We've heard the stories of the brave firemen, policemen and volunteers ( including the canine variety) who risked their health and life to save others on that day of disaster and deception. We also know, many of those same first responders have died or are sick and dying from their service to we the American people. They are suffering because they were told it was safe to breathe in the toxic dust of ground zero without wearing masks by the very people that are supposed to protect those public servants, our own government. Did you also know that they've been banned from attending the 9/11 ceremonies in NYC tomorrow? Why? Why would they tell the very men and women, who are the true heroes of 9/11, to stay home that day when they were the first to help ten years ago on 9/11/01?
It's simple.
Too many of them know the truth and they are banned and forbidden from speaking it.....whistleblowers.
Today I want to spotlight one whistleblower in particular. Members of Coto know his name and his story very well. It's time the rest of the world know what he witnessed on 9/11 in the third building that fell that day without a plane hitting it and only small office fires, WTC7.
His name is Barry Jennings and he died because he had the audacity to tell the truth. He knew, like Coto knows. 9/11 was an inside job. Mr. Jennings is only one of many.
I have been laughing every new report over here in Aus. the hype over a credible..but unsubstantiated...report of alCIAda attack, everyone in fear mode again..
ReplyDeleteyet the same cretins warning were the ones letting 3 persons of interest INTO usa, last month..
gee thats bright..
while millions of average travellers are poked prodded and abused to travel.
our ASIO (similar tactics ie plant their own bombs) are also trying to scare aussies, our govt mentioned wanting to use scanners in aus as well, so I see where they figure its a handy tool to endender fear and push appro through sometime soon
meanwhile, while so much manpowers intimidating Ny manhattan, wouldnt you? if inclined to be disruptive go somewhere else? and make a real mess?
while no ones looking.
as to the usa govt NOT allowing ictims and responders to attend, now that...
is plain disgusting and also very obvious, it is NOT about the truth and the people who were the victims,
but PR and mil psyops.
Hey JerseyG! I made a post about the first responders on that parenting forum (you know the one) There were 419 views, and not one reply. I hope the info reached some of them. This is what it said:
ReplyDelete"First Responders are excluded from this year's 9/11 Ceremony. Shunned. Ignored. What a nice way to say "thanks for risking your life!"
For you Republicans, here's the article from Fox: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/08/17/11-first-responders-to-be-excluded-from-10th-anniversary-ceremony/
For you Democrats, here's the article from CNN:http://articles.cnn.com/2011-08-16/us/new.york.911.memorial_1_john-feal-responders-ground-zero?_s=PM:US
For you who think the US two party system is a joke...... hi!
I would like to say thank you to all the brave first responders on that terrible day. I'm sorry you were not invited to the tenth anniversary ceremony. You are heroes, and I will never forget what you did for us."
So, that was it. I will never stop talking about 9/11. It is the only way to honor the victims.
RE: Barry, the Police/Secret Service - those are the hands of death and a coverup of massive evidence of SEC and money fraud and terror funding. Destroy the evidence.
ReplyDeleteThe Pennsylvania drone/missile Shanksville that hit the ground was likely slated for targeting 7. Bad remote piloting? Well from San Diego it's a long way and NAAS, Raytheon and Northrop make mistakes.
As a PI I was gifted with several bits of info that led me to Iran Contra before it happened. When the skunk started to smell, the PTB mended fences and whitewashed the case for public consumption. It never is what it is. Even when the truth comes out it will only be half the story or less and the larger picture will still be hidden.
The hole is deeper than even 911 truthers would accept. Time is our greatest foe. There will be another that will bedazzle and befuddle all of us. It's the proverbial onion of endless skin and a conspiracy from creation day one.
Those who are unfamiliar with WTC7, and who Jerome Hauer is, and his relationship with Giuliani, and why these guys moved their ops base out and away from the area on 9/11... Please look at the info. on the following page regarding one Jerome Hauer + WTC7:
"New Investigative Panel Releases 13 Consensus Statements of Evidence Opposing the Official Account of 9/11"
Ohhh, and don't miss the new Architects & Engineers Full Length Movie:
"9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts Speak Out (Full)"
"U.S. Congressman Witnessed European Special Forces Beheading Libyans" http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=215212
ReplyDeleteThe sad truth leaks out...the nightmares continue.
That's a beautiful letter NA. I can't believe no one's posted on it yet in that forum. Maybe they are too stunned by the news that the first responders weren't invited to the 9/11 propaganda party. A lot of people don't have a clue about that. Probably the same ones that don't know a third building fell into it's own footprint on 9/11.
ReplyDeleteSo... when everyone knows the lies, the nightmare ends? How's that work exactly... i really want to know.
ReplyDeleteI can think of exactly no one who still believes that 9-11 was NOT an inside job, and, yet, nothing changes.
Our skies are still streaked, bombs still being dropped overseas, water poisoned, food is poison, taxes are insane, people stepping up are sacrificed, tv still lies, schools still indoctrinate... where is truth?
What is the key? This is a rhetorical question... it is my prayer in the cosmos... my mantra. Ask and you shall receive begs another question.
Wanda...you're very lucky that everyone you know believes 9/11 was an inside job. At least you aren't subject to extreme rises in blood pressure when trying to speak about 9/11 with people that buy the fairytale. Most people I know outside of my immediate family and one very close friend still look at me like I'm crazy. While the numbers that now know the truth are growing exponentially, there are still way too many that are still hooked into the matrix.
ReplyDeleteSome really intelligent people too.I don't think Michael Collins over on Coto II thinks it's an inside job. If he does, I've never seen him write about it. Boomer just told me the other day that Kevin Gosztola who we know well here and writes for oen and Salon still buys the official story. If we can't convince guys like that think, of all the sheeple still out there stuck to their tv spewing all the 9/11 propaganda. Left wingers and right wingers alike all over the country are blind to the truth.
If and when the majority do wake up, the difference will be that they (hopefully) will not be so influenced by what the msm spews out at them and they will perhaps be ready for the next false flag event and not believe the hype this time.
Kevin Gosztola may think differently but he is not going to jeopardize his rise into the MSM part of the MICChine.
ReplyDeleteI met Gary Tuchman when he and Dana Palley were reporters in Florida. He was great as was Dana. Always on top of the Palm Beach elites and crime conspiracies. Now look at Tuchman. He's on the Pedophile preacher gigs and hurricane natural cause events. CNN has been good to him. He won't even pretend to question the OS. But we never know what they really think do we?
Sad but true. And you know if it ever does come out they'll all chirp like canaries that they were outside the inside job but believed it was bogus.
Jersey and All
ReplyDeleteI am unable to post an article here. Could you do it? As an aside, part of my speech WILL be mentioning a certain group of screwball conspiwacy theowists that I know. There will be video and you all will get to see it ASAP
Your loving Irish
Tenth Anniversary September 11th Event
“Ten Years Later and Questions Remain”
Sunday, September 11th, 2011 1 pm to 4 pm
Rotunda of the State Capitol, St. Paul, MN
Featured speakers will be:
Jim Fetzer, McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth and founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Kevin Barrett, Wisconsin author, radio show host and co-founder of the Muslim-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth
Mike Palecek of Duluth, a former Catholic seminarian at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul and award-winning Minnesota journalist, prolific author, and co-host of the internet radio show “The New American Dream.”
Farheen Hakeem, Muslim Activist
Michael Cavlan, 9/11 Medical First Responder and Minnesota candidate for US Senate
The event will also include live musical and spoken word performances, along with 9/11 Truth videos and exhibits. The rotunda gathering will be open to the public free of charge.
I believe getting people to "disbelieve" the MSM as a purveyor of Truth is a Huge KEY. It is a battle for minds. And the airwaves and TV and print have a hypnotic effect coupled with a misplaced trust by the peasantry. But how are you going to get people to "think outside the box"? Or pull their head out of the box?
ReplyDeleteThat my dear Boomer is THE trillion dollar question....only those on the fence are falling on the side of truth. The rest are in total denial. My sister's husband is one of them and it's maddening because there is no getting through to him no matter how much evidence you throw at him.