Wed Aug 11, 2010 16:37
CAGW Calls on Sen. Ted Stevens to Resign Post after an LA ... While the official stated goal of HAARP is to “further advance our ...
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The following article is reprinted with permission from the European Union Times.
Top U.S. Senator Assassinated As Obama “Weather War” Plunges World Into Chaos
© EU Times
August 11, 2010
A new report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Russia’s foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) states that a former top United States Senator, Ted Stevens, was assassinated this week after he attempted to gather evidence “proving” that President Obama has unleashed America’s devastating “weather weapons” against the World.
As we had previously reported on in our August 3rd report titled “Russia Burns, China Drowns: U.S. To Blame?” Russian research scientist Dr. Andrey Areshev has joined the ranks of International scientists and experts stating their belief that the extreme weather chaos currently battering our Planet is being caused by the Tesla technology based weapons systems directed from Alaska’s High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, otherwise known as HAARP.
Now according to this GRU report, Senator Stevens was approached less than a fortnight ago by his longtime friend and Alaskan bush pilot Theron “Terry” Smith whose son-in-law, Alaskan Air National Guard Major Aaron W. Malone, was killed on July 28th after having his C-17 U.S. Military aircraft “targeted” by a HAARP “Tesla Beam” while in the air over Anchorage, Alaska causing it to crash and explode upon impact killing all aboard. [Note: The Russian translation for "targeted" as used in this report does not assign HARRP blame as it includes an "accidental" verb component.]
Upon Senator Stevens beginning his investigation into HAARP’s causing the crash of the Major Malone’s C-17, this report continues, he enlisted the aid of two powerful Washington power brokers, oil fortune heir William “Bill” Phillips Sr. and former NASA administrator Sean O’Keefe.
Phillips was a longtime ally and supporter of Senator Stevens and as the heir to the Phillips Petroleum fortune is said in these reports to have in the past used his vast fortune to privately finance U.S. intelligence “activities” to support his countries efforts to gain access to Global oil reserves.
Phillips had long warned Americans that the United States does not have any big oil companies. And it’s true: the largest American oil company, ExxonMobil, is only the 14th largest in the World and is dwarfed by the really big oil companies — all owned by foreign governments or government- sponsored monopolies — that dominate the World’s oil supply.
With 94% of the World’s oil supply locked up by foreign governments, most of which are hostile to the United States, the relatively puny American oil companies do not have access to enough crude oil to significantly affect the market and help bring prices down. Thus, ExxonMobil, a “small” oil company, buys 90% of the crude oil that it refines for the U.S. market from the big players, i.e., mostly-hostile foreign governments.
O’Keefe was the former administrator for the Untied States space agency NASA from 2001-2005, and whose reign included the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster that occurred on February 1, 2003, when upon its re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere disintegrated over Texas, and which this report says O’Keefe “always” blamed on HAARP because at the exact time of this tragedy it had begun transmitting in what is called “deep sea communication mode”.
[Note: During the "Navy Deep-Sea Communication" operational mode, the shortwave radio pulses are all, with military precision, exactly 6.25 seconds long with either exactly 15 or 30 second spaces between pulses. Those long and short binary spaces in between the pulses are actually the coded message. Something like the dits and dahs of very slow Morse code. In this mode, the power is usually at maximum. Unlike the research mode, which mostly runs at night, the U.S. Navy communication mode can be at any time of the day or night, any month of the year. The transmissions may run continuously for about 10 to 30 hours, or from one to several days.
Following the 9-11 World Trade Center attack, and just minutes after the President declared the highest Defense Condition Four (DefCon4), HAARP began transmitting at highest power for 18 hours in "deep-sea communication" mode. This is the only way to communicate the DefCon4 condition and updated battle commands to the U.S. nuclear submarines on station miles deep in the ocean.]
The various transmission ranges of HAARP are important to note, this report says, as “immediately prior” to Senator Stevens plane going down Russian satellites orbiting over the Arctic detected a “powerful” 3.39 megahertz signal emanating from HAARP’s Copper Valley Area, Gakona, Alaska base and “directed” over the region this tragedy occurred in.
According to U.S. news reports Phillips was killed in this crash [photo 2nd left] and O’Keefe is in hospital in critical condition, and with Senator Stevens being killed also means their investigation into HAARP has died along with them.
To the chaos erupting all over the World as the result of Obama’s allowing the use of these catastrophic HAARP “weather weapons” it can only be described as being “biblical” in the apocalyptic destruction it is causing, and which includes:
•The greatest heatwave and destructive fires Russia has experienced in over 1,000 years.
•The greatest flooding Central Europe has experienced in over 800 years.
•Flooding in Pakistan so epic the United Nations has named this mega-disaster as being worse than the 2004 tsunami that shattered the Indian Ocean basin.
•Flooding so catastrophic in China the death toll is soaring into the thousands.
•A heatwave so terrible in Japan it has caused its hospitals to be flooded with over 21,000 heatstroke victims.
•A heatwave of unprecedented proportions that has gripped the eastern and southern parts of the United States this summer and shows no signs of abating.
•Temperatures so low in the western United States that farmers in California are now reporting their fruits and vegetables are being destroyed.
•A catastrophic drought hitting Africa that has put over 10 million people in immediate danger of starvation death.
•A catastrophic winter occurring in South America that has killed in Bolivia alone between 3-6 million fish and thousands of cattle in Brazil, and hundreds of people.
To what is linking these Global weather catastrophes we can read as reported by Britain’s Channel 4 News science correspondent Tom Clarke who in his video report titled “Turbo-Charged Monsoon Confounds Forecasters” states:
“Normally the jet stream is a giant loop of high speed winds that whip round the upper atmosphere. The jet stream isn’t involved in day to day weather – it’s too high up – but because it pushes the atmosphere around it’s very important in steering large scale weather patterns below.
The stream has split in two. One arm has gone north, another south. The patch in the middle is Russia’s drought. A circulating pattern of air has been sitting over Russia for far longer than normal, causing the extreme temperatures and wildfires they’ve had there.
But what’s happening over Pakistan is even stranger. The southern arm of the Jet stream has looped down so far it has crossed over the Himalayas into north western Pakistan. Experts at the Met Office tell me this is very unusual.
And the result is that the fast moving jets stream winds high up has helped suck the warm, wet, monsoon air even faster and higher into the atmosphere – and that has caused rains like no-one can remember. It has turbo charged the monsoon if you like. They’re not sure that’s ever happened before.”
To HAARP’s ability to affect our Earth’s jet streams we can further read from a report prepared in the 1990′s by the U.S. Air Force and which, in part, states:
“HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), being constructed for the Air Force and Navy by an ARCO subsidiary, is such a project. Touted as scientific research, HAARP is a thinly disguised project to “perturb” the ionosphere with extremely powerful beams of energy to see what military uses it can serve. According to the HAARP RFP, these energy beams will be used to “control ionospheric processes in such a way as to greatly enhance the performance of C3 systems (or, to deny accessibility to an adversary).” That sounds like a weapon to this writer. Other such projects go by the code names BIME, RED AIR, CRRES, EXCEDE, CHARGE IV, WISP, ACTIVE, HIPAS, RADC, AIM, etc…
Nuclear bombs exploded in high altitude tests in the late fifties and early sixties by both the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. caused weather and jet stream changes that lasted almost 20 years. Do the HAARP heaters offer the same potential as they “perturb” the ionosphere? The ionosphere is home to many beneficial natural phenomena among them filtering the sun’s harmful rays and reflecting radio waves used for communications. Although not totally understood, the ionosphere also directly effects the weather systems and the jet streams.”
To the reasons for Obama unleashing of HAARP weapons upon our World we had touched on in our August 3rd report “Russia Burns, China Drowns: U.S. To Blame?” and though not conclusive contains:
•The catastrophic flooding in China and apocalyptic heat and fires in Russia put both of these U.S. enemies in the position of having to ask the Americans for food aid as their summer crops are being destroyed on an unprecedented basis.
•The epic flooding occurring in Pakistan is effectively destroying that Nations ability to both feed and defend itself and whom Obama has labeled as one of the Americans number one enemies.
•The devastating heat occurring in the United States will enable Obama to push through the U.S. Congress a “Global Warming” tax agenda many believe will be the “final nail” needed to destroy the United States as a major World Power.
To the “unintended consequences” of Obama’s “weather war” against the World we can now only glimpse as the wholesale destruction of summer crops in the Northern Hemisphere is now warned will cause food riots as inflationary pressures upon what little food is left to feed our Planet can very well push us all into Total Global War.
And finally, though we do not know what the outcome of these momentous events will be, it is in our knowing to warn, that above all else, everyone reading these words should make the storing of food their top priority as this Summer of Woe will surely become a Winter of Discontent.
Awsome report Boomer, of the many birds with one stone variety.
ReplyDeleteRight On; it offers food for thought for sure.
ReplyDeleteHere's an "aside" I just came up with...why don't WE (as in COTO) come up with a Board Game with the theme of " Find the Patriot!", or something akin. A "parable" means of presenting the truths of what constitutes revolutionary concepts of the humanness of men and women everywhere and their "inalienable" Rights.
There is such Pollution out there with regards to psyops and twisting of language (see Maxwell Jordan) to confuse people as to common sense interpretations of Right/Wrong, Constitutional Law/Executive Privilege, Defensive War/Resource Grab, Right/Left Paradigm B.S., and all the other games that are played. Why don't we work together on creating our very own Board "Game" that walks people through rationale thought processes about important issues? It could be a powerful "foil" against propaganda and mind control.
I also believe the discourse that this Board Game would enliven would make for some serious Fireworks amongst sheeple and self-proclaimed pseudo intellectuals themselves...
Anyways. Just a thought. I envision the game creating a forum for intellectual debate like we create here on COTO threads. I'll put up some capital and time if anyone wants to pursue. Ultimately, I think our goal is to assist people in "thinking" through the propaganda "storm" that obscures and omits the facts and truths important to our growth as society and individuals. This/these Games would be a Tool to combat Committee agendas.
I'll shut up about it. What do you think?
Oops...I meant to write Jordan Maxwell above.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to see some people coming around.
ReplyDeleteAfter twenty years my friends begin to come back Boomer.
When I started my articles on Tesla and Beardens work in 1989 regarding KAL007 (83) and the SS Challenger (86), my fair weather friends left me for dead.
Now that Jesse the body has come to MSM with El Haarpo Nino they are trickling back. The only ones who didn't sever ties were the ones I convinced to buy gold.
Now you know why I call them Grunion. Yeah I forgive them but they are a sad lot. The death of Larry McDonald.
"A new report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Russia’s foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) states that a former top United States Senator, Ted Stevens, was assassinated this week after he attempted to gather evidence “proving” that President Obama has unleashed America’s devastating “weather weapons” against the World."
Too bad Putins Intel didn't remind him that Gorbechev handled both these little matters previously mentioned and find that tattoed foreheaded criminal and send him to the gulag for eternity.
At 10:00 am September 11th 2001, I looked at my wife and said thats payback for Chernobyl. I don't care how much aluminum chaff they spray, it won't stop Tesla EM Longitudinal Howitzer.
The time bomb is ticking. I told you to build a Faraday room by 2012 or it may be lights out.
Hmmm... I don't even know what a Faraday room is, but I can guess what it comprises. Do I need to look it up, or will you divulge the floor plan, structural integrity, and integral supplies to be found in such a "safe room"?
ReplyDeleteI can imagine most of them, but you know -- posted out for all of us -- we may come up with some necessary survival shit you overlooked. I've got some of my own bivouac and bug out directions that could prove helpful. There ain't no "intellectual property rights" on this stuff, so come forth with...
Oh yeah. Unfortunately, or for the fortunate, the maxim "Location, Location, Location" will probably be key to survival -- and you won't know it until you're There.
Ummm...that was interesting. What was that? A virtual mental wanking? I wasn't following for some apparent outside physiological distractions of some sort.
ReplyDeleteApparently, I was on the wrong trek. I was thinking a Faraday thing-a-mbob was a physical "bunker" of some sort. Is it a "mental" or "cerebral" chastity belt or something? C'mon, quit being so cryptic! I'm too lazy and uninterested to research the word (I don't want Google to know!) -- I would like you to spill the beans! Is it some kind of Personal Prophylactic device -- maybe, a Rubber Room?
Boomerang, what the Heck are you thinking?! A freaking Board Game? Pee Shaw on That. We ain't got time to fool with asymmetrical warfare tactics bundled up in improvised diversion enemas.
ReplyDeleteSomething like you propose might get people to thinking unconsciously about conscientiously objecting to their non-virtuous surroundings!
And we can't have any actual OR virtual Thinking going on amongst the sheepery can we?!
Mind blowing article Boom!
ReplyDeleteThe devastating heat occurring in the United States will enable Obama to push through the U.S. Congress a “Global Warming” tax agenda many believe will be the “final nail” needed to destroy the United States as a major World Power.
My thoughts, exactly. I've never seen 4 heatwaves in a row in this area in my entire life. To say nothing about the weird storms with strobe like lightning that pass through tearing out trees by the roots and throwing lawn furniture around like paper. There's also this weird never ending rumble of thunder that goes with it. It's all really unusual and freakish.
We desperately need rain. We're supposed to get a full day of it tomorrow. I'll keep u posted.
Patrick... i see wordpress isn't allowing u to post videos either. Wtf? Or maybe I just can't see them on my end? All I see is a big blank space after your text. Same as what happened on my comment on your post when I tried to post youtube vids.
ReplyDeleteI coont make beds or nails outta that site you posted.
And I see no video too.
I see a bad moon rising...
ReplyDeleteSomething is still making my corpuscles stick together...I don't get it, inside my head is like the sun.
Maybe he's trying to peal that new skin off that keeps trying to grow back on his face??
ReplyDeleteGood article Boomerang
ReplyDeleteThey were running HAARP early this morning and afternoon, the sky was on a slow boil.
They own the weather, media
We're beyond Orwell's 84'
Munich, is it me or are the clouds really weird looking yesterday and today?
Wormwood, this is what Chernobyl means. Yes the spice...and he “star” that falls from Heaven and despoils and poisons the rivers. Yup.
Without question Jersey Girl.
ReplyDeleteIt looks as though they have created a two tier cloud system. The upper layer, which consist of chemtrails are artificial clouds and are very slow moving and the lower clouds, that sometimes appear natural that are enhanced or manipulated by the upper artificial layer.
As you know, yesterday was very cloudy and we received a light (toxic) rain. The clouds, which were coming out of the Northeast looked as though they were boiling, probably HAARP.
If you look up you’ll see this two tiered cloud cover.
How about all the dead fish along Cape May? These fish are also in VA and Rhode Island. Blaming it on the heat, but I have never seen this occur at the Jersey shore. I think this dastardly oil deluge in the Gulf is depleting the oceans of oxygen.
I have noticed the two tiered clouds Munich. Very strange indeed. As for the fish die off.. Heat? Nope, don't think so. I agree, I too think it's the toxic oil & corexit making it's way up the eastern coast.
ReplyDeleteYou might think the oil gusher never happened if you watch msm. I hate the bastards.
Wormwood is the toxic soup fed to mankind to fill his ravenous appetite for "More!"...
ReplyDeleteYep -- "Gimmee More!" is as amorphous a concept as the "War on Terror!". These are contrived statements without Endings. Purposefully constructed to "allow" ultimate destruction, under the auspices and hypocrisy of supposed remediation/salvation. Nice sleight-of-hand trick by the mind control freakmeisters.
Ultimately...they are the worms, they are slime, and they will die by their own droppings. Other "balancing" forces are at work as you know, Puddy.
Chernobyl is not far from Khazaria coincidentally. There was a horrifying documentary about the nuclear fire there called 'Chernobyl Heart" which was sold to HBO and totally 'retired' by shows the level of radiation persisting around the burned reactor right on camera, over 13,000 nuclear disintegrations per minute . Biologists have found two headed birds there.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they killed Matthew Simmons because he got all cranked up against the B.O. regime over the BP blowout, and wasn't he part of Cheney's energy team in 2001 so he knew some secrets? I'm only speculating....
puddy...what? did I miss a carefully hidden link? or is it a gag?
ReplyDeletethats one weird page