Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Look, I have told you this before, but apparently you didn't listen, or didn't think about it before you decided either to shoot it down in flames or just ignore it.

So the question of *what* to do about the current world situation, and *how* to do anything, has raised its head again among the comments on another article.

Therefore, to give us some elbow room, I again print out here for your consideration a simple alternative to armed revolution, or otherwise knuckling under to proposed elimination of the majority of us.

It is a highly unsatisfactory world, and you politicians should be bloody well ashamed of yourselves for letting it get in this condition. And those who have schemed to produce the present state should be hanged.   And you repectively know you should.

So, a comprehensive solution is as follows -

1. Nominate and draft OUR independent reps., who will vote yes or no on their individual conscience for the general good of any proposal put to them. They are previously warned that they will be out at a moment’s notice if consistently out of step with the will of the electorate, and will be hanged for corruption, together with their corruptors (- lobbyists etc). These will be OUR real servants, whom WE will control.

2. They will dismantle the existing corrupt political system of preference and favour, and dismantle the corporate entities.

3. They will abolish the ‘Trusts’ and the banking systems. If money of any kind is necessary, then it can be printed and lent free of interest by each government. But making money from money will be eliminated. (- Frankly, I would abolish all ‘money’ and ‘possession’ for the fictions they are. You will contribute what you can do well, and you will receive gratis what you need – AND ON PAIN OF YOUR SHAME AS A BLOODY IDIOT, DON’T JUST DISMISS THIS AS ANY FUCKING ‘ISM’ – GOT THAT?)

4. The unnecessary work will fall away, and the necessary work of producing and distributing essentials to supply need will be shared out among the populations of the world.

The result will be that you will work two or three months per year. The rest of the time, just enjoy living and avoid harm. And if you say that this will result in excess population, then we can solve that problem if and when it arises. The planet at present can feed ten billion. It can in reality feed a hundred billion - I can tell you 'how' as another subject, but the population can be humanely restricted without the Rothschilds’ program of eliminating all but 500 million slaves, these being all that are necessary for their fictional ‘economy’.

No wars, no debt, no taxes, hardly any crime, real education, real values, humanity able to exercise its generosity . . . AND I will remind you that Utopia is simply the ideal state, NOT an impossible supposition.

Think about this before replying, and remember that your survival and that of your families probably will depend on what you say in the short term and do in the longer term.

After appropriate forethought - Questions? - And no captious argument about terminology and the mental phantoms of abstract political definitions and 'values' - Alright?   Feet on the ground realism, please.


  1. Principles and Ideals, understanding the distinction:

    Principles are grounded in logic, practicality and rational thinking.

    Ideals are theological constructs, founded on emotion padded by rationale posing as rational thinking,

    Here we come to the distinction of the concept of Liberty as an American principle, best stated in the Declaration of Independence, opposed to the concept of Liberty as conceived by the agents of the French Revolution.

    This distinction hinges on the aspect and definitions of “equality”. The American definition being founded on “equality under the law”, not the idealistic notion of equality of station, talent, merit, temperament, etc., which manifest in the rebellion in France.

    It is this idealistic notion of equality of station that undermines the practical and verifiable notion of the natural born right to liberty.

    This may seem counterintuitive at first glance, but once we note that equality of station must be enforced on a natural imbalance of the talents and merits of individuals, it should become obvious that despotic state power will be necessary to balance the imbalance provided by nature itself.

    The notion of “the commons” inherent in the American model is corrupted by the idealistic notions of Utopian Socialism. Whereas the “common good” is sought in the trust of the humanity of communities in the American model, this common good is forced by the powers of the state in the socialist model.

    These truths left the realm of theory in the 19th and 20th centuries in the vast experiments of socialist structures in many nation states, their epitaphs written in rivers of blood, suffering and tyranny.

    Liberty is not the INVENTION of revolution.

    Liberty is the DISCOVERY of enlightened reason.

    So Flakstopper, you distinguish this system you promote from Marxism in what way? By excising the fraction, “ism” from your lexicon?

    You have just put the Communist Manifesto into your own words.

    Frankly, I don't see what you have against the New World Order. It is heading for the same endgame as that which you propose here.

  2. Erm, I believe the conventional response to your learned reply is "yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda" - Erm, I'm not absolutely sure of the spelling or persistence, but you may feel free to correct my effort.

    The NWO means total "culling" the human race by 95%, then total control by 'the elite' of any survivors whom they will use as the slaves of their 'economic' empire.

    I am talking about a world population in control of its own destiny, on a planet which will be allowed to function in its natural way.

    Now do you see how fatuous the 'political' arguments are when faced with the natural world free of human political intervention?

    I told you to think about it first, but you shot from the conventional hip.

    Now, go away and think!

  3. Flak, I really like your plan. However, considering our political system is totally corrupt to it's very core.... congress paid off by the corporate pigs, black box voting, msm-state controlled, I would appreciate knowing how we get around all this and get "our representatives" into office in the first place.

    Sure, start at the local level but how long does that take? Do we even have time to start at the grassroots this late in the game? Even if we did have the time, how long would it take for our truly good local guys to be bought off or silenced by threat of financial ruin or even threats of death aimed at themselves or their families? Look how Dennis Kucinich folded recently after he took that plane ride with Obama. I think a little more than arm twisting went on there.

    So, on paper your plan looks great but it is a herculean task that I don't think we have the power nor time to implement.

    I'm sure you have an answer. Please elaborate without suggesting assassinations as a solution ;)

  4. In a nutshell or two -

    Via the internet, and you will have to do this virally also via all other linked sites, offer the people an alternative to the corrupt system we have now. - Faced with the declared aim of the elimination of most of us - evidence presented - this is the only choice other than revolution and bloody war.

    i.e. Tom, Dick or Harriet - it could be YOU - undecided and unnamed for now - via public authority will be formally drafted to act as a totally independent representative of the public will. The position will be well paid, but it will carry risks and penalties, but if nominated there will be no choice - You're drafted! We can even keep your identity anonymous.

    The work is simply to vote yes or no on your individual conscience for the general good of any proposal put to you. The penalty is replacement without notice if not found satisfactory, and hanging for corruption. And the risk is of action against you by the evil ptb before we can immobilise them, which will be one of the first of your decisions.

    These representatives by common mandate will depose the corrupt incumbents, and carry out the suggested course of action to clean up the planet and annul the presently scheduled 'culling' program.

    We can then dismantle the empiures, pull the troops back home, eliminate the bases and Rothschild plans for world domination presently in process.



    Faced with the current plans, I think that people in most - but not all - countries would go for a new 'devil you don't know, but with such strict restraints' rather than the crew of criminals presently in charge and running riot all over the globe, particularly if the active decider could be YOU!

    But don't think about criticism. But me no buts. Rather think how it can and should be implemented. Then do it.

  5. I'm thinking Flak Man...,

    For the moment I'd like to post this thread:

    which is V.K. Durham commenting. Her information, links, and site provides a wealth of background info on the skullduggery that has occurred and led to today's psycho games.

    Regarding your question. It seems to me that the Military must be a component on the side of constitutionality and eradicating corruption. If they are co-opted to act as jackboots, then there are big problems.

    This sheriff Apaio (not sure of the spelling) who has instituted a Constitutional Police/Sheriff dept. stance against Federal usurpation of States' Rights is showing the power of this concept.

  6. The law-enforcement agencies can for once do the job they are paid to do, instead of sitting by and letting 'international' gangsters a) rape all our nations and b) use our military for their own ends.

    And the military could largely be disbanded, particularly the upper echelons whom we saw so recently merely obediently clapping GW's worst excesses, the remainder merely to stand by and prevent 'the internationals' from applying force.

    Your one link shows constitutional double-talk in which I cannot se Mr. Apaio, the other does not load.

    Though kind regards.

  7. Oh- I wouldn't "dismiss" it with any kind of "ism" at all. Not just any "ism" SOCIALISM. And what the hell is WRONG with that? As Einstein said, "...under present circumstances, free and unhindered discussion of these problems has come under a powerful taboo..." and he said THAT over 60 fucking YEARS AGO. And WHY do you suppose THAT was/is? (does the term FatFucks come to mind?)

    THAT'S The Culture of Looting. And what's the answer? Spud-dunk:

    What you propose here begins with REAL "representative government," and since "Capital" has colluded with "Coercion" to exclude "Community," it will take a revolution within the military... which IS in the cards. Only "Coercion" can trump "Capital."

    And what is "Capital?" Well, for starters, it's a treatise by Karl Marx... and you could put every USAn who has read it into one large room (I'm sure the FATs would do this if they could... and then turn on the gas). Let's just say- for now- it's a medium of exchange. A good example of Coercion trumping Capital is the Spaniards shipping all the gold out of South America. Or the Romans shipping all the wheat out of Palestine. Or the USA shipping all the oil out of everywhere they possibly can... The Culture of Looting.

    What you propose is very close to Hubbert's Prescription for Survival-- a steady-state economy- where "All we have to do is completely overhaul our culture and find an alternative to money."

    The majority "people" you propose the "representatives" represent are the Stupid-heads... who are stuck somewhere back in the middle ages because that's exactly where the FATs wanted to keep them. That way, neo-feudalism won't be such a hard transition for them to make AT ALL. They're already THERE... korporat serfs. Which is why "the will of the electorate" frightens me as much as it did the Enlightenment Boyz.

    The die-off is a done deal. You can't stop what's coming. The FATs can't control it (regardless of HAARP) any more than they can "control" or "plan" any eco-event. To say the biosphere is "planned" or "controlled" by the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds or the Hatfields or McCoys is... I'm sorry... Stupid-head thinking. If "civilization" survives... it WILL be a process of transition-- Energy- Environment- Economy- Peace.

    Whether it takes 100 years, 1000 or 10,000 years will depend on the Stupid-heads leaving the Middle Ages-- and I don't see any evidence so far that they have any desire or motivation to do so.

    The Answer to Everything is NOT a "solution," it's an Answer.

    What WAS the question?

  8. I think the ".org" is now a ".net."

  9. The differentiating factors for FLAK imho are:

    THE RULE OF COMMON LAW - not in the NWO handbook

    THE OWNERSHIP OF LAW - in the NWO charter

    MAJORITY RULE - not in the NWO handbook

    ELITE RULE - in the NWO charter

    FREE ELECTIONS - not in the NWO handbook

    RIGGED ELECTIONS - in the handbook and used consistently throughout all RED-BLUE marxist and capitalist regimes historically

    FIAT, PERJURY, GREED, PROPAGANDA, CHARLATAN - not in the handbook as criminal offenses
    whereas in reality:
    COUNTERFEITING, LYING, THEFT, INTIMIDATION, FRAUD - in the NWO charter as operating procedures for the greater good

    CORPORATION/STATE - in the NWO charter as the governing entities

    TERRITORY/REPUBLIC - in the co-operative governing society not in the handbook


    HANDS ON APPROACH - WMF (weapons of mass farming) BANKS (seeds) COMMUNICATIONS ( technology/support) not in the NWO handbook

    POPULATION REDUCTION - in the NWO handbook as the Preamble of Purpose

    POPULATION ENLARGEMENT - Necessary for survival, not in the NWO handbook


    LOVE - in the NWO handbook listed in the glossary as a disease and the largest health risk to the family.

    FAMILY - in the NWO handbook the ideology of a communal society connected by blood type, brain function and genetic origin entitlements.

    TRUTH - a parasitic infestation of the borg(body) manifesting in mass hallucination and distortion hindering the objective of the illuminato enterprise.

  10. I don't have any questions, but it might be a good idea if people did something - such as took action that would result in the abolition of finance as presently inflicted - instead of just talking about it.

    There's nothing greatly wrong with humans behaving as meat-heads once we have the human race back on track.

    And the whittling-down of its numbers need not be drastic so long as we don't keep having to produce at white-heat to stuff the insatiable Rothschild maw.

    Disasters happen? - Of course, and the routine galactic sneeze will probably eliminate most of us anyway. For the good of humanity, we just have to ensure that the Rothschilds and their 'finance' go with it.

  11. Right on!

    So how to change it?

    But I told you!

  12. Yes... the inevitable "DO" something. There's nothing wrong with that. Personally, I think we've "DONE" enough already... and my own personal grinch is I'd like to see more people stop-the-fuck "DOING" (doing doing doing sez the Pavlovian bell) and start-the-fuck THINKING... which is exactly what's going (going! as in Buffalo Bob's ah-ha moment) on right here!

    The "do" element here is the focus on energy... something most folk can easily fold into the brain. Elimination of "finance" is spot-on... but waaaaayyy to abstract. It will happen anyway... AFTER the paradigm-shift in Energy and Environment. "Buildings like trees, cities like forests"

    Most USAns are down with the energy-shift... and are only being held back by a gaggle of Stupid-heads who think "resisting statism" (pronounced with a long A- by the way) is more important than avoiding hypothermia in the dark on a pile of their own frozen shit. Fact is, most "Liberty or Death" tweedle-heads have had very little contact with either one.

    Shut down the energy grid, the water grid, the food distribution chain, and see if anybody gives a flying fuck about the NWO. Faced with hunger and cold, most folk throw abstractions right out the window (if they even HAVE one). Then along comes some twit... or gang of twits... with The Answer to Everything... which I can assure you, won't nearly be as benign as mine.

    So your "question," Flackster... if I may "take the liberty," is "what to DO." The "answer" WILL BE- get rid of all the shit... and put our heart in what we do do. (have I mentioned doo-doo?) Yeah. Like shitting in potable water.

    Stoopid monkeys.

  13. The "NWO Handbook," of course, is a metaphor- right? I doubt if such a "handbook" actually exists... but if it did-- it would probably be fairly close to the way you describe it here.

    Oh and "...ON PAIN OF YOUR SHAME AS A BLOODY IDIOT..." please DO NOT say "UN-One-World-Government," OK??? Kindly review the "Four Freedoms:"
    1. Freedom of speech and expression
    2. Freedom of religion
    3. Freedom from want
    4. Freedom from fear
    ...which have EVOLVED into the concept of "human security."

    Now the FATs don't have any problem with #1... they can ignore you... and ABSOLUTELY no problem with #2 (as in doo-doo)... they have been USING that one for at least 10,000 years. That's why they're Fat Ass Theocrats. "Divine Right" to be fat... and all that.

    The FATs DO have a BIG problem with #3... because they'd have to peel off some of their boodle to keep a bunch of "useless eaters" from starving. Fuck THAT. Even though it would be relatively cheap as shit to supply the pez with a minimum of food and shelter. And here's what's screamingly funny: they have managed to convince the Stupid-heads that it's a problem for the Stupid-heads... and not the FATs. How did they do THAT?

    Ahhh... #4. The FATs are working with that one. They know the Stupid-heads aren't very good at rational threat-assessment. In fact, they're not very good at rational ANYTHING. Fortunately, social scientists all over the world have boiled this down to economy, food, health, environment and individual-collective.

    Unfortunately, the "social scientists all over the world" are pretty much the only ones who have even THOUGHT about it.

  14. Well, I warned thirty years ago that folks should get out of money by buying themselves land on which they can be self-sufficient.

    Apart from food and independence, it also puts garden forks in your hands, which can be used as you yourself described a week or so ago.

    What to do about the gluttonous R's and their corporate accomplices? Well, the peaceful way is what I have described above. The alternatives JG won't let me mention for fear of sending you all into a fit of the vapours, but I refer earnest Readers to your gardening episode aforesaid.

  15. Didn't take the time to check. Sorry. Had the internet ISP service guy out here 3 times in the last 3 weeks. My freaking internet goes down in the afternoon every damn day until evening. I think we've identified the problem as an "old" style cable. Replaced it today. Anyways...

    V.K. Durhams site at the antechamber will take you places you never imagined were possible. I've covered the territory back in 2006. The ramifications of "then" affect today in 2010, so don't discount the information. Sleuths-R-Us.

  16. HEY!!! Go to

    Hopefully, after a few weeks of assimilation you will realize what YOU need to do. I'm not going to TELL you. Perhaps, you're already there. Its your personal choice how to hold your wealth.

    So, forget fucking Finance, Wall Street and the other forms of wealth bullshit. It is a figment.

    Get land, lead, food, shelter, bullion, and your Higher Power and Family around you. All else is out of your control if you haven't noticed.

  17. You betcha boodie buddy!!! A Way Out of This Nonsense... The Nuremberg Garden Club!

    heh heh heh... it's been a year-- but who's counting? Just a nice little fictional story. Nothing serious.

    "Advocating" violence? Gosh NO! THAT would bring the heat down. And seriously, who in their right fucking mind would "advocate" violence?

    But I WILL say right here before the Committee and everybody... I am not "advocating' violence... I am PREDICTING it.

    The FATs think they have a monopoly on coercion... they don't. They got the war-toys... they got the "ideology." What they have NEVER had was the numbers... and they're counting on the die-off to take care of that. It won't.

    "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable," said JFK. Whadda they gonna do... kill JFK? Oh wait... they did. But he only spoke the Truth... and they can't kill the Truth... although they are trying their damnedest... and doing a smashing job, I must say. But not enough...

    When Hope, Truth and Belief unite they are stronger than death.

    I think I'll let the Divas take it from here...

  18. "To each according to his needs--From each according to his ability."--Marx

    All the lovely results promised by this Utopian daydream have historically become dystopian nightmares...over and over again.


    Sure...gotcha, cool....dream on.

  19. And just WHO commissioned Marx to write his manifesto? The Bankers, that's who.

    So, just why would they want to cut their own throats?

    Because of state monopoly of power.

    I asked a very simple question of Flak on the thread where this argument began:

    "Who's boss?"

    Why is this simple question applicable? "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." We all know who said that.

    The issue missing in all of these musings is that all of this beautiful daydream, to manifest as reality is going to involve ORGANIZATION. Organisation of what? People--human fucking beings...committees of human beings. Inevitable heirarchies for organizing what gets done.

    This is not a trivial saying: "Meet the New Boss...same as the Old Boss"...

    I see the majority of the opinions here being lead by their hearts. I can relate to this. The world has been let to a poison watering hole. But the answers being proposed here are the same ones the elites tricked everyone into believing time and time again.

    Don't be fooled again.


  20. Liberty; an ideal or a principle? The freedoms of liberty are often backed by appeals to God, in our heritage as Americans. "We hold these truths to be self evident..."
    So yes, liberty CAN be framed as an "ideal". But is this satisfactory when the opponent to this "ideal" doesn't accept the concept of gods?

    I tried to address this with my observation that, liberty is not an invention of revolution. In other words, liberty is not simply an idea. The thirst for freedom, is intrinsic to the human being both physiologically and psychologically. We are wired that way. The war against tyranny is the story of the ages.

    The concept of freedom did not appear as an intellectual concept during the enlightenment, it has been a quest of the human heart since there have been humans. What did appear during the enlightenment period was the light of reason shown upon this eternal longing, opposing the the age old systems of despotic rule of pure might.

    In so saying, I mean to point out that what is framed as an 'ideal' here is no more the a practical reality that has always been true no matter how long oppressed. It is not “idealistic” to breath air, to think ones own thoughts.

    My reasons for drawing a clear line between ideals and principles is a practical one—the very one I speak to in the body of my premise; the inherent danger of “irrational” idealism generated through rhetorical subterfuge, such as that of Utopian socialism [France as my example]

    I cannot claim the authority to enforce my particular lexicon in any way other than my appeals to a rational sorting out of these concepts. I see a distinct reason for drawing this clear line between the definition of 'ideals' and 'principles'--to regain the freedoms of liberty that flounder at the abyss of world wide tyranny—a neo-feudal new world order, the natural progression of socialism.

  21. "Commissioned by the Bankers?" Oh bloody bullox. WHERE did you get that??

    Anyway... except for a few wonky scholars in Europe (who have bothered to upgrade), Marx is sooooo "19th Century." Basically what he was trying to do was upgrade Adam Smith... who saw the "Industrial Revolution" coming... but had no idea what form it would eventually take.

    Just like Marx saw the "Proletarian Revolution" coming... and we are working that one out right now. No "theory," social or otherwise... is carved in granite. Unfortunately, the Stupid-heads LIKE to take things for granite. (heh) "From each-- to each--yadda yadda" is really a Readers' Digest bumper-sticker version of Marxian theory.

    Just like "supply and demand" is the bumper-sticker version of "Wealth of Nations." Applying 19th Century bumper-sticker "Marxism" to a 21st Century world is... you're right... dangerously naive. BUT... applying 18th Century bumper-sticker "Capitialism" is bat-shit INSANE... as we can PLAINLY SEE RIGHT NOW. And it is NOT either-or... THAT, amigo, is a false dichotomy.

    Concentrate on the Energy Infrastructure... and the rest of this shit will be MUCH easier to work out.

  22. You are talking about the world population in control of it's own destiny.

    Yes, well, I think that's a great idea as well.

    What I am questioning is the PLAN man.

    You want majority rule? You want democracy? You want majority take all and fuck those who don't want your ticket to paradise? To the gallows with the "fatcats"...yea that's where it began in France.

    Do you even know a fucking thing about history--you think that was a "glorious revolution"? It is what led to the confussion of committees and the grasping for power by scheaming men, then utter mayham, and round and round that age old merry-go-round until a STRONG MAN came along, Napoleon, who banged everyones heads together and regimented the nation behind himself for conquest of the bloody world again again again.

    And who financed all this shit? Where do you think the Rothschilds original fortune came from?

    I'll tell you this much, Santayana was spot on when he said that, "those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them".


  23. “Who’s boss?” you asked.

    "WE, the people of the world," I answered, and might have added, "With due consideration for the other inhabitants of this planet, of which we are merely tenants."

  24. "—a neo-feudal new world order, the natural progression of socialism."

    And again... bloody bullox! If you follow the upgrades, it is in fact-- just the exact OPPOSITE. Marx knew well that "Monarchy" was doomed... the question WAS... "what will replace it?" He ventured a guess... and got it part-way correct.

    Marx was WELL aware of the "American Experiment," and thought it an "ideal." Quick definition of terms:
    Principle: "an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct."
    Ideal: "a conception of something in its perfection."

    Noted: nothing is "perfect," (as in "MORE perfect Union"). I see "principle" as the path and "ideal" as the destination.

  25. "You want majority take all and fuck those who don’t want your ticket to paradise? To the gallows with the “fatcats”…yea that’s where it began in France.

    Do you even know a fucking thing about history–you think that was a “glorious revolution”?"

    You presume too much. You are answering yourself, not me.

  26. Practicality---that is what is missing here.

    There is nothing new here in this "plan". It is another Utopian daydream.

    I still stand on the principles that the nation was founded upon, and the republican form of government that put those principles to work--successfully, until the machinations of the Money Powers subverted the good thing.

    I would be difficult enough to flush the corruption from this one nation, let alone start a WORLDWIDE revolution--which would in fact be a counter revolution, because historicall this has been a WORLD REVOLUTION began by the Illuminati in the first place.

    Yes "finance" is the problem, "corporatism", "usury"...and "democracy"--this mob, that can be brainwashed and moved by social engineering--that is what IS happening. That is where we came to with the loss of the republic.

    And I will gurantee you one thing--this lollipop world revolution invisioned by Flak will get no further than this argument on this web site. Why? because it is not original--this is the same plan the elites duped everyone with a hundred years ago.
    And "Capital" paid for it and promoted it. Get it?

  27. “All we have to do is completely overhaul our culture and find an alternative to money.”

    Gee, is that all there is to it? Lol

  28. “Commissioned by the Bankers?” Oh bloody bullox. WHERE did you get that?? --Waldo

    John Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, 1798

    Nesta Webster, World Revolution or the Plot Against Civilization, 1900

    Tragedy and Hope, Carroll Quigley, contemporary

    The Secret American Establishment: the Order of Skull and Bones, Antony Sutton


  29. Ideal: “a conception of something in its perfection.”

    Noted: nothing is “perfect,” (as in “MORE perfect Union”). I see “principle” as the path and “ideal” as the destination.

    Right: nothing is perfect--that IS my point.

    None of you who are in favor of socialism seem to like human nature, because that is what will overwhelm your Utopian Ideal each and every time it is attempted.
    If you don't face the reality of human nature you are not going to design a system capable of organizing human beings--it's as simple as that comrade.

  30. OK... now let's ALL review the French Revolution of 1789-1799, shall we?

    ...and no, the Rothschilds had NOTHING to do with "financing" it:

    The Revolution of 1848 gave rise to "red republicanism," which was interpreted in the US as "mob rule," which it essentially was.
    ...which probably DeTocqueville summed up best:

    "society was cut in two: those who had nothing united in common envy, and those who had anything united in common terror."

    HELLO???!!! does THIS sound familiar?

  31. Wikipedia Waldo?

    Why not go to the History channel of any other mainstream source for your "facts"?

    They are not going to admit to anything Illuminati of Masonic in any of this.

    Now I am going to be whacked as a "conspiracy nut" right here on COTO?
    That's funny you guys.

  32. I do admit to the subjectivity of my definition of 'ideals'. It is not the dictionary definition, but my philosophical elaboration on the consequences of its application in the field of practical politics.

    Those applications are the definition of the ideals that drove the bloody French revolution.

    In epistemic political philosophy, attempts at new definitions are often made in the attempt to frame an argument more precisely. The subjective only becomes objective upon acceptance of the frame of such arguments.

    I see, as an object, the view of idealism from this perspective as beneficial for moving forward in a more practicable way--to frame an argument that will move the polis away from the dangers of socialism--and the feudalism that is its natural destination.

  33. Anyway… except for a few wonky scholars in Europe (who have bothered to upgrade), Marx is sooooo “19th Century.” --Waldo

    Yes, I have kept up with this new and advance Marxism as it is articulated by Atzioni and others in Communitarianism. which is nothing more than updated Communism with seven extra letters to trick the naive.

  34. "If you follow the upgrades, it is in fact– just the exact OPPOSITE."--Waldo

    Yes, I have kept up with this new and advance Marxism as it is articulated by Atzioni and others in Communitarianism. which is nothing more than updated Communism with seven extra letters to trick the naive

  35. Note: That "voting" in a rigged process is akin to a government "Truth Commission" looking for the culprit. I'm savvy to the problem.

  36. No Will, you're not whacked.. Waldo, forgets this is Orwell's world and gets caught up in the left/right paradigm. Much of what we learned about history in school we have found out too late was pure propaganda. It's what they left out that counts for more than what they left in.

    I never was taught about Smedley Butler in school and the man lived just miles from where I attended high school! I just found out about the wealthy industrialist plot to overthrow FDR and install a fascist regime a few years ago for god sake. And what happened to those bastards after Butler blew the whistle on them? Why they went on free as birds to make billions and billions of dollars. WHY? Because they are more powerful than any government and beholden to no one. They ARE the puppet masters.

    Wonder why they didn't want us to know about that important moment in history? Hmmmmm... Seems they've accomplished in the 21st century what they intended to do in the 30's. It's always been the same eugenicists, social engineers and liars that have been in control and they control EVERYTHING. The money, the food, the scientists, the "governments", the drugs, the media and the fanciest of the fancy mind control and weather weapons.

    These people are not stupid, just crazy. The stupid heads aren't the ones that know who they are and what they are up to. The stupid heads are the ones that don't have a clue.

  37. All Right Master Spies! Formulate your own plans, build your own bulwarks, or fucking sleep under a bridge and beg. Choose your weapons, Sirs!

    Y'all are matriculating and gesticulating without pointing in a direction. Freaking State Your Purpose and be done with it! Screw all the B.S.!

  38. Damn and they say women talk too much! :)

    It's this simple.

    Capitalism will never work because big fish ALWAYS eats little fish.

    Socialism will never work until the masses turn into loving, caring and sharing human beings. I don't see that happening anytime soon do you?

    So what's the answer. I don't have a freakin' clue !

  39. What I find most fascinating here in this thread is the appeal to the authority of the 'academia' of this current system—after all the effort that has been brought forth to shunt that nonsense and replace it with the revisionist vision that has looked under that stinking carpet.

    We have Waldo quoting Wikipedia...for crystsake. No Rothschild had “nothing to do with funding Weishaupt and the Illuminati”, why 'cause wiki told me so....???
    “Rothschild wasn't behind the scenes of Marx and Engels”...why, 'Cause wiki tells me so.

    Nesta Webster makes clear the connections of the House of Rothschild in both instances, footnoted with the words of the characters themselves.

    And what is most remarkable is that what is missed here is that we are living in a Socialist regime as we sit and squabble over whether socialism is a good idea or not.

    This IS socialism, the Right/Left Hegelian super-state with it's dual masks spewing Newspeak. Corporate socialism from one side and Communitarian socialism on the other—BOTH directed by the Money Powers.

    Flak wants me to 'think'...well I didn't come on here and just react to his story...I recognize it as nothing but a rephrasing of the same old Marxist bullshit that has been dressing up in new costumes and saying “Boo” for over a hundred years.

    Oh yea...the whole world of people are going to just turn to angels suddenly because “We gotsda PLAN”

    Frankly I haven't read such a load of fairytale bullshit in quite some time.

    Sorry for being so blunt y'all, that's just how I see it.


  40. "Capitalism will never work because big fish ALWAYS eats little fish.

    Socialism will never work until the masses turn into loving, caring and sharing human beings. I don’t see that happening anytime soon do you?"--JG

    Capitalism/Socialism IS the synthesis of the dialectic.

    The Money Powers aren't "Capitalist"--they run it like a casino, it's the dupes buying into the games with their counterfeit 'money' who are the capitalists.

    "Socialism" is the Money Power's counter-game for those who get fed up with the casino.

    Both synthetic systems rely on the STATE as GOD, and lead to the non-economic system of feudalism and human bondage.

  41. High-de-ho! "Human Nature" Now THERE'S a big-ass bag o slitheries!

    Stephen Pinker recently contributed to that whole kettle with "The Blank Slate," and others have probably followed... altho I am not presently current on that.

    What IS fairly certain by now is that "altruism" seems to be hard-wired into the human brain... as well as a lot of other nasties we all know and love.

    To say "socialism contradicts human nature" seems a distant cousin to the idea that "self-rule" also contradicts not just "human" but Nature itself. Hamilton and Jefferson discussed this extensively.

    Well... fitting that the origin of all this "conspiracy theory" comes from the guy who invented the siren, right? Now- I can't say whether he is/was right or wrong... but WAY too early to say the "Manifesto" was "financed" by the "Bankers," no?

  42. Freaking State Your Purpose and be done with it! Screw all the B.S.!

    Take back the constitutional republic by hook or crook. THAT is my

  43. “altruism”...yes, a process of empathy, without which homosnoopians would never gotton beyond the savannahs--cooperation was essential.

    But psychopathy spoils that party once the societies get beyond the tribal organization. Even the first city states were plagued with ponerism.

    The whole republican system is based on ballancing 'self interests', all the Money Powers had to do was finance certain interests and pit them against one another. hypocrisy has a large role to play in this game.

  44. NO-brudda- I didn't SAY that Rothschild had “nothing to do with funding Weishaupt and the Illuminati.” YOU did. "Straw Man," anyone?

    The reason I use-love "Wiki" is that it's a prime example of "open source," which is where everything in the "net-age" IS going... unless the Pigs manage to suppress it (the Net- for a time)... but it WILL out... no matter how much they try.

    And to be "blunt" meself... I find your perception of "human nature" extremely lacking in knowledge of recent "brain discoveries," ie. "Cognitive Science;" a recent combination of Neurology and Psychology.

    That said, your specialized knowledge of "Industrial-Age" History/ Theory is awesome... and must defer to you on that one. Try as I might, I can't (yet) find ONE "peer-reviewed scholarly source" that postulates that Robison was full of doo-doo.

    My "specialized" area is Literature... where "Marxian Criticism" has been repackaged as "Historical Materialism," in other words... "spot the lie... follow the "money."" That's where Flackster is correct... "money" is fucking Fiction." "Somebody" just fucking made it up... which gets into your "Rothschilds," "Illuminati" et. al.

    JG is right-- wotta buncha "male" blowhard bullshit. So what's the "plan?" Fucking ENERGY. THAT'S my story, and I'm stickin to it.

    ...until somebody convinces me otherwise.

  45. Exactly my point. So the point is ..what? moot?

  46. Hey, I've developed a plan. Mine is to eat as much chocolate as I can (calories be damned!) since we're either gonna be burned up by the sun, poisoned to death by air, land and water, thrown in a fema camp to waste away, or nuked on high until we're nothing but dust. So instead of waiting around for the inevitable, I've picked death by chocolate!

    I suggest the rest of you also pick your OWN poison and imbibe heartily until then. Why should we give them the satisfaction of watching us disintegrate before their squinty bloodshot eyes and drooling mouths? What the hell.. there's really no better plan out there at the moment is there ?

    UNLESS, there is a military coup being planned as we speak and the GOOD generals & troops will save the day!

    In that case, I'll have to diet to lose all the weight I gained from all that chocolate....

  47. "State as GOD..." HONK!!! WRONG!!! THAT'S the WHOLE ISSUE in a clamshell... ever since the "Divine Right" of Kings.

    As the European Scholarly Wonks are discussing RIGHT NOW... it all depends on how you define "The Collective." Is it the "Family?" Is it the "Trade?" Is it the "Region?" Is it "Ideology" Yabba yabba quack quack.

    By now, even the dimmest of us knows that the "STATE as GOD" is pure crap.

    It's all about the relationship between the "individual" and the "collective." So can we find a "working definition" of what "individual" and "collective" actually MEAN instead of "parroting dogma?"

    I doubt if I will EVER see THAT happen.

  48. Damn, Jersey... you're such a GIRL.

    THAT'S why I live with one... a GIRL... who (bless Her) constantly readjusts (what I THINK is) "reality." A nice Snickers Bar... a good healthy dump. And other really-basic shit.

    WHY do I keep Stupid-head resisting? "Give innnn.... give innnnnn...." She is absolutely right. Resistance is futile. You WILL be assimilated. Truth is, us dudes is just a genetic experiment run by women.

    In Literature, we call this "Feminist Theory."

    Why do us weenie-waggers have such a fucking problem with The Truth?

  49. No Waldo, I know you didn't say that about Weishaupt, you said it about Marx. But I was pointing out that Nesta Webster has that connection in her book.
    I don't know if you are saying that John Robsin is full of do do, or whether that is a say you haven't found a peer review that says he is or isn't?
    The way you put it it looks like the review says he is on spot...?

    As far as cognative science, we haven't said enough here on that subject for you to have a fair assessment. I have read quite a bit on the subject as a matter of fact.

    But I will tell you this, this whole fuckfest here has gotten to the point that I don't care to wank back and forth with it further.

    I oppose socialism in what ever form and by what ever name it is called, for reasons already stated.

    Fini \\ll//

  50. first thing on our to-do list should be to outlaw the Republican AND Democratic parties for their many crimes. Tossing the leaders in the poky seems about right.

    THEN, we can do the whole voting(paper ballots) and try the whole "hold them accountable" thing.

    Can we accomplish that without taking back our airwaves?

    Capitalism must then be ended. Our planet cannot take much more.

    Call it an ism or a schism or a baloney sandwich. But as we evolve we clearly have the intelligence to make this dimension pure and perfect bliss for every living creature.

    If we want to. We must first declare that we want to. Not immediately throw a tantrum about impossibilities or wave the bloody flag of our last fake boogey man, Marx.

  51. “State as GOD…” HONK!!! WRONG!!! --Waldo

    Yea...honk wrong?

    That's why in the panoptic maximum secutiry state that you live in right now knows your rectal temperature.

    You can spout any of your opinions as to whether you agree with the notion or not--but the fact is you live in the almighty state at this very instance.

    The game's over, the casino is folding up the tables as we speak, and the chips are worthless.

    BTW, welcome aboard comrade Camusreble, hoist your hammer and sickle right here on this thread.

  52. the soviet union was created by the capitalists terrified that people like Jack London were explaining to the masses how fucked their little game was and how it could be ended.

    The early 1900's saw a huge growth in people agreeing with rthe basic principles behind socialism.

    A fake socialist/communist country was invented, then made tyrannical and dysfunctional.

    See.....thats what it leads that what u want. Hybridrube continues this deception with his hammer and sickle ref. It is an old and worn out ploy.

    Ur welcome is as insincere as it is irrelevant. I have been here since shortly after the exodus from OEN where I was banned for sticking up for the founders.

    One percent of the pop. should not be allowed obscene wealth while the other 99 fight over table scraps. That is evil. It will be ended.

  53. Thanks for this link Boom,

    The V.K. Durham comments, this is where my head is at. Fixing the broken republic, rather than rambling hysterically on about utopian idealism and brave new world socialist mumbo jumbo.
    The Constitution means that the law is already on our side--on the side of the people. Abandoning this law and striking out into lollipop land is falling right into the trap set by the Money Powers who have bought out the federal government and run it like a puppet show. The rights of liberty are the only guarantor of true justice.

    Sorry I passed by this so quickly before--the link is important and everyone in this argument should read it. \\ll//

  54. .."where I was banned for sticking up for the founders." return the compliment.

    Sticking up for the founders? And when did you decide to trade that in for socialism?

    I don't like what has happened to this nation under the rule of the Money Changers any more than anyone else on this thread. The disparity between the haves and the have-nots is criminal--literally, because the federal government is nothing but a criminal syndicate.

    So just why do you think that by the 1900s people were beginning to agree with the basic principles of socialism? They just suddenly went "aha..I've got an idea..?
    No, like everything else, they were influenced by the "Thinkers" bought and paid for by high finance.

    The "worn out hammer and sickle ploy" you say. "Fake socialist/communist country"? No you misconstrue the Hegelian dialectic...ALL socialism is fake, not just the Soviet lampoon.

    Socialism means tyranny by the state, there is no other way for it to work, because socialism is coercion. You live in a socialist state right now, but don't recognize it--because it doesn't match your ideal. It cannot match your ideal...that is what I have been trying to explain.

    It is Lord Acton's maxim on power. The state given the responsibility to care for your every vital need, MUST take upon itself to regulate your every vital action--tyranny.

    It is a simple equation. \\ll//

  55. The NWO handbook is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

  56. "Take back the constitutional republic by hook or crook"

    Right. How?

    By force of arms or by replacing corrupt reps. with necessarily honest reps.?

    If the latter, then how?

    I have simply suggested a method of 'how'.

    If you don't like it, then please supply an alternative method.

  57. Flak, I like how you think, but what I would do is reprioritize by putting first the idea to do away with the Fed money lending because none of the rest can ever happen if we don't restore our freedom from them. It's ironic the US was started to get away from City of London bankers' control, but it has ended up under the unholy boot of the Khazars and man do they own it all lock stock and barrel.
    I too prefer republic over democracy. But I feel there is a use for democratic decision making too.
    I'll confess I haven't though much about it because I'm working on a lifeboat for the way things likely will devolve at this rate.
    On the other hand I do barter as a farmer and like that system.

  58. Rogue: Clearly, the present situation worldwide of financial infliction and its resultant injustices and criminality is intolerable.

    I have suggested a possible solution, applicable worldwide. You above all have criticised and rejected it.

    Then kindly here and now give us your practical alternative to resolve the problem. If, as you mention, 'to recover the Constitution' - then how, and what then, worldwide?

    Or are you in fact a mere habitual critic?

  59. If you don’t like it, then please supply an alternative method.--Flak at 3:22 AM

    I am answering down here because of the margin thing again.

    My alternative method is to FOCUS, to keep away from all of this socialist banter and concentrate on the REALITY that the LAW is on our side. The Constitution is on our side. This is the one aspect that unites us...all this other stuff is hot air and will put off others, especially the deluded Right, who for the most part are actually more in the constitutionalist camp the most of the deluded Left.

    Remember the METHOD of the enemy, the Hegelian Dialectic, the tool of divide and conquer.
    Our goal must be unity under the valid laws of the land...and that means understanding them well.

    Not just reading over the Constitution once, but understanding it well enough to take on these phony 'Federalist Society' Tory usurpers.

    Unite and teach...knowledge is power, no matter how trite this message seems after being used over and again--it is the Truth.

  60. FLack,

    The "world wide thing" would naturally be addressed by the fact of a return to a republic.
    Once [or if} the US can be returned to constitutional law, it would mean the end of empire.

    It would mean the end of usury. It would end the delusion that the US owes anything at all to the bankers of the Crown.

    It would mean the restoration of our due national wealth, for as a nation we are wealthy beyond our wildest dreams, once we cast off the illusions manifest by the social engineers.

    Remember your rights are not granted by authority, authority is granted by the power of liberty.

    Let these simple lights guide you, for these truths are indeed self evident.

  61. I would say the Rothschilds do influence the biosphere quite alot more than you apparently realize. They don't cause climate change, which you seem to think someone does.

  62. Is any of this possible?

    The test comes, it will be brought to us, we don't have to take it to them

    A shocked and disillusioned America will want to be Americans again--I think they will understand once their toys no longer work, once the oppression is in the open, once there are no more "fun and games" but empty bellies and sad eyes of children.

    Yes, I think they will be more than ready for the truth then, and will listen to those who can tell it without stammer nor hesitation.

    We are the people, we are the law. It is our constitution, it is our land...

    And when in the course of human events...We will know the time has come--our enemy will give us no choice.

    They are gaming this, they think they know what they are up against--I simply believe they are wrong. Something novel this way comes.


  63. Mary you hit it on the head--this is another part of the essential knowledge that we must all understand.

    Like Henry Ford said; "it is obvioiusly what is going on"

  64. The republic is the FORM of government. The democratic 'mechanisms' are a valid part of it.

  65. I saw alot of good ideas from almost everyone, but I ended up agreeing with Will on the primacy of the Constitution as the body of law already enacted in our favor but of course usurped by the money power in the Fed. Flak had a great point about doing away with corporate personhood. I really don't know about communism/socialism because I like private contracts and relying on family initiative. I've gotten burned by altruism, counting on losers to pay me back with farm labor. Right now I have my young strong nephew working out really well before he goes to university. I don't think any system can beat a republic for the problematic city state on up levels of organization, like Will said. At the tribal level you may have government by consensus. That can happen in county level government sometimes but you have to raise the consciousness in your community first.

  66. Hello, Mary.

    In reality, think about it. All the extra work which is done to earn the money to live because Do you think food grows on trees, in the ground? - of course you have to pay for it! (and pay their 'taxes') and produce produce produce for the industries, all this uses a hell of a lot of energy which otherwise would not be. That has to be a contributing factor to the state of the climate overall. - Along with volcanoes and such, sure.

    And all this work etc. is due to the infliction of fictional 'finance' for 'the economy', and the chief inflictors for the last two centuries, who really put finance on the map worldwide are . . . Yes, those Rothschilds again.

    Kind regards.

  67. Yes, but HOW? What do you do practically. First you have to rid the nation of bought politicians. So how?

    Only when you have honest representation will you be able to quash the Fed., dismantle corporatism, eliminate financialmanipulation, jail the Fat Cats etc.

    So, not just terminology: HOW? HOW? HOW?

  68. Yes, but HOW?

    I am suggesting a way. Either adjust it to make it work, or supply a practical alternative. Be constructive rather than merely destructive.

  69. Words convince others--you DO nothing alone.

  70. "Be constructive rather than merely destructive."

    I would like to know dear Flakstopper, in what have I been destructive?

    Your ears are full of wax.

  71. Mr. Whitten, you do yourself a disservice. Surely you can do better than that.

    I have to repeat, HOW?

  72. ENERGY!

    The Constitution! The Republic!

    uh... "suerte"... i had to look it up...,_Wherever

  73. Yes Mary always hit the mark. Don't forget how many empirical documents have rolled through since the POE, lending to the goyim freemasonry front.

  74. ~The rule of Law~
    Regaining the Courts

    Democracy never got off the ground in this Republic. Much as the Kittyhawk it was breifly airborne but presented too much interference
    once the American Corporation was established.

  75. I agree. WIKI anything is a miserable source for anything but dates.

  76. The Constitution means squat in the semantics of Supreme Quackery interpretations. Two big nails in the coffin Sotomayor and Kagan.

    1. Courts
    2. Electoral College / black box
    3. University system / NGO's
    4. Lobbyists
    5. Then the Banks

  77. Bloody pish. WIKI is nothing more than a method of organizing information.

    See- Yochai Benkler, "open source economics"

    Here's one from HAH-vahd.

    yeah yeah I know... jooz... skull and bones...
    "Protocols of the Elders of Zion?" are you freakin SERIOUS??

  78. Fkackstopper,

    The message I have already given speaks for itself. It is strategic.

    There are no tactics until the strategic message is heeded by sufficient numbers.

    Surely you cmprehend contingency?

    To put it another way, you are moving paper armies about on a map in your head at this point.


  79. Yes indeebie...I doubt if we will be arguing any cases in front of the supercoot.

    Dr. Fragmento PhD in constitutional law at Rearmount Univ.
    will most likely represent this case.

  80. H-Antisemitism: Documents
    Issue no. 1, Posted 22 March 2000
    Philip Graves, "The Truth about the Protocols: A Literary Forgery,"
    The Times of London, Aug 16-18, 1921

    This is exactly what Puddy and I mean Waldo, this Hasbara from wiki. This is such a dead branch that it is ludicrous.
    Don't you realize that wiki is policed by Zionist Hasbara 24/7?
    Their internal emails were released back in 2004, that proved this.

  81. French Revolution 1789-1799

    OR you could just do some simple math and conclude that there may have been somewhat of a time lapse between 1799 and 1848.

    so if you don't mind... sometimes i just use the standard ol wikipedia site to "keep the dates straight."

    oh... and 'scuse me for bein' fuckin BORN, by the way!

  82. If you research Cosa Nostra, Mafia Hierarchy and the MSM, Propaganda most Grunion think it is just a criminal empire working through the Godfathers and Holy Mother.

    The Illuminati goal to overthrow western civilization through the destruction of its four pillars: family, nation/race, religion and democracy begins with the Protocols, a zionist scheme to prop up this red/blue divide and conquer. First the Church and then the Courts. First the Czars, then the Kings. The moneychangers [launderers] gave similar knowledge to the central family centers globally.

    Goyim is we. Not all gentile are goyim. Just those outside the aristocracy of the 13 bloodlines. The 1%. The Royal Scam. The financial Ponzi of all Ponzi's.

    Administrators and enablers alike sucked into the master plan. from Mayer Amschel to Meyer Suchowljanski, the waters flow easterly. The bloodlines pursue the real game. Conquer the Goyim. Their successes recorded consistently from Uruk to Iraq Iran today.

    History is a blueprint and the architects are the committee

  83. Deadly serious. Count them yourself.

    Your HAH-vahd and other shills don't fly here. You cant sell the eskimos yellow snow anymore. Whatever your motives are your banging your head against the wall.

    Karl is alive and well in the intellegencia and propaganda from both camps. Your lopsided FATS argument just doesn't resonate the skinnys scam your camp represents. No offense.

  84. "Deadly serious. Count them yourself."

    Count WHAT? You mean the "protocols" themselves? How many have come to pass? Sure... it worked for Maurice Jole in his critical satire in 1864... so much so- he was locked up for "incitement of hatred and scorn for the government."

    OK- no more wiki-links as they are Zionist tools (rolls eyes)... in fact, since everybody here already knows everything... any links AT ALL are probably redundant. No need to re-hash what Machiavelli and Montesquieu could have represented to the readers of 19th Century French political literature nor "Dialogue aux enfers..." obvious efficiency as a literary template.

    No doubt you caught the metaphor between the Homer Electric Interconnection Program (which you already knew about anyway) and a possible working model for the health and wealth of the Republic and saw it for the Zionist-Fabian Socialist Hasbra that it truly is!

    Wal dang mah doggies! I thought it wuz just a way to keep the lahts on!

  85. "ISM" - In some manner [or form]

    Generally used when identifying the extremist end of any already poorly disguised definition. I'd like to make cakes without being called a Capitalist and Waldo would like to feed the poor without being a socialist. Then we could meet to discuss making surplus cakes.

    That is until the moneychangers and their blue fabricators and red spinsters get the yellow fools green with envy or purple with rage.

    "first thing on our to-do list should be to outlaw the Republican AND Democratic parties for their many crimes. Tossing the leaders in the poky seems about right."

    Camus, I like but suggest lighter sentences for testifying against the real puppetmasters. Like domino's and the pyramidal house of cards, once started the free fall is spectacular.

  86. When Sharon said we own America, he was talking MEDIA. All Media. Not Real Estate.

    Simple explanations for sheep: zeitgeist, Machiavelli and Montesquieu, Radar chaff, boxcutters, bad weather, fiction rosenkrantz, horseshoe crabs and hand grenades. So simple howc ould I ever have thought this world was complicated or in chaos. Silly me, when wiki tells me it's so simple.

    Bye de da de da da da.





  87. Interesting. On average how many normally accompany you to the loo?

  88. I take it you never go out to movies aye Waldo?
    Just read the reviews and say, yup this ones good, this ones bad.
    Ahh you know that ones full of shit...and yada ysda all the way home...

  89. I've actually read both books Waldo...have you?
    Either one?

    The Protocols actually are more similar to the Illuminati papers--a side by side of the two is incredible.

    Frankly I saw little in the "Dialogs" that could be interpreted as influencing the Protocols, let alone a full on lift worthy of this charge of plagiarism--the more likely conclusion being that Joly lifted from the Protocols.

    You want to talk dates; The Illuminati Papers were from the 1770s, and like I said, laid side by side, they much more resemble the Proto's.

    Flaks "plan" is closer to the Manifesto, than the proto's to the dialogs.
    And if you ain't seen the chick yourself, don't call her ugly.

  90. Waldo woo woo,

    Your reteat to sarcasm is a flimsy shield, even if you are funnier than shit.

    I no, it's harder than hell to accept the fact that mommy and daddy lied.


    Net freedoms soon to become extinct.

    All Hasbara all the time.

    "We hold these truths to be doo doo"--Zion

  92. Okay Napoleon, command your troops.

  93. wul- that flick is a thread-killa fo sho. one more post an ise outta here.

  94. the black 100s
    well of course i read both books... in the ORIGINAL fukkin RUSSIAN and FRENCH!!
    snuck... seriously... had to wade thru dat poo for a seminar on Holocaust Literature.

    was dis? RENSE?? and ya snarks on ol waldo for citing wikiportnoy??? (eyes roll out of skull and across the floor... ping-ponging down the steps...)

    la la la la I can't SEEEE YOUUUU....

  95. Rense? Yea a reposting of our old friend Steven Lindman {oh ee en days}
    So Rense is verboten in the high class academic world of our oh so sophisticated man of educated letters. I see. It's just a clearing house for stuff from all over the world to me. Be that as it may. all I can say is so what?

    Ooh ya got a way aboutcha...{grin}

    In my experience, an "antisemitic" isn't someone who hates Jews, it is someone the Jews hate. Yes personal experience with the eternal victims.

    You use such terms as "peer reviewed". I use such terms as "Ministry of Truth", and we are both talking about the same club.

    Our perspective clash. That is what makes this place so interesting to me. How 'bout you skulldude? Don't you find this refreshing?

    Good, cause I'll tell you right now that as far as I am concerned the history you get in academia is Lollpop History--peer reviewed by the Ministry of Truth, which has the effect of depositing a large number of jelly beans wedged between the synapses.

    So I know you got candy in the glove compartment...but I'm still not afraid to ride with you, It is cool with me.

    So shoot me one of your scatological lollirants from Waldoworld, cuz thats what I like about you the most, your funnier than shit.

    Love and kisses \\ll//

  96. It has to be changed at the penthouse on top of Novo Ordo Seclorum pyramid, with a little change of monetary authority back into the people's hands. Or perhaps some new generation of thinkers will suss this out better, cuz lord knows we elders have all tried. No need to say I feel too your urgency and concern, Flak, as we all wish we knew a way to overturn this enslavement and decline of our species and its beautiful world.

  97. You guys are truly brilliant when you are disagreeing. It's like duelling banjos tonight.
    Will's right though. Rense at least has the balls to take on Zionism and the City of London. And I did read Wiki on the Rothschilds but it was really like it was written by Bloomburg news or something, not very hard hitting like reading Synagogue of Satan which of course Waldo must have read many time over to discount the Rothschilds as he does. How many times was it Waldo? Me, only twice in the last year.
    Wiki is fine for sanitized intros but it takes alot more than that to get the REAL picture.
    Zionism is literally killing our world and species. Not only that, after the piracy and murder on the Marmara, Rob Kall wrote an editorial strongly reaffirming he is a zionist. That's why he had filters catching the word so we wouldn't criticise his core allegiance.

  98. Well, I try again, "Money ceased to have any value since last week. Now just continue exactly with what you are doing, but remember, money is not necessary and doesn't function any more."

    So everything would continue - the pumps would continue pumping, the trains running, the builders building, the farmers farming, the land producing the food and the rain producing water, everybody working, fetching their food as usual . . . But then the work done simply to make the money to buy the food would no longer be necessary and would fall away, and the essential work of producing and distributing essentials to supply need would be shared out among those best competent to do it - the R's and Kissengers etc for the dirtiest work . . . etc etc etc

    Too simple?

    Of course, with captious arguers about always, as their only contribution is to hinder. So we just have to ignore them and DO it.

  99. Look even Puddy said it will take a miracle at this point in the endgame, so I wish us all good luck.

  100. No, now we see how you spout for publicity. Perhaps an extension of showbiz. But excess baggage here. You are a captious arguer, Mr. Whitten. Get out of the way of people trying to do things. If you can't help, then don't hinder.

  101. If OUR obedient servant reps. 'abolish money last week' etc. then the Rothschilds and 'The City' will have no meaning or relevance other than something to avoid like the plague.

  102. "Zionism" has become a bullshit-theory that that attempts to hide the fact that USAns have tried to establish a client-state fort-Apache outpost in OilLand... similar to what the Soviets tried to do with China.

    "Zionism" is pure rhetorical crap that masks the simple TRUTH of the Pigs fighting over the oil. Not so complicated, eh? Go to war to get the oil to go to war to get the oil... etcetera ad infinitum. WHY is this so fucking difficult?

    It has nothing-the-fuck whatsoever to do with "Illuminati" or "secret societies"or secret-handshakes or any of that fucking bullshit. Pigs fighting over the oil... that's all-- nothing else. Generally, I tend to be skeptical of simplistic explanations. But THIS one is a NO-fucking-BRAINER.

    Pigs fighting over the oil.

  103. Zionism = who?

    Pigs fighting over the oil, yes, but these are a few individual pseudo-humans = who?

    'America' or 'UK' wants this or that, but they are being manoeuvred by a few manipulating international individuals = who?

    In all these cases you will find that the few ultimate beneficial owners of the corporations or 'Trusts' involved will be the same people. And their names I always find begin with 'R'.

    Does our evidence coincide?

  104. Yea but, ya butt...say wut?

    When its convieniento there is the REAL world out there someplace, if its icepicks to yer brain then its all fableie doo, yea YOOO and Flakarackslingback the born agin Trotskyboy.

    Take yer hammers, hammer inda mornin, hammer inda eevnin hammer head lamb.

    From Marx ta Hayek I gotsda wingo on finaciebop I kanoda scoop...anya piled it hi.

    Yo birds gocher hammers so frame da question right cuz ya got goobers on it as it sits here.

    There's nothin here--nothin in the thread here that's gonna sprout wings and that?

    The Flakmasta's Reblopootshun is gonna sit right here and flacidmoss...mushrooms no flowers dat.
    Ya come up reinventin da wheel an ya don't even got dat axel thingy figured. Been wayback done dat--ohwowover ana over dootrotskies. Ye jingoberry lollipops meltin inda miday sun son.

    Yea I got words--nuthin but words ye say...fuk ye ina pietraps bloomercrackerz--whatcha think yer hyroglimps are splowden stars? Huh? huh? No, I gotsta say huh?


    Yea yea yea skimble me shanks...all da little piggies say wee wee wee alda way home.

  105. Yea I'm witcha on thisn Trotskydude...but, Itsda 'Crown'...not just the Rs, but bloodlines 13 in da combine.

    Not just da oil too--smash the goy all gone is the final chapter chaps.

    But da goy aint divided by joojoobees an outtybees like it sez on the bookcover--itsa matter of dem ginst all the rest of the "cattle".

  106. Thank you for your contribution, Mr. Whitten. I imagine we can all see its and your value quite clearly as examples of what modern education can produce. Its benefit to aid in resolving world problems can well be appreciated.

    Therefore no further help or intrusion on this subject is required of you.

  107. Hey Trotskyboy--who handed you the keys to the car poopstick?

    At anyrate--back to skullboy, No it isn't the oil, its murder and mayham. I know this'll frazzle your noodle, but if oil was it, they'd be down with getting the oil--no, they want to tear that place down, kill'em all and poison the dirt with radioactive waste for a billion years.

    Like they said, they want to depopulate this planet in a big way-and thats what this is all about. Not just the Mid East now, but the HAARP cannon burning Russia, and flooding Paki and Chingang, the Macondo oildip here in the south.
    All things connected. That is the big scoop.

  108. It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society, i.e., the engineering of social automation systems (silent weapons) on a national or worldwide scale without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i .e., slavery and genocide.

    This manual is in itself an analog declaration of intent. Such a writing must be secured from public scrutiny. Otherwise, it might be recognized as a technically formal declaration of domestic war. Furthermore, whenever any person or group of persons in a position of great power, and without the full knowledge and consent of the public, uses such knowledge and methodology for economic conquest -- it must be understood that a state of domestic warfare exists between said person or group of persons and the public.

    Policy Committee of the Bilderburg Group during its first known meeting in 1954.

  109. mentioned that Zionist buttbuddy Kall???
    Aaaarg...gimmie three hail Mary's and call me in the morning.

  110. Pssst...we should not even whisper that which should be done.

  111. That was me summer 07 :)

    Hard Lessons

  112. Rense listens to Mario Lanza and Itzhak Perlman. Rense is fair. We are too. Zionism is alive and well and an equal opportunity employer. In this Paradigm of the [two] it balances the scales to Radical Islamism and merges synthesis to Neo-cons-Xians.

    In phenomenology, it provides another rational philosophy to the other assorted fabrications to split the opposition, there by reducing the critical scrutiny of the COMMITTEE, the core and controlling source for all these mind shaping creations.

    They are real, empirical and functioning. Waldo dismisses them and that's a weakness on his part. Hammers and Sickles for the Committee are S&B, Illuminato, FMasons, Fabians, Zionist, Rosicrucean and when the synthesis is complete, these figments may disappear, their structures and symbols, but not their relationship to the root core. Their purpose in division, experience and success will be an integral part of the final solution.

  113. Waldo,

    I would urge you to read Antony Sutton's the SECRET AMERICAN ESTABLISHMENT: SKULL AND BONES.

    You will not grasp how much the "educational system" is simply a conditioning machine, programming the nation without this fully footnoted history of how John Dewey was promoted to the position he had.

    Yes, intrigue and conspiracy--deep and evil.

    The book is available as a free PDF on the web.
    Nothing to loose--everything to gain.



    You want a workable PLAN, here is one.
    You can add your personal needs to this.
    This is practical, and something you can do right now.

  115. For Waldo, and any others who delude themselves that the wars in the Middle East are "about oil", vidie this and vidie well me droogies:

    James Petras

    To continue to masquerade as ‘war critics’ while ignoring the central role of the Zionist Power Configuration makes pundits like Chomsky, Moyers and Powers and their acolytes irrelevant to the anti-war struggle. They are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    Bill Moyers, ignoring the abundant evidence published in all the major financial media on the economic sanctions against the oil companies spearheaded by the ZPC, argues that the Middle East wars are “about oil”. (Moyers and Winship June 28/29, 2008 Counterpunch).


  116. I sense cowardess in my verbal opponents in this debate. {Big Grin}


  117. Bullshit--cut and run, chicken.


  119. Mr. Whitten, to this thread, which was a sincere attempt to find a practical solution to the present sorry situation of the human on the planet, you have contributed 51 items, including the last ten unanswered by anyone, offering nothing except nuisance value until you are simply being ignored.

    Face it. Watching a child prancing amid the verbiage has limited entertainment value, and after a time we just look away. Some of us are trying to contribute something useful, rather than merely argue for the sake of argument. That some do it more entertainingly than others is a bonus, but not the end in itself, as this is not the empty razzmatazz of 'showbiz'.

    If you have anything useful and constructive to offer, then do so, but if you simply clang obstructive nonsense as a response to any adult comment then, certainly so far as I am concerned, you will continue to be ignored. - If indeed you were to have anything practical and useful to contribute, that would be a pity.

  120. LOOK Flakstopper, it's not my fault your manifesto didn't start a world wide revolution. Your accusation of "obstruction" is patently absurd.

    I'm sorry to leave you all weepy eyed, and suddenly addressing me in such a put on "adult" manner. But none of this amounts to a pile of beans. We are just bloggers on one of millions of web sites. We may affect some folks out in digitoria, but for the most part we are talking here amongst ourselves.

    I am not, and did not say that ALL of your ideas were worthless. My main complaint is the advocation of socialism. I just don't understand how you can't see that that is exactly the predicament that the US is in now. It began with FDR, and has been a Hegelian L/R jig towards the all powerful state since then--THAT is socialism, not your dreamy eyes visions of a new Eden.

    Yea, I'll end here. FINI
