Brzezinski says some rather startling things in this interview. It's hard to make out what he's doing here. Certainly he's drawing some lines in the sand, but as are all the webs they weave this too seems to be tangled.
I need the sharp minds of COTO to analyze this and pick this apart.
If the first link doesn't work try the second.
And then there's this ...
ReplyDeleteIs Obama bringing Zelikow back on board in order to try to “maintain” the “public myth” of 9/11, or to orchestrate another 9/11?
I didn't get Z-Big's thing on that URL, there was something by Ron Suskind....?
Link should work now. I'm at work but will watch when I get home.. Thanks for posting M :)
ReplyDeleteMy take is that Z-dog is the last of the 19th Century Chessboard wankers... who still thinks there are "governments" and "countries" and "strategic interests." His distaste for "populism" as opposed to "democracy" is telling. Oh you bet "populism" is dangerous... especially when stupid-heads are whipped up by their lizard-brains by parrots with haircuts.
ReplyDeleteZbig has sniffed the smoke to late. "Globalism" has gone electronic, expanding at the same rate that his own chessboard is imploding into tribalism. I wonder why he thinks the torches and pitchforks have nothing to do with him...
" I wonder why he thinks the torches and pitchforks have nothing to do with him…"~Waldo
ReplyDeleteBodhi guards, and scales...
I believe you put that rather well.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking same thing while I was listening to him, "why does he think he's immune?"
And you might be right about him being stuck in some form of his own normalcy-bias, but I find it hard to believe he isn't more hip than that. Although perhaps I'm giving him too much credit. He too may just be getting played at this point, or feels he backed the losing horse.
And when he was talking about the lack of direction in foreign policy, he was Obama's foreign policy guru! How can not accept some of the blame for what's going on?
I just thought it strange he'd even be on TV left to babble on for as long as he did. And his candor on how the rest of the world is looking at us now was almost comical.
His total bafflement at the insanity being displayed cracked me up, I kept thinking, "yeah, now you know how I've been feeling about your bullshit." And still do! I baffled, he's baffled. The way all of them seemed to pander to some of the truths being told was at the same time refreshing, and disgusting.
And then at the end where he seems to realize what he just said might actually get him fitted for the brain tumor, seemed genuine. I hope he has screwed-up enough that they terminate his contract. I would also like to see him get a few more interviews where he does speak too much of the truth for those he runs with comfort.
Maybe it was because he was being interviewed by his daughter and Scarbourgh, a man Z-man once called, "the most superficial man he'd ever meet," but his talk about the top 1%er's I found to be strange coming from him.
Ah, fuck it, who cares what this fossil-fart thinks anyway?
Thank you for posting this, M! Zbigniew is a cold calculator, and his job is to salvage the crumbling myth of America's inherent greatness. Lobaczewski said he suppressed the publication of Political Ponerology, a book which gives a good description of the hysteroidal cycle in which human societies undergo periods of insanity, like he seems to be worried about. Brzezinski is the worst kind of psychopath--an unusually intelligent one. Yes he is calculating how to get his ass out of the mess he foresees. Lovely to see the rats abandoning ship. They do actually turn on each other at this point in a bid to survive. That's how the Bushes got through World War II to menace us now. They persuaded us to hang anyone that might inform the rest of us about the real power structure in place. This is why Lobaczewski said it is a mistake to kill these guys. He said to put them in a cage and encourage them to sing.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this Z-Big thing will be related in text in the next couple of days, this video freezes on me everytime I try it...
Good analysis Patricia...ponerism is no doubt alive in the 21st century, and during an apocalypse, the veils lift, the light shines and the rats backbite.
ReplyDeleteWe got a strange show ahead...
Interesting. Mike Ruppert thinks TPTB are set to drop some kind of bombshell toward the end of September, the point at which a whole load of economic SHTF. The news is full of little hints at something or other spectacular, but no idea of what exactly to expect. A new false flag is possible, this time featuring white disgruntled patsies, because TPTB need an excuse to proactively crack down on us, or they face food riots, maybe even lynch mobs.
ReplyDeleteDo da name Ribbentrop mean anything too yoo?
ReplyDeleteWhaddaya guys and gals think of this? Obama participating in a Defcon1 drill on 9/27/11 (is this a significant date to the Illuminastys?) and the U.S. has to inform Russia ahead of time, while Elenin's supposed to align with the earth, and other "stuff":
Do you think Americans (states) can pull off some version of this for bankers, corporations, the Fed Guv?
ReplyDeleteMore than a "Protest", a referendum, a legal statement...
"Council of Nine Traditional Elders Issues Banishment Order for Catholic Church"
I think it's Vatican versus China. Power blue play coming and the showdown is for Iranian dirty hands. Ziggy aint dead yet.
ReplyDeletePatricia will be getting slammed by HAARP NINA TYPHOON ROKE and France is getting the economic hammer as we speak. Their recent dirty explosion is a calling card.
India has cancelled their orders for French Power plants and that has pissed the red team off. I predict EUsterity games to begin on Hollows Eve and a EU event on 11/11.
Michael I watched the next clip on Morning Joe on Perry. When I hear those geniuses using words like "stupider" and "misunderestimating" it reminds me that we may get Bush and Obama in one nice neat package called Rick Perry.
That's the anti-christ . Showdown in the holyland folks.
Stay dry and hunker down Patricia. Roke may skirt you if you are west.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Chief!
ReplyDeleteThey're calling it "Typhoon #15" in Japan. Typhoon Rogue, lol, good one! It is coming right at me--they couldn't have aimed it better! It's going aground as I type in Hamamatsu. After mauling us, it will visit Rice Farmer. (He has a decent blog.)
ReplyDeleteOn the 26th or 27th, I'm also anticipating a precision earthquake--the long predicted Tokai Great Earthquake--and therefore staying out of the low-lying parts of town. Elenin would be a good cover for a little Haarpwork.
Whatever they've got up their sleeve, it will be interesting. I wonder if they really think it will help them.
3:10 Just lost one greenhouse, and that means the other one is probably in tatters. House still here! But it is still heading straight for us.
ReplyDeleteElenin is know...fony bulloney phake...only visibly shaken in the redlights rights?
ReplyDeleteSo what da hootie onda woowoo wif dis?
I juss donk buy any of this Niberoowoowoo...sollycholly.
Well, Rogue1, everyone gets to make their own decisions. A great number of folks who lost their lives in the Joplin tornado evidently blew off the initial warnings --
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to think about Elenin or Nibiru necessarily. But if Obama is going "to bunker" for whatever reason, then our warning "sirens" should also go off. Because, we've been watching history be "created" by the elites for some time, and they are pathological. On the 27th, I'll be paying attention... In fact, today being 9-21-11 seems like a "bad" day. My son certainly started off his day poorly.
Is it all "fear mongering" or is it legit? Don't know. Can't afford to act like a sheep however.
It has sorta been the idea here that the guv is going fake a Big Deal.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying the Big Deal is going to be any less a big deal because it is engineered - I'm just reminding that it will most likely be another side show on the way to Holiramamalamadingdong.
I have been having rather a hell of a time as well...complexity is like that ain'tits?
I be saider long goshogo that the cusp of Sept/Octogon is a rangdangdoo
well, thats a long time a being smart and prepped, or lax and hogtied.
Peecuearesteeyouvee get those letters inna roe ho ho ho.
As per one, Dr. Mark Sircus and the coming hootie...
So...what's a mark at a circus? Do you remember? Isn't the mark at the circus the chump that pays the clowns and the carnies for the show with an added bonus because said sad mark has been marked as a chump by the first carny to jack him, and all the other carnies know to try him for the test drive?
Hattahootietootootoot, \\ii//
Please stay safe Patricia. My thoughts are with you and all of Japan.
ReplyDeleteI agree.. The rats are turning against each other on the sinking ship. Despite how bad things look now they aren't going exactly as they hoped. Not everyone is falling down prostrate at their feet and saying yes massah .
ReplyDeleteThe native citizens are restless and they feel it. They have all the weapons but one..the numbers. Desperate times for them call for desperate measures.
Yep we're in for a very bumpy ride.
Maybe to hide from his own party. Those liberal schmucks expected something else? Well let's get Hillary in there. Ohhhh boy, they'll never learn and by the time they do the bus will have left and the left will be bused to servitude with the rest of the lambs.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they'll give Z-big guy a gold watch and retire him?
ReplyDeleteHiilobeans is looking awfully frazzzzeled these wichielookie woowoo she...
I saw her for a flash on TV when I was at my moms awhile ago, whatching some spooch by Oboombie. Her hair looked like she had been out in a strong wind, she looked 80 years old...??? Aw, she's jusstired.
Seriously though, she looked like she'd been through the wringer.
Something's up, everybody there looked hagard, like they'd been missing sleep. to the bunkers with'em.
She'll need the quarterly full blood transfusion from chinese babies being farmed in Hong Kong. She'll shoot the breeze with Keith Richards while there and catch up on the coming "from the grave" tour.
ReplyDeleteJeeeeze, can that walking corpse Richards still stand up?
ReplyDeleteHey, you are right, they make a nice liiking zombie couple {grin}
Oh yea Puddy, get my new gmail addy from JG and write me a quick note so we have each others numbers again. Okay?
Isn't it interesting that this story; 'Two Texas ranches held by Zetas cartel' is always jumping to the top of the 'Favorites' on COTO when there aren't a new bunch running...
ReplyDeleteThe concept must be a compelling idea to those checking in...
Of whom has been City of London again as of late...
ReplyDeleteI project that we could see as much as an 80-90% correction in the stock market in the next month or so, based on the incredible number of Put Options that have been created against the October, 2011 S&P 500, and, the history of the Pirates and Thieves that have stolen everything else from us.
This will be followed by higher interest rates (double-digit?) and a collapse of the bond market as well. If you own a 401K or massive financial holdings, moving everything into a money market account, which will respond more favorably to higher interest rates, and out of the stock market, is a band-aid fix, but better than just giving them all of your hard-earned savings.
Money markets buy debt that matures in the next three-nine months.
The bond market collapse, higher interest rates, and a devalued dollar will ultimately destroy everything from CDs to Municipal Bonds. Inflation and hyper-inflation will kick in and commodities will shoot through the roof.~Doctron
That's a barnumbsical exbaileyism of the circular circumference of the circumstances. From my spurious respective.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't all these "cats" just get stuck in a D.U.M.B. together for an extended period?
ReplyDeleteI mean all the PNAC folkers poking around in the Bushes, CONgrAss toga-ing with the MIC chimps, ole pole cats riding the corporate titans tails, with chicks like Hillary, Pelosi, Rice, and Big Sis zesting up the cave-like babble lonian at most fear. A real bag 'o rats doing "The Hustle".
Might be a real, REALITY show.
Aye?! Ya saw that about the number of "puts"?
ReplyDeleteHattahootietootootootie. ~ ^\\bBb//^
ReplyDelete[Zbigniew Brzezinski] Toward universal political culture
"Let me begin with three broad assertions, then briefly elaborate on each of them, and conclude by making a modest proposal.
― First, global peace is threatened not by utopian fanaticism, as was the case during the 20th century, but by the turbulent complexity inherent in the volatile phenomenon of global political awakening;
― Second, comprehensive and enduring social progress is more attainable by democratic participation than by authoritarian mobilization;
― Third, in our time global stability can be promoted only by larger-scale cooperation, and not through imperial domination.
The 20th century was dominated by fanatical ideological efforts to recreate societies by brutal totalitarian methods on the basis of utopian blueprints. Twentieth century Europe knows best the human costs of such simplistic and arrogant ideological fanaticism. Fortunately, today, with the exception of some highly isolated cases, such as North Korea, it is unlikely that a new attempt at large-scale utopian social engineering could arise.
That is largely so because in the 21st century, for the first time in human history, the entire world is now politically awakened. The peoples of the world are restless, they are interconnected, they are resentful of their relative social deprivations, and they increasingly reject authoritarian political mobilization. It follows that democratic participation is in the longer run the best guarantee both of social progress and political stability.
In the global arena, however, the combination of rising populist aspirations and the inherent difficulties of shaping common global responses to political and economic crises poses the danger of international disorder to which neither Germany alone, nor Russia alone, nor Turkey alone, nor China alone, nor America alone can provide an effective response. Indeed, potential global turmoil ― coincidental with the appearance of novel threats to universal well-being and even to human survival ― can be effectively addressed only within a larger cooperative framework based on more widely shared democratic values.
The basic fact is that interdependence is not a slogan but a description of an increasingly imperative reality. America realizes that it needs Europe as a global ally, that its cooperation with Russia is of mutual and expanding benefit, that its economic and financial interdependence with rapidly rising China has a special political sensitivity, that its ties with Japan are important not only mutually but to the well-being of the Pacific region. Germany is committed to a more united Europe within the EU and to close links across the Atlantic with America, and in that context it can safely nurture mutually beneficial economic and political cooperation with Russia.
Turkey, which launched almost 100 years ago its social and national modernization with Europe largely as its model, is assuming a larger regional role as an economically dynamic and politically democratic state, while also a member of the Atlantic alliance as well as Russia’s good neighbor. And Russia, recognizing that its modernization and democratization are mutually reinforcing and vital to its important world role, also aspires to a broader collaboration with Europe, with America, and quite naturally so with its dynamic neighbor to the east, China.
The time is thus ripe for translating the values and interests that bind us together into more comprehensive ties. That requires the deliberate promotion of genuine reconciliation between historically conflicting peoples...."
We got through it okay. We repaired one greenhouse this morning and will get the other one done this afternoon, but we also have to help out friends. A lot of people we know got hit hard. Even the reactors sustained some damage from it--and got hit by a large aftershock right afterward to boot. But at least the spent fuel rod pool at Reactor 4 didn't fall over. That seems to be the main concern.
ReplyDeleteI got a link to another new misty-eyed missive of his: Toward universal political culture (Zbigniew Brzezinski)
ReplyDeleteHattahootietootootootie. ~ ^\\bBb//^
ReplyDeleteYea, I thought that was a memorable one too...Lol
So...if what Z-big published the same day, is essentially the same rap as what he said on TV - then I don't get what the big mystery is here.
ReplyDeleteThis is nothing but the same old "making the world safe for democracy" we've been getting since Woodrow Wilson.
Whattaya think...Brzezinski isn't a liar anymore????????
.Activist Post
ReplyDeleteIn 2009, drugs exceeded the amount of traffic-related deaths, killing at least 37,485 people nationwide. According to information provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the very pharmaceuticals that are prescribed to treat life-endangering conditions are now ending lives.
The death toll is partially due to an increase in mental illness medication known as psychotropics, which have been criticized by health experts as being oftentimes unnecessarily prescribed. The pills, given to patients to prevent suicide thoughts and tendencies, may actually lead to suicidal thoughts and suicide.
ReplyDeleteThe relationship between the global drug trade and the government of the United States of America is a long, complicated and irrefutable one. Some of the most infamous dealings that have come to light have involved the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and various drug trafficking rings throughout the world.
However, it now appears that the CIA involvement in drug trafficking is just one aspect of an incredibly close relationship between so-called authorities in America and the drug cartels they pretend to fight.
Two former law enforcement officials and confidential informants for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have now revealed that drug cartels have ties to elected officials, high-level police and even judges.
ReplyDeletePost-9/11, NSA 'enemies' include us
By: James Bamford
September 8, 2011 09:34 PM EDT
Somewhere between Sept. 11 and today, the enemy morphed from a handful of terrorists to the American population at large, leaving us nowhere to run and no place to hide.
Within weeks of the attacks, the giant ears of the National Security Agency, always pointed outward toward potential enemies, turned inward on the American public itself. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, established 23 years before to ensure that only suspected foreign agents and terrorists were targeted by the NSA, would be bypassed. Telecom companies, required by law to keep the computerized phone records of their customers confidential unless presented with a warrant, would secretly turn them over in bulk to the NSA without ever asking for a warrant.
Around the country, in tall, windowless telecom company buildings known as switches, NSA technicians quietly began installing beam-splitters to redirect duplicate copies of all phone calls and email messages to secret rooms behind electronic cipher locks.
There, NSA software and hardware designed for “deep packet inspection” filtered through the billions of email messages looking for key names, words, phrases and addresses. The equipment also monitored phone conversations and even what pages people view on the Web — the porn sites they visit, the books they buy on Amazon, the social networks they interact with and the text messages they send and receive.
Because the information is collected in real time, attempting to delete history caches from a computer is useless.
At the NSA, thousands of analysts who once eavesdropped on troop movements of enemy soldiers in distant countries were now listening in on the bedroom conversations of innocent Americans in
“We were told that we were to listen to all conversations that were intercepted, to include those of Americans,” Adrienne Kinne, a former NSA “voice interceptor,” told me. She was recalled to active duty after Sept. 11.
ReplyDelete“Some of those conversations are personal,” she said. “Some even intimate. … I had a real problem with the fact that people were listening to it and that I was listening to it. … When I was on active duty in ’94 to ’98, we would never collect on an American.”
By Sept. 11, 2011, the words of George Orwell in his novel “1984” will have become prophetic. “Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it,” he wrote in 1949, long before the Internet. “You have to live — did live, from habit that became instinct — in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard.”
Aye, Rogue1 -- what a paranoid world we live in. It morphed "overnight", let's call it ramping up, into a highly centralized and intrusive Fear Machine. Not only for Americans, but for people's the world over who happen to be in the wrong spot, with coveted resources, and typically brown skin.
ReplyDeleteMy question is for the complicit enablers -- what is wrong with you, that you do the devil's work against fellow humans? The soul-less run the sick game, and you're selling your soul to them for what? As you sell out entire countries' peoples?
Karma will be the bitch that offers you no mercy...