1Abolish Sovereign Governments 2 Abolish all private property 3 Abolish Inheritance 4 Abolish Patriotism 5 Abolish Family 6 Abolish Religion________________________________________________________So, recently posted information in regards to WikiLeaks and the 90,000 pages of Af-Pak data are out in the hands of MSM. Uproar and Barry himself coming out and condemning the national security implications of publishing material that jeopardizes ongoing military operations and missions.
This of course would include shadow intelligence operations, opium babysitting and friendly fire or civilian casualty numbers or occurences. Julian Assange rejects the possibility of release of any information that would jeopardize the lives of military personnel and that all release is based upon stringent review.
Barry & Company have been far more aggressive on leaks to the public and it is a direct result of the far bigger agenda he has taken on. This is a undisputable fact. But Soetoro's remarks made on MSM recently were not convincing to me.
Today I have decided that this mysterious character Assange is a CIA floater and his job is to run this Genesis 6 triad for the committee who is bent on taking down or severely crippling the free speech zone and world wide web.
Assange was born in Townsville, Queensland in 1971.[2] Assange has said that his parents ran a touring theatre company, and that he was enrolled in 37 schools and six universities in Australia over the course of his early life.[3] During his childhood years, he lived on the run with mother and half-brother. They were avoiding his half-brother's father who was believed to belong to a cult led by Anne Hamilton-Byrne.[2]
An article in The New Yorker has written that Assange was married to his girlfriend in an unofficial ceremony at the age of 18 and had a son.[2] The article says she left him while he was being investigated by the Australian Federal Police for hacking, and took their son.[2]
Assange helped to write the 1997 book Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier which credits him as researcher.[4] It draws from his teenage experiences as a member of a hacker group named "International Subversives", which involved a 1991 raid of his Melbourne home by the Australian Federal Police.[5][6] Wired, The Sydney Morning Herald, and The Sunday Times have pointed out that there exist similarities between Assange and the person called "Mendax" in the book.[7][8][9] The New Yorker has identified Assange as Mendax and explains its origin from a phrase of Horace. Assange was reported to have accessed various computers (belonging to an Australian university, a Canadian telecommunications company Nortel, and other organizations) via modem[10] to test their security flaws; he later pleaded guilty to 24 charges of hacking and was released on bond for good conduct after being fined AU$2100.[5][6][8]
According to the Personal Democracy Forum, Assange founded a civil rights group for children called "Pickup".[11]
What smells fishy here? Is he an actor, hacker, criminal? Did he get his butt in trouble and like Frank Abagnale Jr. have to go to work for the committee in order to stave off a long prison sentence?
When everything looks too conveniently cozy and I see the AP Algorithmic cointel signs I have to go COTO on it. Remember the headlines?
The Daily Beast reports in Pentagon Manhunt an article by Phillip Shenon who has been a NY Times reporter, one of the recipients of the intel data that the authorities are after Assange. Shenon wrote the book the commission about the 911 commission and was the assigned reporter during the JFK Warren'esque type investigation of the World Trade Center false flag.
Shenon's book really approaches the subject of the events under the "incompetence angle" which as you all know I call an alpha programmed meme for the public. As long as the COMMITTEE can sell that nonsense they are fine and the sheeple are appeased and feel better about themselves.
The Daily Beast is a Tina Brown operation. If you are not aware of this character you can review a pretty good bio here. She has all the makings of a CIA operative and along with Daniel Ellsberg the known CIA operative who stated Assange was in danger I conclude he was in no danger. He's not a 911 truther, in fact the opposite and gets annoyed when it comes up.
So where does Assange get his money? Fundraising is way down. Who funds him? How does he jetset around and get his hotels and cars? How about through the Soros-Buffet group? I don't need Jones, Madsen or Tarpley to point to this stink.
I will never believe in COMMITTEE incompetence. Assange and his information sources will play out to be a component of the enemy state and an operation in the ultimate pulling of the plug. I'll miss you all when that happens.
I welcome the plug pull, I will save 70 bucks a month on crappy internet. Dont worry though,i will call You and give You a hard time over My crappy cell phone.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you Puddy. Assange blows his own cover by skirting 9/11. 9/11 is freaking WhistleBlower Heaven as the government's "own" conspiracy is shown for what it is -- a FFF. Insert the required "F" word into it anywhere you choose.
ReplyDeleteMy question has always been how this guy travels buy international jets and passes through airports, even homeland security airports, and the CIA is supposedly looking for him.
ReplyDeleteThe 9/11 "gaff" is a curious kaboom as well.
Of course; think like a stinker...maybe they don't catch him so we will suspect him. Doubledealing does get complex...No?
Exactly, Will! With all the confusing doubledealing how the hell do you keep track of the bad guys from the good guys or the good guys who are caught in the bad guys web of threats and blackmail.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know about his 9/11 inside job denial until a few days ago. But then some here forgive Chomsky @ Zinn for their refusal to talk 9/11 truth as well. Both thought it didn't matter. Really? I lost respect for them and I have none now for Assange whether he's an operative or not. That's a deal breaker..
Whether Assange is with "them" or just being used by them we'll never know. However, it doesn't bode well for the internet.
IT seems every day there is another reason to shut down the net according to msm and Assange's revelations is a big one.. national security dontchaknow. I saw on CNN this morning that a dead soldier's picture was used by some unscrupulous cad online to lure money from a naive, lonely woman. Of course, things like that only happen on the internet, right? Then there's the internet porn they keep bringing up.....all excellent reasons to shut it down! (not)
I hear ya korn. I'm sick of paying comcast my monthly fee as well. I hate the bastards. But I intend to use the internet for all it's worth until they shut us down.
I agree with you about 911 and think it provides a good criterion for judging where a person is really coming from. Of course, there are people who are simply naive ("virgins," never really been screwed (or their pride forces them to deny it) and can't recognize the signs of someone else getting a dick job), but Assange is not one of those. I'm grateful for the heads up on this guy. It has indeed occurred to me it's a wonder no one has killed him, but sometimes my senses are slow. Disinformation is being laid on thick and heavy recently. A lot is in the works, we shall soon see some action. Prepare to duck.
ReplyDeleteOne of the recommendations for future preparations is learning how to operate a ham radio. My electrosensitivity prevents me from doing this, but many people around me have licenses. Not even mail will make it through, but if you can ham, there is hope of staying in touch.
Mike Ruppert, who wrote Crossing the Rubicon, did everything a citizen could do to ensure prosecution. Recently he has said that it is too late to pursue 911, and it would only serve as a distraction to what is most important, i.e., preparing for economic collapse. In his case, the change of stance is well explained, and it is no way a denial of the great evil that occurred that day. In Chomsky's case, I always put it down to his not specializing in physics. Physics to me is absolute, while the rest could be disinformation (especially at my distance). However, even when the physicists and engineers got their point across in peer-reviewed journals, he went on denying it, and that is either stubbornness or blackmail.
He has just started up Collapse Network (www.collapsenet.com) as a way to help people organize and share information that might be crucial to survival.
This thing about the Internet going down...the wikileaks thing is certain to agrivate that.
ReplyDeleteIt has always been in my mind, that the day it goes down, is the day to seriously head for cover.
At that point the gig is up--pogroms will follow. Everyone with tagged and color coded en ess ay dossiers rounded up pronto by regions.
It seems that the south [gulf coast] is a flash point, and also the Arizona/Cal crossing point region is another.
When the web vanishes, it will be like the dark of the night communication wise..."Yea tho' I walk through the valley of darkness..." and all that strong hearted stuff is going to be necessary.
Personally, I'd like to be huddling up near the Hopi at that time...Qoyan is all soggy over the rainbow. I pray for the heart of Crazy Horse in these coming days.
too convenient, the spill. Very fishy. Trust not. Dis-info at large.