WTO - One World Economy? (Winner Take Over)
The WTO was the deal to get the Chinese on board. They are enablers of the tanking of Western Manufacturing. In direct competition to the Chinese in a race for world financial domination, the WTO has shifted the Committee points of light (Fortune and Foundation 500's) corporates to third world labor markets where they are competing for the top position.
Now the money flows to the Illuminati Banking Cartel or BNP, RBS, UBS, UFJ, BAC, BARCLAYS, JPM-Chase - IMF Central funnel from DRUG running from some other cleaner terminals like Stanford and Goldman Sachs. They get it wrong:
Rank Company Country
1 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China -China
2 China Construction Bank -China
3 Bank of America -US
4 JP Morgan Chase -US
6 Wells Fargo & Co -US
7 Bank of China -China
8 Citigroup -US
9 Banco Santander -Spain
10 BNP Paribas -France
Limited info from deposits make it impossible but based on capitalization China wins top two spots. Unfortunately the illuminati banks have so much offshore that the figures are impossible. Where the Chinese will eventually end up is where we and the EU are. The number of offshore havens is enormous and banking transparency is for those not on the list of illuminati institutions.
By definition, shadow institutions do not accept deposits like a depository bank and therefore are not subject to the same regulations. Familiar examples of shadow institutions had included Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. Other complex legal entities comprising the system include hedge funds, SIVs, conduits, money funds, monolines, investment banks, and other non-bank financial institutions.
The pension funds managers playing casino with your money basically were cliff diving with the CDO's and Credit Swaps. They still remain in serious trouble but well placed operations were put into place and this financial triad was well thought out back when Phil Gramm spearheaded Gramm-Bliley -Leach and opened the door for shadow banking and the subsequent run on free money through illuminati baited mortgage bonanza.
The fuel was the FED, Greenspan, Fannie and Freddie, bond insurer Ambac Financial Group Inc. and AIG, the rating agencies, OTC and the SEC. These enablers and administrators conducted separate components of the triad without the understanding of the controlling committee hierarchy who had strategically mixed this brew into a planned financial collapse and depression. This would involve the people and the competitor non-cartel financial institutions while the major crooks would be bailed out. Lehman like Bear Stearns was not on the list. Consolidation- monopoly - too big to fail equals full spectrum financial dominance.
Who was duped? All enablers now must realize the damage done by their own greed or accessory but do they realize the pawns they played in their grandchildrens future? Well not from a financial standpoint maybe, but from the global takeover perspective they have relegated them to possible future tax and committee attack.
There's certainly not going to be any meaningful or obvious approach to re-develop a small business creation effort or any government program to restart US industry. After all the work the Box Gang Clinton-Bush team instigated, they are not going to back pedal at this point. Barry Soetoro recently visited Ohio to discuss stimulus again, which was the worst decision but mandated design to deal with the Dubya induced recession. It just sunk us further in the hole and had no meaningful effect on long term planning. He instead talks like another depression designated decider, FDR and keeps talking in terms of the Tennessee Valley Authority with these infrastructure bobbles.
YOUR REMAINING ASSETS? Here's a sample. It needs no commentary.
DOW JONES 1919-1941
NASDAQ COMPX 1996-2010
Yes indeed Deja Vu. U.S. Depression to Global Depression. Here's what is not next:
Real Banking ReformReal Jobs BillReal Energy Sector legislationReal Tax ReformReal ElectionsWhat's next? A ten year depression, a terror event of unprecedented proportion, a world war, martial law and suspension of elections, suspension of bill of rights and due process and a three term FDR with the dust bowl HAARPOLOGY, rationing beyond anything to date and an eventual new global currency complete with the mark? That's what I am planning for.
And you know it makes me wonder
What's going on under the ground, hmmm
Do you know? Don't you wonder?
What's going on down under you
You left out the crying.
ReplyDeleteI want to go back to the time crosby stills nash and young were singing this song and music was listened to on albums not cds.
ReplyDeleteI wore this album out back in the day. Did we "teach our children well"?
No but they did. Now we got a mess, a mass, a maze and a mooning generation of mind controlled
OoooOOO I love it when you get poetic PD!
ReplyDeleteYea Puddy...it's that chip in dale that squeaks my tail...last straw for my malted.
The future's tomorrow when Mark Emery gets sentenced in Seattle. US government thugs kidnapped him from Vancouver. He's a real upstanding guy who walks the talk. He never did what he did for money....he gave it all to legalization activism, millions of dollars.
ReplyDeleteAnd he supports California Prop 19.