Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Marti Oakley Lays Out The Coming Food Shortage



In a nutshell.


  1. The food situation is purposeful; it is attrition and the ongoing strategy of tension.
    A part of "Counter Insurgency". And you laybees and gentilegerms are the 'insurgents' drinking corexit detergents and magnetic reflurgence.

    Miss ye kass g'bye.

  2. Rogue1, you're like Dr. Seuss.

    Food prices going UP! The World can thank Bernanke, et.al.

  3. "Rogue1, you’re like Dr. Seuss."~Boom

    Well...I spoze that is a compulismento...so ahh, tanx.

    Oh yea...we can "thank" the crank poked in our tank that goes plunge and yank.

    That's we they call'm Yankees.

  4. It is becoming certain that GMO cultivation will directly cause significant global crop failures leading potentially to starvation. This may have been the intention of MySatan all along. The shocking implications to food production of recent Sudden Death Syndrome and early corn die off in the context of increased glyphosate spraying are explained by Jeffrey Smith in his latest:


  5. And Mary, on P.D.'s Agenda 21 thread upstream, we see a single logger pointing out some relatively local small-time environmental polluting -- and he gets storm-troopered. What kind of egregious balderdash response might we see should a large sampling of the world population stand up to Monsanto and say ENOUGH!?

    Humanity must flex their collective bicep and punch these criminals where they can't catch their breath...ever again. Because if humanity doesn't, they won't be able to breathe, drink, or eat without dying.

  6. I agree, humanity needs to stand against GMOs and the Big Lie that GMOs increase food production, just the opposite is true. When I saw the way glyphosate, which got boosted under GMO's, sterilized the ground killing the microflora that uptake nutrients in the root zones, causing the SDS and premature corn die off, it freaked me out they could collapse the entire GMO corn belt and most other productive farmlands where glyphosate has been used for weed control. They have let the genie out of the bottle. When will people wake up, I guess when the shelves go bare. Animals won't eat GMOs and they must know what humans do not about nutrition and poison.

  7. Right now everyone on is foreign except Oregon: UK, Russia, Germany, City of London, Japan, Turkey, Hawaii, France, and France. Greetings all.

  8. Mary,
    I notice that at various times of the day--usually late night early mornings, COTO turns seriously international. Cool.

