Saturday, January 14, 2012

BEWARE -- the "Rudderless Leadership" is Foundering

I couldn't sleep. Too much crashing back and forth inside my brain.

The immediate and long term devastation wrought by a nuclear-tipped conflagration in Iran is almost too monstrous to envision. But we should start somewhere...right here, right now will do...

Almost the entire world is bankrupt, driven into poverty by bankers and their greed, and their shitty fiat money concept, where they bill the rest of humanity with interest for the use of their paper and digital sums, which cost them zilch and amount to nothing. Because humanity has not arrested and contained this cancer, we are where we are right now -- a fearful, totally insecure, psychotic state of nightmarish proportions. So, this is our jumping off point.

I was laying in bed trying to sleep, and Titles kept popping into my head...
"Will this be the end of the world as we know it? The END started with a pre-text?"
"Get our Destroyers, Battleships, and Aircraft Carriers Out of the Strait of Hormuz Now!"
Why? Read on, and you'll understand that which apparently the civilian leaders and military intelligence cannot fathom.
"Another War for Oil!"
"Homicidal Maniacs Kill 1/3 of the World, and say 'It Was Worth it!"

Let's get to it now: Bad Things That Can Happen & Collateral Damage. We'll also throw in "false" rationalizations that are patent BS on their face.

> MORE permanent man-made nuclear radiation enters the world's atmosphere.
> Nuclear powered aircraft carrier(s) and their nuclear ordnance sink to the bottom of the Strait of Hormuz. Has man shown they can handle this "nuclear" stuff?
See: Sure, not harmful. How about accumulations of it over time?
See: And I'm just picking these recent posts at random in 3 minutes or less...
> Most American ships are sunk in the Strait of Hormuz. Sons and daughters just "doing their jobs" lost for lies and mad schemes {again}. Wow! How easy will it be to move irradiated Iranian oil through the irradiated Straight of Hormuz when it is full of sunken naval vessels, many emitting a constant killer stream of radiation from their ordnance? Who gets the jobs created by this, that is, miraculously somehow salvaging shipwrecks in a steaming irradiated sea?
> More expensive gasoline, from more expensive oil! Who can pony up more cash for gas in America? We're all about bankrupted!
See: "US-Led Tension against Iran Will Cost West Dearly"
> Go read Kirwan's latest. "TERROR...The Fear Of Fear Itself" He's got some facts mixed up in this latest thread, and it's written kind of goofy, but the point is on point so-to-speak.
> Israel is wiped off the map. Is that a bad thing? I'd imagine Palestine will also be wiped clean. So it would be a suicidal "twofer". Now, what Khazars would initiate actions that would result in such a scenario? I think...the kind that don't live there, or anywhere close to "there". I'd bank on that {pun intended}.
> Reasons anyone?
; "The Next War on Washington’s Agenda" by Paul Craig Roberts. In the story, he states that "Half of the American public support a military attack on Iran in order to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear capability". Do you, or can you believe that? See what FEAR can do for you?!
> There's whole lotta links to stories here --
> "Lieberman's Bill to Kick Off Internment Camps" We just got NDAA ramrodded into law, snuffing any ridiculous claims of a Free America. What do you suppose will happen in America when Iran goes off? Got any ideas? What will the world look like? Nuclear wars leave permanent scars on this earth. Can our world even handle such a conflagration? Who is in charge of starting this abhorrent THING? A few suits direct a few uniforms to light the fuse, all the rest of the cannon fodder "do their duty", and a World Class Fireball Erupts sucking millions, maybe tens of millions of lives into the resulting inferno. Is that worth it?
> The picturesque and beautiful country of Iran will be burnt beyond recognition, irradiated forever. An entire culture, country, and people "stone-aged" for a pretext. Who would be considered homicidal in this equation? What about the surrounding countries? How will they fare from the prevailing winds and blowback? Could a sane person even characterize an offensive operation like that being proposed as strategic?
America. What happens when your infrastructure is taken out? When your power grid goes down, when enraged Iranians and sympathizers strike back wherever they can do the most damage? Is that what you want? That is what you can expect. The rest of the world hates you now because of your freedoms. Really? Is there a word to describe the kind of hatred that will come your way if you "start the Big Fire"? Did you want to vacation anywhere? Would you be able to? I stated these absurdities exclusively for their triteness. If this is the way to "police the world" do you think the world can afford you to "be the police" for one minute longer? How's it looking Pre-Iran-War in the freedom-loving bankrupt "Police State"? Out my window, its pretty bleak. But hey, American Idol comes back to the zombie tube this next week. Maybe the Iran War can kick off on SuperBowl Sunday for a twofer too?

I gotta go now. I'll leave it up to the readers to add their comments and damage previews to this tome. Have a nice day!


  1. Do you remember the Story "ON The Beach" by Neville Shute? Lets hope the "Hundredth Monkey" effect is in full effect. Willy turned me onto "Land Destroyer Report" by Tony Cartalucci. Can't be anymore outfront and center than that.

  2. Israel wiped off the map would be a sad thing. There are so many good Jews living there who feel the same as we do about the zionist killers. They've had protests there against their leaders nazi-like actions against the people of Gaza just as we've had in the U.S.

    Don't we have any scientists working on OUR side that could develop a neutron type bomb to wipe out only the war mongers and profiteers? Now THAT would be a true "weapon of peace." Oh wait, they've all been assassinated.

    So, I don't see that one coming. Instead the presstitutes are working overtime catapulting the propaganda for war with Iran (and Syria)

    It's pre-Iraq war bs redux. DON'T BUY THE HYPE AMERICA. THEY ARE LYING......... AGAIN. Watch that video Boonmerang posted on Iran. It's a beautiful country with beautiful people just like YOU. The moneychangers want to bomb it out so they can steal their resources, control the region and rebuild in their own deviant corporate image.

    BTW Boom. I think we posted our articles simultaneously ! Obviously our sleeplessness was brought on by the same issues.. duh.

  3. Yes I do remember that Veri. Dammit, didn't we grow up with this crap our entire lives? Fear of being blown off the earth by madmen with bombs? Duck & cover !!!

  4. "Swear there ain't no Heaven but Pray there ain't no Hell"
    "Blood Sweat And Tears" David Clayton Thomas
    We exist on an Eden that's been co-opted by hellraisers
    Unbelievable that all's out in the open for everyone to see but there's still only a few of us looking and then there's those paid not to look. Corruption's at all levels and as soon as a person's accepted graft, they're owned. That's how a Mafia propagates itself.

  5. its such a multipronged clusterfuck it's hard to know where to begin..
    if the oil areas go up, usa stands to lose most, you do have oil stockpiled and more untapped and Ive always thought the reason to buy all OS sourced fuels was to maintain usa own supplies for such an event.
    Russias peeved and with reason, theyre not going to sit and watch it go down so ohbummers idiot mates may find theyve bitten a too big bite:-)
    Israels been chatting with germany a while back, cloudy as to why?
    the popes been doing the rounds and germany is pulling the strings all over EU, thing is..germany and a lot of EU depends on Russias oil and gas pipelines.
    France as usual is sticking its oar into it..while selling a bankrupt and then some, greece a whole pile of warships. why?
    the threat to the mil arms merchants from budget cuts is a reason for them to keep fomenting war to keep profits up. usa main employers making money now are the arms and associateds.
    obummer wants war now so he can retain presidency. no other way he can hold it down
    chinas not going to accept it, and they could probably manage to stop or make life hard for us mil ships etc passing by..its why theyre ramping up in asian waters for the last few months.
    another reason usa wants to drag aus into being a base, cos okinawa and sth K may finally boot them OUT enter us idiots with a moron for a pm. ready to say yes yes to anything barry s asks her.
    hard to stockpile fuel in suburbia, jerry cans? enough to double your travel when you need to go bush, while you can find or afford any at all.
    and yeah Boomer, the retaliation will make the so called terrorist at home,(ha) look like polite kiddies. problem is they never manage to take the bastards that deserve removing , but the innocents.always cop it.

  6. Of course we will be the last to know what's really going down, if ever... but i do see serious opposition to the US Israeli reign of psychopathy...

    I think this is a significant article... it is a good read, at any rate:

  7. Yeah, I was up at 4am. Yes, there must be many jewish people, also caught up in the craziness.

  8. I was hoping some of you would list your ideas for fallout from a WWIII? Maybe add some of Who Profits here...who doesn't is pretty obvious.

    If you own oil stocks, anything oil related -- the big oil companies, shipping, implements for rigs, pipe, drilling equipment, etc. Bush family would profit just like they did off Iraq. Cheney, ala Halliburton, etc. Contractors that are in the "system" and can get NoBid contracts. Military shipbuilders, airplane manufacturers, All war munitions and war materiel manufacturers. Pretty much the same crowd that profited off Iraq, and Afghanistan. Remediation companies, Precious metals owners, the suppliers for goon squads in the U.S., more TSA, more HLS, etc., etc. The peasants will just get pushed over the edge with the price of everything, including all necessities shooting out of sight. The Bankers of course will get even more obscenely wealthy as they create fiat out of their own flatulence, and loan it with interest to the huddled masses and businesses going under due to nobody having any money to buy from them.

    Now, who again, would push for this catastrophe?

  9. "Now, who again, would push for this catastrophe?"


  10. Yea...they were 'chosen' for it doncha know...

  11. That is a significant article Wanda. Thank you for including it here.

  12. Yes'm, read that one yesterday. It is good to understand just how the UN like everything else is manipulated and controlled by the warmongers.

    Stea gives a good detailed accounting of how this all came about historically.

    An old Zionist saying - "If you don't like it, buy it."

  13. Now, who again, would push for this catastrophe?

    Well, for some effed up reason, the "don't call us Nazis" Not Sees.

  14. We seem to pulled into this tug of war by those that have drawn humanity into this insanity. Are they very clever or are they just crazy. One thing's for certain, what they've done, they've done with impunity, so far. As they've done with their false flags, OKC and 9/11 where they were emboldened by the former to pull off the latter and their sloppiness in doing so and their cover ups that didn't cover up anything. My question is, did they get away with it? So far they have. As quoted, we the innocent gullible have been duped. What would you expect from those that would do such crimes but to bring us to this point. My read is they're criminally insane on a Hannibal Lecter scale, brilliant but still insane. Except we catch whiffs of a gross incompetence in their ranks.

  15. This what capitalism looks like when it dies. The ponzi currency, never-ending growth model, has finally come to an end. All that was left to do was to turn the middle east into amusement parks and retirement communities, but alas, that didn't work out too well. The natives refused to be assimilated.

    After the coming conflict with Iran backfires, watch as all western economies finally go TU. Then watch as all our infrastructure goes with it. That's when the shit really hits the the peeps begin to starve and lash out.

    All brought to you by your local banker. Then, like Nuremberg, we'll hold a global trial against the evil bankers that got us into this mess, and we'll finally get to see Lord Blankfein receive his due. So, you see? There is light at the end of this tunnel.

  16. "There seems to be little doubt, according to former CIA officer Robert Baer, that these assassinations have been an Israeli operation, but the weakening effect on Iran's nuclear program is far less significant than the fact that this could easily provoke Iranian retaliation and achieve the desired US/Iranian war. (I would add that if Iran refuses to respond in a belligerent fashion, there is also the possibility of an Israeli false flag attack against US citizens which could be blamed on Iran.)"~Stephen Sniegoski

    And I would add that there is a good chance that the Israelis might bomb another barracks (a repeat of their false flag attack in Lebanon) now that US troops are to be quartered in Israel itself. Blaming it on chump Iranian 'defectors' would be simple. The explosives could even be pre-planted before the US troops arrive. Hell the high command of the US could even be in on it, just like the USS Liberty incident, 9/11, and other Zionist staged events.

  17. Kind of like the weasel egging on the dumb dog to guzzle the cat don't you think? Except the cat has claws and he ain't alone.

  18. I am jiggy with all you say up to the part where you seem to think Nuremberg gave the world some sort of vindication and set things to right again. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only souls to meet the reaper were patsies, dupes and useful idiots. The truly evil not-sees were given new identities, some got plastic surgeries, and were quietly imported to the US and given jobs as scientists, put on the boards of directors of various foundations and associations and "non-profits", etc. by other truly evil not-sees such as Papa Bush and the Rottenfellers.

    Werner Von Braun, for instance, is the head of NASA (NASA, NAZA, NAZI -what's in a name afterall?) and they didn't even bother to change his name. How's that for cojonies?

  19. You're right. Albeit, in my own little fantasy world, I have to believe that justice will prevail--even though I know it won't.

  20. "The United States has stepped up contingency planning in case Israel launches a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday.

    According to the report, U.S. defense officials are becoming increasingly concerned that Israel is preparing to carry out such a strike."Haaretz

    Bullsnit...this is just more Design masquerading as Diagnosis.~ww

    "The report said that, largely as a deterrent to Iran, the U.S. has 15,000 soldiers in Kuwait and has moved a second aircraft carrier strike group to the Persian Gulf region.

    Additionally, the U.S. has been pre-positioning aircraft and other military hardware and has accelerated arms transfers to U.S. allies in the Persian Gulf region.

    According to the report, top U.S. officials, including President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, have sent a series of private messages to Israeli leaders warning about the consequences of a strike on Iran. The U.S. reportedly wants to give sanctions and other measures more time, as part of efforts to compel Iran to abandon its alleged work to build nuclear weapons.

    Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke by telephone on Thursday and General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will visit Israel next week."

  21. Former State Department official/now AIPAC-linked Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) fellow Dennis Ross said:

    "There are consequences if you act militarily, and there's big consequences if you don't act. The administration considers the risks of permitting a nuclear-armed Iran to be greater than the risks of military action."
    As a result, regional and other countries will provide direct or indirect support, including China and Russia. "Chinese President Hu Jintao stated that if the USA or any other country attacked Iran, China would take responsive measures immediately. As for Moscow," Defense Ministry sources said regional forces "had already been mobilized in case of a possible war."

    However, war may escalate "into World War III." Neighboring countries won't stand aside. "Since there are many nuances that won't allow any of the Caucasian countries to stay safe haven(s)," they have to act defensively.


  22. Well, the Obvious is always just that -- Obvious. For some reason, only a modicum of previewers observe the prescient truths for their time... the rest of the involved and affected seem not to realize that which is raining down upon them, that which is clamoring for attention, that which all nature abhors, and retreats from for self preservation. No, these dumb monkeys swing from the trees ooohing and ahahahhing and whistling Dixie as their fertile environment is plundered and cut down to make totems to bewitch babes in their cribs, watching their wooden mobiles go 'round and 'round without a sound... dead wood idols worshiped by uncomprehending minds.

    Such is our befuddled world. It is YOU who must draw the line in the sand. It is me, who must raise my voice, as my ear to the ground sounds the impending doom of a cavalry of headless horsemen... It is ALL of us who see and sense the Obvious because we have been blessed to grok that which to others is ungrokable.

    All that matters, is to speak up, to share, to point out, to shout into the air the Truth. That the winds might be favorable, and that the Truth might come gently to rest upon an ear willing to hear... or that the Truth might crash through the roof like a meteorite, burning its way into the minds and midst of a sleeping family -- to present itself in fiery reality, forcing itself to be dealt with as the real deal.

    Waking Up is the starting point. Tap a friend, a family member, or even a foe on the shoulder, and say..."Look at This!"

    Curiosity Cured the Cat. And That Was All There Was to That. From What He Found...He Could Never Go Back. Such is Discovering Reality Resting Quietly in the Middle of the Clutter and the Noise. It Just IS... All the Rest Can Never Be.

  23. ".. the impending doom of a cavalry of headless horsemen… It is ALL of us who see and sense the Obvious because we have been blessed to grok that which to others is ungrokable."

    Beautiful Boom...this whole posting is a darling.

  24. Consider that some psychopaths are brilliant schemers (Bush Sr.), and some are doofus dullards (Bush Jr.). One thing they are across the board seems to be predictable. They cannot do good, only harm and damage. By their actions you will know them. By their lies you can asses their lack of integrity.

  25. Cheers Mate! Keep the flow going.

  26. One should assess the colatteral damage that will result from even a diffused situation in Iran

    1. Black Friday
    2. Iranian Hostage
    3. Star War
    4. USSR
    5. GW4 Kuwait
    6. Iran-Contra NAU
    7. a hundred other

    Why would the ruling minority want anything to change?

    I fear Iran as much as I do a grass snake. It's the Zionist lunatics who the minority has to watch out for. The unfortunate result of the Fake War on Terror [fatah] is eventually you create real enemies. These are the ones they never talk about. These are the ones we should fear as we would want those to fear us after slaughtering our families, neighbors and citizens.

  27. As the old saying goes watch who you turn into enemies on the way up because you'll be meeting them on the way down. Bummer to be linked to a failing empire. Hope the pissed off ones figure we've been as duped also.

  28. "The unfortunate result of the Fake War on Terror [fatah] is eventually you create real enemies". ~ Puddy

    That's a great quote for a bright insight!

    It is odd is it not, that COTO sees the Obvious in "not trusting" a certain ilk which inhabits some very obvious stages. George Carlin states he feels the same. I see, and have read, that it is unwise and foolish to trust in Idols. Experience teaches the same, unless one cannot get the concept through their wooden noggin. So, with this in mind, I can pretty much visualize these public "ilks" walking around with a Large Red X over their head and whatever they are hocking. I might even say a gong or buzzer goes off when I see the Red X people. So, it is rather funny, or more to the point, Strange -- when I see crowds flocking to the Red Xers... And, experience has taught me that it is actually the Invisible String Pullers, the Plotters, the "Illumined" ones hidden in the dark shadows who are the ones' to be wary of. It is They which represent the Root of the Wicked Tree which casts it's knarly shadow upon mankind and this planet. When they are identified by research, etc., they get a Large Red X with a Circle signifying their dangerous malignancy. True power does not flaunt itself. Thus, We Know that many Conspiracies are in-the-works constantly, for that is the nature of true wicked power. To conceal itself and use proxies whenever possible to wage their War of Terror.
