09 06 10 Confiscation of Private Retirement Accounts
By Patrick A. Heller on September 1st, 2010
“The US government plan is to eventually take ownership of all assets in IRAs and 401K accounts and replace them with US government “Treasury Retirement Bonds
On August 26, the US Department of Labor issued a news release:
The US government is desperate to get its hands on private assets to help cover soaring budget deficits and debts, and this is simply the largest and easiest piggy bank that could be seized. The Investment Company Institute estimates that at the end of 2008 that there were $3.613 trillion of assets in IRAs and $2.350 trillion of assets in 401K plans.
For more than the past ten years, I have warned readers that the US government was eventually going to go after private retirement accounts. Considered that as the most important reason to avoid establishing precious metals IRAs. Very few other writers (Ron Holland being one) have picked up on this issue as early as I did. In fact, the mainstream media pretty much ignored the subject even after a House Committee held hearings on the issue in October 2008. Obviously, an outright seizure of assets would meet stiff resistance from the public. So the confiscation will never be described as such by government officials. Expect to see terms such as “retirement income protection” thrown around. It is highly likely that such a program would be implemented in steps to help overcome public opposition.
The US government plan is to eventually take ownership of all assets in IRAs and 401K accounts and replace them with US government “Treasury Retirement Bonds.” In the October 2008 hearings, it was proposed that these bonds pay a 3% interest rate. Another major change is that, upon retirement, the individual’s retirement account would be converted into an annuity. Once the individual is deceased, the individual’s heirs would not inherit anything (similar to what happens now with Social Security “accounts”).
Among the steps that could be taken to accomplish total confiscation are to first make the conversion voluntary, then make it mandatory for only a portion of total assets. The final step would be making it 100% mandatory for 100% of all assets. One idea proposed in the October 2008 House Committee hearings (after trillions of dollars had already been lost in most assets categories) to help push this plan onto the public, was to allow the seized assets to be replaced with government bonds at a face value of a previous higher valuation date. The idea was that a private citizen, who might have lost 20-50% of his retirement asset value, would be much more willing to accept an inferior retirement asset if doing so allowed them to recoup the losses.
Obviously, brokerage companies and mutual funds strongly object to the potential loss of fees they are now receiving for private retirement plan services. The Investment Company Institute, whose member companies manage more than $11 trillion of assets for about 90 million investors, reports that 96% of surveyed households object to the US government requiring that retirement assets only be distributed as annuities. Among the scheduled speakers at the upcoming hearings are representatives from the Investment Company Institute, Fidelity Investments, Putnam Investments, Lincoln Financial, and Vanguard.
These mid-September hearings have to be evaluated in conjunction with the introduction on August 5 of S. 3760, sponsored by Senators Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) and John Kerry (D-MA) to established mandatory automatic IRAs for many workers who are not covered by company retirement programs. If enacted, employers of such workers would be required to pay 3% of compensation into these accounts, which would have the effect of increasing the assets that the US government could then seize.
As recently as my July 27 Coin Update column, I have continued to warn readers to avoid establishing precious metals IRAs-specifically because of this risk of confiscation. I have also long advised that the companies pushing such accounts to customers were giving their customers bad advice.
But, if you already have a precious metals IRA, what can you do now to continue to hold gold and silver as insurance against the decline in the value of other assets? I’m sorry, but I don’t have any perfect solutions. Any legislation is likely to take time before it becomes law. Therefore, while individuals need to begin to plan how to protect themselves, there is no need for immediate knee-jerk reactions.
Among the options to consider are distributing assets from the retirement accounts and paying the respective income taxes on them. In this way, you can maintain custody of most or all of the assets (depending on where you come up with the funds to pay the taxes). However, if you are under the age of 59-1/2, you may be subject to an extra 10% excise tax for taking a premature distribution. As ugly as this option is, which could accelerate tax payments, it is perhaps the best protection against having assets turned into US Treasury debt.
Another possibility is to sell off your precious metals in a retirement account and replace this holding with gold and silver outside of any retirement account. This would preserve your precious metals position, though it would leave other assets at risk of confiscation. For some, it may make sense to see what kind of incentive (bribe) is offered for those who voluntarily convert their assets into US Treasury debt.
Because gold and silver prices have been rising for the past decade, though, there may not be any such benefit available.
If I hear of other good ideas for protecting wealth from what I expect will ultimately be outright confiscation of IRAs and 401K assets, I will pass them along. In the meantime, give serious consideration as to whether it is worth making future contributions to private retirement accounts.
Keep in mind, contemplating confiscation of private retirement assets is a sign of extreme desperation by the US government. By implication, it is a loud warning that the future value of the US dollar is almost certain to be much lower than it is today. Owning gold and silver, outside of private retirement accounts, is now a much more important wealth-protection step than ever before.
Meow meow meow meow,
ReplyDeleteMeow meow meow meow,
Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.
Hey, I was just reading the end of this piece and looking at the cute hungry cat faces (I've got the TV on, 'cause I'm going to watch a little U.S. Open Tennis for an 'escape' from...well the U.S. Open Rat Race), WHEN lo and behold!
ReplyDeleteAn ad with Dick Georgie and Slick Willie stunk up my room with their plea for money for their Bush/Clinton Haiti Relief Fund. The irony is Thick here COTO. I guess these two pResident Criminals haven't "skimmed" enough money from innocents 'round the Globe, nor perpetrated enough crimes. So now -- Cat Food for the Haitian people (if it won't just get warehoused right in the middle of town and not distributed, as Anderson Cooper revealed with other medical and food supplies).
Yep -- NO fraud, theft, war, murder, or genocide is too small nor too big to fly in the face of Americans or worldlings alike. The GROSSNESS and expansiveness of the Trillions/Quadrillions stolen and wasted by this class of psychopaths is breathtaking
Thing is -- if billion/trillion dollar bailouts to cronies and bankers can fly, if trillion dollar wars based on lies can fly, if 9/11 can keep flying against all headwinds of commonsense and physics...why not TAKE IT ALL?!!!
Social security -- Mmmm, looks good! SLURP!
401K and all private retirement accounts -- Yummy! SLURP!
Money in the Gulf -- SPEW! SLURP! SPEW! SLURP! There's more where that came from useless eaters and breathers.
If the proles won't put up a fight, if there is no pain involved to themselves, only monstrous gains, then why the HELL NOT?!
Rhetorical questions.
So, your average 64 year old has maybe 100k in his retirement account. That'll give him about 650/month if he, or the government annuitizes his assets.
ReplyDeleteWhoopee, he'll be livin' large for sure.
How about an opt out of life plan? Take that 100k to Vegas, live like a king for a few months, and commit government-sponsored suicide. That's the least the fed could do for us serfs who never really had a chance at a decent retirement anyway.
Extending nothing via an annuity, is still nothing. And that's basically all most people have.
next step is work for credits not money.
ReplyDeleteno external funds controls puuurrrfectly.
and the rfid ensures no one can moonlight for food.
Not worried about anybody taking "my retirement money" because there isn't any!
ReplyDeleteCleaned out the "401-K" in '05 (before the "market" tanked)... spent the Summer in Europe with the family and spent every freaking EURO. Best "investment" ever made.
The kids got to eat real food... and spend time in places where people aren't deathly afraid of the kops. So now...
A Survival Guide to Homelessness:
Hi Puddy,
ReplyDeleteSocial Security is "a milk cow with 300 million tits."1 It's for the "lesser people of society."2
That's straight from Alan Simpson, the person President Barack Obama appointed to co-chair his deficit commission charged with cutting the budget. You can also call it the Catfood Commission; it's stacked with so many people who want to cut Social Security3 that senior citizens would be so poor they'd have to eat cat food.
Simpson's statements are vulgar and demeaning. But he shouldn't resign. The whole Catfood Commission should shut down completely. It's the only way to save Social Security.
Sign our petition to President Obama: it's time to can the Catfood Commission.
Click here: http://action.firedoglake.com/page/s/CanTheCatfoodCommission
Alan Simpson says in public what the Catfood Commission discusses behind closed doors: they want huge cuts to Social Security, the elderly be damned. The Wall Street Journal reported last week that the Catfood Commission is considering at least four types of benefit cuts to Social Security.4
We at Firedoglake first reported about the plan to cut social security in early 2009.5 We've been hounding the Catfood Commission since its creation. It's a huge threat to our country, and it's more dangerous now than ever.
We did the research and found that 14 of the 18 members appointed by President Obama to the Catfood Commission have advocated cutting Social Security in the past.6 It's a stacked deck. A scam. Alan Simpson just put it out in the open.
Social Security is on the chopping block. We need to save it from the Catfood Commission.
Tell President Obama the gig is up: the Catfood Commission's gotta go. Click here to sign the petition:
Simpson's childish outbursts, his clear contempt for those he patronizes as "the lesser people" he says he is trying to protect, and his ignorance about the program he is tasked with "fixing" are but symptoms of a greater problem.
The Catfood commission is not legitimate. It was stacked with people who knew their job was to fulfill corporations' dreams of rolling back the New Deal and waging war on the social safety net.7 It is a committee of oligarchs designed to circumvent electoral repercussions for those who oppose the will of the vast majority of the American people, both Republicans and Democrats, who don't want to see the federal budget balanced on the backs of the nation's senior citizens.
President Obama, it is not just Alan Simpson who needs to go. It's time to shut down the entire commission. Click here to sign the petition:
Thanks for your support.
Jane Hamsher
"Sign the petition?" Oh Jesus Christ on a pogo stick. I GIVE UP.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah... and watch the key-meme, "entitlement." It's only "entitlement" when it applies to "somebody else." When it applies to "you," it's a "Right."
As George Carlin said, "...YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS." Only "temporary privileges."
Blows my mind that so many people freaked out about the "...chiselers on welfare" fully expect to "collect" their "Social Security" and "Medicare."
What- because you "paid" for it? Bwahahhahahahah....
The collapse of Lehman Bros and AIG exposed this ugly truth. All the global banks had liabilities in the US$ Trillions. They were all INSOLVENT. The central banks the world over conspired and agreed not to reveal the total liabilities of the global banks as that would cause a run on these banks, as happened in the case of Northern Rock in the U.K.
ReplyDeleteI expect that the FED and other central banks will pre-empt such a run and will do the following:
1) Disallow cash withdrawals from banks beyond a certain amount, say US$1,000 per day; 2) Disallow cash transactions up to a certain amount, say US$10,000 for certain transactions; 3) Transactions (investments) for metals (gold and silver) will be restricted; 4) Worst-case scenario – the confiscation of gold AS HAPPENED IN WORLD WAR II. 5) Imposition of capital controls etc.; 6) Legislations that will compel most daily commercial transactions to be conducted through Debit and or Credit Cards; 7) Legislations to make it a criminal offence for any contraventions of the above.
Matthias Chang
meow \\ll//
Yup, Geroge Carlin was right...'tsbeen a long time since there have been anything called 'rights', according to the criminal syndicate people call "government" in this 'region' of the New World Order fiefdom.
ReplyDeleteWe've been serfin' a long long winding wave of doodoo our entire lives. We be Studebakers, Edsils and brontasauri; us and we.
\\ll// "land of the free, home of the"....har har har...
I resent the dinosaur crack !
ReplyDeleteYea, and if you ever see one {a dinosaur crack} you'd better run.
LOL Firedog Lake... are you serious? Petition Obama? Did you proof read what you wrote? He APPOINTED Simpson head of the commission!!
ReplyDeleteI swear, this kind of shit makes me crazy! Are they gatekeepers or just freakin' morons??
Yea, lesser people need "handouts" like SS. Not like they paid into it their entire working lives or anything, right? Much different than those handouts to the banksters that the "lesser people" footed the bill for eh?
Aw Jersey,everybody knows the Simpsons are just a cartoon show. Lol