Monday, July 12, 2010

The Dirty F@#*ing Hippies Were Right!


  1. I liked it a lot.
    only one issue, there is NO rising sea levels, and Co2 is NOT an issue, unless you are a conman looking for some fast bucks.
    al, al ya there al?

  2. ha! That part bothered me too, oz;)

  3. Catchy! My problem, no pictures of Clinton with the Wallmart slave labor. No Carter, no Obama or Boy Gore.

    No ID for the Dialectic.

    Part 2 could really bring it together. Abbie Hoffman got into the swing of things later. As did many who joined later. But it was good as part one.

  4. There doesn't need to be any pictures of sock-puppet celebrities at all. The are ALL a distraction... because the "dialectic" (as you know) isn't real. Never was. See comment under "Cool Vid."

    The "pickle-vendors" are "Amerikkka."

    Not a bunch of deedle-heads who got their wake-up call about 40 years too late. Now they are "demonstrating" by the dozens... and it's all over FUX Nooz. WE "demonstrated" by the tens-of-millions all over the world before the Iraq invasion. Ever see THAT on FN? No? What does THAT tell you?

    I would venture to guess that the baggers are children of the noodles who were all to happy to see our DFH heads cracked in Chicago in '68. I was there... and it weren't no "tea party," brother. The press (we actually HAD one then) were just as worried about getting their heads busted as we were. I stood next to a reporter from the London Times as we watched an NBC crew get their camera smashed by the pigs... while the crowd chanted "The Whole World's Watching." Yeah- it was watching. It just didn't fucking care. Now it's too late. Big surprise, eh?

    Sadly, OUR kids were the ones getting their heads cracked at the DNC and RNC. They called "Food Not Bombs" a "terrorist" organization and put (what's left of) the "free press" in jail. Did you see THAT on FN? No? What does THAT tell you? It tells the baggers nothing... because they're all giddy from seeing themselves on FN. Hey- guess what, bag-heads... they let you have your cute little "demonstrations" because you are harmless and entertaining. As soon as you are not, they'll start cracking your heads... and then you'll go home and watch football. After 40 years, I'm getting tired of trying to explain it. Sort of like hydrocarbon-induced global warming... go ahead and deny it. I don't care.

    Been there- done that- got the scars. Feh.

  5. Really fun header up now, btw... whoops- it's real:

    Now they'll know exactly where the Wildebeests are feeding.

    Oh yeah... Fat Al and Cap'n Trade have about as much to do with the global hydrocarbon crash as "join the Dodge Rebellion" had to do with the anti-war movement. Whoops- nobody remembers that any more.

    It means the FATs can co-opt any "social movement" before it even starts. Or they can astro-turf a fake one. Like the TP "movement."

  6. -There doesn’t need to be any pictures of sock-puppet celebrities at all.-

    Not for us here at COTO, WP, but we need to show the puppets for those wandering through.

    You have to include these meaningless and false figureheads because the Grunion worship these clowns and they look past their pathetic lies and transgressions. How they miss them is beyond me but we need to expose their

    The dialectic is alive and well when you miss seeing the committee behind the P-R-S.

  7. Laudy, I feel like a broken record but here goes.. we are not disputing climate change, what we are disputing is what's causing it and it ain't co2.

    When they get serious about punishing the major criminals in pollution, the BIG corporate ones, then they will have my rapt attention. Until then, they are just looking for another way to scare the crap out of we the serfs in order to impose more draconian measures on how we live, what we drive, how much electricity we use and STILL charge us an arm and a leg for all of the above. What will they do with the carbon taxes they extract from an already drowning middle class???? Save the earth!! I think not !

    It's a scam unless they start prosecuting the big polluters and I mean NOW well we know what they are up to.

    Oh and btw, in the late 70's it was global COOLING they were scaring us with.

  8. Sister JG- I too hate to sound like a broken record (an idiom that makes no sense to young folks these days)... BUT... you seem to be inferring a "straw man" argument.

    CO2 is a CONTRIBUTING factor. It just is. That's physics. Physics does not care if you "believe" it or not. What- is it HAARP? Well... I don't know much about that... I mean where they point it, when they fire it and why. "Manipulating the weather for the NWO?" Wouldn't surprise me a bit. Attempting to do so, that is. Whether successful or not... I just am not up to speed on the "science" of HAARP.

    So are the FATs using this to scare the pez into acting like the usual witless tools? OF COURSE. It doesn't matter if it's "true" or not... in this case, CO2 just happens to be (somewhat) "true." They could do the same thing with rice pudding. The "rice pudding threat." Where do you think rice comes from? That's right... them slope-eyed COMMIES. Ergo: rice pudding is a "threat" and anybody who makes it is a "fellow traveler." What- do you deny the existence of rice pudding? There. That "proves" that "rice-eaters" need to be "held accountable" on "judgement day."

    Sorry... but we DFHs are right again on this one (CO2). And this old DFH doesn't fucking care if anybody "believes" it or not. By the time it becomes bone-up-the-butt obvious, I'll be long-gone. I would like to be around 100 years from now to drown "libertarians" in the middle of Wall Street... (which will probably be 3 ft. underwater by then)... but all the "libertarians" will be too busy looking under logs for grubs to eat... and making bows to shoot any "statists" that might want to take "their" grubs.

    That's Dr. Paul's "free market."

  9. You're not getting my point waldo. Ok, so it's co2 it's chocolate pudding, it's martians with ray guns that cause global warming. >NOW WHAT?!! What is THEIR solution to the problem no matter WHAT is causing it (and I think it's THEM).. What is THEIR solution?

    I'm not arguing climate change.. I'm arguing the cause and THEIR SOLUTION.. WHAT IS IT?! AND HOW WILL IT SAVE THE EARTH?


    I enlarged the page to read the advert, its good!

  11. Bravo oz !!! Excellent summation! Standing ovation here :)

  12. :-) ta Jersey,
    see for a legal persons opinion on the climate case.
    hes not unqualified to opine either:-)
    unproveable, and unrepeatable data with no means to verify.
    that! is NOT science.

  13. I know the Carbon cap scams plan to profit the few without doing anything much to limit pollution etc etc. BUT it seems unavoidably obvious to me that the industrial revolution's pollution plus deforestation and other human activities have dratically effected the planet and the climate.

    Sure climate changes anyway, but we're not living in a box apart from Nature. Just check out Global Dimming: some areas are getting up to 20% less sunlight due to particulate pollution! I know that helps mitigate warming, but it also means plants grow less, and screws up our food supply and the ecology of the oceans.

    Climate is a huge complex engine. And humans have stuck monkey wrenches everywhere.

  14. Ozzie- Delingpole is a freakin' twit... still caught up in that "leftist libtard" vs. "right" shit that plays into the old "divide and rule" smack like a cheap chinese radio.

    "lets just kill us, and that! IS the Agenda."
    and on that! we agree completely. And they don't have to lift one fat finger. They'll keep tossing bones out there- and we'll kill each other... using douche-nozzles like Delingpole to do it:

    Delingpole says: "Liberal-lefties... need to explain to us what’s good about a philosophy which favours bureaucrats and rent-seekers over strivers and risk-takers; which steals people’s hard-earned money and squanders it on ‘social justice’ projects; which despises human nature and seeks to remould it and force it to act against its own interests through social engineering; which stifles ambition, creativity, invention; which is the enemy of freedom and therefore the enemy of life"

    What bloody fucking pish. Where to begin... hmmm... not difficult. translation: "the "librulz" just want to take "your money" and give it to the naggers." wow. that's really fucking original. So much for "...creativity, invention..." and what the fuck was that other thing? Oh yeah... "free-dum."

    Hey, Diddle-pole. The Clue Train just arrived and left a package for ya. Here ya go. It says: "Freedom: YOU AINT GOT ANY." And what's inside? Free-dum. That's right, delly-boy. You are "free" to be just as "dum" as you wanna be.

    Now- Ozzie- let's get back to where we agree: the FATs want most of us GONE... because they got half of everything- and now they want the other half. Ask them why, they'll say- "because God sez so." That usually works for dum people. They may as well say, "rum-dum-deedle-dee." FATs don't have to explain "why." Their only problem has ALWAYS been... there are WAY more of us than there are of them. Seems like they may have come up with a way to "solve" that "problem."

    I also agree with Carl Safina:
    [ted id=914]

    Because "Global Eco-instability" and "one-world "government"" is already a done deal. You can't stop it. It's here. Whenever you set up something to "protect" us from the FATs, (like the "church" or the "unions" and now "green") the FATs BUY it... and then they use it on you.

    Well, fuck the FATs. We are going to have to protect ourselves from their greedy asses. One way is to be wherever they AINT... and that's leagues away form the silly-ass "liberal-conservative" "left-right" horse shit. As soon as you start "debating" on "government" or "money," the FATs gotcha by the curlies.

    Suppose they gave a war and nobody came?
