Back when we were seeing the HAARP attack in Haiti I had predicted that it would be the Mediterranean that saw the earthquake. A deflection and I was fooled. Stupid me.
Jan 12, 2010-As reported in predictions an earthquake of major proportions has occurred. Haiti was hit by a 7.3 shallow HAARP SIHF attack. Haiti represents a large population of useless eaters as does the Mediterranean countries of Albania , Bosnia, Algeria, Libya and Morocco.
It does not surprise me that they went to the Caribbean location for the attack. The fact that it was staged in the western hemisphere indicates the attention off the muslim extermination to draw the attention away from the true hotspots.
Now as we have seen the same deflections take place again. US Earthquakes, FUKUSHIMA, A record tornado attack and a series of controlled storms as in 2008. Katrina was an example of deflecting the Bush Wars into Iraq and the incredible death and carnage as well as a major theft of wealth.
A major committee campaign to push the conflict deeper in Pakistan, Yemen and North Africa. Meanwhile China and Iran is trying to shore up their relations with Muslim nations in Africa.
I realize that this post remained on the top viewed list with others because it was dead on what we have seen. This Kinetic armed robbery, takeover of a sovereign nation and collaboration with the very same terrorist organizations by the GLADIO NATO global banking cartel who perpetrated all covert operations since Kuwait is exceptionally pinpointed by the RT by simply stating the facts.
‘Before NATO Intrusion, Libya was Africa's Switzerland’
While Muttonheads are watching the preseason New England game and Americans battle the bitch Irene we can take one thing to the bank. America is the last to go and that time is just about here. Americana and we the sheeple have served our purpose as willing police, weapon makers and taxpayers for the grand global lie.
I have stated “As goes AFRICOM so goes the
AFROBAMA - Coto header 8/3/2009
Clint Richardson for President
I could almost believe in Hopo-Chango with him and his administration.
Please note the cabinet.
"Since 1999, gold has appreciated by 539% in U.S. dollar terms."
ReplyDeleteChossudovsky: Well I think we have to understand both the nature of this military operation, the covert intelligence behind the rebels, as well as the extensive bombings of civilians infrastructure, residential areas, as well as schools, universities, hospitals which has taken place in the course of the last few months.
And particularly virtually continuous bombings, at night in Tripoli in the course of last few days. We are talking about 20,000 sorties, 8,000 strike sorties, In another words what has happened in the course of these last months, particularly in a last few weeks, is the destruction of an entire country, its infrastructure, institutions, very targeted, involving a lot of civilian casualties.
In other words, the Western "pro democracy" NATO supported rebels, as well as the NATO supported heads of states and heads of governments, they have blood on their hands, they have a lot of blood on their hands, because they have killed a lot of women and children.
But I can tell you, my understanding is, first of all this is not a revolution. These are NATO trained gunman, and they are Al Qaeda related paramilitaries, mercenaries.
They have very little support within civil society in Libya. Whether we like the Gaddafi regime or not, I do not think that this is the issue. The large majority of the population are against the rebellion, and the only thing that sustains the rebellion, are the NATO bombings. And these are criminal bombings; let's say what they are. They are in derogation of international law, actions that are criminal in terms of their consequences: the killings of children, the killing of people in their own homes, and this has been well documented.
And what is criminal in this process, is the fact that this war is presented to the media as a humanitarian operation,
Realities are turned upside down. We are told, that war is peace, The lie becomes the truth, essentially that is what has happened.
Yes ^
ReplyDeleteI wised up in 2005 when I bought. I had a few K's from way back but I did not jump. I did predict the Housing Bubble and got out with enough to convert CG to PM.
1999 was a big year for the Committee. So deep was the action, I call it the year Amerika was sold-signed and sealed.
cabinet noted.
ReplyDeleteDream too.
I think the face of arab al-qaeda changes and now it's extremists again. Linking the Ghaddafi, Chavez and white al-qaeda racist terrorist caucasians to the world virus.
ReplyDeleteEither Libya gets NATO led puppeteers to immediately start the austerity in a collapsed nation while the bilking begins. Pakistan, Iran and a few pockets remain but the theory is that Af-Pak remains the wild cards(opium revenues). Yemen in progress and Algeria is like the step brother to Libya in wealth. It's on the chopping block and I expect more al-CIAda Gladio covert ops and rebel terror in Morocco and Algeria. I expect a ship or plane event in Morocco port city Oujda or Rabat.
Ghaddafi will be a tool, scapegoat? Don't know but it does seem to be a great opportunity for a false flag staging and another Military/Seal Team kill. If he's really in hiding and not dead like OBL.
Double-think and math, the two mix like oil and water, the problem the committee has is mathmatical accounting and they are trying to fix it with semantic games. It's like the end of a chess match where the looser finally realizes they have no moves and in a childish tantrum flings all the pieces off the board. The commodity the banksters cannot monopolize is Time of which they will not have enough.