in the one % of the population also.
ReplyDeleteThey say the radiation has made it all the way to the VT milk, that's next door to me. I gave up milk, but my grass fed cows won't be safe either. It IS just a matter of time. Depopulation has begun, change you can believe in, eh?
ReplyDeleteWith better stewardship of the planet, populations would stabilize. Their solution just keeps this world a mean grubby place and humanity in an evolutionary stasis of stunted development. Don't know about you but this all reminds me of "Back To The Future 2 with a closed Cabal of Biffs running the show top down.
ReplyDeleteNature will eventually come back as the balance is reached but differently one way or the other. Hope we don't become another Atlantis Fable.
"Hope we don’t become another Atlantis Fable."~Veri
ReplyDeletePerhaps we ARE the Atlantis Fable - the grand premonition.
When you look at the demographics and terra, you should question depop as the largest agenda of 22 and the biggest fraud to date. Simple math indicates the entire population of the planet can sit on thier own plot .38 acre on the island continent of Australia
ReplyDelete~or in Florida everyone in the world could stand in a 2 sq. ft. area.
Control Control Control - How many can they control? I guess the number is 800m - 1.4b
There is an estimated 100m military (active, reserve para) personnel worldwide. Enough to handle a few billion sheeple me thinks.
The plan for internment and relocation is no different than what cities did to perpetuate this scam. If we all spread out and went back to warlords we'd be better off. Instead it's snake pliskin in escape from new york.
Part of the wetlands project - ECLEI - Agenda 21 is the creation of slums on top of the worst toxic dump locations. That's how you really operate a soft kill eugenics program. Japan, being a perfect example of this model. I expect they will be watching very intently on the next few years there.
With all the archaeological finds that have recently been discovered and realized. Stuff like the Bosnian pyramids that have in some accounts been carbon dated back 35,000 years, no doubt, we keep doing the same blunders over and over again. Could be, the next crowd that crawls out of the cave to do the civilization thing will be more naked than us. Wonder what the babes'll look like
ReplyDelete"Wonder what the babes’ll look like"~Veri
ReplyDeleteSmooth, very smooth...translucent {grin}.
Everyone here seems to really believe TIME.
It' just a fricken magazine...Lol
Time/Space is Maya...the illusion. The moment is NOW.
The Black Robes playing Mafia Games -- "U.S. Supreme Court Eligibility" Issue:
ReplyDeleteHOLY CRAP Boomer........this reads like another NWO. I gotta find my shit boots, cause the plots getting deeper daily. The elites got their backs covered on all fronts. I better get my garden planted so they can come steal my food!
ReplyDeleteMay 2nd article
May 5th article
WTO -WOT from BCBS. Not bluecrossblueshield but BushClintonBushSoetoro.
ReplyDeleteNAU-SPP tagged for UN faceless master. It's easy to see that MSDarlene and my garden will get us terminated while the drug cartels runnng through the I-45 Corridor are taking out dissidents whistleblowers and competitors "out" in clips of 22-33 at a time.
The most dangerous job in the world is free media journalism.
U.S. government international broadcasting was consolidated even further when President Clinton signed the International Broadcasting Act (Public Law 103-236) on April 30, 1994. The legislation established the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) within the U.S. Information Agency (USIA), and created a Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) with oversight authority over all non-military U.S. government international broadcasting.