By the way -- I documented on video Thursday, May 3rd, in upstate South Carolina, a TOTAL manufacturing of "fake" cloud cover across the entire area. I would judge there must have been over 100 + sorties of jets spraying chemtrails morning to night (I could have been 200 +, as they were still spraying above the occluded sky late into the day). Can you imagine the expense of an effort like this? The manpower, the jets, the chemical loading crews, the plane fueling tech crews, everybody involved? The radar boys, the computer logistics schedulers, and the planners of this blight upon humanity and our environment? Who makes, sells, transports, and profits off the chemicals themselves? I.G. Farben?
THIS MUST STOP! These criminal bombardments nationally in the U.S. and internationally upon sovereign nations, are a War Crime of monstrous proportions. There is no denying the reality of the spraying of chemicals. I have not put up the video I took as yet, but I documented jets coming across the sky without emitting any contrail whatsoever, and then turning on the aerosols at specific points in the sky. The nozzles actually spurt and sputter at first, when they first are turned on, leaving splotches of chemtrails, before going FULL ON, and laying their criminal emissions across the sky and horizon.
If people Deny Chemtrails, then they are making a conscious effort to Not See what is right above them, in plain view, and OBVIOUS! There are no excuses anymore.
Art sourced from http://www.rense.com 5-04-12. Artist -- Dees does great work!
Like the magazine shows Boomer, sheeple will just pass it off as something unexplained.
ReplyDeleteA typical endothermic focused force. Microwave or greater. If anyone wants to do the home experiment just boil a cup of coffee in your mWave unit, take the cup out carefully and pour a small amount of cold water in the cup. [Caution]
exo- remove the energy fields of Endothermic force is of that which absorbs heat cannot be negated until absorbed outside the field. Creat the vacuum and then release in normal atmosphere. Gas ions present wll have other effects.
When your cup runneth over you see the effect out side the atmosphere of the liquid. Seal the cup and inject the cold water and blow your house up.
Kids please only try this experiment when in Washington DC and near the capitol ;)
Creating a nuclear exposion very similarly has the same effect. They can create what would appear to be atomic force in the ocean or large lake and depending on ambient temperature of the medium and atmos.
ReplyDeleteIf Dutch was able to estimate 100 mph upon that data you can see that compared to thermonuclear the endo-atmospheric high-acceleration force would be near mach. Electro-dynamic fields and the blast wave would be destructive.
I always wondered if it explained the strange cow mutilations. Like the cows, sheeple who would walk into a focused plasma beam if it was visible with ion induced aurora's and scramble their electrons.
Thanks for your comment. I know YOU are still breathing. I was beginning to think everybody went on vacation or were body-snatched by the legislatified alien invaders.
ReplyDeleteIt's very strange to me too. Do you think the chemtrails got them.
ReplyDeleteNo Jersey, No Waldo, No Rogue, none of the old timers. The way it works is this;
The Goons googleplex get Wordpress access to all the IP/email add and then they send out a message to all your friends and family.
This memo or letter could be a tirade, rant, crazy jibberish, threats or some other concoction.
Now your friends and family avoid you like the plague or at least they think your are dangerous or a menace.
Then they go after you, yourself by sending you new friends and family. These cretins are smooth, very slick, easy to like, helpful, attentive to you and all you do, complimentary and full of advise and questions.
Then the assault on the mind goes into moving your world around on a daily basis. From Microwaves to redecorating your home. It's bit by bit, inch by inch.
Been there and done that :)
(it was a very illuminating and a great opportunity to experiment for the truth and proof)
It was timely that Michael came back to deposit two terrific toons in the midst of this puzzling drought.
I'd like to see Dutch get a video /data set for an oceanic blast wave [haarp ring] and then everyone can put two and two together on how they modify the weather and data from the polar axis' for AGW fraud, weaponizing Star Wars [anti-thermonuclear mitigation] EM ELF disruptor for the troposheric/Seismic/volcanic and the subsequent effect of it all on the biophysical living beings in it's wake.
ReplyDeleteAll the blue projects connect at the unified field and the Department of Energy regulates the master blueprint.
So Charlie Daniels is on AJ talking about his film "Behold A Pale Horse" an obvious CIA move to coverup the real book by Bill Cooper.
ReplyDeleteCharlie and Alex are talkin MIAC report, the MO CIA cointel on the Militia movemnent. Alex says to Charlie that the Goons have been instructed that returning veterans are the top of the lone wolf terror homegrown virus. Charlie says that Americans are not stupid.
How wrong can they be?
Coming Post from the EVAN Network will explain.
That's a bizarre concept you flew there. I don't know if it will hold water, but anything's possible. Might be lots of things. But, I notice the steady stream of of live traffic still rolls by.
ReplyDeleteThat was a .govgang psyop case scenario. I doubt it was the case here. Just imago likely and people will get bombarded with the blue omnibus and have to deal with what they are able.
ReplyDeleteThis COTO thing takes time, research, some commitment etc. and people are under the influence will have to take care of urgent and priorites. Unfortunate but true, imo.
Holy chemtrails.......they have been SO THICK in New Hampshire, JUST BEFORE our 5 days of rain. It's NO WONDER people are SICK. I believe I have some sort of 'growth' in my nasal cavity, and I'm always careful to cover up after the spraying when it rains. I think they're going in for the soft kill and good people are going to start dropping off. Look at the recent violence in NH, unheard of amounts of shootings, suicides, violent crimes. I'm sure it's all related because now it's in the water.........and we ALL drink the water!
ReplyDeleteLike Mergellons Syndrome most people here have chronic chemtrail cough. Nerve damage includes tooth/jaw pain or a localized nerve issue in cervical, plexus or lumbar region. Sinusitis, throat and gland inflammation are common as well.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a lollapalooza of crap dusting here in NC as well exacerbated by the pollen and rain.
Interesting Puddy........lumbar too? One of my coworkers is having cronic back issues that just started out of the blue with no previous issues. I have a smokers cough that I plan on keeping right up until the spooks won't let me smoke any more.
ReplyDeleteSome days it really sucks being aware & awake. Trying to wake the sheeple up is so frustrating, they are so self absorbed they don't 'get' it. I point out the chemtrails to SO MANY....and they don't want to know, don't care, don't want to be involved because there is nothing they can do. The list goes on & on when you add in vaccines, gmos, government coruption, they think I'm WEIRD! really? Ok, I'm weird cause I'm not a sheeple, I guess.
All theoreticals aside the Rogue is here and living well in mentoria ala happination con doodah.
ReplyDeleteT'is thus I tryst with dragons on hinter fields of yon. A fester on the fine land, the Worm Fetzer...in truth, a mole__ el Topo.
He became a dead-man-walking under my enchantments, and vanished into thin air.
Jim Fetzer is a 9/11 bullshit artist, caught red-handed preaching woowoo physics to the uninitiated.
Now gone damn spot....
Glad yi ator 'd the dragon Rogue1. Damn the contaminating emissions of the hellion operators. Will you be posting the thread account of yore jousting with said squirmy worm?
ReplyDeleteScriptures predicted that Ms. D. All this associated pain is unreal. There are no physiological anomalies that are supporting the pain. No inflammation and no DX.
ReplyDeleteThis is poisoning that effects the neurophysical and cellular systems. It is part of whatever program they are generating.
I am trying to put together evidence. I provide EDX testing in hundreds of doctors offices for the last ten years. I now know that there are no natural or pathological reasons for the rise in paresthesia and pain, other than toxic introduction into the bloodstream of nanobiophysical compounds.
WOW....it's about all that can be said. Although, I find the new 'smart meter' is making me ill too. Seems to make sound restfull sleep very difficult. Short of selling my house and moving (can't do THAT now since we've lost ALL our equity), there isn't a whole lot that can be done! Grow my garden, ground myself outside on the chemtrail days and hope for the best. It doesn't get any better, does it?
ReplyDeleteYou can shield the Meter with a faraday blanket if you suspect EMR leakage.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt I preach ad nauseum the eletromagnetic smog that assists in the chemtrails, vaccines and GM food and pharma. It's a combo assault and effective immuno suppressing assault.
Thinning the herd is removing the weakest first. Rapid onset cancers, diabetes/endocrine disruption, protein misfolding blood brain barrier diseases (alzheimers, ADD, Autism, depression, neuropathy)
eliminating the EMR and processing food/pharma you can accomplish. The chemtrails and microwave smog you will have to battle with rebuilding your system of living.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, we need to understand the natural cycles from the eugenicist frequencies. Every bit helps.