Monday, August 9, 2010

Iran - It's not if, but when.

From the old triads to the new. Please review the DoD loophole for nuclear war and I challenge you to find anything resembling human life and environmental impact other than "minimal collateral damage"

My thinking based upon the material coming out from every possible side, team, shill or alternate news is looking for the timeline. Numerically I cannot find anything but as I like to think of myself as committee step child, heres my most sinister thoughts.

1. Objective - WWIII, the knock out blow. Poker: All in.

2. the Islamic holy month of Ramadan will begin between  August 9-11 2010 and end around  September 9-10

3. Super-NATO (Mossad/CIA) dirty bomb or biological attack in Palestinian territory near Israel settlement. Massive casualties.

4. Israel retaliates with Nuclear Strike on Iran.

5. Super-NATO Attack Pacific. Korea false flag on US Carrier and FF West Coat US during or post  US/S. Korea exercises.  US retaliates with strategic weapons and a nuclear threat if China or Russian intercedes.

6. WWIII (Phony bluff for the audience)

As tired as you all may get from the term "TRIAD" I use so often, never does it play a small role in the formula of committee empire.

Heres a case where they use the term outright and it stinks.

Joint Publication 3-12 - 15 March 2005

Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations

The New Triad 

The new triad offers a mix of strategic offensive and defensive
capabilities that includes nuclear and nonnuclear strike
capabilities, active and passive defenses, and a robust research,
development, and industrial infrastructure to develop, build, and
maintain offensive forces and defensive systems. Enhanced
command and control (C2), intelligence, and adaptive planning
capabilities support the new triad. The new triad provides a deterrence
posture suitable for the emerging threat environment; it incorporates
post-Cold War advances in defensive and nonnuclear capabilities;
and, it provides additional military options that are credible to
adversaries and reassuring to allies.

Fundamental Considerations

Strategic deterrence is defined as the prevention of adversary
aggression or coercion that threatens vital interests of the United
States and/or our national survival. Strategic deterrence
convinces adversaries not to take grievous courses of action
by means of decisive influence over their decision making.
Deterrence broadly represents the manifestation of a potential
adversary’s decision to forego actions that he would otherwise
attempt. Diplomatically, the central focus of deterrence is for
one nation to exert such influence over a potential adversary’s
decision-making process that the potential adversary makes a
deliberate choice to refrain from a course of action. The focus of
US deterrence efforts is therefore to influence potential
adversaries to withhold actions intended to harm US’ national
interests. Such a decision is based on the adversary’s perception
of the benefits of various courses of action compared with an
estimation of the likelihood and magnitude of the costs or
consequences corresponding to these courses of action. It is these
adversary perceptions and estimations that US deterrent actions
seek to influence. Potential adversary decision making in the
face of US deterrent actions is also influenced by their strategic
culture, idiosyncrasies of decision mechanisms and the leader’s
decision style, and leadership risk tolerance.

Declaratory Policy.

The US does not make positive statements defining the
circumstances under which it would use nuclear weapons.
Maintaining US ambiguity about when it would use nuclear
weapons helps create doubt in the minds of potential adversaries,
deterring them from taking hostile action.
This calculated
ambiguity helps reinforce deterrence. If the US clearly defined
conditions under which it would use nuclear weapons, others
might infer another set of circumstances in which the US would
not use nuclear weapons. This perception would increase the
chances that hostile leaders might not be deterred from taking
actions they perceive as falling below that threshold.

Nuclear Posture Review - 1 December 2001.


The following is a summary of the highlights in this report.First and foremost, the Nuclear Posture Review puts the Cold War practices related to planning for strategic forces behind us. In the decade since the collapse of the Soviet Union, planning for the employment of U.S. nuclear forces has undergone only modest revision, despite the new relationship between the U.S. and Russia. Few changes had been made to the size or composition of the strategic nuclear force beyond those required by the START Treaty. At the same time, plans and funding for sustaining some critical elements of that force have been inadequate.As a result of this review, the U.S. will no longer plan, size or sustain its forces as though Russia presented merely a smaller version of the threat posed by the former Soviet Union. Following the direction laid down for U.S. defense planning in the Quadrennial Defense Review, the Nuclear Posture Review shifts planning for America's strategic forces from the threat-based approach of the Cold War to a capabilities-based approach. This new approach should provide, over the coming decades, a credible deterrent at the lowest level of nuclear weapons consistent with U.S. and allied security.Second, we have concluded that a strategic posture that relies solely on offensive nuclear forces is inappropriate for deterring the potential adversaries we will face in the 21st century. Terrorists or rogue states armed with weapons of mass destruction will likely test America's security commitments to its allies and friends. In response, we will need a range of capabilities to assure friend and foe alike of U.S. resolve. A broader array of capability is needed to dissuade states from undertaking political, military, or technical courses of action that would threaten U.S. and allied security. U.S. forces must pose a credible deterrent to potential adversaries who have access to modern military technology, including NBC weapons and the means to deliver them over long distances. Finally, U.S. strategic forces need to provide the President with a range of options to defeat any aggressor.To meet the nation's defense goals in the 21st century, the first leg of the New Triad, the offensive strike leg, will go beyond the Cold War triad of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and long-range nuclear-armed bombers. ICBMs, SLBMs, bombers and nuclear weapons will, of course, continue to play a vital role. However, they will be just part of the first leg of the New Triad, integrated with new non-nuclear strategic capabilities that strengthen the credibility of our offensive deterrence.The second leg of the New Triad requires development and deployment of both active and passive defenses--a recognition that offensive capabilities alone may not deter aggression in the new security environment of the 21st century. The events of September 11, 2001 underscore this reality. Active and passive defenses will not be perfect. However, by denying or reducing the effectiveness of limited attacks, defenses can discourage attacks, provide new capabilities for managing crises, and provide insurance against the failure of traditional deterrence.The third leg of the New Triad is a responsive defense infrastructure. Since the end of the Cold War, the U.S. defense infrastructure has contracted and our nuclear infrastructure has atrophied. New approaches to development and procurement of new capabilities are being designed so that it will not take 20 years or more to field new generations of weapon systems. With respect to the nuclear infrastructure, it needs to be repaired to increase confidence in the deployed forces, eliminate unneeded weapons, and mitigate the risks of technological surprise. Maintaining our ability to respond to large strategic changes can permit us to reduce our nuclear arsenal and, at the same time, dissuade adversaries from starting a competition in nuclear armaments.The effectiveness of this New Triad depends upon command and control, intelligence, and adaptive planning. "Exquisite" intelligence on the intentions and capabilities of adversaries can permit timely adjustments to the force and improve the precision with which it can strike and defend. The ability to plan the employment of the strike and defense forces flexibly and rapidly will provide the U.S. with a significant advantage in managing crises, deterring attack and conducting military operations.Constructing the New Triad, reducing our deployed nuclear weapons, and increasing flexibility in our strategic posture has resource implications. It costs money to retire old weapons systems and create new capabilities. Restoring the defense infrastructure, developing and deploying strategic defenses, improving our command and control, intelligence, planning, and non-nuclear strike capabilities require new defense initiatives and investments. However, these investments can make the U.S. more secure while reducing our dependence on nuclear weapons.The Quadrennial Defense Review established the foundation for America's post-Cold War defense strategy. Building on the Quadrennial Defense Review, the Nuclear Posture Review will transform the Cold War era offensive nuclear triad into a New Triad designed for the decades to come.
    Donald H. Rumsfeld
    Secretary of Defense

    footnote: adaptive = false flag  and exquisite = false Intelligence


  1. Dr. Strangelove has a lot of AKA's. Aye?

    Yes...signs...abundant and chilling.

    ..."the center will not hold"...

  2. Hasn't Israel, US Corp. and Russia proved to be "Rogue States?"

    If you are Afghani, Iraqi, Iranian, Venezuelan, Georgian, Palestinian, N. Korean, Libyan, Cambodian, Bosnian, etc.

    The Sheeple cannot conceive the paradox, let alone look at the parallax of Iran and the desire for their deterent against the Dark Side who circumvent the majority through the UN Security Council

  3. Note: All the signals confirm swap.

    Gates: Cutting Budget to shift taxpayer funds to new theatre

    Iraq: Withdrawl August: Redeploy ?

    Afganistan: Withdrawl September: Redeploy ?

    History: Major U.S. interventions, both overt and covert, include: China (1945), Greece (1947–49), Korea (1950–53), Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954), Indochina (1954–73), Lebanon (1958), the Congo (1960–64), Cuba (1961), Indonesia (1965), the Dominican Republic (1965–66), Chile (1973), Angola (1976–92), Lebanon (1982–84), Grenada (1983–84), Afghanistan (1979–1989), El Salvador (1981–92), Nicaragua (1981–90), Panama (1989–90), Iraq (1991), Somalia (1992–94), Haiti (1994), Bosnia (1995), Yugoslavia (1999), Afghanistan (2001–present), and Iraq (2003–present).

    US-ISRAEL: Long range missile Defence exercises March 2010

    SANCTIONS: Weakening forces precursor to strike

    OBAMA: Kowtow to Israel settlement building: The target?

  4. Remember My neighbor said a new defence intel center was being built at Kelly AFB ? Labor is much cheaper in San Antone. Welcome to the NAFTA job market war piggys. All these govt dupes will now grovel for a job alongside the unwashed masses. Karma dude, karma.

  5. To add to your post Puddy, The U.S. virtually "never leaves enough alone" the countries they conquer. Once our Freedom Lovin Boots hit the ground, it's OUR land to exploit under "protectionism and democracy" of course.

    The easiest way to view U.S. expansionism and imperialism to ask the question -- Where are We Not?!

    Add in all of our "bases" around the world, and it can be determined we're one of two things -- (1) We're either they're "Buddy", or (2) We're a virus and a cancer.

    Might as well add in all the countries we have "infiltrated" and where we wage psyops and economic warfare.

    Cui Bono here. It is certainly not the American people who benefit or are made "safer" or "wealthier", nor are the countrymen whom we invade any better off for the most part.

    But the paradigm is a pustule and must burst for Americans. Many don't give a shit if a country full of poor Africans slave and die so we can have more and better cellphones. Many say "good riddance" to the millions of Iraqis who got in the way of our oil grab. This morally derelict thinking is inhumane.

    The resource wars and exploitation go on and on under the cover of "safety", "spreading democracy" and other flim flam B.S. sound bites swallowed by the shallow-minded and debased sheeple. They get some googaws and expensive gasoline, and think they're living the American Dream, while in Their names, the machine plows under entire cultures and countries.

    By the very nature, one can see that this is a finite exercise with an ending somewhere.

    It is a sickening reality watching this same old sitcom of death spin in front of our faces in another distorted version of Capitalism and Grunts Gone Wild!

  6. so we punches da tar-baby wit our hands (Afghanistan)... den we kicks da tar-baby wid bof our feets (Iraq)... and now bof hands and feets is stuck fast in da tar-baby!

    Whats to do? We butts da tar-baby wit our HAID! (Iran) boof! mmmpfff! uck! gasp... urk.

    we keeps goin ta war... to git da oil... so we kin go ta war... ta git da oil... ta go ta war... ta git da oil... urk.

    Two possibilities: 1. they gonna do it coz they is really THAT fukkin stoopid... or...
    2. it aint gonna happen coz NOBODY can be THAT fukkin stoopid. yer bets now...

  7. . . . to get the oil for the Rothschilds' oil companies to sell to your armies to go to war to get the oil for the Rothschilds' oil companies . . .

    If you insert them, then it all makes sense - Well, Rothschild sense, which is simple insatiable take.

    They have all the planet already? - Yes, but that isn't enough.

    That is why I say - Hey, let's stop them.

  8. All comments lead to the empire-committee-R's

    It's not so bad that the empire for the dollar is the core-competence for which they drafted us all but that this gets by the masses of visionless, apathetic happy meals walking this country who don't see they are converting the fake WOT to a reality terrorist regime.

    They are adding legitamacy to this creation everyday and we are less safer with each and every brick in the missing section of the pyramid.


    “I have the removed the terms “liberal,” “conservative,” “Democrat,” “Republican,” “left” and “right” from my vocabulary, as they have little meaning in today’s battle for our Country."

    If you can't pick out at least four objectives in world order here you missed them.

  10. Pat- obviously the Russians welched on their deal with Baba Mat-- and Corexit must have killed the Enchanted Cod:,426/

    "...“I have the removed the terms “liberal,” “conservative,” “Democrat,” “Republican,” “left” and “right” from my vocabulary..."

    RIGHT ON! Now- if we could get about 100 million more USAns to do that, we'd have this problem licked!

  11. flackster- get real.

    Now suppose... just suppose... you had a great vacuum-cleaner in space and sucked every last Rockefeller and Rothschild off the planet. What difference would it make? NONE WHATSOEVER.

    Now, if you could suck all their filthy fiat currency off the planet-- and leave them here without ANY... then you might have something...

  12. I only didn't say 'abolish finance' because I thought you couldn't accept the possibility.

  13. Hasn’t Israel, US Corp. and Russia proved to be “Rogue States?”--Puddy

    Hey--You takin' my name in vain? On conviction: Hell 7th level, no appeals.{grin}

  14. Hey Korn, where is your Iron Mountain piece hid at?


  15. Yea...but they ain't no US, no Rooska, no Chinbin, no nuthin but Illuminati World.

    Fooow Cusss daymat

  16. Oh, thats perdy Puddy, love that eyeball pic.

    Like I said above; it's nothing but ILLUMINATI WORLD.


  17. "But not everyone with an expertise in military strategy and tactics is enthusiastic about these joint operations. Some experts believe this program smacks of International governance, especially with nations that have questionable motives."

    Let's move to the Valley of the Coup.

    Evybody say "Yea"

  18. "We seek the counsel of Baba Mat only as a last resort," Russian president Vladimir Putin said. "As everyone in the land knows, Baba Mat can be both benign and malevolent. She can make the lowliest peasant mightier than a czar and crush a king like a mayfly. But this fearsome sorceress is our only hope: The people have no bread on their trenchers, bandits run wild in the streets, and our foreign debt exceeds $40 billion."

    We get da woo woo wit da juju...whose say dem world leaders no wanka?

  19. This thread has broken down into too much pidgeon english. Its making it damn hard to stick wit ya yokels!

    Given the chance, jab a sharp stick into the all-seeing "eye". Put a boot up their ass as well.

    Let's hope the leaders of foreign powers are up on their Committee/Rothchild's "intelligence", so when the shit hits the fan they realize exactly where the head of the snake is hiding. The American people don't have anything against the Iranians, nor do I believe the Iranians against the American people.

    I suppose every American should have a deck of "?how many?" Committee members with their names, ugly faces, and address listed. Just hand them or mail them to the latest victimized countries' folks, and tell them -- Here is your problem. Ours too...

  20. Right PD. It's oddly suspicious that the troops are finally being drawn down in Iraq and Afghanistan after years of the people calling for them to get out. Gee, what's their hurry all of a sudden? Just in time to deploy to Iran.. that's the ticket, the bastards.

  21. Ok, so Russia is joining in. Where does that leave China?

  22. It seems the mass is waking at the consensus of NO MORE, but if the FF reemerges I fear they relapse into B.A.U.

    I suspect it had to be to the tenth power or the public at large won't bite.


  23. I suppose we can expect Major General Vallely to drown in his bathtub or perhaps he might strangle himself to death. One never knows what accident might befall a person these days..........

  24. My Guess is out in the cold. No one has more to lose than China. Hell, they are the only one solvent.

  25. That's astute information from the 4winds.
    FOX hit the target as well. You can't have global governance until you have the crackerjacks and prizes for the too big to fail government. Empire is pretty good livin.

    Until~ The contract work is over and then they go to the salt mines like us.

    Now all the liitle triads become more clear. Anyone can piece it together if they can read a little between the lines. Just little triplets taking baby steps, coming together to meet at the maypole.

    Don't worry WWIII is just a spring clean for the May Queen.

  26. Yea Boom,

    The hidden hand has been slappin' them down lately.

    Things are heating up as far as uppeners coming out. The Ilumie is getting tense like a fly swatter in a shitty stall, the more you smack the more comes in--or "out" in this instance.

    Me thinks some BIG THEATER shall soon arive.

  27. David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget
    Get it? Not "destroying."

    The GOP has already "destroyed" the U.S. economy, setting up an "American Apocalypse."

    Yes, Stockman is equally damning of the Democrats' Keynesian policies. But what this indictment by a party insider -- someone so close to the development of the Reaganomics ideology -- says about America, helps all of us better understand how America's toxic partisan-politics "holy war" is destroying not just the economy and capitalism, but the America dream. And unless this war stops soon, both parties will succeed in their collective death wish.

    You should read the Left/Right slapstick on the comment thread on this story.

    Great Oogabooga has all their heads up his ass.


  28. Say abolish finance--yes say it.

    I'll go with that.

  29. Yea--but eventually it is "The China Model" that is the feudal template for NWO
    Rockefellia exigest revelation put option. Da?

  30. Whucha mean jellybean? Issa clearest ting cant neber seen. {grin}

  31. Is that what that is boom? I thought it was "baby talk" :)

  32. Good god. When are the zombies gonna wake up and realize "their party" is simply a figment of their imagination?

  33. Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby

    THAT is babytalk {shmiles}

  34. Don't forget the southern American Hemi...big troop build up there as well.

  35. Smelling salts? I dunno...

    I think they will simply sleepwalk right off the edge.

  36. Did you ever see all the footage from Tom Horn?

    It was a B-W movie shot in Africa in the late 20s.

    The rivers were literally alive, everywhere. the water simply boiled with living things, hippos, crocks, fish a'jumpn...amazing.

    They shot this movie where no white men had ever been. It was primeval, beautiful, awsome.
    A world no more.

  37. Sorry, that is "Trader Horn"...Tom's a porn star.

  38. That reminded me of those old black and white westerns with that scene of the longhorn cattle stampeding over a cliff--a stock ong shot from a Tom Hicks film.

    They set that shot up on perpose...hundreds of cows run off a cliff for the camera.

    Now what's that say about "humanity"?

    These thoughts are what spawned the next comment:

  39. Yep-----Asian bystanders for now. RESOLVE. China has the army but they is in the catbird seat. NO NUKES for them. Just keep the trade open and de be happy.

  40. What!! They actually led real live cows off a cliff !!??

  41. Since the 60's heart attacks are created by poison dart. When that became known they shifted to micro needle injection through ear, between toes and other non descript areas and now we know microwaves can do it especially for heart weak persons of pacemakers.

    Let's add suicide by homocide as well.

  42. Well JG, the slaughterhouse awaits at the bottom of the cliff or back at the stockyard. I guess they were humanitarian about it in an elitist way -- gave em 2 choices, none of the non-fatal.

    Stand around on your own cow piles all day, or go for a run where the dirt runs out.

    And Hybridrogue -- the earth we now inhabit scarcely resembles the abundance that was created and lasted for so many years. It seems the psychos have been on an 'extinction' bent for some time. Wonder when their time will come? I don't think they themselves even wonder, that's how non-in-touch they are with living things. They are Vampires, and living things provide them their sustenance and power.

  43. shellfish poison...the magic heart attack

  44. Yea know...its system-mind, "they" are no more aware than the prols...just like 1984, the top of the pyramid is the most brainwashed of all. The ritual took them out first, they were at "ground zero"--metaforklifty

  45. Yup...and they used to have covered holes for horse trips to catch shots of riders going down...shank breakers...and they shoot lame horses doncha know...there is no end to the madness of these earthlings.

  46. faintly - But I've been telling you this for years and years, and I've been telling you how to do it for years - peacefully - without stretching even one well-deserving neck - and nobody listens or can hear me for everyone else pooh-poohing . . .

  47. Well Flak,

    It depends on the details.

    If you are talking Utopian socialism,
    We ahve to start all over and hash
    that out.


  48. 1. Nominate and draft OUR independent reps., who will vote yes or no on their individual conscience for the general good of any proposal put to them. They are warned that they will be out at a moment's notice if consistently out of step with the will of the electorate, and will be hanged for corruption, together with their corruptors (- lobbyists etc). These will be OUR real servants, whom we will control.

    2. They will dismantle the existing corrupt system of preference and favour, and dismantle the corporate entities.

    3. They will abolish the 'Trusts' and the banking systems. If money of any kind is necessary, then it can be printed and lent free of interest by each government. But making money from money will be eliminated. (- Frankly, I would abolish all 'money' and 'possession' for the fictions they are. You contribute what you can do well, and you receive what you need - AND DON'T JUST DISMISS THIS ANY FUCKING 'ISM' - GOT THAT?)

    4. The unnecessary work will fall away, and the necessary work of producing and distributing essentials will be shared out among the populations of the world.

    The result will be that you will work two or three months per year. The rest of the time, just enjoy living and avoid harm. And if you say that this will result in excess population, then we can solve that problem if and when it arises. The planet at present can feed ten billion. It can in reality feed a hundred billion, but the population can be humanely restricted without the Rothschilds' program of eliminating all but 500 million slaves, these being all that are necessary for their fictional 'economy'.

    No wars, no debt, no taxes, hardly any crime, real education, real values, humanity able to exercise its generosity . . .

    AND I will remind you that Utopia is simply the ideal state, NOT an impossible supposition.


  49. Flakstopper,

    We are off the margins on that threadline.
    So I popped up back up here.

    I read your proposition. You ended with, "Any questions?"

    Just one, Who's boss?

  50. WE are - collectively, as responding to need worldwide.

    The whole program can be set up via the internet within a few days, by requiring a mandate of the people, and implemented worldwide within a year, but initiated within a couple of weeks.

    Ideally, if we agree to abolish finance, then all that is necessary to start is to say that money ceased to have value last week, that everything on the planet now belongs to the planet's inhabitants, and that you will continue exactly as you are for the time being with regard to work, but that you will need to work less and less as the inessential work will fall away.

    I have stuck this up as a new article as one or two of you seem not to have seen previous itema, and to give us some elbow room.

  51. So COTO is to be the new politburo?

    And we are going to start a world wide web revolution...
    just by posting your manifesto...where? Here?

    I hate to always be your party pooper Flak, but...
    but...jeeeze, I don't know what to say but, but.

  52. WE - meaning the human race - Rogue, go away and think about it. Read the main article and don't trivialise things. I am busy now.
