In ‘endothermic mode’ GROUND TRANSMITTERS can act as ‘cold generators’ all over USA extracting electromagnetic energy. This induces local cooling and shrinking of the air, and the formation of low pressure.
NEXT EFFORT FOR TEXAS - Katia Track here next week
I could hope for divine intervention and a flooded Pentagon, WH and Congress but I don't think it's time. Watch for lower cooler temps in the next few days and that should give you your likely track.
ReplyDeleteIt has been unseasonably cooler here for a few weeks and that bodes for higher tracking.
It occurs to me that A-Global Warming nutcases and even those who were fence sitters in the NE could get reinvigorated with a 800 mile coastal onslaught. The poor folks just dead.
Maybe they will steer it on the predicted model but that leaves the fully saturated ohio valley without the tippin point rains to destroy harvests and I know that would be wasting a good opportunity.
They don't waste opportunities, just our tax dollars.
Nice. With a little help NJ will wind up breaking off and floating away into the Atlantic Ocean....making that US Naval map totally accurate. The east coast has experienced an unusual UNNATURAL earthquake and now Irene is set for a direct hit on Cape May which is about 45 mins from me. All we need to complete our own triad is a volcano spewing lava. Damn what a week.
ReplyDeleteIt was nice knowing all of you.
What's your plan? If it hits nc it will decrease its saffir to 2 or less
ReplyDelete70 miles ph What's your elevation issues? Are you in flood zone?
The flooding is the issue for you. Im hoping for a little help and a swath path due north. The best case scenario on a strike overall is weakening before land fall and a due north-Nw track and the mountain range killing it to TD and heavy rains.
If it stalls at SC NC coast that's trouble unless they blow it to GS. If the front was three days sooner that might have helped.
ReplyDeleteThey would indeed, if it suited them, take out a pentagon piece (again), a WH kitchen, hell they'd bump off Dimon to justify the story.
Nothing is off their table.
I am glad I am not inside your head. But am glad you share it.
I am amazed how so few are f'in it up for so many.
I may sound nuts, but they are gonna lose. Don't know how, but the turn will not be what they expect.
Our souls will evolve. Our lessons will be learned. We will reunite.
Joy and love will remain, for they have no foe..... In the end.
I'm with you Mikel though it's hard to detect. Good to see and hear you as always,
ReplyDeleteWhat really stirkes me is that every forecastor MSM outlet is talking about the Storm effect on the economy. Really! It hasn't even hit or taken a firm path to the model predicted and they are already going to FEAR CITY.
ReplyDeleteThis was Katrina - Katia Rina and the psyop MK working overtime.
The Weather Channel is actaully doing a CIA social media data mining survey to get the pulse of the fear Saffir rating for the masses. What a pile of crap.
Steve Jobs (his lordship) stepping down. Must expect several suicides by the morons that will would be president someday. That's the hot news for guppies. Top story for grunion? Apple sending more jobs overseas.
Wave the flag while you grab your asses, it's a red white bluebeam.
ReplyDeleteWashington Monument closed indefinitely because of quake damage.
This exposition on the coming storm is beautifully rendered Patrick.
Now one begins to wonder...they cracked Washington...?
Is it a warning shot? To whom - do we duel with China?
I don't think that fits. I think China is already NWO, this is just a show.
So...where we go from here must be chaos.
I won't bet on it yet, but I think we will get a little help from out friends.
It is about that moment agenda wise. But if this goes down, it will just be the beginning of a constant onslaught. Er, that would be my intuit.
Jg...you take care now girl...I hope you did go get suppies like you said you were...
ReplyDeleteI've been through some of these things in GA and NC both...the damage can be spotty...but of course, I didn't experienc Katrina..
Irene evokes such a beautiful face for me personally...I hope she isn't mean to anyone I know.
My moms name is Irene...I too hope she isn't mean to anyone ;-)
ReplyDeleteI have a sense the big weird has begun...
Some things I've noticed:
Steve Jobs steps down from Apple, the company with the logo of an apple with a bite (byte) out of it which has allusion to the tree of knowledge. The company that started at 2066 Crist drive. The company that sold its first model for $666.66. The company that has more money than the US government.
I suppose the www could be a modern day tower of babel...
Branson's (of Virgin fame) house burns down due to lightening strike.
Lightening striking while the pope is speaking (last weekend)....
Washington monument is cracked...symbolically...Wow, huh? Also I've read that the monument is 666 feet tall when its underground foundation is included..
My plan is already in place.... flashlights w/fresh batteries, candles, extra food & water, pet food, charging my cell phone, my battery operated radio is in working order, filling my bathtub with water Saturday night. Hmmm... and then hunkering down and ....waiting..My only glitch to my plan is I don't have D battery backup for that radio. They were fresh out at the stores around here yesterday when I tried to buy them but the batteries in it are new so I should be able to ride out the storm with them.
ReplyDeleteThey issued a mandatory evacuation to those in Atlantic County east of route 9, and voluntary west of 9. I'm well west. I'm at the outer edge of Atlantic County so I'm staying put even though my daughter insists I pack up the dog and two cats and stay with her 20 mins from here.
They weren't pumping up the fear on our local stations until last night. In fact, they were downplaying it and I was a little annoyed they weren't telling people to get ready. You can see the monster storm coming our way and they were saying, heavy rain and wind on Sunday...understatement a litttle? lol
Patrick, I was over my daughter's yesterday afternoon when we saw the guy on the weather channel checking the comments on "twitter". OMG.. gimme a break. HOW STUPID.
However, the fear mongering is justified on this one, in my opinion. Better safe than sorry.. My motto... "don't be scared, be prepared".
I'm all set Will. After work today, I'm going to get my important stuff together all in one place.
ReplyDeleteI had an Aunt Irene who I didn't really know well. Kinda like not knowing this one and what she's gonna do.
I'm worried about your area next Will. When that fault line starts shakin' we're all in for it.
I hear a 4.5?6 aftershock? Jersey get a bug out ready..you already do have, right?+ a doggy one.
ReplyDeletefuel up and be ready if you can go for an inland drive rightn now.
visit distant friends, rellies.
please stay safe,
I need a new "fancy" phone. I was considering an i-phone. Now, EWO, you're making me reconsider that. Any suggestions from the crew?
ReplyDeleteI also wanted to raise the issue here, that "They don’t waste opportunities"... so, what other nefarious FF's might be accomplished under cover of this hurculean hurricane? COTO usually can sniff out the Bad Boys.
There has been plenty of time to prepare some really sick FF's , ready to go off under cover of a storm such as this. The aftermath also presents a "GO" scenario for testing Martial Law in a highly populated area.
Any ideas? Do tell me what phones and plans you have experience with, as I'm in research mode.
Lightening striking while the pope is speaking (last weekend)….
anyone else curious re the spy glider vanishing?
supposed to be down.
handy that 2~~ russian launches had such disasters in the same time frame?
supply rocket for the space station crashed and the sat launching an oppositional GPS form for the eu is parked in a wrong?? orbit, and others went awol.
hmm? need? or just fell for the hype?
ReplyDeleteunless you remove simcard and battery all the new phones are gps located.
you want to travel safer , remove said objects, or buy a car area jammer,about 10$ and up. or keep the phone wrapped in foil and dont remove unless needed the earlier hint is easier really.
dont send pics. youre tagged.
buy cash credit sims new number and replace often.
cheap phones on ebay, stop supporting the bastards that are tracking and selling your private life.
That's the kind of stuff I need to hear Oz. I've been using $20 throwaway phones. I was just in Charleston for biz, and my wife dropped my phone in the ocean (laughs!). I've been resisting technology with regards to phones, 'cause I've Always gotten screwed by their phone plans. Doesn't matter which company or plan. Everyone else at the meeting had a fancy phone. I figured I might upgrade from the throwaway -- you say NO? I haven't fell for any hype, because I have not payed any attention to phone technology. I refuse to text.
ReplyDeleteP.D., you first comment on this thread alluded to Pentagon, WH, Wall Street, etc. What do you think about another manufactured earthquake, tsunami, on top of the storm surge? Something along these lines. The crazies seem to be liking these combos. Seems more likely than a biological release or something like that.
ReplyDeleteSee this latest posting on NY faults:
Source Fears Mega Quakes Will Be Triggered In NYC During Hurricane & Maybe the Mid Atlantic Ridge Causing Tsunami
Here's my prediction -- Follow the money. i.e. Gold.
ReplyDeleteRecent events: Hugo Chavez recalls his 200 tons of gold, 100 tons held in U.K., a large amount elsewhere. A very large amount of "other" countries' gold is held in NY. Underground vaults. Who can trust the U.S. with their wealth? Anyone? Right. Not a soul.
NATO directs the pillaging of Libya and its gold and oil resources. I believe the Bank of Haiti was ransacked, as well as Egypt. See a pattern?
Recall the gold under the WTC buildings "disappeared". i.e. Removed prior to the criminal attack.
"Whoever has the Gold, makes the rules". The Fiat printing press fake money caper has run its course. The bankers are switching out of fiat into physical, as the writing is on the wall. They want to do it on their timeline, and rip off the public as much as possible, gobbling the gold up themselves.
See -- "Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert run down the globalist plan to consolidate wealth through economic Armageddon".
See -- Gold stumbles 5.6% on worst day since March 2008
Market Watch | Gold futures on Wednesday suffered their biggest one-day percentage drop since March 2008.
See -- http://www.infowars.com/gold-stumbles-5-6-on-worst-day-since-march-2008/
Consider latest "timely" pre-oncoming catastrophic hurricane unnatural earthquake on eastern seaboard.
Consider recent M.O.'s of earthquake, tsunami, (and radiation) events. i.e. EQ + water inundation FF's. Worked once, why not again?
Prediction -- Under cover of the Hurricane, devastating damage done to corrupt paper center of NY/Wall Street. Other elements may be brought into play to "destroy" the structures above the physical "gold" holdings underground. Said gold stolen, and unfortunately buried under destroyed infrastructure hiding the theft for a considerable period long enough to "get away with the caper". Simultaneous destruction of computer records, etc. of incriminating evidence on the mega-crimes of the Wall Street titans, cronies, and political whores. Just like 9/11's extremely well-timed and laser-like targeting of specific incriminating computer files, the same will be accomplished under this "attack". Likely Martial Law will also allow for continued government control of the area for whatever timeline they require to do what they do under cover of "helping" in said catastrophe.
Physical gold prices will soar under such conditions. Foreign governments with gold stored in area are SOL.
Game, Set, Match.
Thoughts please?...
ReplyDeletewww = 666 in Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, and Arabic ("sixth" in abjadi order) 27 in the Arabic order. Tomorrow is the 27th. WaW or Vav it's
Part of the 22 - #6 preceding Aleph Beth Gimel
Steve Jobs is a point on the interferometric plane which is unfolding. Your instincts and obs are on point, IMO.
VaVaVav= the triad will he MST matter.space.time.
I watched J. Piers Morgan interview Wozniak and it was full of interesting soundbits. It was so full of it that Wozniak almost had a problem sounding intelligent. Watch it online if possible.
Jobs, like Gates are moving into the bigger arena for the event. As selected councils for the OWO they have now much more interesting functions in the mechanisms.
Much will happen under the cover of Irene and Madrid chaos and similarly Project TYPHON will emerge and we will know that the EM wars have truly begun. This will be mainly submarine and bunker driven and the ENMOD effects global with drought and cyclonic monsoons of epic proportion.
If Irene follows the Madrid plan tornadoes will be involved. If it reamins coastal that will be less likely. Jersey Girl should hunker down just fine pending her situation at sea level and trees etc.
You know my prediction by now. Triple Cross in Committee lexicon indicates the three MST and your financial world is the matter at hand. Merging three and three incorporates the necessity for the Mark. (please refer to charles mansons forehead)
ReplyDeleteHebrew timeline might begin a series of shofar and I watch for this years Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur very closely. May need to review numbers(kjv)
All are required for success and the hour of the time is here.
IT WILL BE THREE. SPACE-TIME-MATTER. You can chart the Markets and the set your watch to the TIME and look to NASA for the answers. We have discussed the three ad-nauseum and the transformation will be complete.
I have now confirmed to myself, Rick Perry as the likely charismatic that will make the transition here at home. His so called ARMY OF GOD is the igniter after the fact and we are conveniently stuck in the middle of AGW AL GORES WHORES and RJP and a mass of idiots who will self destruct at the traid when it comes together in the next six months. I started this countdown in 1999 and it hasn't failed reasonably to transpire in mind or matter.
The acceleration itself should be enough for those who are not completely under the EMF and spells, but the transition is definite, unreversible and fatal. Forget any hope of stopping the siege and the minds of the lost. You are your only weapon and the power source you choose will decide the outcome.
Mansons War of the classes and race are coming. Famine and the rape and plunder of Africa emerges after the Arab Spring is exposed. Theft? You bet Boomer. This transition will not work if wealths power is held in fortresses or pockets.
The final summation for coto will be we should have been fighting with Ghadaffi, Taliban, Suni Hussein, Mubarek, Milo-Serbs and others to ward off the greater of two evils. We've seen the technique D&C a dozen times in our lifetime and Iran-Contra for my generation was enough proof and information to see the Typhon and the thousand points of light.
Well, Irene is imminoidal, and I sit on the edge of me seat wondering how the Cotokids are going to do - lots in NC and up to Joizy...
ReplyDeleteDon't any of y'all be checkin' out on the grand adventure here...ya hear?
Hey, I'm taking on this shill "Shooter" on COTO2. He claims to be part of a Sunsteinian debunker org...with an "expert crew" of "scientist and engineers" {grin}....
ReplyDeleteIf this is the best Sunstein can dig up...Lol
Check it out...
ReplyDeletehey I am no whizz, just had an "incident" happen with friends being seemingly tracked,
I suspect mobiles have been the method. and did a little looking into it, just a smidge, no expert.
nothing wrong with sms as long as you remember it is "public"
dont do the twittything or Fcrap either for reasons of hating giving them into they sell, and claim ownership of, ie any pics etc.
and frankly info stashed in wordpress like here probably aint that dandy, cloud storage is a nightmare.
I see a mobile as an emergency use object. and then:-) most of where I travel is OUT of range of any towers anyway., guess I could throw it at passing cars to gain attention:-) or at native wildlife threatening me...Drop Bears, nasy critters.
probably why we have healthy bees too-.low to no EMF except for suburban /large rural town areas
I'll check it out Rogue.
ReplyDeleteBe safe to JG and others in the path of Irene. The downgrade is a blessing. My prediction upthread also falls into a "not yet" category.
I see NY residents pop in to take a look at COTO frequently. It would be helpful if you'd report any chemtrailing in your locations prior to this Storm. Any other anomalies should also be noted.
Thanks for checking in on it Boomer.
ReplyDeleteThe fucker has a real nasty attitude doesn't he?
He acts as if he's some tough guy...he's a beancounter.
I got his wordpress blog add, cuz I'm administrator on my story on Scragged Again here. He was dumb enough to look me up on COTO one and make some stupid remarks there on that story.
A "retirement" councilor - Ha ha ha, he said he was working with SWAT teams all around the country as an 'instructor'....Yea, instructing how to save money for retirement.
Ill bet Albury Shill is a beancounter too. All a bunch of pussyboys getting to play tough on the web under assumed names.
Boomerang, I wanted to pop in as you requested :o)
ReplyDeleteI'm in NC, and yesterday, I noticed chemtrails. Directly overhead, near noon, I could see the sun peeking out through the overcast sky. There, I noticed the familiar, wide chemtrail tracks. They seemed to be "under" the regular clouds, if that makes any sense. It began to rain last night, so I wonder what role the chemtrails had in the storm. Maybe they blew off to the east coast, where they mixed with the hurricane.
There are some nice new chemtrail photos in my gravatar album. These were taken at the lake recently. They ruined what would have otherwise been a perfect day. It's hard to enjoy your vacation when you know your world is being poisoned, right in front of your eyes!
Appreciate your info NA. Chemtrails in upstate SC since this a.m. through the entire day.
ReplyDeleteJust found this bizarre cloud/shadow anomaly. Check it out...:
Clouds w/shadows? That's freakin' me out. Now I know for sure that we're living the Truman Show. The sky is a backdrop that's backlit.
ReplyDeleteIt's 9:50 pm Saturday. The wind is howling here. The rain is torrential and about to blow through my windows... There are tornadoes all around me. I'm expecting to lose power very soon. I don't like this one bit..This is unnatural.
Be Safe JG!
ReplyDeleteWUWT rports that Ground stations clocking winds round 40 45 mph, yet?
ReplyDeleteNASA says 75..
30mph is a big lot of difference,
NASA telling porkys yet again?
well, if theyre those Tungsten Bars with a coat of gold...yeah good way to hide them.. asia etc have been buying gold in a Big way, 4 bil of it went to somewhere crazy like biafra a couple of months back.
ReplyDeletecaught my eye as for decades they cried poverty and starvation..yet their govt seems to have plenty of funds for gold...
Statue of Liberty, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial. Time for these to go bye-bye soon.
ReplyDeleteObamasoros would like to doze it all anyway. I don't care either but it just that they have been closing these fixtures for the last year.
They closed the Lincoln Memorial fountain earlier this year and it seems that this Y2K+12 party is getting underway. When Klaatu comes to the mall I hope he's a better actor.
I plan on trying to be there for the fireworks. I'll have the OSCAR in my hand.
San Andreas Fault info for Puddy to review, including graphs
Yes I had to update their sliding model again. As I predicted northern "little Help track" Completely bogus natural event.
ReplyDeleteThis was an assisted part of NLE exercise for coming Madrid. Screw them. Irene is now a TS 50-60 mile gusts and heavy rains. Coastal flooding. Rolling blackouts staged.
Such utter BS, the whole deal. Another nail in the American sheeple wallet while they ripoff Africa and prepare to engineeer them into IPod poverty.
This is like watching a Freddy Kruger B Movie and I have never been able to watch it in it's entirety because it's so stupid, evil, bloody and predictable. I cannot remember a day so angry since 911.
Its 106 degrees here. Dead birds everywhere. Snakes and mice coming in looking for water and cool. We need that next blow here ASAP. Cattle industry here decimated. Football practice at schools continues at above 100. Gotta have dat bread and circus.
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping Rick Perry brings the HAARP Circus to your area. You should support his prayer vigil in Texas, get your storm and rain, then arrest him, try him and hang him. Buzzards need to eat too.
ReplyDeleteYou were right PD. I don't know what the actual winds were but I heard around 55-60mph. The storm turned out to be no worse than nor'easters we've seen here many times. It did get really wild here for a bit. Sounded like the wind and rain was going to blow out my windows but other than the after flooding and the power outtages, it was not as "advertised." We lost power from 10:30pm till about 1pm today. I slept through most of the night which is saying something for a very light sleeper like me.
ReplyDeleteThe way the whole thing materialized and then whimpered out was very strange. A little help indeed. What pisses me off is there is no way of really knowing how far they will take events such as Irene. So, we have to prepare and hunker down whether we think it's probably all bullshit or not because in reality, we don't really know.
the whole week plus growing media frenzy..really great buildup and perfectly in line with the Koolaid warmist spin.
ReplyDeletekeeping people off land and away from certain areas is sooo much easier to do as a "green ecotard" than as obvious police/ military type Keep Out and guards.
Rangers uniform opposed to battle dress camo?
Hmm? sneaky control of citizenry and vital resources using CO2,
Lmao if its the way its unfolding
from what I saw at WUWT re previous storm paths years frequency etc.
you folks get really full on storms a lot, well compare to Aus anyway.
local events now make world stage, before it was a small byline in an "out of town" type column.
banksters /insurers would have been shitting bricks.
Have You folks copped a country wide Fire Flood levy(ie TAX) on your insurance lately..? One Quarter of the insurances I pay go to the govt!
disasters are /or used to be....seen as a great employment booster.
and revenue raiser. almost as good as a war.
seeing the latest info re the Fuk u shitfight..Usa would be better employing military to assist in dumping boron and sand into it asap.
from there ..usa cops the winds.
any of those massive hot dry sandfilled winds sort of wafting over..from central asia and onward.
the cyclone may or not have been a good thing blow dust away and a good rinse off..umm :lookout Fishies!!"
at the same time..theres been 19+killed in the phillipines in storms too, not rating much mention though.the fact it may hit Taiwan did make news...this am in Aus briefly..
and Jersey:-)
I AM really glad it was wasnt nasty for you, though even smaller..flooding is'nt nice. I hear some places copped 16inches + of rain,wooo, thats wet.
Puddy, the Goracle quote and the header.
ReplyDeleteDamn youre good:-)
maybe we could have Gore plant manson:-) such a nice enviro moment:-)
didya know?
Gore was a heavy pusher for some fuel additive back when..
turns out they really should have waited and tested and it got pulled fairly soonish..
I will hunt up a link.
ReplyDeletethis backgrounds just one of the states ruling.
I was sure I had read he was the one that also pushed the mtbe..before ethanol. maybe I am wording search poorly?
so being in a cornstate he settled for money via ethanol...
now its nasty ethanol lovely algae
ReplyDeleteYou are a fountain of info OZ. Your information is so important as what happens there and London is my barometer. Keep sending me the email. I do review them always.
ReplyDelete"Al Gore is this generations Charles Ponzi" I think this should go viral. It's time to put this man in jail. I'm glad Tipper got out.
He is dumber than Dubya. When they came to Al Gore in 2000 and said they are rigging the election, they told him there would be a big payday and a much more important role to play other than
Commander in Cheat. GW Bush was perfect for the role.
They had no idea Gore would get so much traction because they underestimated the willingness of the neo-liberal to follow an idiot into a black hole.
Unfortunately they underestimated this same idiot's ability to figurehead the AGW scam. AL Gore is the dumbest seagull in the flock. It is very entertaining watching this man implode at every turn.