Wednesday, January 5, 2011

More on the Birds and the Bees


Why the Chirps and the Drums?  By design, of course.

It's no mystery as to the blackbirds and drumfish when EMR is in the picture.

Weather changes and other phenomenon

The swim bladder, gas bladder, fish maw or air bladder is an internal gas-filled organ that contributes to the ability of a fish to control its buoyancy, and thus to stay at the current water depth without having to waste energy in swimming. The swim bladder is also of use as a stabilizing agent because in the upright position the center of mass is below the center of volume due to the dorsal position of the swim bladder. Another function of the swim bladder is the use as a resonating chamber to produce or receive sound.

The swim bladder is evolutionarily homologous to the lungs, and Darwin himself remarked upon this in The Origin Of Species.


Swim bladders are only found in ray-finned fish. In the embryonic stages some species have lost the swim bladder again, mostly bottom dwellers like the weather fish. Other fishes like the Opah and the Pomfret use their pectoral fins to swim and balance the weight of the head to keep a horizontal position. The normally bottom dwelling sea robin can use their pectoral fins to produce lift while swimming. The cartilaginous fish (e.g. sharks and rays) and lobe-finned fish do not have swim bladders. They can control their depth only by swimming (using dynamic lift); others store fats or oils for the purpose.

Source Description above from the Wikipedia article Swim bladder, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors here. Community Pages are not affiliated with, or endorsed by, anyone associated with the topic.

Related citations

Acoustical properties of the swimbladder in the oyster toadfish Opsanus tau. [J Exp Biol. 2009]

Potential sound production by a deep-sea fish. [J Acoust Soc Am. 2004]

Potential sound production by a deep-sea fish.

Mann DA, Jarvis SM. J Acoust Soc Am. 2004 May; 115(5 Pt 1):2331-3.

Sound characteristics of big-snout croaker, Johnius macrorhynus (Sciaenidae). [J Acoust Soc Am. 2007]

Sound characteristics of big-snout croaker, Johnius macrorhynus (Sciaenidae).

Lin YC, Mok HK, Huang BQ. J Acoust Soc Am. 2007 Jan; 121(1):586-93.

Review Weakfish sonic muscle: influence of size, temperature and season.

Connaughton MA, Fine ML, Taylor MH. J Exp Biol. 2002 Aug; 205(Pt 15):2183-8.

Review Physiology and function of the swimbladder. [Adv Comp Physiol Biochem. 1978

Now, how about you and me?


The townspeople of Oakville, Washington, were in for a surprise on August 7, 1994. Instead of their usual downpour of rain, the inhabitants of the small town witnessed countless gelatinous blobs falling from the sky. Once the globs fell, almost everyone in Oakville started to develop severe, flu-like symptoms that lasted anywhere from 7 weeks to 3 months. Finally, after exposure to the goo caused his mother to fall ill, one resident sent a sample of the blobs for testing. What the technicians discovered was shocking – the globs contained human white blood cells. The substance was then brought to the State Department of Health of Washington for further analysis. With another startling reveal, they discovered that the gelatinous blobs had two types of bacteria, one of which is found in the human digestive system. However, no one could successfully identify the blob, and how they were connected to the mysterious sickness that plagued the town.
Lemming Suicide Myth Disney Film Faked Bogus Behavior


How will you float to the heavens? Not by your Air Bladder but by your ignorance to these death merchants. Better load up on Frankincense

Animals within Stone


There are several documented cases where frogs, toads, and other small animals are found concealed within solid stone – alive. There are other instances too, where workers would cut down trees, and find hoards of frogs within the interior. Weirder still, people have found creatures within not just natural formations such as rocks and trees, but manmade establishments. In 1976, a Texas construction crew was breaking up concrete they set over a year ago. To their disbelief, the crew found a live green turtle within the concrete, in an air pocket that matched the shape of the small reptile. If, somehow, it got in when the concrete was poured a year earlier, how did it manage to survive during that time? After all, there were no signs of holes or cracks in the concrete through which the turtle could have entered.

Planes went down that day as well. Coinkydink? Nah!

Why do you think they called them cellular phones?

You can decide on a slow death combination of low level EM-radiation and heavy metal contamination or you can wait until the committee provides you the LD50 (or for the committee the LD80).


You can make lifestyle changes, incorporate Orgone science, dietary cleaners, chelation therapies, home remedies and wait to fight another day.

TAGS: The Toxic Skies - The Gulf  Benzene Stew- Operation DeepFreeze - G6 - Bluebeam - HAARP - Philadelphia Experiment - Hutchison effect - Scalar - Tesla - Anti-gravity - Monarch - Psychotronics - G proteins - EMR poisoning - Chemtrail - CO2 - Nanowars - Agenda 21 - Eugenics


  1. O.K. Its difficult and weird to try and figure out the "layout" properties for wordpress... I hope you don't mind?

  2. Mind??? No Boom, this lays out a fascinating picture, with a wide frame.
    A big deal in toto. Could be just the beginning of a terrible cascading event.
    Rather the continuing cascade of the Macondo event in Gulf of Mexico; a next stage.


  3. The only thing on that list I have encountered is Acid Reflux.

    I got fungus is my fingernails in Georgia around the same time. EVERYTHING in Georgia is supercharged, rust, molds, fungus, and dumbshititus.

    Serious chem spraying began around 1997 in San Diego as to my personal experience. I've seen it across most of the nation since then. Georgia seemed the heaviest and most persistent. That could just be the time period there though.

    Maybe the film THE BLOB will come true--can't put anything past these maniacs.

  4. Cody and his wife have it all the time along with Sinus sticky's and the gait balance problems. They have had the touching syndrome where nerve ends go bizerk and you feel as if someone is touching you. They have the Tinnitus as well.

    We have a clinic in Georgia that does nothing but Mold Exposure testing and Immonotherapy. Too bad I'm not into money. I have enough info to get millions from Medicare.

  5. Everyday I hear of more and more young and middle aged people dying of cancer. There seems to be a dialysis center in every town now. Everyone I know seems to have problems with memory whether young or middle aged. My sister was recently diagnosed with tinnitis and already deals with sjogren's syndrome an auto immune disorder. My daughter in law has epstein barr and so does a 30 year old girl that I work with. My daughter is on armour thyroid. She was diagnosed last year.

    . All year long there are respiratory and stomach ailments that just don't ever seem to totally go away. Half of the girls in my office have acid reflux.(I don't)

    Oh yea, this is no conspiracy theory.. This IS a conspiracy of the evil ones to watch us die as they rob us of whatever little we have left .


  6. Boom, that is one helluva scary list. It reads like an end of the world novel.

    200K birds and 2 million fish died in Mass on the 2nd??! HOLY SHIT

  7. Patrick darlin' it will take me a week to read all the great info you've posted here. Thank you for the homework, teach ;)

  8. I'm sure ther is a reational explanation for all of this, just don't panic"~Mr. Staight

    A "rational" explanation being some newspeak spin on the hypnowheel.
    There are reports of more bird rains and fish flops from around the world this morning.

    Mommy said Jesus is knocking on da door. Daddy said the Devil is knockin' on yer head. Uncle Albert says its a poe shift. An shifty eyed Cheney is STILL alive...can you believe that son-of-a-bitch is still tickin'??? Gawd dambits and wiggly spermoids.

    Me thinks there is something big around the murder of Wheeler...and that is something to be inverstigoited in all smeariousness. Get yer magnefying glass and mershime pipe and lets go trippin'.


  9. Well so much for the blue blue skies...totally gray and the cold is hammering down again.
    Snowflakes awhile ago but nothing stuck. But it has dropped to freesing again.

    I do "hope" there is a spring this year...or is that one of the "changes" attached to the rhetorical round-about?

    Decide to Survive! :

  10. Gut Gott! I have seen rot like in the picture from abscesses on heroin addicts.
    The groups of birds seem to me to point to a toxic cloud or some energy field that would affect all at once. For instance a viral infection would affect systems at varying time frames,those with more resistance would die later,the weak earlier. It is a fast acting substance or energy to bring down a flock at one time.
    We here at Korn-tech labs will be investigating this anomoly. Anybody got a surplus scanning electron microscope ? Maybe a surplus mass spectrometer ?

  11. I was reading up on mold generated toxic organic solvents. This reminds Me of the 60's movie "the island of the mushroom people" or something like that. I think the writers were stoned on shrooms.I have tinnitus like big time. You rang ?

  12. What did You just say ????

  13. When I grow up I wanna be smart like paddy !

  14. For all you with tinnitus--the very first thing you should have checked out is your bite.
    If your jaw is stressed because your teeth don't match upper and lower, that is the main culpret.
    Other tensions can cause it as well. Soma, a muscle relaxent is often prescibbled, and it is QUITE relaxing...but addictive as well. And it does have that brave new name too.

  15. What have they done
    to the earth?

    What have they done
    to our fair sister?

    Ravaged and plundered
    and ripped her and bit her
    Stuck her with knives
    in the side of the dawn
    And tied her with fences
    and dragged her down

    I hear a very gentle sound
    With my ear down to the ground

    they want the world
    and they want it
    now !

    Banks including Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase & Co.
    are moving to comply with the Dodd-Frank financial-overhaul act
    in the U.S. that prohibits them from risking capital
    by betting for their own accounts.

  16. TRUTH PODNA: Let's disect this little scam further, next post.

  17. King if I was truly smart, I'd be a farmer/scientist like you!!

  18. Do be a 'Do Bee", and don't be a 'Don't Bee'~Sheriff John

    See...I remember the programming from that far back. It pops out like a sliver encapsulated in hardend halogen with time.

  19. Weather radar shows something unusual around time birds fell in ark...(thanks for the link oz)

  20. Well let me tell you 'bout the birds and the bees
    And the flowers and the trees and the moon up above
    And the chainmailed glove


  21. one of the reasons for massive dog deaths worldwide is?
    the Horse flu vaccine!
    it incorporates a dog susceptible germplasm for ??/reason?
    when Floridas racehorses were dosed up, greyhounds using the track in the complex came down with severe respiratory illnesses,
    turns out the horsee poop was infectious.
    it spread usa wide and many thousands of shelter animals were euthanased if one dog developed it, why?
    because they needed antibiotics to recover and? that cost a few dollars.
    when my racehorse owner neighbour vaccinates I take no stable manures for the yard.
    and the Italian birds? doves. they said they ate sunflower seed to excess and that killed them, ha ha
    seems Etna is active, now exploding, and outgassing is a much more likely reason, they were asphyxiated by gasses.

  22. heres a hot off the net idea..

    it doesnt sit well with me.
    noctilucent clouds are a well known phenomenon, ie the northern lights you guys see so often.
    and the magnetic pole has been moving at 15km and sped up to 40km for some time, it sure is NOT new.
    funny everyone waffles re the nth moving, forgetting the sth also is by default:-)
    fish and birds use magnetics to fly and orientate, so do bees!

  23. forgot to add.
    go to and then to magnetic reversal pages.
