[caption id="attachment_17089" align="alignnone" width="193" caption=""I'm Not a Monster -- I Love Money!""]

[caption id="attachment_17090" align="alignnone" width="304" caption="I Raised Him from a Squirrel -- My Little Mitt Munster"]

In the beginning there was once upon a time and it was a dark and stormy night. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. Laundry is best done in the river under the grave yards, where the foamy waters swirl.
ReplyDelete"Starch makes a stiff and uncomfortable collar," said the boatswain.
"Here, try mine," said the ox.
"This could lead to a misunderstanding," said the mediator, "lets take a poll."
"Would a staff do?" asked Moses.
"How about a rod instead" interjected the schoolmarm.
No one could decide so they all went off to found their own corporate bodies, vowing to meet up in a few thousand years.
And so here we are.
O.K. A jumbalaya mumbo gumbo? A cane or a stick? A cup or a codpiece. I dunno. I don't have a use for any of em, but not to say I won't.
ReplyDeleteI still think Mitt is a Munster in holey underwear. But I shouldn't bring underwear into it. Its an "inside" joke see?
I always thought John Kerry was related to Herman Munster. .. must be that 6 degrees of separation thing.
ReplyDeleteQuakers, Shakers and Mormon Bakers. Poor Fred. he's dead and still getting insulted.
Nor insult Fred Gwynne.
ReplyDeleteMitt needs Donny Osmond and Fat Marie to help warm him up to room temperature. Aint no puppy love here for mormon warlocks or scientologist psychopaths.
It's a Monarck thing. The big MK.
Compact, yet complete. A cliff hanger Willie. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteSomething about the 'September Dawn' keeps popping in my head.
Oh well must be a B-thing.
ReplyDeleteSeptember 11 1857 - September 11, 2001 = 144 (12x12) It's a master number from the LSD Church, I mean the LDS Church, I can't keep this vector straight.
Extremists have been tools for the Pilgrims and Fabians since the first cell was formed. I call them churches, others say cells.
The massacre was sacrificial just like 911 and hundreds of others. Just requires some math and holyrood b-eta. I'll watch another sacrificial event later this year and will fall on the dates I posted.
Hot fun in the summertime!
THe guy in the flick that says..."Mormons do your duty" made me think of Rick Santorum....
ReplyDeleteNice housecoat...Does it come with matching slippers?
Rick's sanitarium...isn't that in Casablanca?
ReplyDeleteAnd the colored girls sing, "play it again Samuel, doop da doop da doop..."
So let me get this straight ....
ReplyDeleteGingrich, the man that was on a couch with Pelosi chatting-up "global warming," who has been to every elitist event from Bilderberg to Bohemia Grove, the man that not only accepts lobbyist's money, but at times is a lobbyist himself, who was booted from his position in disgrace with 84 ethics violations, and paid $300,000 in restitution, and who has connections to every Wall St. insider that has ever robbed us, and is on first name basis with the ultimate thieves in the FED, the CFR and Tri-Lateral Commission, who Friday canceled an event for "lack of attendance," and who couldn't put a staff together in Iowa, or muster 10K signatures to get on the ballot in VA., who carries a $500,000 charge card at Tiffany's for his latest wife da`jour, and who is passing himself off as the ultimate Washington "outsider," whose platform only mirrors every failed policy to date from the "war on drugs" to the "war on terror" to the war on the American people with his support of the Patriot Act and the recent NDAA, who basically wrote NAFTA and crafted every other job-stealing bill we've had, who is in addition a draft-dodger that won't think twice about sending your children off to die, and this is just touching the surface and not getting into a personal life that would make Hugh Hefner hide his head in shame, wins handily, two-days after one of his ex's exposed him as a deviate swinger, over a field that has a man (Ron Paul) that has never been to one single elitist event, won't even talk to a lobbyist, who is known as the "conscience of Congress," who is totally funded by the people, who has only talked to elitist bankers during Congressional hearings, who has served his country honorably both in uniform and out, who every year gives a large portion of his salary back to the U. S. Treasury, has refused military and government pension funds, who is a doctor in two fields of study successfully, who is against wars of all kinds that are not authorized by Congress, and not only did not support the Patriot Act and the DNAA, but took time off from campaigning to go to Washington to introduce a provision to strike-down the indefinite detention of American's without charge in that treasonous bill, whose personal life is a model of morality, this man who was endorsed by the former head of the CIA's binLaden task-force, several of the more distinguished legislators from SC, and who receives more support from the active military than all the others combined, including Obama, who by ever demographic and social indicator, from number of comments on forums, Twitter, Facebook and who outsells the entire field in merchandizing, this man comes in last?
Will someone please tell me what's wrong with this picture? Either my eyes are deceiving me or somebody is humbugging me.
The Sheeple have lost the ability to assess another individual's "character". Or they don't care, or they figure it doesn't matter -- like what you do in your private life is totally separate from your public life {gingrich rationalization}, or ......_______________X.
ReplyDeleteAlso, ALL of the radio talk show hosts in SC IGNORE Ron Paul, going so far as to NOT EVEN MENTION HIS NAME during discussions, unless a caller brings him up specifically. There is a CONSPIRACY through all of the media networks from the puny to the gargantuan, and the CON seems to be consistent all through them. It is seriously frustrating, and criminal.
I shake my head listening to callers blab about their "intellectual" reasons for believing in/voting for/promoting Gingrich, Romney, Santorum, yuck, yuck, yuck. I'm sickened by the abject stupidity of the Sheeple. It must be a culmination of all the psyops, environmental poisonings, bad "waves", and whatever that has rendered the population Insane.
Yes, it is utterly flabbergasting! A bunch of lying warmongers, toting a train of dirty laundry a mile long behind them, dressed in Neocon suits...and Ron Paul, the lone Champion of the Constitution and murdered Freedoms that are the only bulwark against tyranny, waves from across the stage, as he is ignored by the moderators, the population in general, and the media.
This is a sight to behold! One for the history books, as America is flushed down the toilet.
Yea M, I think you got that straight...hmm...and THAT is the crux of the dilemma, that is exactly how it is in the woowoo world of post-modern Amerika.
ReplyDeleteIt is indeed a grand humbug. Worthy of a grand vomiting...
The stars in the night sky should come together to spell, WTF?
"This is a sight to behold! One for the history books, as America is flushed down the toilet."
ReplyDeleteYea Boom, as I have said before; generally speaking, I can think of no people who deserve exactly what is coming to them as much as these Amerikans.
They are blithering maniacs, veritably I say unto thee.
I watched the last 30 minutes or so of "A Few Good Men" today. I don't think Americans Get This! Apparently...from who they idolize, vote for, enable, lick the shit off their boots, capitulate, turn over their "grandfathered" Freedoms {which is not "Their" right to turn over, as they have Done Nothing to earn them to this point} for a shiny, spit-shined "promise" of security proffered from the very henchmen who have failed to secure anything of value in these United States...
ReplyDeleteWhere's your Freedoms derelicts? Where'd they go? Who sold em? Who sold your freaking birthright? Wake Up!
I digress.
Anyways, there are so many nuggets of gold in "A Few Good Men". Civilians and military men should watch it and re-watch the end until they understand who the weak are that are to be protected. Who is a "Country" to protect anyways -- a bunch of corporations, banks, politicians, manufacturers of war and war materiel? No -- it is quite Obvious, that a Country is made up of The People! Dads, Moms, grandparents, cousins, kids, neighbors, church friends, work mates, and so on...
These are The People, the fabric of a country. The fabricated "creation", the man-made stuff that is government, is societies rules and mores, the institutions, the schools, all of this "stuff" can be and has been corrupted and inverted. That is -- perverted.
Now, this People-Made "stuff" has "monsterized", and taken precedence over the very warm-blooded creatures that built it to facilitate a better life. What is it promising? What is it costing? Does it serve honorably it's designed purpose, or has the plowshare been turned into an instrument of control, force, and death?
It is super lame to see "tools" like brilliant technologies "weaponized", or "greedized", or "politicized" to serve purposes anti-thetical to the good of humans and their original idealistic purposes. Such is the World though. So folks better Wake-Up because this shit is being turned backwards to eat up the useless eaters. And this means all this infrastructure is being "operated" by psychotic sociopaths with bad intentions.
The lessons must be learned now, for the writing is on the wall. If you cannot figure out what the wolves look like, or how they work in a pack, then you and your loved ones will be eaten. Is this so difficult to figure out? Is this not important enough to figure out?
Ahh...bada Boom,
ReplyDeleteIt's all a digression at this point. The game is over, the score just hasn't been announced.
There hasn't been a "United States of America" for over a hundred years, when the Public Relations Regime took over.
The Republic was effectively lost when the South took the false flag bate and fired on Fort Sumter. The so-called "Union" that was glued back together with the blood of hundreds of thousands of brothers was a zombie.
This Zombie Union has mutated by the numbers into the post-modern corporatist state we see today. Millionsof Lazarines at their daily routines, pissin' in their latrines and flushing their flaccid dreams.
Dood, it's all over but the squealy oinks echoing through the suburbs.
The moth in the header reminds me of one of the banana moths I found in my house in Georgia. This was after one of the hurricanes...obviously these fellas were blown north from Central America.
ReplyDeleteIf you've never seen one, they are huge - as big as a bat. They are colored just like a ripening banana, the same yellow with brown spots here and there. Quite beautiful and impressive.
I was unsuccessful in catching either one. Found them dead behind my couch a few days later.
That's a "we've lost it all" negative outlook Rogue1. It's always dark before the sunrise. You could be right, but throwing in the towel doesn't sound like you?
ReplyDeleteYeah, our only hope is that when it is time to "Wake Up!", that Americans figure out what they're made of, and also figure out who the real enemy is... Just like the Iraqis, the Libyans, the Afghanis, the Vietnamese, the Russians, the Africans, the Native Indians, the Mexicans, the Iranians, the Koreans, the Japanese, the Germans, the British, the North, the South, Ha Ha Ha, look at the absurdity of this listing?!!! It keeps going ---> Various south American countries, pick your continent, practically everybody has been demonized at one time or another and deemed LEGAL TO KILL!
Yeah, keep thinking of all the cultures and peoples that Someone paints as the latest "Enemy of the State". Man, this list is long!
Think of it! All these foreign people's have been declared Enemies for whatever reason du jour...religious, race, owners of valuable resources, tyrannical despots, insurgents against occupations (what a joke), etc., etc.
WOW! Americans, the "melting pot of the world's cultures" can't get along with any of them? I'd say we best look at some underlying, conspiratorial groups that "profit" off of every one of said demon conflicts. Can you think of any? I can.
It makes no sense that the American People per se hate every other culture. No, that's a bullshit meme some sick groups are mouthing through media mouthpieces. And wonder of wonders! I bet other people's didn't hate the American People either...until we started killing them by the hundreds of thousands, spraying them like bugs, screwing with the economics, and all the other dirty tricks. Yeah, the name "Bankers" and those that have to do with "Banking" seem to rise to the top of the list of Who profits off of all these generated conflicts.
Maybe humanity will some day start to figure this shit out before they've killed each other off? I think if you're going to start a War, start with the Banker Class first. They're the ones wearing the biggest smiles and wearing the smallest dicks.