Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Recently, a "family member" traveled on United Airlines from the Northwest to the South for a visit. This individual is a hunter, and had grabbed a backpack for the trip.

It is customary for me to ask friends and relatives who've recently flown, if their flight was O.K., and if they had to put up with any SMACK from the TSA.

When I picked up my relative at the airport, he laughed and shared with me the following REAL LIFE story...

Inadvertently, he didn't notice his 12" Bone Saw was still in the backpack. In fact, he didn't notice it was still in his backpack until he was seated on his United Airlines flight, and the metal "elbow" end of the bone saw was protruding from his backpack and poking him in the shin bone, from where it was stowed in the foot space beneath the seat in front of him.

[caption id="attachment_18472" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Bone Saw Protruding from Backpack[/caption]

The Bone Saw pictured here is only about 9" closed. The Bone Saw the TSA let through onto the plane was a 12" sized saw when closed, and about 20" when open.

[caption id="attachment_18473" align="aligncenter" width="300"] OOPS! My Bone Saw's showing.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_18476" align="aligncenter" width="430"] 15" Opened Bone Saw[/caption]

What's my point? That the TSA CANNOT PROTECT YOU, and IS NOT DOING IT'S JOB despite the UNCONSTITUTIONAL GROPING/RAPE of Americans and BILLIONS OF DOLLARS spent on the BOGUS PSYOP "OPERATION" sold to Americans as Necessary Security Measures.

Sometimes I laugh uproariously at False Flag ruses like Underwear Bombers, and Tennis Shoe Bombers, blah, blah. Its Homer Simpson Fear Porn entertainment schlock for the sheep.

What's scarier? A puny boxcutter, or a FREAKIN SAW-TOOTHED BONE SAW?!@%~*

Boxcutters? 3 jets? I laugh uproariously again! And 10 years on, and they're still letting 20" Bone Saws on board our jetliners, despite their B.S. Stasi safety shmafety measures? IT IS TIME TO SCRAP THIS BAD JOKE AND OBTAIN A REFUND AND MORE FROM THE BIG GUV THAT COULDN'T!...choo choo poo poo.

Going on over 10 years since the Treasonous 9/11 Operation, and the REMOVAL of CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHTS by OPERATIVES masquerading as political legislators, plus ALL OF THE OTHER GROTESQUE MACHINATIONS marching US towards the Elite's New World Order, and it is plain to see that POWER, CONTROL, and GROSS GREED are the GOALS of this cabal.

YES! They SOLD the "STORY" of 19 muslim highjackers with ?BOXCUTTERS? commandeering airliners and reeking DESTRUCTION in the face of multi-trillion dollar TAXPAYER FUNDED Defense systems. They're still selling it, even on my local news radio stations today. I CANNOT LISTEN TO THIS GARBAGE!!! THESE LIES!!!

'Cause, They're telling YOU and ME they gotta cattle kettle us in lines, gotta grope US, OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDPARENTS, IRRADIATE US, TAZE US WHEN WE GET OUTTA LINE AND COMPLAIN, etc., etc., can't even take a bottle of water on board. THEY DEMAND WE PAY FOR THIS "PROTECTION" and THEY PROVE THEY CANNOT PROTECT US!

Of course -- I've know all this. For a long time. But now, you have ANOTHER "REAL-LIFE" example to email to your SHEEPLE friends, relatives, and co-workers, who are too whatever to wake up!

Oh, that's right. I keep hearing them baa baa, "But what can I do about it?". They can RESIST THE EVIL, or it will continue growing.

Its a FREAKIN BRAIN TUMOR GROWING INSIDE AMERICA'S HEAD RIGHT NOW, AND IT, IS WHAT AIMS TO KILL US. I don't know about you, but I call a terrorist, the man that has his hand down my pants, grabbing my balls, while he's smiling and telling me its for my own protection. Spin this little scenario 'round your brain with grandma, wifey, mom, and your kids in the same heinous space. REMEMBER -- WE'VE LET THEM DO THIS TO US! That's why you can't say, "what can I do about it?" as THEY ARE DOING IT!!!

20" BONE SAWS ON BOARD!!! What will the TSA say to this "incidence"? Sorry? Sorry you slept on the job is not enough! Sorry your MEASURES don't work -- GET OUT OF OUR PANTS AND OUT OF OUR FACES! YOU'RE SO FIRED!

How do American's spell "Inept"? TSA -- brought to YOU by the other inept losing "team" -- GUV.

And NO!!! Please dudes, don't try harder, because we can't take any more, and we won't.


  1. This makes me think someone could get through with a howitzer in his arms as long as he had a boner in his pants. Unbelievable! Great post!

    Oh yeah, by the way Boomer it's AMERCIA. Please refer to it accordingly. :)

  2. Parameter Value Uncertainty
    Magnitude 2.7 Ml ± 0.20
    Location 34.949°N, 116.728°W ± 0.2 km
    Depth 2.2 km ± 0.6 km
    Number of Stations Used Not Specified
    Number of Phases Used 56
    Minimum Distance 15.0 km (0.13°)

    Shallow ELF ASSAULT

  3. Maybe they could snort some bath salts and eat each others faces off. Heard the guy in Florida had a boner while he was mawing down.




  5. boomerangcomesbackMay 30, 2012 at 6:06 PM

    Yep -- Amercia. And Yep, this is a TRUE STORY, not some "Fantasy" like 9/11's Rabbit Hole dug by Perpetraitors still walking around Amercia, and getting Face Time on the owned MSM to continue the Farce de Jure of the day.

    And the boner comments here...just swell (pun sorta spun sordidly) well, I just read the latest update to the story on my homepage before coming here, "Video shows bikes riding past face-mauling attack". Ugh! I've been out of the loop for 2 days with some home repairs, and figured I'd get this BONE SAW EPISODE up, since its been 2 weeks since the "event".

  6. boomerangcomesbackMay 30, 2012 at 6:18 PM

    Frankly, I figure the Zombie Face Eating Attack as a demonic possession episode. Hollyrude will most likely make a movie about it to perpetuate and glorify the horrendous account.

    Back to Today's Latest Boner Account Pulled by the TSA Born Losers...or Boner Pullers. There's so many apt terms, I'm just not sure which to throw at the wall, but they're all going to Stick 'cause they're the Total Suck Asses. yuck.

    Hay?! They say -- "We've got like a job and shit. We even get a salary from the government. We have badges, and name tags (sometimes), and epaulets on our shirts, and other neato stuff. Why do you hate us so? We're like Amercia's prophylactics, dude!"

    They're Going to Go Molecular...

    Ring, Ring...Diane Feinstein calling:

    Yeah -- We Got Her Number! Flat Line Dial Tone Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  7. boomerangcomesbackMay 30, 2012 at 6:48 PM

    Puddy -- You reference Argentina EQ, and the Northern EQ. Take a look at Vatic's dot connecting in the article linked to:

    YES -- the dots are connected and are painting a picture with the flame flowing up the creator's brush to some cui bono profiting people!

  8. Truly amazing story about the bone saw Boomer.

    I mean considering all the crap going on at airports...pouring out baby formula, groping,,,,all the stuff you already mentioned.

    TSA is pud jam, useless fricking wank fluid.

    yup - Homo Vishnu Amerikanus enzombified.


  9. "Enjoy F-com"???

    What is our little Asian sweety looking for here? {grin}


  10. Yea, there are countless stories - such as the one about a lawyer who flew somewhere and when he opened his briefcase discovered that his 38 special was in it...and had made it through the X-ray machine of two airports....Lol

    I'm sure of the reported incidents such as the above, there are thousands more that go unreported.

    TSA is there to intimidate the vishnus into subservience and nothing else. Amerika Inc. is a crackerjax box full of plastic personalities.


  11. BTW, I have a saw just like the one above, but it was sold as a Japanese limb cutting tool for pruning trees. I have it in my sculpture toolkit. And that flew to New Jersey with me in 2003. Ha ha ha ha....yea


  12. Thems some pretty bad ass bath salts. Sounds like they mixed in a little Viagra.

  13. We've been wondering as to how anyone tried getting buzzed on them in the first place. I took a peek online and you google snorting bath salts, it's been around for awhile. Up here in the land of igloo's and snow shoes eh!, we've got a Jeffrey Dahmer wannabe that has been sending body parts to political party offices. They tracked down where he lived because he got sloppy and ditched a torso in the garbage. After a week it got to smelling pretty bad. It appears, stopped buying his meat at the supermarket sometime ago by his fridge being full. The odd thing is, this is all coming out in time with the zombie incident in Florida, kind of raises a warning signal with me. As shocking as these events are, it doesn't take much for the shock value threshold to be raised in the general population. I don't believe in coincidence, is there something more sinister here?

  14. Boom your Southwest Airline post has been deep sixed,was it You or the PTB ?

  15. boomerangcomesbackJune 3, 2012 at 4:56 AM

    Well, no one commented on it, so I took it down. I was wondering if anyone thought the Pentagon P-2, Level 6 allusion was weird -- but I guess no one thought much of that. So I shit-canned it. I could put it back up, if someone wanted to comment.
