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Wayne Madsen says, “Police everywhere should make a decision, stand with the people or stand against us. Stand against us and suffer the consequences. Stand with us and reap the praise”.
( Info sourced from http://www.waynemadsenreport.com )
When the police, and military men and women, those serving and veterans, realize and internalize that THEY and their families, friends, and loved ones ARE just like, and part of -- the 99% -- THEN, the corrupt and sociopathic 1% will be standing naked and alone in their filthy rags.
IT IS the time to step over the line, to form up under a Banner of either 1) Standing for Humanity and moral laws, and that which is Good, or 2) Standing Against Humanity, clinging to immoral "laws" that you pass to benefit only the 1%, while embracing Evil.
What will YOUR Future look like?
Pardon me, but i've got a doubt or three about police realizing they are the same as you or i... seems to me having their jobs threatened by a 20% cut is the issue.
ReplyDeleteAll the monarchy, or powers that be, have to do is end the cuts and the police are happy again... its hegelian and serves to make them even more controllable and willing to ever more dirty deeds to ensure their cups keep getting filled.
Yep, Wanda. But you were provoked to "think" about the situation. That's the point here. Perhaps even more so, I'm attempting to drill down on "the principle" of the forged mis-alignment based on a paycheck...
ReplyDeleteSelling one's soul for money, power, control (filthy lucre) -- whilst selling out humanity and the other parts of our world that sustain life and make it worth living (environment for instance).
Working for Devils or the Devil's Dime is many steps Down into the Dungeon, not up. These uniformed folk take oaths, then get inverted and subverted by TPTB -- used, to further the maniacal designs of the elites. They must realize they 'are not' and cannot 'be' elites by serving them. They become their servants, their slaves, and in the process sacrifice all the things that make living worthwhile. Think of the examples of these uniformed folks being used, abused, and excused...
Mr. Kirwan has been ranting for some time about what he sees coming to America. Perhaps he is "over-the-top" or perhaps he simply is connecting dots and seeing the Obvious "trend" or trajectory? http://www.kirwanesque.net/2012/3153/forever/
ReplyDeleteCOTO is keen to keeping one's eyes wide open, scanning the horizon, walking the perimeter and peering into the darkness to try and understand the mass of information and disinformation. This is not a bad thing. But actually, quite an ordeal to keep up, decipher, and try and make sense of such a horrific onslaught of deepening gloom. Yet, WE seek the "bloom", the light, the good stuff that is the spark of life. Instead of the stench of corruption and death.
Why would we watch or think about stuff like this that pops up into our windshield? http://www.infowars.com/re-education-camps-for-political-activists-are-real/
Are we morbid? No, I just think we prefer to know what's going on instead of keeping on with our heads down.
There is much to discourage the courageous. But GLOOM & DOOM are downers. It seems self evident that the Elite Agenda is based on subjection of others, profit over human potential, in fact, profiting and "monetizing" the masses potential for their own elite personal gains. Slavery is never becoming to a slave.
Turning the "Land of the Free" into the "Homeland of the Slaves" is not the goal of the citizens. Rather it is a treason used to trick the masses. It is all trickery wrapped in ulterior motives.
Riddle me this? The Wars, the enviro-kill, the monetary controls and robberty, the soul squashing Hollywood emanations, etc., are these positive or negative "influences"?
Discernment is always advised. The sleeping are without understanding.
OCCU-PI, access all areas, audio-visual overload, con-CERN, transmissions, Psychological war.........Now they attack the very authorities that we will have to battle.
ReplyDeleteThis above all remember: they will be very brave men, And you will be facing them. You must not despise them, he said.
I fear the electromagnetic assault will have each who are under the assault, in some insane state of being, without reason, without understanding. Much like zombieland, mass hysteria and psychosis will afflict the masses.
It is not beyond their capability at this point. Once we go blue, all the actors and their benefactors will have to go underground, scurry back into the valleys and cracks from where they came while the children of the con succumb to madness.
Electromagnetic assault Puddy? Wouldn't it be more than that? Like, they already poison our food, water & air. I think it will be chemical, biological and maybe some electrical to render us unable to defend ourselves. I agree there will be mass psychosis and zombie land.......even more than there already is!
ReplyDeleteEM- after Earth changes - Food - aerial vaccine - GMO....we'll get the most inane explanation at some future time. Get ready for the largest pile of neuro linguistic programming bullshit wrapped in a EMR mwave ELF like none other previously.
ReplyDeleteYou may see it tested at NATO summit. Watch the circus Saturday May 19, 2012 to Monday, May 21, 2012.
"BREAKING: HISTORIC JUDGMENT. Bush & Associates Found Guilty of Torture"
Once upon a time in Amerika, Torture was defined and banned by the signing of some rather important Treaties by the U.S. and other countries, following some horrendous wars. Not long ago, these common-sense "ratified" understandings were universally recognized around the world. Then, common-sense and the Rule of Law was turned inside out and upside down -- murdered, for some legalistic rationalizations to justify war-making.
What was once universally accepted as inhumane and wrong, was now declared a useful tool for "defense" purposes.
Right. Wrong.
When this generation was just growing up, the stain of Concentration Camps was still in the nostrils of those who witnessed man's inhumanity to man. In America, it would be crazy to even think the U.S. Government would ever sink to such a depraved depth. Anathema!
Now, we are witness to the reports of multiples of said "re-education/concentration" camps, endorsed by the U.S. Govt., built with Taxpayer funds, and payment made to War Profiteer corporations like KBR, Halliburton, and others ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KBR_%28company%29). That they have been denied for years by all governmental agencies, is now shown to be the typical lies, as advertisements for staffing these monstrous camps have been seen in MSM newspapers, and proven as true. The lies about rendition and torture were subsequently proven to be just that -- lies. And then the propaganda mills rolled, and "legal" justifications were concocted to insulate the "authorities" of the time.
It is time to acknowledge the facts. Time to see the camps for the trees so-to-speak, the lies as treasonous inhumane plots of the unthinkable. http://www.infowars.com/army-posts-job-for-internment-specialist-following-kbr-call-for-fema-camp-subcontractors/
Let us wake up and grow up. Dick Cheney, V.P. to George W. Bush was CEO of Halliburton, and a stock holder. Interesting connection there among many others.
I suppose, if you're one of the tens of millions of U.S. unemployed you can either apply for a job AT one of the camps, or plan on being a resident.
It comes down to -- Are you IN or OUT?
Really...how can you continue denying the OBVIOUS?
Count me OUT, I'll take a bullet first!
ReplyDeleteAll over money.........I could give 2 shits about money. Power to the elite to rule the masses.........and what will they do when they run out of the masses to tax & rule? Fight amongst themselves? Why don't they just do that now and leave the rest the hell alone?
Let me see -- what's Obvious?
ReplyDeleteCoincidentally...the FF's, chemtrails, middle east "excursions", the Clinton and Bush Wars, and their management/advisor Teams, along with the olde guard fixers from the Vietnam era, the Greenspan Fed printing orgy, the NAFTA & other job outsourcing paved by guv "policy", the erasure of laws holding the reins back on rabid corporations, etc., etc.
The recent and historical suicidal steering of the American Ship of State into deadly shoal after shoal, has brought us to where we are today -- a complete and utter whirlpool of corruption and insanity on every hand, with all the dirty hands still on deck.
ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY for any of the traitors, be they political, military, corporate, media, et.al. The same wrecking crew is still clamoring around the Ship of State for God's Sake?!!! Hillary is Sec. of State for Obama, Bill's distant cousin or something. Kissinger goes to China, Obama's advisor has been http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zbigniew_Brzezinski, then Soros pulling levers about, and all the others doing what they do -- which is screw you.
We have had a row of Klowns shoved onto the stage as Presidential Candidates, with the only Constitutionally concerned candidate, Ron Paul marginalized and robbed of votes and more. Supposedly, Jeb Bush is waiting in the wings to swoop in for a win? Heaven Help US!
Count the number of formerly secure Constitutional Rights sacrificed for "security". Now that's Robbery of an Obvious kind!
And the MIC corps, the oil corps, the financial TBTF, the political trash, and the media whores have ALL gotten filthy rich -- while wars are waged for profits, camps are built for ?guess what? Militarized police, 450 million .40 hollow points for HLS. Etc., Etc.
Land Destroyer: Naming Names: Your Real Government -- Go ahead! Take a Look...
Notice a trend? Notice the familiar faces? Grok the Obvious?
COTO does.
I'm tired of even thinking about it, and writing this shit.
Gear up peasants, 'cause disbelieving ain't going to make the Really Bad Stuff sail past you and your family.
"I'm tired of even thinking about it, and writing this shit."
ReplyDeleteAmen boomer, that's exactly where I find myself. What more can we say? If the truth isn't self evident at this point, it's not gonna be. All thats left to argue is what happens next.
"What more can we say?"~Jayjee
ReplyDeleteYup. It is as clear as an azure lake at spring time.
Those without a clue, haven't the time left to figure it out anyway.
They will go to their graves sleepwalking.
There's comfort in going through the door with eyes wide open even if it is the Big Green Door. Anythings better than eyes wide shut through the Big Blue window. At least I feel so.