Sunday, November 7, 2010

Little-Known 9/11 Truth Organization Strikes Gold in Court Action Against NIST, Unearths Striking Video/Photo WTC Evidence

By Eli Rika | Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth | 06 November 2010

Over the last century, the most astounding historical discoveries of man-made artifacts have often been accomplished by well-funded, highly experienced researchers. From the excavation of King Tut’s tomb to the sighting of the sunken Titanic, stunning finds have required immense financial and human resources, as well as the leadership by distinguished. So, how did a mountain of never-before-seen footage used in NIST’s World Trade Center investigations get exposed to the light of day last month? Was it the work of a billionaire adventurer? Not quite. You can thank an upstart non-profit, the International Center for 9/11 Studies, whose efforts have at last borne fruit.

The International Center for 9/11 Studies was founded in 2008 by Director James Gourley, a Texas lawyer who began questioning the events of 9/11 after watching a presentation given by David Ray Griffin on C-SPAN.

“I was just floored by what I was hearing,” Gourley explained, “and I’ve been looking into 9/11 ever since then.”

In order to encourage a better understanding of the 9/11 attacks and promote scientific study of these tragic events, Gourley assembled a small team of trusted colleagues, which includes physics instructor David Chandler, activist Dr. Graeme MacQueen, and Justin Keogh, the Center’s Chief Technical Officer. The Center has partnered with other key researchers in the past, including physicist Steven Jones and chemist Niels Harrit.

Since its inception, the Center has contributed to groundbreaking work on the technical analysis of the WTC building destructions. Gourley, who has a chemical engineering background, co-authored several papers that exposed evidence that the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 were destroyed by means of controlled demolition. His critique of official-story defender Zdenek Bazant’s crush down/crush up collapse theory was published as part of a formal discussion in the mainstream Journal of Engineering Mechanics. Gourley’s contributions also extended to the peer-reviewed paper detailing the active thermitic material discovered in the WTC dust, which was published in the Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal. In addition, the Center collaborated with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, and other scientists and engineers to submit 26 pages of comments on the NIST WTC 7 Draft Report within the three-week deadline.

Uncovering the data NIST used in its WTC investigations proved to be a little more difficult. The Center filed a FOIA Request with NIST on January 26, 2009, seeking disclosure of “all of the photographs and videos collected, reviewed, cited or in any other way used by NIST during its investigation of the World Trade Center building collapses.” NIST initially ignored this request, and for months dismissed attempts by the Center to gain acknowledgment of its receipt. Undeterred, Gourley filed a lawsuit on May 28, 2009 to get the data released. Since then, NIST has been periodically turning over images and video from its archives. So far, the Center has received over 300 DVDs and several external hard disk drives related to the NIST Reports –  more than three terabytes of data – and NIST has indicated that additional records will be released in the future.

The first section of data to be partially analyzed by the Center is the Cumulus Database, a collection of more than 6,500 video clips that NIST had gathered from residents, first responders and news organizations that were filming in New York City on September 11, 2001. Even though the Center has only been able to look through a small fraction of this enormous archive, several remarkable video sequences have already been located and posted online.

In one unsettling video clip, two firefighters who had just escaped from one of the Twin Towers discussed how secondary explosions inside the building caused the lobby to collapse.

9/11 World Trade Center NIST FOIA FDNY firefighters secondary explosions

One of the firefighters is so concerned about explosives that he says, “There may be more. Any one of these buildings could blow up.” The official accounts of the events have excluded the more than 100 witnesses citing the sights and/or sounds of explosions.

The release of this video generated so much interest that searches for it skyrocketed to #1 on Google Trends on October 6, 2010.

In another clip, a low frequency explosion can be heard just before the East penthouse of WTC Building 7 falls.

One of the most mysterious pieces of footage to be exposed shows a massive amount of dust and a large object being ejected from a window a few stories below the jet impact zone of one of the Towers.

9/11 World Trade Center NIST FOIA explosion

“The size and speed of the expelled material indicate that an explosion must have caused this event,” Gourley said after examining the video.

Several clips show clear evidence of editing that Gourley described as “suspicious.”

9/11 World Trade Center NIST FOIA FDNY WTC 7

This includes a video of WTC Building 7 from which the penthouse collapse sequence is missing. In another clip that begins just after WTC 7 starts to fall, the soundtrack is strangely silent, and does not turn on until after the building has been completely destroyed.

In addition to these, a video recorded after the collapse of the Twin Towers was released, in which Michael Hess, the Corporation Counsel for New York City, can be seen calling for help from the 8th floor of WTC Building 7. This footage further corroborates the testimony of Barry Jennings, the former Deputy Emergency Manager of the New York City Housing Authority, who reported that he and Hess were trapped on the 8th floor after an explosion inside the building destroyed the stairwell beneath them.

9/11 World Trade Center NIST FOIA Michael Hess

The Center is preparing other data collections for public download, and working with NIST to attain additional volumes of information that are still being withheld. Center volunteers are also analyzing a computer model of Building 7 that NIST reluctantly released to determine whether the parameters used in their investigation were scientifically legitimate. David Chandler will continue to provide his technical expertise by publishing a video that contains a detailed analysis of the recordings. Justin Keogh has been adding material to his website to assist those who wish to explore the extensive amount of written material pertaining to the WTC catastrophe.

In the meantime, the Cumulus video clips, which total about 86 GB in size, have been made available online, and instructions for download can be viewed here. This collection alone is so massive that the Center cannot analyze all of the footage in a timely manner with its limited assets. Many hours of video have yet to be thoroughly reviewed. At first glance, the current lack of resources may seem to be disappointing, but this dilemma actually presents one of the greatest opportunities for independent researchers, technical professionals and others to help bring new evidence to light.

“The more people there are that look at it, the better,” Gourley said when asked about the need for assistance. “There might be a bombshell hidden in there, and you never know until you go through it all.”  The international attention that some of the footage has garnered also suggests that other as-yet-unseen evidence could make headlines around the world.

The treasure trove of data that the International Center for 9/11 Studies has worked so hard to obtain is waiting earnestly for a few good men and women to sift through it, and unearth all the information that has been buried for years. Anyone with Internet access now has the potential to make discoveries that will bring us closer to justice for the victims of that fateful day more than nine years ago.


  1. Alas, we wait for the Truth to come out...buried under an avalanche of disinformation.

  2. Thanks for posting this JG...

    As you can see this is where those two videos emerged around October.

    Whoever has a powerful sytem should get in there and so some digging for pearls.
    They give access to all the raw data.
    Most of this is visual--photo and video files.

    Unfronchently my web connect is mobile and tickers me on video by the turns out to be big bucks for me.

    As far as "an avalanche of disinformation", Boom, since this is mostly visual stuff--the search for tampering and editing would be valuable in itself.

    Mostly this is sturr NIST sought to keep under wraps.


  3. Time for Mr. Obtuse to chime in on 9-11.

    Who cares? OK, it was an inside job. Can we get over it now?

    My point is this...There is so much wide-spread criminality being perpetrated by the Global elite at this very moment, why get hung up on one historic incident that killed far fewer people than the illegal wars it spawned, and pales in importance to the criminal enslavement of people that is taking place as we speak.

    9-11 is an obvious diversion from the real shit that's going down right here and now. If you want to focus on trying to 'uncover' something that might very well lead to another world war, is something you could actually help in preventing or subverting, it's time to put 9-11 behind you and focus on the blatant criminality that's taking place in the present. Why isn't this getting more attention? This is the reason your life sucks...

    Sorry. I just wonder why the Koreans and everyone else gets it except Americans.

  4. bTuce,


    Give this up now???

    I can chew gum and walk at the same time.
    This IS part of the big issue--this is the catalyst that got the ball rolling.

    No, it all strings together like a pop beads necklace.

    A final dawning of 9/11 will light up the entire gallery of issues as to why the pain of Amerika.

    This is the Post 9/11 Paradigm that we are in right now, nine years is far from ancient history my friend.


  5. My point is--comparing Nazi Germany to the US now, we've all heard comparisons of 9-11 to the Reichstag Fire.

    A pivotal point in both republics. But while we continue to sift through the ashes for those responsible, we are losing our republic at an alarming rate. Only this time, the fascists could very well take over the planet because Americans are so easily diverted from the ultimate problem at hand.

    The bankers funded the Nazis then. The bankers are funding the planned evolution toward a one world totalitarian government now. And who's succumbing first? The US.

    Who gives a shit who got the ball rolling. Question is: How do we stop it before it destroys the town?

  6. BTW, I don't mean to be antagonistic. It's simply my nature to want to ferret out the disease rather than concentrate on symptoms. And I do find it frustrating that so many of my fellow peeps would rather do the opposite.

    The US is already in hospice with stage four cancer and probably dead already. But we aren't going to save the patient by continually focusing on his excrement. At some point ya gotta suggest a change in lifestyle.

    OK, that didn't make any sense at all...

  7. "Who gives a shit who got the ball rolling. Question is: How do we stop it before it destroys the town?"
    ~mr0btuse on November 8, 2010

    We don't stop it alone by some plan here.
    It is only stopped when a sufficiant enough number of Americans get it.

    In my experience and testimonia I have heard, every tVZombie that woke up and dis now into figuring this out, came to it through realizing 9/11 was an inside job...everything else is a crash course from there because it illuminates the agenda.

    This moment now is just a continuity from that proximate moment--it puts all this in a cohesive ball of wax.

    This is context Tuce. A flash point. Reverse the shock and awe of this one and everything polarizes.


  8. "BTW, I don’t mean to be antagonistic..."~Obtuce

    Don't worry about it, I'm with you here..I understand the angst of this moment.

    Just try to understand my underlying argument I'm putting forth here, think about it.
    We need millions to get this one way or the other...they FEEL their pain...but they can't put it in a contect that turns on that light in their heads...


  9. 9/11 was the catalyst for the final fascist takeover of this country. It's been attempted before by wealthy industrialists, just read about Smedley Butler. 9/11 accomplished what they didn't in the 30's.

    If the average American who still doesn't know it was an inside job figured it out there is no way the government could get away with another false flag without the public knowing what they were up to. That is HUGE.

    In my opinion, 9/11 truth becoming mainline is the way out of this mess. Then and only then will the entire country wake up to the atrocities of their own government and only then will they be compelled to do something about it. Most sheeple(and there are way too many) still think America is that bright shining beacon of freedom and hope instead of the greedy, imperialistic monster it truly is. When they FINALLY realize the truth about 9/11, that delusion will be shattered once and for all and THAT'S why we're on this blog.

    9/11 truth being exposed for ALL to see is the biggest single weapon we have in the war to return this country to the people.

  10. I think the point with the Truth about 9/11 coming out into the open is this:

    No accountability for the perpetraitors emboldens the rest of the psychos to pull equal or greater than "parlor tricks" upon the populace. You just can't "move on" Tuce. Notice it was Barack who floated this trial balloon phrase. "Real" Investigations revealing the malevolent corruption and megalomania within the U.S. government, MIC, and business structures is a reality the "cabal" doesn't want divulged. That's why the "state secrets" hammer gets dropped every time anybody gets too close to the Truth.

    It really is like we're living in a Matrix, and the virtual world is preferred over the 3D reality.

    The swallowing of the Big Lie of 9/11 by so many people reveals a very freaky fact about humans and propaganda. A huge swath of any population is gullible and shallow, and is "willing" to be lied to and led down any path the controllers choose. The realization of this human fatal flaw should scare the shit out of everybody! It is like mass hypnosis or mind control psyops with a very high level of "absorption" by the sheeple. Scary indeed.

    This freaky fact must be revealed to the fooled. You've got a huge swath of Duped, Tricked, Lied to, ignorant or naive people who think the "other guys" who own the Truth are the dupes.

    It is a perfect Divide & Conquer strategy, which itself needs to be blown up. The blind just go on being blinded, the deaf hear nothing, the dumb think nothing.

    Education is the key...without it we have a willing slave state.

  11. Well here it is the 8th of November and it is a most beautiful clear blue sky, birds singing day here in my little home town of Bethlehem.

    Advizio des nunmonksexrock:

    “Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow….”

    SATYRICON {goats play con job}


  12. No chemtrails for 3 days here. Interesting they hammered them around the elections.

  13. Aw come on Tuce..don't consider it a drubbing, we are anointing you with sacred oils, not spitting vinegar.
    C'mon back and play.


  14. does anyone know how long it takes those particles to hit the ground --- and especially, anyone have any credible links (science articles) to the phenomenon

  15. JFK was bigger than 911,it started the coup.911 was the cherry on top.

  16. "JFK was bigger than 911,it started the coup.911 was the cherry on top."~Korn

    I agree. Peter Dale Scott has a great article showing the significant paralells to the doda day and the doda morn....the original Coup d'etat in Dallas as the template all others follow.

    Of course if we want to go hysterically historical we could flash back to Julius Caesar and chant our etu's to Brute's...and the bankers squeal. "wee wee wee" all the way home.


  17. Rady,

    It all depends on the wind and weather patterns, calculated with the weights and air friction properties of the materials concerned.

    Those would be the core principles. As far as direct data, I have seen some. But as per the above stated principles they would be event specific.


  18. Absolutely, Korny, JFK's assasination was when the coup started. Or was it the creation of the federal reserve? So many nasty events to consider. BUT it blew wide open after 9/11 with the Patriot Act and Military Commissions and the speedy erosion of whatever semblance of freedom we had left ..or ever had.

  19. No worries. I like the rub-down. Hey, and I like you guys too.

    Just been busy with some freelance work. But I'll be back to give ye more shit for fiddling while Rome burns. ;-)

    In the meantime, check out them currency wars. Is this the event that brings the US to its knees? Maybe the global bankers aren't as in sync as I thought they were.

    The confluence of lies that defines american culture is catching up with us. The chickens are coming home to roost.

  20. ..."them currency wars"~Tuce

    Yes, I keep my eyes on all the balls at play.

    This is all part of the take down package...long in the works.
    The great levening--all populations as serfs. Amerika still has a long way to fall to catch up with"even steven" with the rest of the peasants.

    It's free fall from here on out. Hope you packed a parachute.


  21. "Hope you packed a parachute."

    Open to suggestions, but I'm not sure there's any way of avoiding collateral damage once the SHTF.

    Planning a trip to Costa Rica to check it out. Leaving the US is the only option I can think of right now.

  22. Not a bad idea wahtusee, to get a dual passport. Do note, the U.S. sent about 4000 able bodies to Costa Rica late in the Gulf Spill mess up. Quite a few ships too. Ostensibly to help with the drug war(s) in the surrounding countries. I haven't heard anything since the deployment, though.

  23. There is nowhere to run--nowhere to hide...
    this is REALITY world wide.

    If you really wanted to get would be best to go to one country and then slip through other borders on the sly.
    Otherwise your trail will shine in the dark.


  24. that's how I see it, too. JFK hit was the start of the modern oligarchy.

  25. I think the most amazing part of this article is the video clips that show that NIST tampered with the video footage.

    I want the bastards that did this and all their accomplices and enablers to die the same horrific deaths those in the twin towers suffered.

  26. Imagine how this might weight is on the consciences of the techs working at NIST who have 'None Disclosure' contracts, and have now seen what they were involved in, and how fits in to this...and the economy is going to shit--and if they open their mouths they'll never work again--or worse.

    It is a pressure pot in a police state--often worse for those caught up inside the system as it begins to unravel.

    Post the examples you found of tampered videos...okay JG?


  27. tampered video is in a sequence at 911 blogger

  28. and paul watson at infowars has a couple different videos

    (linked in the coto2 version of this article)

  29. mrObtuse,

    If it was your brother that got blown to bits that day, would you feel the same way?

    I got news for you - it was your brother.

    And 9/11 is different than all the other crimes you wish to focus on in that its an event that happened in one day, and because of that its not spread-out like a war or the theft of our wealth, or as convoluted as the conspiracy to overtake us. And its where all the evil meets. Pulling off the scab of 9/11 would expose the mother-load of festering wounds.

    Forget 9/11? I haven't forgotten Kent State. Or Wounded Knee for that matter. No I won't move on, and frankly I don't know how you can suggest doing so.

  30. Thank you Rady,

    Quite spectacular. And telling; how several videos "happen" to miss the intitiation fase of tower explosions.

    NIST is damned regardless. There is no denying explosive demolition at this point.

