WTC Collapse Eyewitness Paul Lemos – “As The Bombs Were Going Off People Started Running” |
Thursday, December 9, 2010
>***> Like the homily, "If a tree falls..."
>***> When Buildings Fall, People Die, You Know the Real Truth, and You Say Nothing About It, Cover IT Up, Move On, Etc. == Doesn't That Action or Inaction Make Administration Insiders, Military Insiders, COMPLICIT? As in GUILTY? And Profiting off the crime whether with political currency, gifts, preferential deals, or real currency vastly magnifies THE CRIME!
HEY!!! Why do the nations rage? This just flew across my radar. When folks finally find the Truth hiding in the haystack of lies, will they act like this? Or is this tame by comparison? Put your comments at the end of the line below, folks:
We are all complicit.
ReplyDelete"Innocence, as defined by law, makes us complicit with the crimes of the state. To do nothing, to be judged by the state as an innocent, is to be guilty. It is to sanction, through passivity and obedience, the array of crimes carried out by the state."
Chris Hedges--"Happy as a Hangman"
Yes indeed--the more we know the guiltier they look.
ReplyDeleteIt is not an issue of facts. The issue is psychological. The TVZombies don't WANT to know.
HOMO VISHNU AMERIKANUS, ie, the Sheeple, are trained for shearing, anything else bumps into their programming, causing a feedback loop like the robot on Lost In Space...yea, they are literally lost and spaced.
I sent an used-to-be close friend the videe of the firemen talking about the bombs going off in the buildings--her circuits fried on impact. It's been 9 fucking years, youda thunk the programming might have worn off a bit. No such luck, she has been reinforcing it reading fairytales about Muzzlim Tearists, and other myths. She is as lost as a teacup at the hatters party.
Show this videe to her and she woud pee directly in your face.
COMPLICIT? You bet your ass she is.
That's life on TERROR PLANET.
The Abominable Golem is stalking me. Spooks, Goons and Ghouls—psychopaths wanting to eat my brains. It is the Planet of Terror. All our dreams turned to nightmares. They are creeping around out there in the dark night, evil spirits drifting through the ether, demons from Hell.
ReplyDeleteGod save us.
Talk about edifices crumbling -- the Lies are fragmenting due to the acidic nature of The Truth. May Truth do its unstoppable work of incriminating those who ignore it, abuse it, and twist it.
ReplyDeleteThe question begs to be answered...when this 9/11 Cover-up get's Blown Up once and for all, and a majority of American's get wise, WHAT will we as a nation of 312 Billion people do with the criminals who committed all the crimes surrounding 9/11, and WHAT will we do with those criminals who have been covering up for the perpetraitors? These are rhetorical questions, but an answer should be readily available as well as the punishment to fit the crimes.
The paint covering the Lies about 9/11 is flaking off faster than they can repaint the hideous gargoyles.
The same treatment will accrue to those playing with the fire of America's (the world finance/economic/politico connected criminal conspiracy. Somehow, I don't foresee nice tidy trials.
NO...we are not all complicit O.
ReplyDeleteThose who speak out, who rail against the lies are NOT liable. In the same way the resistance against the Nazi, were not culpable to the Nazi crimes.
Just to be unfortunate enough to be born in the belly of the beast is not grounds for culpability--it is going along to get along that puts that on ones head.
Hedges speaks to the majority of TVZombies, the automatons and dupes of the system. I will not be painted by this brush. And neither should you.
The distinction is here on these pages.
"Somehow, I don’t foresee nice tidy trials."~Boomer
ReplyDeleteMe too...I see a tornado of hail and brimstone, and it is just on the horizon...
...tic tic tic...
I must insist that I am definitely NOT complicit, as documented by my outspoken commentary here and elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteThose that are Complicit would be those who are connected to the crime or cover-up, and those who remain silent (see the crime of "misprision of felony"). I don't know about the dumb or ignorant, or deceived. You have to work pretty hard these days on falling into these categories. In fact, I think you have to crawl into them with effort, like a grave for a deadbeat.
Anyways Obtuse, you can't lump everybody in the guilty category. That doesn't make sense, and won't work.
Amerikans have been shits in majority terms for longer than can be known...
ReplyDeleteBesides "the only good Injun is a dead Injun" there is this from more than a hundred years ago:
"...But it was impossible to save the Great Republic. She was rotten to the heart. Lust of conquest had long ago done its work.
Trampling upon the helpless abroad had taught her, by a natural process, to endure with apathy the like at home; multitudes who had applauded the crushing of other people's liberties, lived to suffer for their mistake in their own persons. The government was irrevocably in the hands of the prodigiously rich and their hangers-on; the suffrage was become a mere machine which they used as they chose. There was no principle but commercialism, no patriotism but of the pocket." -- Mark Twain 1835-1910
I currently have a boarder, college kid, in his early 30's going for his doctorate in ancient European history. (yeah, I know what you're thinking) I've obviously exposed him to the evidence - flatly refuses to believe it. Flatly refuses to believe there is a central power structure, even though he knows they exist. I guess he thinks they get together to play Bridge.
ReplyDeleteLately I've been on to him about Chemtrials, some thing, simply refuses to believe they exist. Just contrails "going through different levels of the atmosphere," he says. His dad was a jet pilot, so he thinks he knows everything there is to know. Refuses to even view any more evidence. Doesn't even want to discuss anything anymore.
This idiot is a classic case of someone living in denial. Privileged background white-boy that's scared to death of the peer pressure he'd get should he step outside the box he's been put in. If I didn't need the money so badly right now I'd kick this moron out. It's one thing to be around someone that doesn't have the advantages that this Melba Toast has and is just ignorant, but this is plain and simple willful denial. Few things piss me off more.
What this boy needs Mr. M, is a holiday in Cambodia {metaphorically}.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you--these types piss me off. I will not countance their bullshit. After a few conversations 'polite' walks out of my repitoir.
That's why I will not engage with a lot of my relatives back here. They're as happy as I am that I stopped coming to their invites. This smilyface fascism riles me to the limit.
Well said.
ReplyDeleteOne thing about chemtrails is that those of us who are today drawing Social Secoity are so old we can remember the skies were NOT like this when jet travel first appeared....but the kid is unable to process what he has not seen with his own eyes.
ReplyDeleteWow, Boom, I had never seen that eyewitness speak on video. What an eye opener as he vividly describes sequential explosions dropping the tower floor by floor below the impact floors. It is pretty obvious what his eyewitness testimony implies, controlled demolition, not airplane strikes and kerosene fires. He was very credible. Great find, Boom. It's juss like the architects and engineers for 9/11 truth said.
ReplyDeleteYay, Hybrid! I fault myself for not doing more--but when I look back on the times I remained silent, it was because I was trying to find a strategic way to break through to people who didn't want to know the truth.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen photographic evidence of a chemtrail that could be distinguished from a contrail, and I think we are barking up the wrong tree with that form of evidence. Atmospheric variations can cause all kinds of effects. The wingtip vortices reduce pressure, therefore temperature and thus promote condensation and that can act as a nucleus for further condensation in super-saturated air, causing the contrail to spread into a broad opaque band of clouds.
ReplyDeleteThat is not to say that I don't believe in chemtrails. The government is on record spraying all kinds of nasty things over populated areas.
In the early days of jet travel, there weren't as many flights. They were shipping the boys to Vietnam on propellor planes. I recall jets being somewhat of a rarity, even near an Air Force base. My mother, lucky lady, managed to get funded to board a flight to LA from Salt lake City. It was nothing but a dream to everyone else I knew. Cheap fares became available about thirty years ago and from there it really took off. You can distinguish the airline flights from a lot of the others because they follow established routes and don't screw around. The military does all kinds of weird things and is given secrecy and clearance for all kinds of experimental stuff. Anyone who thinks chemical spraying is not going on is a fool, but getting incontrovertible evidence to please idiots will be very hard. Even if you have chemical evidence, it doesn't mean someone sprayed it. That's the lovely thing about chemtrails from the POV of TPTB.
Where did this video suddenly emerge from? Pretty good testimony. I wonder where that guy is now?
ReplyDeleteI'll have to say that what has baffled me from the first day--9/11, is that when I saw the first live vid fee or playback of the first tower being destroyed, even though alone in the room I jumped up pointing at the TV pointing accusingly yelling, "THAT"S impossible". The building erupted violently like a volcano. How could that have any connection to the plane flying into it.
That anyone but me couldn't see this is what was so frustrating for the first couple years.
Even "Truthers" using TV dialog, saying the towers fell straight down into their own footprints pissed me off--NO THEY DIDN"T, they were blown all over Manhattan.
Almost any single frame of the tower distruct shows the blast above the rest of the building as being thrice the width of the frame of the building at a face POV. Well the face POV interpreted to a plan POV is the footprint. So they couldn't be dropping into their footprint could they?
No, they couldn't ,as the FEMA Debris Field Map clearly show. Heavy debris was blown in a radial pattern throughout and beyond the whole complex--steel beams and shattered box-columns weighing tons flung hundreds of yards from the "footprint".
As I have said all along the visual evidence is best evidence. The only reason people didn't see with their own eyes is because of the hypnotic mantra coming from TV as the watched.
patricia, you can still see contrails from jets in the sky. They disappear behind the jet and are gone by the time it's out of view. Chemtrails on the other hand linger, get thicker and spread out like mutant clouds until the whole sky is gray with them.
ReplyDeleteThe planes that spew this crap do weird flight patterns. They leave loops and x patterns. What the hell kind of jet flies like that? They are usually so high up you can barely make out the plane but there is no disputing the toxic waste they purposely leave behind.
No Patricia, contrails and chemtrails are not one and the same. Watch "what in the world are they spraying" and you'll see what we've been so upset about. The skies here are never clear blue anymore. THey are always hazy like a dog day august afternoon and covered in a white muck .
Will, I'm convinced those that haven't figured it out yet never will.. Willfullly ignorant people are people I love to hate.
ReplyDeleteSorry. Didn't mean to hit a nerve. I was being more metaphorical than making an actual accusation.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, I do feel guilty I haven't done more. So, lately I've been spending quite a bit of time agitating on the mainstream media because that's where the message needs to get out. But the half of USA'ns that refuse to hear the message are deeply entrenched in their psychosis. Their POV seems to be the result of the evil that underlies their character rather than any flawed logic or ignorance. There isn't anything anyone can say to fix that.
Truly, the world is spinning backwards. And we are the heretics.
Sorry if I offended.
Ain't no thing, Tuse. As they say in some parts.
ReplyDeleteAs you just found out, this is a "self-correcting" website. In other words, we all throw stuff out there in the public forum, and we get ourselves "corrected" by the gallery of thought-providers.
We all get to battle with our wits, common sense, whatever we've got to bring to the debates, and our closely held beliefs either sink or swim. I love it, myself. I think it is a fabulous forum for all manner of topical info. to be bandied about.
History repeats. Damn...the future's so bright I have to wear sunglasses (Cory Hart song I believe). Or, Damn...the future's so bleak I have to retake that criminal retard banker's castle, again!
ReplyDeleteIts all so Feudal, you know?
Why are we always getting stuck beTwain a rock and a hard place?
Wow M! I can't imagine the inner turmoil you must be enduring, trying to stomach this young useful idiot's blind ideology. Perhaps, certain conditions could be required for him to reside in your sphere. Weekly rigorous study, quizzes and testing, AND...make him publicize his lame positions right here on COTO. He must get involved, defend his positions, take the forum's abuse and correction, and do some research. Shit! The world doesn't need even (1) more ignorant know-it-all consuming our resources and taking up space. It puts the Natural World out of balance. Get this kid into the COTO School of Reason and Obviousness -- or send him on his way into the cruel world.
ReplyDeleteYou're shitting me Patricia?!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to say.
Except, I do know what to say, but I don't have time to say it.
One hint: Watch two jets at the same altitude. At times you will see one with zero tail and another leaves a freaking sky blighting chemtrail. The evidence is right there above you most times. Think back pre-2000... NEVER, did you see jets fog an entire sky with their trails. And NEVER, did you see it create a pall that lasted the entire day. That's first hand evidence. Study more online, and you will find your answers.
Ladies, and Gents. The vid was on Prison Planet this a.m. (look at the link under the title on the piece up top).
ReplyDeleteListen, we don't need this guy to confirm for us what we have seen with our eyes so many times on so many other videos. But, of course this eye-witness testimony just plopped another turd on the head of Liars, Inc.
Don't you all remember seeing "squibs" firing down the buildings prior to their falling into their very own footprints?
No no Mr. O, not offended. These are points I felt the need to address.
ReplyDeleteTaking offence is an emotional response. I was merely presenting a rationally stated response. No offence is taken at all.
cool, \\ll//
Harry Overstreet, wrote the following in his 1925 groundbreaking study 'Influencing Human Behavior':
ReplyDelete“Giving people the facts as a strategy of influence” has been a failure, “an enterprise fraught with a surprising amount of disappointment.”
Of course, you point out the Obvious, Rogue1. The buildings were "blown up", then they fell down.
ReplyDeleteThe buildings were “blown up”, then they fell down."~Boom
ReplyDeleteYea, they fell down over the entire 13 acre complex--the heavy structural steel, but the concrete and soft materials were obliterated and blown all over Manahattan.
The argument between us'n'them, as I said is a psychological problem, not a matter of reciting the facts. That's what a psychological operation is about, driving people crazy {in street lingo} and that's what it did--it drove Amerikans crazy, right into a deep dark trance.
Fuckin' voodoo.
ReplyDeleteFuck it, Boom. To him my credibility got shot when the world didn't end over my Pandora's Box predictions on the BP disaster, he should be happy I was wrong! And may still be proven right, tomorrow's CT should be interesting.
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, this kid has had enough of me, wait until he finds out I don't have a job and the lights go out - ha! The house is such we barely see each other, he spends most his nights at what I guess is his girlfriends digs, little snot has never once made an effort to introduce me to her, or any of his friends. I'm going to tell him the rent's going up Jan. 1st to oh, ... I don't know? $1,500 a month. I don't want to be greedy.
But enough! This is a bleak time for those of us that are held hostage for having a memory.
Oh how I pray I was this dumb frat-boys ass, to be so oblivious, so serenely smug and have the confidence to back it all up with a smirk ... I've never been that so damn sure of anything like that in all my life.
HA! For all I know this kid's father could be one of the Chemtrial pilots? He told me his father flew military jets!
How fucking Shakespearean would THAT be?!
I'm right there with you Rogue1. I was reading comments on some piece last week or so. I think it was actually on prison planet or info wars. They get some weirdos and some interesting folks too. A guy who has worked with concrete all his life, made the case -- and all of his concrete pals also agreed -- that the amount of concrete in the buildings was so incredibly much, that it should have left a pile of dust (it could NOT have been turned into powder by falling down, which he was emphatic about) 8 stories high. To him and his concrete buddies, the "story" was bogus just based on his experience and knowledge of concrete. He saw and realized that a gigantic amount had been pulverized and blown out in clouds of dust all over the area. This was in no way how concrete would react to fire and a collapse. To him and other concrete workers, the "lack" of normal physics in just this one aspect blew the cover off of the administration's cover up.
ReplyDeleteThis "kid" is in his 30's. Serious ChemTrailing didn't get going until 97', so anyone in their late teens would have a fairly vivid memory of what skies are supposed to look like.
There is simply people that are too far gone. For whatever reason they weren't immune to the brainwashing, and if they don't see it on TV, it ain't real.
And God bless them, for some of them are well meaning folk, so much so that even though presented with irrefutable evidence that their entire lives have been build on the bones and ashes of those that were conquered and slaughtered in and orgy of blood lust that will only be rivaled by the one that's coming, still refuse to see us for what we are and firmly believe we're just incapable of ever doing that again.
I ponder if it would not be better to be that way than sighted? Hell, I don't know if I'm contributing going around trying to get people to think just so they can become aware of something that well looks like its too late to do anything about anyway?
After all, where's the future in that? How popular were those in Nazi Germany that knew about the Death-camps?
"Hey Hans!"
"You know that funny smell, I found out what it is."
"Do tell."
"They're throwing people in overs like the were strudel dough."
"Get the fuck a way from me!"
And of course it isn't just about one issue, after Chemtrails, there's DP, BP, GMO, water contamination, 9/11 of course, and a laundry list of other ways they're trying to kill us off.
Maybe Overstreet should have given them the facts mixed in with a little comedy. Then he would have been Groucho Marxs.
ReplyDeleteno offense taken here I appreciate you opening the debate. "the day I stop learning something new is the day I give it all up"
ReplyDeleteYour friend sounds like all the sheeple I witnessed at Waffle House in Asheville, NC today!
ReplyDeleteAll the business men and even construction sheep all reading there USA Todays. I sat and just watched and I swear I thought for a moment "is my fam the only real people in here". These sheeple all acted like robots doing the same things (turning pages, drinking coffee etc) My wife turned to me and said "am I the only one that feels uncomfortable in here or what"?
Ashville...beautiful country in those parts.
ReplyDeleteYes I know what you's almost like being a stranger in a strange land.
I have been a people watcher all my life. It's part of my job, being an artist.
this thing has grown progressively worse over the last ten years--the turn of the century--the blatant judicial coup d'etat selecting Bush Jr. for prezidoink. Fast Forward with the agenda at that point.
9/11 created a new peak in the portion of utter automatons here.
They are as you point out, regimented in even their personal activities, postures and facial expressions. Stepford People.
Very strange.
thats right mr. laughnmatter I am only 26 and I can plainly remember the skies at age 12 or 14 given that Puddy and I live directly in the path of the Charlotte Douglas international and Asheville regional airports I have saw jets flying over all my life and I never remember a contrail swelling up and then falling out and then making a hazy, cloudy and rainy day shortly thereafter. My younger cousins are even intelligent enough to open there minds and there damn eyes.
ReplyDeleteAye -- check out the British Riot video (I just put it up top after the first one).
ReplyDeletejerseygirl thankx for putting that video on here I havn't saw that one yet and it's definately one of the best-don't know how I've managed to miss it.
ReplyDeleteI am sending the link to all my family now!
checking it out now-thankx
ReplyDeleteyes hybrid1, I'm sure the chemtrails increasing so much in the last 8 to 10 years have alot to do with the dumbed down robots at the waffle joint but the workers there were as the elite with robes on in the movie Eyes Wide Shut. The chemicals aren't workin on me yet I guess I'm not glued to the hellivision like I'm "suppose to be" or like they wish I was.
ReplyDeleteWhen are we going to see anybody here in the USA get pelted with rotten eggs? Maybe we need to eat more fish. Less Cheeto's.
ReplyDelete...and here's a link to some good pics showing the aftermath of Prince Charles' Rolls after being attacked.
Yeah you guys are right, chemtrails got started pretty late and lots of youth know just as well as us old farts how things usta be.
ReplyDeleteGood question mrobtuse, if anyone hears of any demonstrations around the Asheville area let me know it would surprise me.
ReplyDeleteObviously people and students in the 60's and 70's weren't near as "eat up with it" as the population these days in Amerika. God forbid the masses stand up to big brother in this country hell they would have to miss a damn reality show to do a thing like that.
The two towers ("David" and "Nelson") were mostly steel. The 4" concrete floor slabs were likely pulverized with wireline conventional demolition explosives laid in the telcom rewiring. The floor slab explosives went off after the steel was cut with thermate charges wrapped around the girders. Nano particulate iron residue is likely metal fumes from high temp combustion of thermate, secondarily from high temp combustion of the conventional explosives. Molten steel is seen running out of the top floors prior to the explosions. Molten steel gives off metal fumes or nanoparticles of iron oxide. The exploded concrete floorslabs pulverized into a fine pyroclastic dust flow that engulfed lower Manhattan and spread the concrete over a large area, some of it rising also. As Will said, the whole top of the building was exploded, cut up steel framing blown sideways way beyond the footprint.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good point Will made about a psyop in that people can be made to recite the opposite of what their own eyes tell them plainly happened. However quite a few news announcers on 9/11 agreed with us that it looked exactly like a controlled demolition. That kind of talk was scrubbed by media disinfo outlets by the next day.
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
ReplyDelete-George Orwell
If you agree with Orwell in this, then you must understand that THIS, what we do here at COTO is a "revolutionary act".
This is defiant freedom of speech in the face of draconian attempts to muzzle us.
If we DO nothing else, we have done this.
Take heart, have courage. This war has just begun.
Mary, you hone in well on a very possible sequence of events involving the destruction of the buildings. I appreciate you using your brain power and knowledge base to present "real world" common-sense answers to facts on the ground and video and eyewitness visual evidence. As anyone with a pulse and an IQ -- minus a criminal agenda -- can comprehend...the government's B.S. "story" of 19 hijackers, boxcutters, fires and such, are absolute pitiful attempts to redirect and obfuscate.
ReplyDeleteAny Klowns that spout this nonsensical drivel require a crowbar upside the head to straighten out their thinking, and an uppercut with said crowbar to the groin to snap their maniacal mind back to attention.
I need go no further, as it just infuriates me.
I was in Asheville today, enjoying your chemtrailed skies. Upon coming back down to the Upstate SC, I was met with a tremendous show of airpower weather modification. Super Sad!
ReplyDeleteJust a reminder:
In this interview, Belfast Telegraph reporter Matthew Bell asks Wikileaks founder Julian Assange about “conspiracy theories”. Assange subsequently explains his position.
His obsession with secrecy, both in others and maintaining his own, lends him the air of a conspiracy theorist. Is he one? “I believe in facts about conspiracies,” he says, choosing his words slowly. “Any time people with power plan in secret, they are conducting a conspiracy. So there are conspiracies everywhere. There are also crazed conspiracy theories. It’s important not to confuse these two. Generally, when there’s enough facts about a conspiracy we simply call this news.” What about 9/11? “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”~Belfast Telegraph, July 19, 2010
Ha ha ha ha ha...Puddy, the new header is insanely brilliant. I love it, as much as I hate Dershobitch. Good job my man.
This one is totally weird;
ReplyDelete>2009, 9/11 commissioner Bob Kerrey said, in a candid dialogue with We Are Change LA:[4]
>Bob Kerrey: “It’s a problem… it’s a 30-year-old conspiracy“
>Jeremy Rothe-Kushel: “No.. I’m talking about 9/11″
>Bob Kerrey: “That’s what I’m talking about”
WTF is he talking about, and how can the interviewer let that pass without explanation?
Rogue1; let's assume Assange is fairly intelligent, and evidently has access to certain "secret" information strategically hidden from the masses. Considering his position, I therefore determine by his most careful dancing dialect...that Assange is a "plant". His entire purpose for rising to the surface of the media pond spotlight is to achieve specific goals, whilst subverting and minimizing others. Big whoop dee do, aye?! It makes no sense to me at all that an individual with his security breaching abilities totally skirts the 9/11 "equation", which EQUALS massive conspiracies and treason hot enough to burn up entire countries! He soft shoes around the subject...
ReplyDeleteA true rogue (of which you are "1") dials in the frequency of deceit, and amps it up like Nicola Tesla until the waves of true reality are bouncing off the clouds, off the other side of the earth! This guy seems like he is controlled, and working off a script. This is just my feeling at this point, but circumstances aren't adding up to me.
If Assange was "in the know", and battling against the evil NWO and purveyors of lies -- would he not skewer the largest Lie lurking in America? The Root of the latest tsunami of Imperialistic aggression?
I sit back in my chair and odd? Wonder what's up with that?!
ReplyDeleteUniting The Right Hand Of Fascism The Left Hand Of Darkness
By Jim Kirwan
Yea Boom, that's why I thought those were re-grounding thoughts to consider after wading through some of the confusing complexity of the issue.
ReplyDeletePart of deconstructing a subtext is careful examination of the frame as well as the picture inside.
This frame obviously is bordered tightly over a larger picture.
What is outside of the border framed then becomes key to the manipulation of the framing of the issue.
You're very welcome cody. It is a good one. We had chemtrails on top of chemtrails in southern, Nj today... :(
ReplyDeleteWhere is that interview Will?
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of bitches, I saw big sis on cspan today. It was from Monday. She was addressing some group about national security. She kept repeating the mantra "if you See Something, Say Something. She told the crowd that they'd remember that when they left the meeting. SS SS ...yea that's what it reminds me of...the SS. Especially since she kept emphasizing involving local towns, business owners and police depts keeping their eye out for homegrown terrorists in supermarkets, malls and sport centers.
ReplyDeleteShe is one creepy looking biatch of a terrorist.
ReplyDeleteIt is a WE ARE CHANGE interview. It was cited in an article I got earlier today, but will have to search my files for. I also saw it referenced on 9/11Blogger ashile back, when the Assange thingy about 9/11 first popped up--it is in that WAC article as well.
I'd have to look it up by browsy to get the orig. if it still lives {grin}
Yea, the casting department has a line on the real thing now when it comes to demons and ghouls. Amazing how close the movies came to the real thing now that we get to see them.
You just elucidated a very important observation for folks to consider when they examine a "meme" or "story". Micro and Macro observation is vital to distilling the "essence" of the picture presented. When looking at possible propaganda, one must not take for granted the agenda underlying any aspect of the "picture" put forth. Awww Yesss...critical cynical should be typical.
ReplyDeleteWhat a misdirection, aye?! Look everywhere for "terrorists"! They're all around you! When, the freaking "terrorists" are the ones selling terror on every channel. Duh! Why don't we just drive a wooden stake through their hearts and be done with the whole terror meme. Really! ~ sigh ~
ReplyDeleteI tire of such juvenile jousting. Puppets for sale seem to be sold on every shelf in D.C. They're all hideous ugly, and totally Pinnochio ( Lying wooden caricatures).
Ah ha ha ha...the photos of prince Charly and his gal while their car is being mobbed are just precious.
ReplyDeleteOoooh...things are comin' to the boiling point.
Oh Yea
ReplyDeleteThree girls I know posted this quote by Marilyn Monroe on Facebook as if it is some profound truth.
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
“This is the mantra of most girls my age. Out of control or deviant behaviour are a sign of strength.”~David Richards (for
What an uptight conformist little prude. This guy is a naïve little prick who will grow up an arrogant holier than thou bastard. Kinda like Henry Makow, that's why Makow publishes this close minded little Christianoid's shit.
This “deviant behavior” is no different than the hippie era of my youth, and the uptight establishment types are whining the same whine they whined then. This is repressed, self loathing bullshit coming from moralizing self important busybodies.
I am with Marilyn, although neither selfish nor insecure; but my motto is; What I eat, drink, smoke. and think is nobody's business but my own.
“To be insulted by these fascists is such a drag.”~David Bowie