Friday, January 14, 2011

The Template of Demoncracy

The Federal Reserve was set up in 1913 to finance both sides of two subsequent world wars. In other words, these wars were funded by the credit of the US taxpayer. Apart from profiting from it , the Illuminati bankers use war to enslave us with debt, enact social change and consolidate their power .
~Hamad Subani

Lawmakers consider new curbs on incendiary speech
By Russell Berman - 01/10/11 08:52 PM ET

“Shocked and saddened lawmakers grappled on Monday with the weekend shooting of one of their own, with some suggesting that new laws and regulations are needed to curb incendiary speech.
One lawmaker, Rep. Robert Brady (D-Pa.), has said he would introduce a bill to make it a crime to threaten or incite violence against a federal official.

Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) suggested the Federal Communications Commission was “not working anymore,” adding she would look at ways to better police language on the airwaves. A brick was thrown through a window of Slaughter’s district office last year. Abominable.”

All of this is a reaction to the remake of 'The Manchurian Candidate: 2011', staring, Jared Lee Loughner as MK Assassin, Gabrielle Giffords as a wounded congresswoman, and Federal Judge John McCarthy Roll as dead primary target.

The reaction above written by Berman is the frontal attack on the 1st Amendment free speech articles, while a second maneuver is an attack on the 2nd Amendment by another congressional contingent.

Naomi Kline's book "The Shock Doctrine" she writes: "we are assaulted with so many levels of serious crimes and crises: financial, illegal wars, depression, theft, and bioweapons,created illnesses. The list goes on and on to keep us off balance. This is to make our lives extremely difficult (except for the 1% rich who are profiting from this chaos), so we have no time to contemplate what is actually happening: The deliberate destruction of our country."

NOW, how can people just blow this off? I explain this to my mother and it goes in one ear and out the other as if there is nothing but thin air in-between. And she is just one of countless people I have talked to throughout my life. I always inquire as to what people think is happening. I am always met with stunning naivete, the ignorant conformity of programmed automatons.
A great and dark pathology embraces the entire planet..~ww

As Shakespeare said, “Hell is empty and the devils are here,” ~The Tempest

And this is a double headed Golem screaming at itself as it stomps on liberty;

Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight.”.

That is representative of the Left Hegelian rhetoric. Then there is the well known Right Hegelian thrust with it's rifle scope sights with “lefties” in them. All political theater; PSYOP.


“Psychological operations (PSYOP) are planned operations to
convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences
to influence the emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and
ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations,
groups, and individuals. PSYOP are a vital part of the broad
range of US diplomatic, informational, military, and economic
activities. PSYOP characteristically are delivered as information
for effect, used during peacetime and conflict, to inform and

However, under the new strategic maxim of Full Spectrum Dominance, the 'war theater' is perpetual and global—including the domestic “audience”. So these PSYOPs are directed to influence the Amerikan people as well.~ww
The nature of modern wars is based on usurping natural resources and the wealth of nations. Thus, these wars are materialist wars, either fought on strategic grounds to acquire wealth and power or to directly usurp it. Any ideological framework is used to deceive the masses. These wars are therefore criminal acts.~Madhi Darius Nazemroaya

“In 1996, U.S. Secretary of Defence, William Perry, started raising the alarms and saying that Iran was a “growing threat to stability in the [Persian] Gulf.”~ibid

But what this really means in Newspeak, is that Iran is a growing threat for stability in the Persian Gulf region. If the region cannot be maintained in a state of instability, the US would loose the leverage against a unified regional power. And further when the term US is used, it does not mean the nation, the United States, but the Financial Powers that use US military power as their enforcement arm.~ww

“While Tehran and Moscow signed an important cooperation agreement on March 12, 2001, a few months later Moscow and Beijing signed the Treaty of Good-Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation (July 24, 2001, less than two months before September 11, 2001).

The Chinese, the Russians, and the Iranians all saw the writing on the wall. Geo-political conflict was on the horizon and the U.S. and NATO war machine was getting ready to march into Eurasia.

At its roots the state serves elitist interests. In this context it is worth quoting George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. An excerpt from a fictitious book, Emmanuel Goldstein’s The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, being read by Orwell’s protagonist Winston sums this point:

“The war, therefore, if we judge it by standards of previous wars, is merely an imposture. [...] But though it is unreal it is not meaningless. It eats up the surplus of consumable goods, and it helps to preserve the special mental atmosphere that a hierarchical society needs. War, it will be seen, is now a purely internal affair. In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognise their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished. In our day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact. The very word [and conceptualization of] ‘war’, therefore has been misleading.”~Orwell

John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the White House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time. He made this statement: "This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."

Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Brenton Greene, the director of the NCS on September 11, told the 9/11 Commission that on September 10, 2001, "miraculously, the SRAS system was turned on for exercise mode and thus it was ready to function on September 11." Therefore, when the NCS was required to assist the government's response to the terrorist attacks, the "SRAS was already in exercise mode and operational."

"On the morning of 9/11, the entire Continuity of Government program was activated. Every federal agency was ordered to activate an alternative command post, an alternative headquarters outside of Washington, DC, and to staff it as soon as possible." [13]

Considering that the SRAS is intended to support the COG program, it was convenient, to say the least, that it was already operational on September 11 and therefore immediately ready to be utilized by those involved with COG when the plan was activated.

In a certain sense, COTO is a gathering of Magi [Magus, plural]. It is that particular blend of intuition and informed rational contemplation that is our bonding principles. I don't mean this in an occult way at all. The occult is occult because it is hidden, that is what it means. We may investigate the hidden, but we are not of it.
But there are rituals. They may be “technological”, but they are indeed prescribed ritual. The word is simply not thought of in such a way by most. This comes from the same mind-set as those who think 'history is over', as if “that was then and this is now” has much real bearing on a cyclic process such as history. This attitude blinds one to amplifying the differences in human activities on trivial pretexts. A person sitting using his fingers, physical dexterity, concentration of focused attention while chipping an arrowhead is actually not substantially different, other than technological, what a person using a computer does. A great deal is just repetitive patterns, ie; rituals. Somehow, after all these eons, we are still humans locked in our moment of Now.
When one discovers, and truly 'groks' that the past is with us, it has brought us to this moment, the next step of getting that the future is here as well. The past and the present define it.

While this is easily perceived from a certain angle is beyond those who see from other angles.
The most common is a narrow conformist view of culturally enforced lazy thinking. The majority of people don't like thinking because it reminds them of 'taking a test' based on something being taught. This is the conditioning of rote instruction, the dulling of natural curiosity.

So not only do free thinkers annoy the “well informed academic”, but also those who have been programmed to 'feel' that thinking is practically subversive.
Insatiable curiosity frightens both types; who are actually two aspects of the same type, lazy thinkers. Consensus and conformity are intimate with one another.

So now, what is this? This is a story. Nothing more than a story. But it is my story, from my perspective, They are all only stories. The point is to live your own.
~Willy Whitten


  1. THAT is really good, Rogue1!

  2. Thanks Boomer.

    I was actually a bit surprised to get onto Wordpress. It has loaded frozen for more than two weeks. I also got an email update that you had commented. That service has been down for weeks as well...?

    What ever happened I am now UNFROZEN.

  3. Heating it up worked Willie. I wished for more pages.

    "So not only do free thinkers annoy the “well informed academic”, but also those who have been programmed to ‘feel’ that thinking is practically subversive.
    Insatiable curiosity frightens both types; who are actually two aspects of the same type, lazy thinkers. Consensus and conformity are intimate with one another."

    Brilliant WW! Let us ask the flock, "If ignorance is bliss why then are you not happy?"

    The world of madness has gotten a lot bigger. Built by population, the tumor has enlarged with cells of no meaning and no purpose. The cancer did not change but the tumor will proliferate and the body will succomb.

    In my mind, the terminal point will be most lethal to those sane.

  4. "In my mind, the terminal point will be most lethal to those sane."~Puddy

    Thank you for the gracious comments my friend. I know what you mean by the quote above...To truly comprehend the deep horror of the building madness, takes a sane courage because it is painfull to really get this.

    But. I feel a strong optomism personally, at least for my soul--I can't even hazard a guess as to my chances physically.

    Beyond all imagination is the mystery that lies ahead.


  5. Here we have an article by a modern Mengele, who propses to vaccinate against dissent, with the most banal diabolical "matter of 'scientific fact'" rhetoric.
    It is awesome to behold in its revelation of utter pathological mania:

    Loughner More Than a Deranged Individual – He Is One of Millions
    Released: 1/13/2011 6:30 AM EST
    Source: Paxis Institute, Tucson, AZ
    Expert Available

    Feature by Dennis Embry, PhD, Paxis Institute, Tucson, AZ

    As a prevention scientist and psychologist involved in violence issues as well as mental illness prevention for more than 20 years, I was suddenly certain of the profile of the shooter. He will be a young man. He will have a history of behavior problems that go back in time. He will have markers of instability, impulsiveness and ruminating or obsessive thoughts. More than likely, the young man will have had problems with drugs or alcohol, too. His school experiences will show run-ins with staff and students. And, the young man will likely have some political obsessions.

    Dick Armey, one of the leaders of the Tea Party, said on the ABC morning show that we don’t need pop sociology. Rather, Mr. Armey said, “if we really want to understand deviance and danger in this country, we should apply the correct field of study, the correct tools of understanding and discipline with rigor and responsibility [of psychology].”

    I agree with Armey. He describes what my colleagues and I do as prevention scientists.

    The Institute of Medicine reported in 2009 on the availability of “behavioral vaccines” against mental illness, addictions, violence, emotional problems, suicide and other behavioral ills. This is not voodoo science. These are the findings of our most respected medical and scientific researchers as published in peer-reviewed journals.

    So why don’t we give those behavioral vaccines to every American? There is not a single valid reason.
    A behavioral vaccine, called the Good Behavior Game, enables first-grade teachers to help children learn to control their attention and resist negative peer attention.6 This dramatically increases time for teaching and learning immediately.

    There are other behavioral vaccines in the IOM report. They, too, are powerful and very cost effective. All of them together are scientifically proven to quickly inoculate against the metastatic madness affecting every social class of families in America.

    If we don’t act for true prevention, the “unhinged” shooting at the Tucson Safeway will not be the only one; if we don’t seek to prevent metastatic madness in America, it may just be the end for public safety, wellbeing and our democracy.

    What must be done comes from what Mr. Armey calls the correct understanding and discipline of rigorous science to prevent disturbance, deviance, and danger in this country.

    About Dr. Embry
    Dr. Dennis D. Embry is senior scientist and president of PAXIS Institute, Tucson, AZ. He is a co-investigator at Johns Hopkins Center for Prevention and Early Intervention. He is an advisor to the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, a panelist for the CDC Best Practices Document on Violence Prevention, and former advisor on strategies for military dependent children to Secretary of Defense Cheney during the Gulf War. He is also senior scientific consultant to Healthy Child Manitoba, and the International Parenting Research Center in Australia. Recently he was nominated to be on the President’s Advisory Council on Prevention.

  6. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know Neil Armstrong never made it to the moon.
    And it don't take a Phi Beta Kappa to remember that many explosions went off in the buildings at the World Trade Center on 9/11, while Bibi, Larry and Ehud sat in their ringside seats.
    OK, devil's advocate, you point out Larry was by himself on the phone trying to get his insurer to agree to demolishing WTC7. You got me!!
    I think they inbred the Rottschilds too much. Sure they are mind controlled by the occult and Kabbala too, and flatout greedy, but it has to be a cognitive disorder from too much inbreeding. They have had spies in Europe to corner markets for centuries, they have spies everywhere now, and yet with all that why the frick don't they 'get it' about what really matters.

  7. They need to start with the lefthanders. We are immuned to viewing the misery savants as anything but menevolent salesmen. Contrary spatially and by birth we are more sinister as indicated by history.

    Harry S. Truman
    Gerald Ford
    Ronald Reagan
    George H.W. Bush
    Bill Clinton
    Barack Obama
    Senator Bill Bradley, Rhodes scholar, basketball star
    McGeorge Bundy, presidential advisor
    John McCain, US Senator
    Prince Charles of England
    Prince William of England
    Fidel Castro, Cuban leader
    Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli prime-minister
    Ehud Olmert, Israeli prime-minister
    David Rockefeller, banker
    Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of Defense
    Col. Oliver North, White House aid
    Nelson Rockefeller, Vice President
    Lloque Yapanqui (?), Inca monarch
    Ramses II (?), Egyptian pharaoh
    Tiberius (?), Roman emperor
    Alexander the Great
    Charlemagne, Holy Roman emperor
    Julius Caesar, Roman general
    Napoléon Bonaparte (?), French emperor
    Josephine de Beauharnais
    King Louis XVI of France
    Queen Victoria of England
    King George II of England
    King George VI of England
    John Dillinger, criminal/bank robber
    Boston Strangler (Albert Henry DeSalvo), serial killer
    Jack-the-Ripper, serial killer
    John Wesley Hardin, Western gunslinger

    I think like them but unfortunately don't share the bloodline. I could have been rich and accepted bankruptcy in morality only.

    Any other Cotosouthies?

  8. "a rocket surgeon"...Lol

    I like that.


  9. x := y, y =: x or

    x ≡ y means x is defined to be another name for y, under certain assumptions taken in context.

    (Some writers use ≡ to mean congruence).

    [1≡ ∞]

    ∆ ∆ ∆

    ℙ(X) means the probability of the event X occurring~Hank Dabooda

    Iyam that Iyam and that's all that Iyam, I'm: A. Popeye or B. Yahwey

    You get to choose...


  10. My stepfather put gas in John Dillinger's car as a young gas station attendant in Indiana once.

    I wonder if he was an accessory to some get-a-way technically?

    I guess we would have to inquire with Janet Nepongioni to get a ruling on that.

    Are you SURE all these people are left handed?


  11. You forgot Woodrump Wilson, the bluest meanie of them all.



    Chaplin: dictator speech


  13. A comment on Taleb;

    Statistical Undecidability and the conjecture that all is ritual based 'magic' to the superconscious.

    Our world is built and works on the way we perceive it, which is a matter of structural habituation of thinking and doing.
    The runes of statistical analysis are no more--no less than talismans in the modern paradigm than were the ancient runes of the Magi.~ww


    Unit of account = CC
    [ Coto Currency ]

    Credit Accounts: Q1 2011


    + CC 1,000,000.00


    Puddy Dunne

    + CC 1,000,000.00


    mary sunshine

    + CC 1,000,000.00



    + CC 1,000,000.00


    Total credits created

    CC 4,000,000.00

    purrrrr ...

    purrr ..

  15. Thanks Podz, it is wonderful to know we have a talented accountant aboard the good ship COTO.

    Can't you just see Sherley T dancing and singing to that?
    ...with Stone Temple Pilot kickin' the jams out behind her...yea


  16. purrrrr ...

    on the good ship
    it's a strange trip
    from the petting zoo
    where sheeple play
    cause they don't think

    f.b.i. spooks
    fill the air
    taking notes bunch
    we don't care
    cause their job blows
    and they learn much
    Coto nose

  17. Ha it pod.

  18. \ _\|/_ /
    / _ _ \
    \ \ o o / /
    - \ / -
    \___/ purrr...ty
    / \
    / | | \ \
    | | |

  19. Crap. Didn't work out. There was a cool face there.

  20. AW...Bullwinkle, that trick never works.


  21. Note:
    Prevention Scientists; Dennis Embry, PhD, Paxis Institute, and Nassim Taleb.
    Both claim the title.

  22. How quickly the desired results of the Tucson PSYOP begin to manifest:

    "WASHINGTON – As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the health care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings over President Barack Obama's overhaul have subsided.

    Ahead of a vote on repeal in the GOP-led House this week, strong opposition to the law stands at 30 percent, close to the lowest level registered in AP-GfK surveys dating to September 2009."

    Triad Effect:

    1. Gun rights bashing

    2. Thought-crime promo

    3. Phony “Health Care” law stands.


  23. Highlighting suspicions of Assangel as an Intel operative:

    Tunisian Wikileaks Putsch: CIA Touts Mediterranean Tsunami of Coups; Libya, Egypt, Syria, Algeria, Jordan, Italy All Targeted; US-UK Want New Puppets to Play Against Iran, China, Russia; Obama Retainers Cass Sunstein, Samantha Power, Robert Malley, International Crisis Group Implicated in Destabilizations.~Tarpley

