Wednesday, July 28, 2010


If voting changed anything they'd make it illegal”--Emma Goldman

Why is voting stupid? Because it lends the air of legitimacy to a criminal syndicate.

During the Vietnam war the phrase, “What if they threw a war and nobody came?” became popular. It was a smart idea that unfortunately became conditioned away when the war finally ended and apathy returned.

What if they had an election and nobody came? The answer is obvious, nothing would change, the same way nothing changes already. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and again expecting different results. Pavlovian automatism...bow wow.

Contemporary American society is insane by it's very own standards. A culture is simply the scum grown in a petri dish—social engineering. So, what does it mean to be well adjusted in a psychotic society? I will continue to ask this question until the reader is able to answer it honestly.

The question is not satisfactorily answered: “What is American military doing in Afghanistan?”

The real answer is 'empire'. And this is not proper to a republic, only to the delusional New World Order. Why are Americans in Afghanistan murdering Afghanis? Because the vast majority of Americans simply do not care.

They cannot even equate their deepening economic struggles with the utter stupid waste of military adventure, let alone maintain the simple human compassion to resist an inhumane and illegal war in their name. Stupid is as stupid does Miss American Pie.

Are Americans really the diaper dumpers they seem? Does the Pope shit in the Vatican? Is there any sort of critique that will not simply bounce off of their thick as brick heads?

27 Jul 2010 The U.S. Congress passed a $60 billion war-funding bill amid attacks on President Barack Obama’s Afghanistan policies inflamed by leaked reports suggesting that Pakistan is aiding Taliban forces. The House voted 308-114 to send the measure to Obama for his signature. House Democratic leaders said they wouldn’t delay the long-stalled war funds any longer with the Pentagon warning of impending furloughs.

Well, what in the name of a loving God is wrong with furloughs? What in the name of sanity is wrong with furloughs? Furlough the entire military. Let these old fart generals become greeters at Wal*Mart, or give them some toy soldiers to play with in a sandbox. These psychos need some restful therapy, not power over other peoples lives.

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves” --Cassius

Delicious delusions eaten as our only meals turn the brain to cotton candy.

No, the hard truth is no fun...sorry about that.

Religious salvation is not the key here. Replacing the authority NOW is.

America, you are at the very edge of the abyss now. You are sleepwalking right over the cliff.

It's a long way down. If you don't wake up and smell the blood, next it will be your own.

\\II// 7/28/10

Morals and Dogma v. Compassion and Empathy


  1. boomerangcomesbackJuly 28, 2010 at 3:09 PM

    Toss the whole stinking pile into the toilet -- governexcrement, lackeys, Wall Street shysters, Wanker Bankers, MIC vampires, corporate fraudsters,

    Flush IT Down. Plunge. Repeat.

    How in the Hell are people to Live with this gigantic flotsam floating over their head? They're not. That's the point.

    Rant on Hybridrogue1. The more flaming salvos tossed onto this dead woodpile of zombie monsters the better. We won't even waste the water to piss on em.

  2. Thanx Boomer,

    How did you catch this one? I forgot to link it to topics...a newbeetoon on posting here.

    We are on [FFWD>>] now........the blades are a'spin and the turd is pitched...we can all duck or charge the fan. It's our choice America.

  3. This just shows what fluoride bombardment can do for a population. We are weeks away from getting the full view of the 1%.

    Estimated 6+ million NWO personnel. 800K in the U.S. alone. This is not including regular military, most of law enforcement and FBI.

    Ready to move at anytime now. Wackenhut, Xe, Corporate, CyberE-system people and all the way down to boyscouts. No sheep can see them.

    Four black UH-60's flew over yesterday. I asked my neighbor what he thinks when these fly over?
    He said he never see's them. That's all! Looking at his feet all day. Idiots.

  4. I got into a heated argument with a friend from work. She thinks the troops are fighting for "us" and I should be grateful.

    I asked her "for us? what are they fighting for exactly then? what do we get out of their killing women and children in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan? why are we there?" She looked at her hands and didn't answer. I asked her again, still no answer. It was obvious she had no clue. I wanted so badly to just beat the crap out of her since no sense could be beaten INTO her.

    Yea PD. Idiots, pure idiots. The country is full of them.

    PS: I've been hearing a lot of helicopters flying over lately and heavy sounding planes that I can't see, only hear. Probably just my overactive imagination but I think it's military exercises for the big event.

  5. Ya...bring it on hot Jersey.

    I have been fired for my outspoken political views...for not backing down, nor backing off.

    All in all the truth is worth it...the truth is always worth standing up for, no matter how unpopular it may make you.

    Hey, while they are on their knees kick'em in the snout. Just a loving tap that leaves their nostrels on the nape of their neck...{grin}

  6. A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse...

  7. "Modern psychology has taught us how strongly the mental mechanism of denial of reality works. The eye bypasses external occurrences when the mind does not want them to happen. Secondary justifications and fantasies are formed to support and explain these denials. In Totalitaria we find the same despising of reality facts as we do in schizophrenia. How else are we to explain the fact that Hitler was still moving his armies on paper after they were already defeated?"--Meerloo

  8. lol Will.. I have done that, but only in my mind.. ;)

  9. And here's a local fishwrap entry from here in dominionist krakkkerland:

    Democrats ruined economy

    Two Democrats, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, were primarily responsible for the rules that forced lenders to make home loans to people who couldn’t afford them, leading to the inevitable housing bubble collapse and the current recession. Somehow, these two escaped any accountability for the disaster they caused, while the mainstream media eagerly blamed evil Wall Street, and oh yes, George W. Bush.
    yadda blah... he goes on. This is just one example from today here in bow-wow land. I could give you another one just as good tomorrow.

    These people are dumb as a fucking bag of hammers. It's all about "Republicans," "Democrats" and "conservative values."

    Not as many flags and yellow magnets now. Tell them the "war" is a lie and they roll their eyes. At least now they don't accuse you of "treason." A few years ago one fellow retorted, " you want to see an Iraqi flag flying over the courthouse?" I'm not making this up.

    Sorry Willie- no intelligent life here. They'll "root for the Colts" as they march to the boxcars. They'll bawl about "family values" all the way to the ovens.

  10. How does one become an elite? That's what I'm shootin' for.

    You guys are just pissed you were never popular in high school.

  11. boomerangcomesbackJuly 28, 2010 at 8:26 PM

    We certainly want to be shooting in their direction. Aim steady.

  12. "popular?" "high school?" Sonny, that was before your momma was born... and SHE was really "popular."

    In fact, back in Norfolk, the Squids and I used to watch her swim out to meet troop ships!

  13. ???????????whut??????????????

    I was a rock star in my former life. Popular...I mean REALLY popular like that life, is one of the scariest experiences one can have. Sure the girls are fun, but dealing with male groupies is such a drag...huge bikers that recognize you at a Denny's for example, in their excitement bear hugging you and squeeling like a teeny booper.
    No thanks.
    Then there is the jealousy of the groupies boyfriends. So much danger you cannot imagine. Everyone snooping into your personal life? You think you want that?
    Be careful of what you wish for, you just might get it.

  14. I'm still laughin from Waldo's comment. Waldo, "THAT!" was good!

    Patrick, a UH-60 (actually they're dark green) makes his fly by at least once a week here in Northeast Philly. Circles around a few times (first pass at 300 ft. slow an loud, lettin everyone know he's there) and then gone.

    So you seen four? Wow! They be preparing for some-thang or other.

    We need a Michael Rennie (Klatu) moment.

    1:10 to 1:18

    I hope Mr. M. is well.

  15. Ah, but to have a shot at Kate Hudson.

    Seriously, you'll find my humor a bit wry. Truth be, I've lost any hope I've previously had for mankind. So, my only remaining purpose in life is to try to convey its meaninglessness as ironically as possible. I don't mean to offend.

    So. Can you hum a few bars of one of your hits so I can figure out who you might be?

  16. Ha ha...guessing games...but no. It was so long ago that Hollywood was actually a fun place to be. Some of my band members are still doing it...and I don't get it. After we broke up Chuck my bass player went off with Quiet Riot, which we always made fun as, Ronald MacDonald Rock...Lol
    The name of the band was SATYR...long ago, long forgotten.

    Our one time manager tells some of the tale in 'Laural Canyon Stories" or something of that nature, I just discovered a few years ago on the web.

    I wasn't 'insulted' by your comment at all. I was just warning as if'n you might be a naive young'n.

  17. Nope. I'm an old fart. My knowledge of Laural Canyon ends with Joni Mitchel and the Buffalo Springfield.

    But you have a hell of a legacy, regardless. You're DNA is is embedded in the rock and roll genome for all time.

    I left my DNA in corporate advertising. Not nearly as cool. Although there were a couple of secretaries who were hot for me.

  18. Nice rant, rogue. You do a good performance. Peace.
    Now Satyr, that's a very funny name. What did it mean to you at the time?
    Should I call you Will?

  19. Goats play=Satyr=tragedy...I was a social poet at the time.

    "keep on marchin' don't slow down or the commies will getcu
    Keep on firin' don't take aim just keep shootin' we'll save you
    Keep on buyin' don't let the Jones's out Smith you
    We'll adhore you
    But I'm going to Mt. Olympus
    Gonna juice up with Zeus and learn how to fly..."

    That's a verse from one of our numbers. I wrote all the lyrics, lead vocalist front man wiggle guy. It was pretty heavy metal. We had laser light shows, the whole thing. Played the Whisky, the Starwood, Gazzaries. the Roxy...even the Troubador, although we were a bit electric for that venue...all around the Valley of the Dolls.
    It was crazy to look back on. But like I mentioned, noteriety was unbearable to me...I'm a real hermit now. Solitude is my one and only desire.

    Do others spill their personal stories here like this? I feel kinda weird talking about it like this...on this forum.

    But yea, I go by Willy Whitten as an artist and then as a singer. Will sounds more grown up tho'...I like that. {grin} Nice to meet you Mary...tho' didn't we cross paths back on Oinkee N?

  20. Really Will? What's wrong with lyrics like.. "cum on feel the noize, girls rock your boyz?"haha Obviously, not your kinda lyrics. So, David Wright was your bass player? You were lead guitar/singer/songwriter for your band.. How friggin' cool :) I was guessing you were a college professor with a phd in philosophy strictly by the content of your eloquent writing style.

    I don't remember Satyr. Though I was more of a pink floyd kinda girl back in the day (still am) and didn't really get into heavy metal. Go ahead and make fun of me now .....:P

    Hmmmm I think I found you. Do you do American Indian sculptures?

  21. "corporate advertising?" well well... welcome brother! A fellow refugee from the Isle of the Damned!

  22. Well, That is Chuck Wright, not David [?], I guess you looked into Quiet Riot
    I love Pink Floyd, Bowie, Roxie Music, Frank Sinatra, Vangelis, Limp Bizkit,
    and Bartok...but I was just the lead singer, Bob Steffen was the guitar.

    Yup, I am a sculptor and graphic artee as well. Did special effects film after
    leaving music...a long and winding road.

  23. Sorry, I meant Chuck not Dave. I must have been thinking about my ex, Dave..(not) The only quiet riot song I know is the one I quoted above:)

    Your sculptures are beautiful. You are a very talented artist, Willy ;)

  24. Thanx Jersey.
    Really, I don't know what any of Riots songs were, I never bought an album.
    I knew Kevin as an aquaintnce. He had a pretty good business head. Frankly as a singer I thought he sucked...Lol But I know Chuckie has a buncha gold records. Those are fun to have hanging on your walls.
    Ever see the flick, BOOGIE NIGHTS?...that is all about the Starwood crowd, the club owners there were part of that whole scene...the mngr of the band was involved with some of that crazy shit. Rock and Roll is a very seedy biz There's no business like bullshit.

  25. It's real easy: voting lends the system legitimacy. Pull the plug on that. Yip.

  26. Gee I was going to go into my drug running/money laundering Columbian Brickell Avenue saga but I changed my mind.

    Vote Paulsen, Monty Paulsen. Then don't pay your taxes. Rock on Willie.

  27. I remember his dad Pat. He's dead, right?

    Oh and Patrick, about those drug running, money laundering days............lovin' the gold record ;)


    Does anyone here ever read Les Visible's stuff? He seems to be downloading straight from Source. Catch it when you can.

  29. boomerangcomesbackJuly 30, 2010 at 6:44 AM

    I have awhile ago. This is brilliant. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  30. Well that is one excellent rant by Les Visible and I agree wholeheartedly.

    I do wonder though, perhaps those in the limelight that apologize for their "anti-semetic" statements do so not because their own jobs or lives are threatened but instead the lives of their families?

    Makes one stop and think if you'd be willing to sacrifice a loved one, be it spouse, child or parent, to expose the truth, doesn't it?

  31. boomerangcomesbackJuly 30, 2010 at 7:44 AM

    When hunted, become the hunter yourself.

  32. Yea, but while you're busy trying to track them down, they could be sending their evil minions out to murder your wife and kids...

    It's not easy being the underdog. That's why as masses of people united, we have to take down their corrupt system asap.

  33. Chris Hedges and Derrick Jensen on Totalitarianism and Resistance
    [both proclaim that violence is now justified as a response]

    "What is it going to take for concerned and engaged citizens to finally feel as though some crucial threshold has been crossed—that our nation’s political system and the global corporate culture it both serves and feeds into will never represent them or serve their needs? Continuing along that line, what’s to be done once that realization has hit home, as it has for authors Chris Hedges and Derrick Jensen? Both Hedges and Jensen offer their ideas in this July 5 interview with Mount Royal University professor Michael Truscello."

  34. boomerangcomesbackJuly 30, 2010 at 2:57 PM

    They're not hard to track. By their deeds you shall know them. You are not targeted. We're all just ants on the periphery. Take note of the goings on, and stay small. Yet, the best defense, is a potent offense should it be called for.

  35. Will, so you're William Whitten, acha! I've been missing you and wondered where you were. Yes of course we were once posting on that quaint zionist site Urpednoise with ya. I just got back from two months musical groupiedom myself, on a crazed third world circuit, mostly gross hyperbole, except we did have all the elements of greatness. Our little fly girl, 19, really melted alot of hearts out there. We conquered some huge venues with love. All walls will fall! Look out....

  36. Hey Mary...sounds like great fun. The smell of the crowd, the roar of
    the grease paint.

    Pleasant night here in my old home town. Fire flies, crickets and frog
    song...the vry of a distant train.

    Less Hectos. life in the slow lane...cept for my wacky parrot is now
    barking in my ear like my moms lil lap dog. She does that when I type
    and don't pay attention to her--the only one in the world that should
    be attended to {grin}


    Kevin from OEN is now getting published at Salon. That's crack'n cool.

    er...maybe y'all knew that...

  38. boomerangcomesbackJuly 31, 2010 at 2:17 AM

    I like Kevin a lot. He is young; working on gaining the experience to become cynical enough to not trust the blatherings of politicians and world improvers. He will be a force someday with his writing. Even more so, as he is prolific even now.

  39. I got this sent today, I was stunned at just how plain stupid so many people are,
    I also noted that Aus has been renamed:-) and not ONE person had the foggiest.
    Ans its isnt just the younguns I noted, so dumbing down isnt all there is to the story, and yes! we also have dipshits here.

    Maybe that woman who thinks theyre firghting for her>> could point to where they are?> fighting for her with some exactitude? somehow I doubt it.

  40. thats funny, never seen em before, thanks Jersey.

  41. THAT is the result first of carefully-crafted 'education' and then of sitting for so many hours per day watching carefully-crafted trash on television.

    Both factors are designed to produce the result that you see here.

    It works.

    So let us now work to reverse the process, starting by taking those ultimately responsible and feeding them to the pigs.
