Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Liu Xiaobo is being lionized / canonized


This is raw video from actions over the weekend in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (where a group called VSSDM is the local outpost of the Chinese democracy movement).

We are two days away from the December 10 ceremony, in Oslo Norway, where Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo will be given the Nobel Peace Prize. About 18 or 19 countries have declined to attend the ceremony, due to pressure from the Chinese government in Beijing.

Expect to see more headlines and commentary about Liu, a predictable big story of this coming weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I'm all for the struggle of the chinese people for freedom, but democracy sucks in it's historical and present form. Bet your bottom piaster that Liu X like Malcolm X is destined or Martyrdom and the Nobel acceptance is either the kiss of death or entrance into committee nwo oligarchy.

    The UN wants to placate China to the committee agenda 21 and rule the roost. Though China has never had a problem managing the largest population on the planet, this sends the wrong message to conciliated sheep and green gaia eugenicists are beside themselves.

    James J. Lee was a great example of this infectious viral mind control and the extent that the committee goes to keep this triad in the forefront.
