What does the word "Al-Qaeda" mean ? In Arabic, "Al-Qaeda" has a different meanings, among them “Base", "Ground", "Norm", "Rule", "Fundament",
"Grammar". The exact meaning is dependent on the context in which it is used.
It depends on the word which follows “Al-Qaeda” in the sentence. "Qawa'ad
Askaria" is an Army Base, "Qawa'ad Lugha" stands for Grammar Rules (the Bases of Grammar).
"Qa'ada" is the infinitive of the verb "to sit". "Ma-Qa'ad" is a chair. "Al-Qaeda"
is the base or fundament of something. "Ana raicha Al Qaeda" is colloquial for
"I'm going to the toilet". A very common and widespread use of the word “Al-Qaeda” in different Arab countries in the public language is for the toilet bowl.
This name comes from the Arabic verb “Qa'ada” which mean “to sit”,
pertinently, on the “Toilet Bowl”. In most Arabs homes there are two kinds of toilets: “Al-Qaeda” also called the "Hamam Franji" or foreign toilet, and
"Hamam Arabi" or “Arab toilet” which is a hole in the ground. Lest we forget
it, the potty used by small children is called "Ma Qa'adia" or "Little Qaeda".
Those who founded the glorious "International of Islamic Terror, Al-Qaeda,
probably knew too little about common use of Arabic language to know that by using this name for their organization, they risked becoming the laughing stock
of everybody who speaks the Arabic "public" language.
CIA-Taliban-ISI-Al-Qaeda is a collaborative network, and that maintaining “militant Islam” is a long-term Anglo-American geostrategy.
After all, how much can it cost keeping the fact that America itself has given the Taliban in Afghanistan over $3,000,000,000 to protect our military convoys, money they then spend killing our troops?--Gordon Duff
Why does everything al Qaeda does only help Israel?--Gordon Duff
There are two ways to be fooled: One is to believe what isn’t so; the other is to refuse to believe what is so. –Soren Kierkegaard
The last possibility, that there is a deep force behind drug, intelligence, and
jihadi activity, would be consistent with the legacy of the CIA’s earlier
interventions in Afghanistan, Laos, and Burma, and with America’s overall
responsibility for the huge increases in global drug trafficking since World War
II. It is important to understand that the more than doubling of Afghan opium
drug production since the U.S. invasion of 2001 merely replicates the massive
drug increases in Burma, Thailand, and Laos between the late 1940s and the
1970s. These countries also only became major sources of supply in the
international drug traffic as a result of CIA assistance (after the French, in the
case of Laos) to what would otherwise have been only local traffickers.
“To wage war by way of deception” has long been the operative credo of the Mossad, Israel’s
intelligence and operations directorate. Mossad operatives routinely target Israeli-Americans as recruits
when staging operations in the U.S.
“Let us not speak falsely now, for the hour is getting late”.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. "
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
They will continue to talk falsely for that reason.
ReplyDeleteLavon, Susannah and the Mishap have sat there before and they continue to sit in the shadow of Ben Gurion.
Fool me once? Not!
Glad we got you in the watchtower. :)
Thanks Patrick,
ReplyDeleteI wanted to get the post up, even though I am still going through my files for info that is tucked in my rather disorganized file system {grin}
So I will be adding things:
CIA’s Operation Tipped Kettle: The trinity of CIA, Mossad, and Saudi Arabia provided weapons and cash to Osama bin Laden and Rasul Sayyaf in Afghanistan during 1980s.
I was just taking a look at the following article posted by LION at rumormillsnews -- you will notice some very familiar names from the past, still "in play" fouling up the world today. Perhaps this info can be additive to what you are highlighting Rogue1.
ReplyDeletePart 1
Brzezinski, Kissinger, Bush, and the BCCI 'Safari Club' : A World-wide Money-Laundering Machine
The remainder of the article is found at:
Yes Flak, thank you.
ReplyDeleteWe shall not detain deny nor expunge discovery, for it is all of a whole.
From whence came this fraud, this mask called "al Qaeda" is our concern, the entire nomenclature shall be defrocked and exposed bare in it's naked ugliness.
The light begins to break upon a new dawn.
I'm sorry I meant you Boomer...our lost brother has been on my mind lately.
ReplyDeleteI feel sad that my castigation has had something to do with Flak no longer posting.
I see his flag , and know that he often lurks in the shadows...
I cannot help but wonder about pieces of silver and ire in his heart...???
You talking to Flak or Boomerangcomesback?
ReplyDeleteThe linkages are there for everyone to see among this group of slithering world improvers. That Brzezinski operated as the "backer" and "adviser" for Obama, and still does could not highlight any clearer that this gang continues to have their dirty hands on the tiller. They arrogantly steer the Ship-of-State into the abyss of their dark hallucinations of grandeur, the blood of millions screaming for vengeance as the screws turn.
If people would grasp that they are fodder and pawns on the megalomania RISK board- game of insane madmen -- then the DC cesspool would be turned into the sinkhole that it deserves to become.
Boomer I was talking to you...I tried to change it in the coto editor a couple times but it kept the time I simply came back for my explanation you had obviously caught my misnomer...and I do apologize for the blunder.
Yes, and if all could see Brzezinski in that photo with Tim OSSman aka Osama bin Laden showing him the automatic weapon from the 80s...this would help the scales fall from their eyes.
ReplyDeleteDC was once a swamp...and if rightiousness returns it may once again revert to one.
Great illustration for this piece it. \\ll//
ReplyDeleteSpot on Will! And thanks for quoting my favorite Hendrix song ;)
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome Jersey, and thank you for posting the video. I've been humming it in my head since posting that quote.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I've come home here after spending most of the night at this thread, being harassed by this christianoid asshole, Recce1
I'd like for you to check this out...start about half way down in the comments section.
It is truely futile to argue with a true beliver...but worse when you catch on that they are there to create cognative disruption of the points being made by outrageous personal indictments.
This guy is obviously a trained agent--no matter how loony he splits the thread into incomprehensible fragments...that is what it's all about.
More to day on this technique when I come back.
ReplyDeleteThis is a technique that we see on the Internet, in chatrooms and blog comment threads such as this one.
It is an official corporate government program involving ‘shills’ or ‘outside contractors to join in conversations such as these with the express purpose of disjointing the cognative stream.
Sunstein co-authored a 2008 paper with Adrian Vermeule, titled Conspiracy Theories, in which they wrote, ”The existence of both domestic and foreign conspiracy theories, we suggest, is no trivial matter, posing real risks to the government’s antiterrorism policies, whatever the latter may be.”
Sunstein and Vermeule argue that the practice of enlisting non-government officials, ”might ensure that credible independent experts offer the rebuttal, rather than government officials themselves. There is a tradeoff between credibility and control, however. The price of credibility is that government cannot be seen to control the independent experts.”
Shortly after taking office on January 20, 2009 President Obama appointed Harvard law professor (and personal friend) Cass Sunstein to the post of administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.
In June 2009 Sunstein published an essay in The Journal of Political Philosophy entitled “Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures,” in which he provided an “analysis” of conspiracy theories, viewing them, as his title indicated, as “caused” by psychological conditions and requiring “cures”, i.e., elimination. The article led to an outcry by civil libertarians of all political stripes, who especially singled out for protest Sunstein’s call for covert “cognitive infiltration” by government agents of organizations the government deems “conspiracist”.
Griffin demonstrates that Sunstein is *completely unable to refute the major positions of the 9/11 truth movement, and doesn’t actually even try to do so.* Instead, Sunstein has produced a pseudo-scholarly fake “analysis” as a basis for a call for the government to infiltrate and neutralize the movement through activities which create “cognitive dissonance,” clearly not the least bit different from the FBI’s Cointelpro operations. But in so doing Sunstein has provided Griffin the means to demonstrate yet again that defenders of the official account of 9/11 actually cannot proceed by using reason and fact.
They are forced to resort to disinformation, suppression of evidence, lies, illogic, threats and intimidation, always with the same result: failure. The more people study the events of 9/11 the more certain they become that the government and its media outlets are lying.
Sunstein’s essay appears to reveal that the government response to its ongoing failure will be to resort to illegal activities directed against people who are speaking out about the highest crimes carried out in the corridors of power.
The remarkably inept manner in which he makes his case suggests, however, that providing a rationale for such a future policy may not have been his real intention. Rather, it seems plausible that his purpose is to suggest that such actions have not even been considered before, let alone implemented, when in fact such operations have been ongoing since 9/11.
Griffin’s COGNITIVE INFILTRATION is a lucid and compelling exposure of the contempt held by the official defenders the 9/11 myth for dissenters who have seen through their Big Lie.
Will, I'll have to comment on that thread tonight after work and after babysitting my son's twin babies.(I'm tired already) Just glancing through the comments makes me angry yet you do have supporters there.
ReplyDeleteThis IS home. Home away from the willfully ignorant and disinfo agents. As long as we can keep it burnin', there will always be a light on for our coto family :)
Charlie Wilson's war window. Ha ha, what a farce. 'F*cking to Iran' would have been better title. The Mossad had to work to overtime on setting Wilson up for the sting. He became another nice asset for them.
ReplyDeleteStanford International Bank , the NEW BCCI slush fund money launderer? Certainly involved with Israeli covert operations. Madoff was the deflection.
ReplyDeleteMy understanding is that the Bank in Haiti took the place of the Iraqi Bank for the Box Gang. Christopher Story was able to track monies before he was "whacked". I anticipated that he had built up a vast Expose' Box to be released upon his premature death -- however, not a peep from World
ReplyDeleteThis Banking pea-n-shell game with stolen and illicit mega-funds being moved around by all these dark players must be an immense cluster fuck of blood money. I think sinking the Fed and Fiat money is the chief way to negate criminal activities of this cancerous variety.
Perhaps a Fat Cat Bad Ass virus is being developed just for this purpose. As we see, the vaccine already exists -- membership in the Committee. 'course they eat their own periodically, but so what...
Thank you Jersey for scoping it out. I was just thinking when I woke up how the guy was trying to get me to threaten him...even claiming I had in some way. A lunatic or an agent...probably both. Wow.
Call the Bluff. Stop paying, stop playing and fire.
ReplyDeleteWhy dont you guys just burn a qoran an get over it already.
ReplyDeleteChris Story is dead ? I had not heard.
"people should get beat up for statin their beliefs"
Chris Story...
ReplyDeleteYea I read his last story and then his family posted on his site that he had passed...
We believe that Obama’s rhetoric was a complete fabrication aimed at diverting real energy for change into a cul de sac of Democratic apologetics. It was, in short, a hoax.
ReplyDeleteThe corporate and military backers of Obama bet on Obama’s oratorical skill and civil-rights-sounding rhetoric to effect a prestidigitation of incredible proportions. The intention of the magic was to fool tens of millions of voters, small-scale individual contributors, and campaigners into believing that Obama was the genuine article, that he represented change from the very policies and practices that had made Bush so virulently despised and vehemently opposed. These policies include first and foremost the war.
In early May 2010, an article in The Sydney Morning Herald revealed, ‘The CIA received secret permission to attack a wider range of targets, including suspected militants whose names are not known, as part of a dramatic expansion of its campaign of drone strikes in Pakistan's border region… The expanded authority, approved two years ago by the Bush administration and continued by Barack Obama, permits the agency to rely on what officials describe as ‘pattern-of-life’ analysis, using evidence collected by surveillance cameras on the unmanned aircraft and from other sources about individuals and locations. The information was used to target suspected militants, even when their full identities were not known, the officials said. Previously the CIA was restricted in most cases to killing only individuals whose names were on an approved list.’ Such de-facto ‘death squads’ represent a breathtaking expansion of executive power and provide clear evidence that Obama’s oratorical pleadings for ‘change' were fueled by a desire to garner votes rather than a wish to implement actual change.
Revolt of the Plebes,
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping in and giving us a nod.
Feel free to comment here...I certainly wasn't shy about using up space on your blog's comment thread. {grin}
kerosene/jet fuel...??...right...
As of 2007, at least half of us weren't buying into the "standard narrative."
So after that... and the "bailout" ... and "healthcare reform" aka. "the insurance company profit protection act" ... you tell me... why is it so FREAKIN HARD for people to believe the "political process" DOES NOT EXIST?
So all the new "Mr/Ms Smiths" who are "elected" to go to "Washington"... doesn't matter if they are "libertarian" Paulitos or Kucinich Moonbeams... if they get too loud, they'll get the "Mr. Beale speech" and an offer they can't refuse.
Unless they're Palinites, of course, who don't give a krap about anything but getting paid and their face in the papers... gittin in on their celebrity status while the gittin's good. So that's why I predict... "President" Palin in 2012. We got nothin left but pretense and simulacra.
If it weren't for PBS (you know... History Detective, Nova, etc.) I would have taken an axe to me teevee long ago... and I ain't under no illusions. That shit's just "American Idol" for twits who read books... "... thus, University education." Yep. We are so... (special occasion) FUCKED.
So I can't understand why anybody EVEN BOTHERS with this "911" shit any more. More than that, why do we quibble about whether it's the "Rothschilds" or the "Zionists" or the Rich Fatties or the "Freemasons" or whoever the (another special occasion) fuck the "Secret Team" is... we "lower 99%" are hosed... ONLY because half of us are still duped into this illusion.
So whether you're stocking fodder for your .308 CQB bolt... or tending your Rainbow Tofu Community Garden... until enough people realize the "levers" aren't connected to anything... we'll be so much the worse-off when TSHTF.
I aint believin in nothin until I see the Nuremberg Garden Club.
Yea...most likely WERPH AUCHT...but I prefer doing this to, say, playing tiddly winks with the moonbeam riders.
ReplyDeleteI tossed my TV in 1984. Seemed like a good year to disconnect from Big Bro.
Went to hiding with me 'hidden journal' 'till I put all the puzzle peices together and learned the magic word was "Fudge Cookies".
Hosanna Hosanna rock the bimbo soaked banana, we be stoned immaculate out here on the perimeter.
So ride on out the storm or jump in the cookoo clock frocked with the Glock. \\ll//
I agree the WHO and HOW are 1% [the solution too]. The WHEN and WHERE are more pressing.
ReplyDeleteStory was most recently writing a book on the Wanta crisis. (See Leo Wanta). Originally a staunch supporter of the controversial CIA operative, Story started in 2008 to expose Leo/Lee Emil Wanta as a consummate professional deceiver in a series of articles posted on his website
This renewed my interest in the Leo Wanta Affair.
Yea Story was really into all those loop currents in the economic end of the F-stick.
ReplyDeleteI never got that anyone would consider Wanta, and by extention Reagan any sort of hero. That always seemed akin to the perposterous claim that Reagan policy brought down the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union had served it's purpose--America had been 'communized', the foil was no longer needed.
I think it should be obvious where “HOPE” gets you after this bullshit ride with the Kenyan.--\\ll//