Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Khazarian Conspiracy

The video clip of Malcolm X alone would be worth the time to watch all twelve segments.        Pausing at the texts is a good idea if they run too fast.   This is highly interesting viewing of the core problem for freedom today making use of many archival sources.


  1. Oh goddammy--videos?

    I gotsda unit that eats my airtime and can't afford this as much as I like to see it.

    But if yea want the Kharzar thing in full writ, check out THE CONTROVERSY OF ZION by Douglas Reed. Free PDF on the web, just lookie up.
    It's go the scoop on the protocols there as well, not the bingo lolliramp of the mainstream flyfishers.

  2. Thanks anyway Mary--I got the story of these Mongolturds well destablished in my nogpod.
    Bring on da donkey.


  4. Mary and I sync like one on this subject. I always look for her new

    I'd like to point out the Khazarian migration to the power centers of the world. Not only in the fake Joo -Boo's Zionist state but America. As Parsley's, As Hagee's Robertsons, Neo-Cons and all the way back to Jeffersons but as Socialist, Fabians, and other Rosy reds.

    America's infiltration of Khazar Committee on my site: Myron C. Fagan vinyl recordings direct from Khazar Central in Hollywood.

    Setting up the US, EU, USSR banking structures and genocidal campaigns is eerily similar to Israel today with the exception of newer and better technologies and refined technique. ANTISEMITIC invention.The enormous role of Schiff, Astor, Rothschilds and Rockefellers to promote the elite birthright to State of Khazar in Palestinian territory.

    The real mystery is how Khazars have systematically been able to scientifically control the information in historical, geneological and migratory sense to quell the truth.

    I'll view all vids after seeing the first Mary. Thanks

  5. Mary, awesome series of videos. Thanks so much for posting. I have only one complaint The music was great but was too loud and distracting on many segments. But all and all, very good information, indeed.

    I intend to pass it around.

    PS: Did you mean Farrakahn when you said Malcom X? I don't remember seeing MX in the videos. The reverand's speech was mighty.

    PSS: the guy posting the video's id is "gibson" ... wonder if it's mel? ha

  6. Damn, PD, you keep outdoing yourself. Another brilliant header !

  7. The Obscenity of Zionism

    James Petras

    To continue to masquerade as ‘war critics’ while ignoring the central role of the Zionist Power Configuration makes pundits like Chomsky, Moyers and Powers and their acolytes irrelevant to the anti-war struggle. They are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    ZPC: Zionist Power Configuration
    “It was a triumphalist conference. Even this powerful organization (AIPAC), the most powerful group in the US Israel lobby, had never seen anything like. Seven thousand Jewish functionaries from all over the United States came together to accept the obeisance of the entire Washington elite. The three presidential hopefuls (Hillary went too) made speeches, trying to outdo each other in flattery. Three hundred senators and members of Congress crowded the hallways. Everybody who wanted to be elected or re-elected to any office came to see and be seen.” Uri Avnery, London Review of Books, July 3, 2008. page 18

    Bill Moyers, ignoring the abundant evidence published in all the major financial media on the economic sanctions against the oil companies spearheaded by the ZPC, argues that the Middle East wars are “about oil”. (Moyers and Winship June 28/29, 2008 Counterpunch).

    The US government is the number one international terrorist organization. This is true by any sane standard. But there is no sane standard in the American press, only groveling to the Zionist agenda set by 'The Crown' in the City of London.


    This is relevant to this story.


  9. Hi Deb,
    Farrakan-- I didn't know!!! What I did pick up on was the guy's earnestness about what we're up against. I thought it was cool whoever he was saying it, probably spoken well in advance of internet truth. I'll have to study up on the guy now that he intrigues me with this speech.
    I agree the musica was not much. Yeah and a few other nitpicks but overall it was a winner I thought. My good friend is a truth researcher of really great talent (or maybe it's effort?) and she finds alot of the good stuff like this one. She probably knows who Farrakan is too...

  10. Will, you are so right about the phony 'war critics' who refuse to discuss 9/11 or talk about who's really been running things since 1913 and beyond. Many of them supported Obama the phony puppet put up for the ZPC by Axelrod, Emanuel and other agents of the Red Shield. He was 'discovered' according to Bollyn by the daughter of the most high US Bnai Brith kazar.
    Helen Thomas kicks ass though for a mainstreamer. I saw the polls on her firing, 85% disapproved, in the Post too. Makes me wonder if Israhell and the Red Shield have miscalculated by quite alot. THAT could be very interesting.

  11. That's a great post at your blog, Will. And to think Woodrow Wilson was already using Orwellian doublespeak with passage of income tax in 1913 under a package called "The New Freedom". It's laughable but sad too we live under these kazars and their financial scam for world domination. Nice to see those quotes by Eustace Mullins.

  12. Puddy, my netbook won't open the Fagan series on your site, but thanks. I'm glad you're on our side. I too wonder at how successful the Kazars have been in controlling exposure, but perhaps before the net it was easier to limit information? 9/11 may have been the inflection point where the Khazars went too far. They only let Barry do underpants bomber so far as far as the one trick falseflag pony act, but he must be itching for another ride on the pony now that Michelle and he are losing face muy rapido. Imagine if America finally 'finds out' about the Fed and 9/11 and all the phony wars of the last century, that would be some day of reckoning.

  13. Wow, you're right about the Douglas Reed book, it explains the documented history of the tribe of Judaea. I have to study up on that, thanks for the tip.

  14. Zionist Kissinger bombed Cambodia and Laos because they represented the Tree of Life on the walls of their temples, humility, independence, family, and love.
    But yeah the Americans who have never seen the US bomb craters in Laos or cluster bomb victims in Phnom Penh, they had to wait (I did) until the zionists brought their King David Hotel skills to Manhattan on 9/11. And so far the best they can do is 'hope for change'.
    When they really get ardent enough to pull the curtains aside to look at zionism and what it is doing to the world....mama mia.

  15. Yeah Puddy you sure got talent on computers. I can't even burn dvds, but I got broad band if that counts. Ha ha.
