Saturday, January 14, 2012






  1. I see you couldn't sleep either JG. You ought to tack on to your title your last phrase, making it read -- "War is a Racket -- Wake Up America!" Then erase this comment. Cheers!

  2. Hey Boom... who can sleep??!! Good idea... done! I'm leaving your comment and suggestion intact :)

  3. thing is, while jobs are going phht, and the young teen to early 30s need income, they will join the forces for wages and security. its exactly how all military have managed buildups of bodies before they decide they have enough to start a war to then make some ripper profits.
    I find it hard to credit that the troops relocated to syrias border etc aremt kicking up about it, but then your'e a loong way from home. and subject to peer pressure and cout martial if you say NO!

  4. great vids... all three of them. thanks jg.

  5. Think you'll like this comedian in the same vein as Mr. Hicks.

  6. The most we can hope for Laurel is that new kids wise up and don't sign up. You're right. It's getting down to the only jobs available are in the MIC... be it joining the military or the Homeland Security "spy on your neighbor for pay grid."

  7. You're welcome Wanda. I admire all three of those men for their pure genius in cutting through the utter bullshit that is the MIC and the courage to do so publicly.

  8. :-) felt right at home..
    oh I AM at home:-)

  9. He's bloody great! Love his bit on the war on terror. Thanks eyes, now I will spend a lot of my time watching Steve Hughes vids on youtube.

    Definitely a chip off the ole Hicks block ;)

  10. :-) I luved that bit also....I just came across him yesterday..I too am scouring the tubes for more.

  11. Amerikans are a warlike people.

  12. Hey guys,,, check out this old post of mine about strange sounds heard round the world.. It's been getting crazy hits all week because they heard the same godzilla sounds in costa rica just days ago that were also heard in Russia months ago. Weird stuff going on... this crap is worldwide. I posted new videos under the original just now. Wonder if this is the gear up to bluebeam...that's still my best guess...get everyone listening and looking UP^

  13. Well, if they are going to pull off Bluebeam they had better get the show on the road before the other team turns the planet to glass...

  14. Who's behind the assassination of the Iranian nuclear scientist?

    According to an Iranian statement broadcasted on the Islamic Republic's official TV Channel, Tehran has conclusive evidence that the United States plotted the assassination of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan last week.

    Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said his country has obtained "credible documents that prove the terror attack was planned, supervised and supported by the CIA," adding that he has filed an official complaint with the Swiss Embassy in Iran, which is also handles US affairs in the area.


  15. Yea no kiddin' Will. Maybe the sounds have nothing to do with the deviants. Maybe it's Mother Earth herself that's out for revenge.
    All I know is that people all over the world are hearing very strange things and it's freaking them out. Some have even left messages on those old posts voicing their concerns.

    Something wicked this way comes and from all directions......

  16. Who assassinated the Iranian scientist? Do we really need to ask? No one on this blog does that's for sure.

  17. Yes a certain syndicated Modus Operendi has left it's trademark on these killings. Anyone standing aside from the fluster cluck of the mainstream hen house can tell that much.

  18. Nuff said to that Will. I turn on msm (cnn/msnbc) once a day to see what the presstitutes are pushing. It's Mitt and them beating the drums for war w/ Iran 24/7. I leave the tv on for all of 10 mins before shutting it down in disgust. I only torture myself in this fashion to keep abreast of what the "enemy" is up to.

  19. "In the United States today, the Declaration of Independence hangs on schoolroom walls, but foreign policy follows Machiavelli." (Howard Zinn, 1922-2010.)

  20. "There is no doubt that the United States, the 'golem' of the international Zionist Power Configuration and Jewish banking interests, is the world leader in terrorism"~Azaziah

  21. I can still hear him talking Deb. I love Bill Hicks like no other comedian. When I was cracking jokes in high school, I dreamed of being Bill Hicks. Genius in laughter is a powerful thing.

    The minority does not like it.

  22. Funny EWO.

    I live Brit humor even when ot's upside down :)

  23. Hicks was a comic genius. He seemed older than his years. Can't believe he died at 32. RIP Bill Hicks you were the best of your generation.
    Alex Jones has commented a few times that people think he is Bill Hicks. While he really does bear a pretty good resemblance to him and AJ seems older than his years as well... nah, don't see it.....two completely different styles........

    On February 7, 1994, Hicks authored a verse on his perspective, wishes, and thanks of his life, to be released after his death as his "last word",[35] ending with the words: "I left in love, in laughter, and in truth and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit."

  24. Here's a new one Jersey...

  25. hmmmmm.... this may post twice... sorry, i'm experimenting...
    there's some really loud ones on here...

    What do you make of it when people describe it as trumpets? I definitely don't hear trumpets. I hear the sound of a bunch of lunatics trying to mimic what hell would sound like.

  26. Thanks Wanda, I'll post that one on my strange sounds article with all the others. Wanna hear something weird? Just today, there were over 1400 hits on that article that I originally posted a year ago with a follow up this past September.

    These are not faked videos. People are really hearing these unsettling sounds. If you go to either of those two posts you'll see people are even leaving comments about hearing the sounds and how they are freaking them out.

    I don't think they sound like trumpets either. At first I thought of Godzilla but then thought, that's not it. It was eerily familiar to me. Then I remembered ...the new version of "war of the worlds' the sound the tripods made...see if u think it sounds like the Kiev "trumpets" I have to say, along with thousands of others, this is starting to really make me nervous. Is it the earth's pole shift? bluebeam, nibiru, ancient aliens? No one knows but lots of speculation......what's ur take?

  27. At first, they are shockingly discomforting to listen to... but then i decided to take the heebie-jeebie factor out of it and try to listen clinically... frankly, it sounds like heavy machinery being dragged around in a metal world... outside of that, i'm at a loss.

    I think it has something to do with bringing on the false messiah or an alien encounter... it's intent is to mind frack (to borrow your expression) people... and, no doubt, it is effective. Since you re-posted them, i have listened to them several times, it sometimes is a struggle to not flip out. Pretty sure the chem-trails have something to do with it and the chem-trails are multi purpose.... kind of like our language.

    The chem-trail/scalar thing is the most effed up. In school, around the 4th or 5th grade (over 40 years ago) we had a teacher who explained to us what war in the future was going to be like... damned if scalar doesn't fit the bill for that. He described the chessboard and said that it would be basically push a button and the target populations would cease to be.

    I wouldn't buy any of the hype about pole shift and here's how i see it....... Magnetism is an unseen force, just like gravity. It is not something you pick up and move, it just is. If magnetic "north" needed to be in a different place, it would simply and gently move on over to where it needed to be. No violent thrashing... no shoshing oceans... how could it be any other way? It couldn't.

  28. one in Uk last week did turn out to be 2 fighter planes breaking sound barrier rocked the ground.
    thinking on it a bit..
    theres that bloody secret plane the us has whizzing round up high or anywhere it wants for quite a while..
    its a fast mover so could be the cause of it?
    and yeah mag pole shift is my next bet, stress fracturing as things stretch and warp..we have had a series of CMEs from old sol lately also, thats why the storms in UK usa etc, its a trigger for em.

  29. Wanda, has a solar page with fil.I suggest you have a dekko at it, magnetic forces are wild violent and unpredictable., our poles have moved quite a lot and quite fast lately, mag nth is now heading to Russia the sth is far closer to tasmania then NZ where it used to be sort of level with..
    you will learn sudden mag shifts have happened before with some probably very interesting and explosive events.

  30. Oz.... i'm not being a wise guy but what is dekko? Does that mean 'look'? I've never heard that word before. I went to whats up with that and i don't know what fil.I means either and still couldn't figure out what you are referring to... like file #1 or nothing... and ice age dot info is a dead link.

    Anyways, it's just like all this comet disaster stuff... really? I don't have a super duper telescope, so they could tell me anything... how would i know? But, when i think it through, and i have put a lot of thought into this... i can't see how a magnetic shift would entail movement of the earth along with it. It is not as if the magnetic pole is anchored into the earth... it is an invisible force that would simply move.

    If you were looking at a bar magnet sitting on a table, for instance, and North decided it needed to be on the south side, it would simply move to the other side... voila... there's your shift. Why would the bar have to go through a physical flip? Explain why or how it would be different on a planetary scale. If it has, as you say, already moved to Tasmania and Russia, where is evidence of the destruction that should have been caused by this movement?

  31. hmm also,
    widely distributed, similar sounds,.
    what i do note is the birds arent bothered, and no dogs etc going berko either thats odd in itself.
    and very few folks apart from the filmers seem to be bothered , out,looking etc.
    thats also weird in itself. I would sure be at a window or outside looking if I heard something like that
    the biblical ref to Trumpets? hmm

  32. sorry Wanda yeah Dekko is aus slang for a look:-) so you are on the way to speaking Aus:-)
    sorry re the dud link
    heres the proper one

    and fil was meant to be film..they have both front and back of the sun close to real time clips to view.

    now when you have the magnets with iron filings on paper on top and you move the magnets...all the filings rearrange themselves. the earth core is a large iron volume along with other goop, so when the magnets(Poles) isnt neat or calm.
    the quakes volcanos etc are the result of plate tectonics, which is the earths crust moving, and the magma etc that moves it? moves in part, if not total due to the inner magma pressure etc..

  33. I've heard jets break the sound barrier and it's quick. It's not a long slow, continuous groan/ rumble for over 20 or more minutes. No, these sounds aren't that.
    Plus, that wouldn't account for the strange drilling or "trumpet" sounds anyway.

    To me, a few of the sounds are a lot like what Wanda has described. Metal machinery being dragged.. OR the door of a huge old castle wall creaking open. Or something very large and old turning and groaning from the weight of it. That's why I was thinking MAYBE pole shift. It also sounds a lot like those movie monsters of the past which makes me think it's a sound check for bluebeam. Why would they develop such an elaborate program and not want to test it out?

    HAARP is the hum. That much I'm certain of.

    Oz, I've also wondered about the dogs and birds. But then, my dog acts very strangely before going outside unless I am with her. She sniffs the air and looks up at the sky tentatively and then glances back at me before stepping outside. This is a relatively new phenomena for her in the past year. I know bluebeam is supposed to present as different things to different people. Perhaps that's the answer?

    Who knows what they really are? None of we peons, that's for sure. It's creepy no matter how you slice it. OR maybe that old story of the angels moving furniture in heaven is the answer or them blowing their trumpets to warn us. Hell, who knows. Anyone's guess is as good as another right now. There are certainly enough theories to chew on.

    All I know is that post is continuing to receive hundreds of hits just this morning.

  34. I don't know... we have iron in our blood... by the same respects... i look at it this way... as above, so below... if it happens on the macro, it happens on the micro and vice versa. I can think of no instances where this has been observed in the cosmos and on the micro level, we do not witness anything devastating. Add to that... everything we thought we ever knew was bull sh*t... so we are back to relying on what we can see for ourselves.

    I don't think it can or will happen. Water freezes at 32 degrees... but it is not like flipping a switch. So, in the same respect, you can say magnetism affects iron in the core, but not spasmodically or spontaneously.

    If nature wants to take me out... fine. What i am not cool with is a bunch of dirty old faggot nazis training and chemically altering humanity into what is now a race of mental retards. As harsh as that sounds, it is true. To me, that is more devastating than the worst pole shift theory out there.

    I think we have enough tangible stuff to deal with... the rest is noise intended to distract. How will we convince our friends, family, neighbors to get on the stick? How do we get them to realize the new age religion is as false as the old ones... that we aren't going to ass-end out of here... there isn't a messiah, or a race of benevolent aliens coming to save us... no white hats or dragons and no iraq dinari or global settlement...

    We live, we die and our basic components are remixed and at the time of our death our exiting energy pulse, called a soul for want of better understanding, rejoins the field. Realize that our immortality lies in our descendants... our life is now.

  35. wanda, it does happen..really.
    they have rocks that have set from being lava with the magnetic poles one way, then another, thats how fast it can change polarity.
    bees fly using magnetics, they can swap polarity in their antennae/attract /repel to help repel them off the ground and again to land,
    pigeons etc all use magnetics, i suspect whales do too it would explain beachings.
    and yeah we also are iron influenced, classic eg is myself right now, its stinking hot just dropped to 29c inside..and a storms due I have a rotten headache always do as air pressure and static buildup happens, lightning is magnetically charged and will often hit areas of high iron, thats why they have lightning rods etc etc. and people and animals
    there isnt one weapon that isnt based somehow on Natures forces and quirks.
    radar sonar etc etc, the whole box and dice.
    you need to go to Roberts Ice age pages and look at the info he has there, and maybe? read some geology books, Ian Plimer an aussie makes it very easy to grasp.

    whatever man proposes Nature will do as it pleases, we are just here for a brief ride:-)

  36. wanda, deb, you may find this interesting too, the CME I mentioned.. updated info.

    youll see solar wind etc mentioned, it does affect earth if it hits, we are lucky the last 2 biggies have been away from us.
