The plan is set to coordinate with the other October 6th protests taking place across the United States. We shall see if this isn't just a Beta-test for the coming actions the Ruling Class plan on executing upon us or a truly organic revolution.
We'll be occupying Lafayette Square, the same place in which I had the encounter with the DHLS agent over the 9/11 weekend. It's not just the belly-of-the-Beast location, but his heart and head too.
Yours truly has volunteered for the Media & Marketing section, making signs, contacting media, generally getting the word out.
As things progress I will try the best I can to keep everyone informed. However transmission may be interrupted by little things such as incarceration.
But you can then keep-up by visiting the OccupyNOLA site.
Power to You
ReplyDeleteWho is telling people to go out and Occupy things?
ReplyDeleteNobody is telling anybody to do anything they don't want to do.
ReplyDeleteJackson Square
woo hoo, M!
ReplyDeletecheck out this:
Declaration of the Occupation of New York City
you should read this... it's very similar to the Dec of Independence, but with today's issues
and, it's by the NYC General Assembly
and check out Boston (sorry if coto1 already has this):
Yes, it is beautiful and inspirational to see this all happening.
ReplyDeleteCheck Chris Hedges article out. It is times like these that brings out the best.
wow, that's a powerful motivating speech.
ReplyDeletealtho, I'm more radical... when he says "Let the roads, bridges, dams, levees, power grids, rail lines, subways, bus services, schools and libraries crumble or close."
I say, YES! Bring down civilization
There can be no compromise with the capitalist industrial system; it will destroy us and the planet; it must ALL be brought down.
See Deep Green Resistance (my review) and Derrick Jensen's Endgame
Hang Seng Index
You go M!! This IS a grass roots movement and you and all of coto are a part of it.
ReplyDeleteALex Jones has pissed me off for the final time. He's trying to divert attention away from this saying Soros is controlling it. I've been watching these kids for over a week now. They've been rained on and cold and had their media equipment taken from them by the police. MSM hardly mentions the occupation and when they do they downplay the numbers and ridicule it, saying they don't have a real message.. WHAT?!!!! THe message is, we're tired of being screwed by wall street and the banksters. It's main street's turn to stand up and scream we want our money and jobs back!
Now Jones says he's going to protest the three feds in Texas. Good for him! That and a couple of dollars will buy him a coffee ! Big baby. I think he's pissed it isn't HIS idea. He hasn't spoken much about the protest at all even before he "realized this is a Soros production" Is it? I don't doubt he's got his dirty fingers in it somehow, don't they always? Look at the Tea Party
But I've had suspicions he's pushing a more right wing agenda for a while now, despite what he says about the l/r paradigm. This makes me believe it. The dumbest of his followers are calling death to the wall street "libtards" in their comments now. Let's face it. Ron Paul has always been a man to support big business and deny raises for the working people by ALWAYS voting against raising the minimum wage. That's why I could never support the man. Free market? HOW?
Big fish always eats little fish,.
Liberty empowers the small as well as the great. I am free to make all kinds of money and develop new concepts. Free trade is a lie. The repeal of NAFTA will level the playing field. There will be liberty for all or liberty for none,You must chose.
ReplyDeleteWow, Rady, that's not radical, that's reactionary. And a bit insane.
ReplyDeleteBring down civilization? And have what? Barbarism?
I'm not against civilization, or capitalism for that matter, I'm against it's manipulation for the betterment of the few against the many. The problem as I see it is that the laws are there to keep those that would exploit the system are being selectively enforced. Not that the entire system is corrupt.
I don't see any system as being without it's pitfalls, and in every one I've observed it's always seems to come down to the selective enforcement of the laws.
Michael you and the rest are the real 'Saints game.' I have been somewhat suspect of the real instigator, like AJ and others but never indicated the good people in this movement are real.
ReplyDeleteI do state this. Everyone out in the public view must be prepared and wary of the potential for an event. The one that makes the case for the committee's plan.
It does not take a deep thinking strategist to look at the events post Bush and see the flagrant financial follies and anger management power up for the coming larger transition.
What they were doing in stealth previously, has become an open book and the cointel all over the web. T-Square and K-State were a blip on the screen for the masses under the government spell.
When the white terror and AA-missile are staged, so will the WalMartStreet gang be targeted. The FED is the capstone and will be protected at all cost. So please be careful.
I am surely under attack now. Through every Govt. Agency and recently a Federal one. There is a silent soft kill in process, the data regarding cancer rates fully exposed, the Rising Sun Fukushima and Horizon may be the obvious scapegoats for some of the death, but the larger food, phrma, EMR, chemtrail agenda is where the real numbers are.
Stay safe boss.
That was the death nell in 93. Though it was Magog's baby, Bush, Brian Mulroney and Carlos Salinas laid it in the hands of Billyboy, his bastard sons hands to seal the deal.
ReplyDeleteThe official WalMartStreet began. The globalists know many languages and us sheeple cannot read the labels of the toxic products we buy.
Just look for the skull and bones for poison safety.
It would not surprise me in the least that this movement, if not started by factions that would control us, we must remember that it is always their MO to control the opposition, that they will indeed try infiltrate and do what they can to control it.
ReplyDeleteI'm already witnessing that here in the way those with different causes are clouding the main purpose of this movement and to keep it in solidarity with what started in NYC. As I mentioned this may be nothing more than a Beta-test for the bigger protests and riots that are coming.
As far as Jones goes, I too am disappointed in the slant he's giving this. But it may also be like the blind men describing and elephant. Much like Kokech may have just happened to run into the people he interviewed are just one faction that were placed there by those that would cloud the issue.
This is what Watson write today to address what we're talking about here:
"Here at Infowars we are not simply disregarding the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest as a creation of the leftist machine and cynically abandoning the energy that thousands of young people are bringing to the streets.
We are pointing out that the usual suspects are hard at work to subvert and divert the impact of the protest by steering it away from the real cause of our economic fallout – the Federal Reserve – an institution which ‘Occupy Wall Street’ ideologues like Michael Moore have protected by their failure to acknowledge that it represents a far bigger threat than Wall Street.
In addition, Alex Jones has announced the campaign to “Occupy the Fed,” details to follow, in a bid to focus the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement on the real enemies of the American people, the Federal Reserve, and not let the protest be manipulated by Democratic Party front groups who are an integral part of the Wall Street establishment."
As I said, we shall see. One thing is for sure, the revolution is on and nothing will ever be that same.
ViVa A. Burr - ViVa A. Russo
ReplyDeleteThe money people never sit back or waste an opportunity to control. Everyone here knows that. Yes, PD, they must be ever watchful for the Co-opters and agents provacateur. But for Jones to out and out lie about the media coverage it's received and about things that Roseanne said on the Max Keiser show, shows me his true stripes.
ReplyDeleteHe wants an end the fed movement? So what's he waiting for. Get his people to organize it in conjunction with OWS ... that would be AWESOME! Let Ron Paul lead the charge. Paul seems to be a man of more talk than action. Let's see him do it. I bet he doesn't. He is, after all, just another man running for office. His son rand told me everything I needed to know about him.
Good insight there, M. Most folks just want to get along, and be left alone to make their own choices. Then, there's that 1% or so, who are driven by 'control' issues, greed, lust for power, etc. to "take over" systems (people, business, politics, religion, whatever) and enrich themselves by twisting the "intent".
ReplyDeleteIt is a sickness I believe. These creatures are driven to do these things. You could probably stick them almost anywhere, whatever milieu, and they would try to take it over, the people, the animals, the environment, business, anything they can, and Control it all for their own benefit.
These are the assholes humanity must corral and remove to their own boxed in playpen.
Just my 2 cents. The issue is far deeper as you know.
Since that debacle of hype at the Bilderberg meeting, which ended with such a fizzling whizzer weiner, I have doubted AJ's motives and abilities. Today, there's all kinds of stuff on his sites, but mostly convoluted. I'm not even going to take the time to read it as it is going in so many directions. It is a "splintering" of a solid board of angst and righteous indignation against the criminal Fed Res, corporatists, and political whores. By design we can be sure.
ReplyDeletenah... it's insane to let a corrupt system destroy your planet.
ReplyDeleteI worry too about a genuine US protest movement being hijacked by the PTB ~ and have actually been wary of this whole thing from the start. but, I saw a video where some speaker said, "No one ever knows where or when the revolutionary spark will ignite."
ReplyDeleteIt could be at an event like OWS -- especially since it's spread across the nation and even into Mexico.
And I suspect that once the anger gets ignited, no one will be able to control it unless they start killing protesters in mass numbers.
I bet we'll get to see their famed crowd control weapons.
Well, Rady, I can't argue that the system is corrupt, but it's corrupt because the checks and balances are abused and stacked in favor of those at the top. If we had honest people in the courts and regulatory agencies that corruption would be held in check.
ReplyDeleteIt's my contention that we don't need to re-invent the wheel. We just need to straighten it out get new rims, spokes, tire, inner-tube and axle.
But I'd be interested in knowing what you'd replace this with should we clean the slate and start over.
ReplyDeleteThis is what it is all about to Randy jive ass Anandroid.
Thanks for your kind words and as always your sage advice.
ReplyDeleteAt this point I really don't give a damn about being safe. They can take this big-mouth of mine out anytime they want. It's not bravery, it's knowing that we're all targets anyway. So fuck it.
Know that if I see them coming in force that I'll have my escape hatch and boot, I'll be one my bike for added mobility. But the cops here are for the most part closer to the community and know how to handle crowds without resorting to violence. Not that they're not capable of it, I have been victimized by them in the past, but I'd rather face the NOPD than most any other city police anywhere.
That's been my suspicion, that this could just be a test. But right now I don't care. Seeing people on the street, and for what seems to be the right reasons is good enough for me.
ReplyDeleteRevolutions are messy. There not suppose to be orderly.
I'd still like to know what a censor and liar like little panderer ananda can talk about truth and freedom of speech and expression. [?]
ReplyDeleteAnd why isn't it enough to occupy one supposedly Coto web site and insist on bringing the stench here?
People are pissed - and it's real.
ReplyDeleteSure the OLIGARCHS are going to try to co-opt this revolution.
The problem they have is the same as it always is:
When the people get punched hard enough from one consistent direction, no amount of PR yabber is going to take them off target.
It isn't going to take a majority to win a revolution - just a determined minority.
I see determination building - and the rougher the pigs get on the crowds the more determined the defiance will become.
Only some 20 percent joined against the British in the original revolution.
Keep history in mind because it does cycle and repeat.
M, whatever you do, do NOT listen to Alex Jones BS. He is trying to sabotage OWS. He lied about msm reporting on OWS.. They hardly have and when they do they make snide remarks about the protesters.
ReplyDeletePlease just go to the link I have up for NYC and listen to these kids. The ones that work in the media "tent" ALL support ending the fed. They said there are all stripes of people there supporting all types of causes.. dems/reps/ron paul supporters/obama supporters.
Jones picked the obama supporters to interview and they are
IDIOTS. But so are a lot of Alex Jones supporters ! You and I have listened to him for years and I learned a lot from the man but I have yet to hear him bash the Koch brothers like he does Soros. I'm not defending Soros but they are equally disgusting entities! Soros on the left and the Koch bros on the right.
I don't like where he's going with this. He even lied about the Max Keiser Roseanne Barr interview! Go look for it on youtube and watch it yourself. I posted it under one of my articles about OWs but not sure which one. Then look for anything positive coming out of MSM about this other than Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNB. If you find something positive, please let me know and I'll pass it on to the chat room at OWS. They've & I've been monitoring it for over a week now and don't see any good press from them.
Just to point out the necessity and urgency of our cause; and to remind of the larger global scenario:
ReplyDelete"Obama-style "rules of engagement" include bullets, bombs, slit throats, knives in the back, or drone attack justice.
Targeted victims are declared guilty by accusation. Due process and judicial fairness are discarded artifacts. US citizens are as vulnerable as global enemies.
No one is safe anywhere in a world ruled by rogue leaders, taking the law into their own hands with impunity.
The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) condemned Al-Awlaki's killing, saying:
"The assassination of Anwar Al-Awlaki by American drone attacks is the latest of many affronts to domestic and international law, said Vince Warren," CCR Executive Director.
"The targeted assassination program that started under (Bush) and expanded under Obama essentially grants the executive" extralegal judge, jury, and executioner power.
"If we allow such gross overreaches of power to continue, we are setting the stage for increasing erosions of civil liberties and the rule of law." ~Lendman
And the obvious relevance of this is:
ReplyDeleteEven if you sit on your hands and go along to get along, it will not save you.
This is the brutal draconian police state that we have watched grow under the cover of "National Security" for the last 60 + years.
This is is here now. It will not go away on it's own.
I know we know it...but we have visitors from all over the world here, they must understand that we know it.
ReplyDeleteIT is apparent.
No one can deny IT.
I am very wary of Ms. Barr. I liked her rendition of the Star Strangled Banter years ago, but her rhetoric sounds like she want's to behead people who are making a good living.
ReplyDeleteIf a banker making $400,000.oo get's his block chopped off then I think it's all wrong. Michael Moore is that kind of hypocrit. What's Roseanne worth?
here, M ~ Andy Marshall captures much of what I envision.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a reformist; I'm a revolutionary. The system cannot be fixed; it must be destroyed.
We're already building alternative institutions to replace the ones that are collapsing under the weight of corruption.
ReplyDeleteLocalizing - decentralization - devolution; these are the themes driving the local food movement, the local money movement, the secession movement, etc.
We can't just demand the laws be applied justly; they never will be as long as there is such huge disparity in wealth. Money rules until we get rid of it ...
ReplyDeleteThis is a powerful piece by Paul Craig Roberts...and a frightening
prospect that lies before us:
"This great danger that hovers over America is unrecognized by the
majority of the people. When Obama announced before a military
gathering his success in assassinating an American citizen, cheers
erupted. The Obama regime and the media played the event as a repeat
of the (claimed) killing of Osama bin Laden. Two "enemies of the
people" have been triumphantly dispatched. That the President of the
United States was proudly proclaiming to a cheering audience sworn to
defend the Constitution that he was a murderer and that he had also
assassinated the US Constitution is extraordinary evidence that
Americans are incapable of recognizing the threat to their
There is a difference between the "funny money" based on the usury of the Federal Reserve and a real medium of exchange.
ReplyDeleteThis naive bullshit about "getting rid of 'money'" is feudal nonsense...unless we are envisioning small tribal communities dealing in barter, the people are going to need a medium of exchange.
It must be admitted that there is a lot of half baked naive crap mouthing off as "revolutionary" - it is counter-revolutionary in that it is socialist bandersnach, has NEVER worked historically and ALWAYS leads to feudalism, ie; master and slave institutions.
If we are to leap from the frying pan to the fire, we will burn no less.
The destination is same for both of these trains - the openly fascist global engine and the covert communist global engine.
Wise up to the dialectic presented here and reject it, for the sake of liberty and freedom.
The problem is that it is the election cycle and Goldman Sachs boy may not be here next year. If the big event is staged to forgo the election under the Exec State of Emergency, martial law and sedition laws could put you under the guillotine. Federal sedition laws are still around.
ReplyDeleteIf this is a UN funded program or open society venture the matter could get ugly. I can say that the OWS should have started next year before the election.
Andrew Marshall is brilliant - but he is not suggesting tearing down "civilization" - he is suggesting "civilizing" civilization.
ReplyDeleteLet him not be misunderstood.
We know what he means by "institutions", he is not talking about the "institution of the family" he is talking about the Official institutions of the state, of corporatism, etc.
If we are to reinvent the wheel - those billions will die as surely as they will under the New World Order.
Let's just keep our perspectives clear here. We walk a tightrope.
ReplyDelete".. the head of the ruling military council made statements that may exonerate former President Hosni Mubarak
.... the gap between what’s happening in Tahrir Square and what’s happening at the military council is not narrowing....
... The military agreed to amend the elections law to allow political party candidates to run for seats set aside for independents,..
... The military council hasn’t agreed to protester demands for ending military trials of civilians or ban Mubarak-era officials from running in the elections.."
"The emergency law was introduced by Mubarak in 1981 and remained until he was ousted in February 2011. For years, activists called for the abolishment of the law and during the 18 day uprising it became one of the main demands of the revolutionaries. However, after the ousting of Mubarak, the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) which took power, failed to abolish the law, only to reactivate it, and expand it, last month after protesters attacked the Israeli embassy on 9 September.",-Ta.aspx
PD, Roseanne isn't calling for people that make 400K to get their heads chopped off. She's talking about the big banksters and ceos of the global corporations that are stealing from the people to step up to the guillotine. That's what Max Keiser is advocating as well. That they be punished for their crimes. I see nothing wrong with that.
ReplyDeleteRoseanne is wacky but has a good heart. I agree with a lot of what she says but not everything. I've listened to her radiio show and watched her "reality" show because my nephew worked on production of that show. You know she lives in Hawaii on a nut farm so she could get off the grid and live off the land? Her house is very modest but she owns acreage there. A lot of what she says is meant to be humorous like saying we should send those that make over 100mil and don't want to give back to their communities to re-education camps. That was a joke. She just thinks the system is unfair and that those that benefit from it off the backs of the working class should give something back instead of hoarding it all for themselves. She believes in socialism
I don't believe socialism nor free market would work. Why that's true for me is a simple answer. In theory they both sound grand but in operation neither could be successful because of human nature. In the end there are always greedy individuals that rise to the top and gather up all the riches to keep for themselves.
Btw, I used to like Michael Moore. Roger and Me was a great doc as was Sicko. Fahrenheit 911 was obviously incomplete and I don't like his not taking a stand on 9/11. He's a typical hollywood type that doesn't see through the two party system....or does he? Nope, I do not trust the man.
I am addicted to the live feed from NYC and have YET to hear any of the protesters that come on to speak to those watching endorse Obama. Do some of the people in NYC carry Obama signs.. of course they do. They aren't the leaders of this movement that I have heard speak. They are probably the Soros people or just uninformed dumb dems.
ReplyDeleteMarshall's advice is of course good and common sense. He's speaking very well to the young protesters.. I don't see that he's saying anything that we "oldsters" don't already know. People in the OWS chat speak continually about getting off the grid, taking money out of banks and putting them into credit unions, growing gardens etc. They're not all naive little kids playing at rebellion. Of course there are those too.... Apparently, the kids aren't being funded yet because they are still online begging for water, tarps(cops don't allow tents), batteries for computers, small generators, poptarts and pizza
This is just the beginning. If we don't allow the PTB to take over, all the things Marshall speaks of here will happen eventually. As Howard Beale says... "first you must get mad!" That's where we are now.. That's what OWS is all about. Real change won't and can't happen overnight. Step by step, inch by inch.................
"Real change won’t and can’t happen overnight. Step by step, inch by inch.."
That's how we got where we are at....that's the only way out as well.
All we ever had to do was turn around and go the other way.
There is another way to go.
That's The Big Disconnect for Americans with puny, shriveled, TV brains! They've got leaders who heartily endorse torture, war, financial rape, etc., and these idiots cheer and sanction these blatantly uncivilized illegal activities. Why? Perhaps, cause it's like a video game, tv show, or news article. Surreal rather than real life. But it IS real life and real death. How can fix "ignorant" when the ignorant are most happy in that stupified state?
ReplyDelete"He/They" just haven't come for them...yet. So its A.O.K. to terminate with prejudice those enemies-of-the-state. When That Time comes it is of course too late.
"All we ever had to do was turn around and go the other way. There is another way to go" ~ Rogue1
ReplyDeleteYessir. WE do have a choice. Many choices in fact. When the slave suddenly stands up to the 'master' who is whipping him, takes the whip out of his hand, and says, "I'm not going to take this anymore" the tables are turned. Ya gotta back it up with a willingness to make the 'master' eat that whip though, when he comes after you still determined that he "owns" you, and you exist to serve him only. That's where the rubber meets the road. First comes "No More!", then follow through action. The People are just now saying "No More" in a very small voice, barely heard by the Machine Men. Justice will be difficult to obtain, but first a conscious understanding of reality must fire across the synapses of the brain-washed.
"first a conscious understanding of reality must fire across the synapses of the brain-washed."
ReplyDeleteYes Boom...but not really all of them - just a goodly amount.
There will always be those who go along to get along - who simply haven't the guts to think for themselves...would literally hate to have to think for themselves.
If things are pushed to a change - these same people will just accept that as "natural" - like they accept the present as "natural."
~Mr. Natural {naturally}
ReplyDeleteSince OWS started, I've only heard the event mentioned twice on MSM. Once to announce it as a small time event with only 700 showing up (they missed the mark X 100). The second a brief stating that the demonstrations were a protest against corrupt banking, that was it, no mention of it starting to go viral, nothing more. As was stated in another posting, eventually they'll have to acknowledge what's coming down. We're only the seepage through the holes in the dyke and they still have many fingers yet to plug the holes with. Just like in the song by Spirit; "Natures Way"
ReplyDelete" Natures way of telling you something's wrong in a song".
The flood's coming, kind of has a biblical connotation for those so inclined doesn't it?
Yea Veri, Spirit; “Natures Way”...Love that song.
ReplyDeleteThis era does have it's biblical aspects to it...doesn't it. Yes yes yes...
Jeeeze, I keep getting the waft of the stench of a muffmunchers breath????
ReplyDeleteWhere on earth is that coming from?
Send a generous contribution to:
ReplyDeleteCentre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
PO Box 55019
11, Notre-Dame Ouest,
Montreal, QC, H2Y 4A7
ReplyDeleteJust to drop something in here I doubt anyone here has seen...
Thermite...a debate??
So Anandroidbitch...
ReplyDeleteThis is what goes on at C2
While you parade your phony "revolutionary" pap smear here.
Why don't you clean your own stall before you come to our house?
How much are Affiliates paying for unchallenged access to Coto Report?
They make you a deal your couldn't refuse?
ReplyDeleteieaffiliates | October 5, 2011 at 1:00 pm | Reply
“Greed and recklessness by the titans of Wall Street triggers the largest financial crash since the Great Depression”
Actually ,it was Fannie and Freddie that triggered the collapse.
“The meltdown’s devastation ripples around the world from California to Iceland and China”
Only countries that were over-leveraged were impacted.
“The victims of the meltdown fight back”
The so-called victims figting back had little or no loss to the collapse. Most of the victims were the traders on Wall Street.
“Shaken world leaders question the very foundations of modern capitalism ”
Actually, it was excessive spending and borrowing that caused the most damage to coutries, not capitalism.
Thanks for another shining example of failed journalism and not knowing how finance and economics work. Coalition Of The Oblivious must be proud.
What is that smell???
ReplyDeleteIs that an Anandadroidbitch pretending to be a revolutionary???
Why yes it is.