Most of the words work for me. I agree with the original tea party that started with Ron Paul supporters and not the right wingnuts that have taken it over. I hope Ms Branch isn't part of the latter.
The Moneychangers Triad, planned for this event. The question is was the teaparty a scam from the start? I'd like to really know the mind of Ron and Rand Paul.
More evidence is becoming clear that this is designed for the showdown that will eventually become the fourth party. This is truly represented in the murals of Denver Airport.
A world war with no discernable enemy but a war of economic-religious ideology. Mano y Mano. Proles vs Bougousie. Muslims vs Christians. Government Globalist vs Freedom.
International Civil War where the Agent Provacateurs have infiltrated both sides as well as the third wheel or alternative party and have raised the temperature over the last twenty years by openly supporting the criminal theft of law, wealth and human rights.
Then they will light the fuse with the collapse or equal event and to war we go.
Quick now- the greenhouse effect aggravated by consumption of hydrocarbons is real. That's a fact, Jack. Look it up. And of course the FATs are going to use it to turn a profit if they can, just like they use war, drugs, grape jelly or greenwash.
SO- on behalf of all us DFHs still surviving... we know that. We are still right. And if you parse the REAL philosophical difference between how "conservatives" and "liberals" see the role of "government," it is this:
"Liberals" think the "government's" role is to "help people." "Conservatives" believe it is to protect their "property"... in other words, "coercion." Of course it is not either-or... that's a false dichotomy. And the question is moot anyway because THERE IS NO FUCKING "GOVERNMENT."
Here we see an interesting connection between the "I am America" video and this one. Yeah, yeah... "voices in the street" being ignored blah blah. Welcome to my fucking world 40 fucking years ago. Difference is... the baggers aint sayin shit. What- "freedom?" Well... that's nice. From what? To do what? "Taxes?" To run your leaf-blower?
Oh yeah... and "entitlements." We see how that works. It's only an "entitlement" when it goes to somebody else. Naturally, the FATs come down on the side of "coercion." They want all the boom-boom shit there is to protect their "property," and right now- that's just about everything. The FATs have always known that "property," like "rights" is only valid if someone else can't take it away from you.
So naturally, the FATs were scared shitless of "communism," even though they really didn't understand it... they know it had something to do with "common property," and they had to smash that shit wid a quickness. Welcome to 100+ years of "red-bashing" and red scare... that continues to this day. Oh- and thanks to the FATs in the Soviet Union-- who hoodwinked the people with meet-the-new-boss, same-as-the-old-boss.
So what were we saying? Give Peace a CHANCE. Oh yeah... and "freedom," mostly freedom to smoke weed... but we fucking did that anyway and a lot of us still do. That's one of the reasons I totally lost patience with the "2nd Amendment" Elmer Fudds. You want your pop-gun? Well, keep your fucking pop-gun. You just can't go waving it around on Main Street... just like we couldn't go wave our bongs around on Main Street. "Rights?" Oh brother... here we go again.
So the "conservatives" got what they thought they wanted... a "government" whose primary function is coercion... except- whoops-- it wasn't supposed to be coercing THEM. Surprise... the biggest "defaulters" on mortgages are not "welfare queens."
So the baggers are up in a lather that they might have to pay "carbon tax" on their fucking leaf-blower. Well, of course. They sure as hell aren't going to "tax" THESE fracking fucks:
And as long as there are silly-heads who are hopping mad at a "government" that does not exist, they'll continue to think sad old Dr. Paul is the answer to everything. He is, after all, the runaway favorite of the ankle-biters.
I suppose, COTO brothers and sisters... some things are not "obvious" enough... yet.
whoops... i meant to drop this under "The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right." It doesn't matter.
I'm more worried about what's happening to our Divine Mr. M.
Give us a shout, buddy. The FATs have decided the Gulf of Mexico is their "property." I'd like to see the baggers go there and "demonstrate" about their "freedom."
" voice, united we stand." What bloody pish. Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Paul.
Oh yeah... and peep Krista Branch posing with her pal, Glen Beck:
"Branch, the wife of a children's pastor, incorporates her Baptist faith into the song and warns that those who deride the tea party will have consequences to face when "judgment day" -- not "election day" -- rolls around:
I've got some news, we're taking names We're waiting now for the judgment day"
How nice. Plumping up the brown-shirt TPfurters for their very own "Night of the Long Knives." Surprise TPfurters! They'll use you and your Sturmabteilung to get rid of their "political enemies," the "librulz" (and anybody else who impedes korporat profits). Then the Xe-nophobic SS black-shirt uber-opportunist mercenaries will sweep in and settle your hash but good. Won't you be surprised! I know I won't.
"Social Network marketing" is doing its thing already. How does it feel to be a Koch brothers' tool?
"Make a joke of what we believe Say we don't matter 'cause you disagree..."
Memo to Krista and her fellow brownfurters: Oh you DO matter, alright. You matter because you're fucking dangerous. And you're still not over hating DFHs, are you? Well that's ok. The SS will get to you long before you can get to us. We have learned how to become invisible over the past 40 years. You are dangerous because you are the primary tool for the tyranny you THINK you are opposing.
And that's the joke, Krista. It's not what you "believe" because you don't "believe" anything. It's what you THINK you believe... because the FATs packaged poison soma in flags and kitsch... and you ate it. And YOU are helping them do it. You are a cupcake-decorator, Krista. You write pretty songs that get the weenies all riled up because "I've got a feeling that the tide is turning." Oh, that it is, dear. It's a rising ocean. It's not "disagreement." It's physics.
And hey-- we DFHs had our pretty songs too, like "Imagine." Ever hear of it?
Quick now- the greenhouse effect aggravated by consumption of hydrocarbons is real.
Yea, it's real but it's aggravated by the MIC's weather modification.. chemtrailing. The aersosal holds all the heat and humidity IN. Shouldn't they be cooling us off in summer instead of trying to boil us like the proverbial frog under layers of steaming chemicals?
Come on now Waldo. You don't think the phantom government is controlling the weather?.. IT's REAL. They even admit it now because it's become so obvious to anyone that ever looks UP!
And of course the FATs are going to use it to turn a profit if they can, just like they use war, drugs, grape jelly or greenwash. =
Waldo, tell us how believing the govt will fix global warming with carbon taxes will save the earth?
"Waldo, tell us how believing the govt will fix global warming with carbon taxes will save the earth?"
Well... again... "broken record" time... but there IS NO "government." What- "taxes?" Do you mean the pretense the FATs use to take whatever they want whenever they want it? When the pretense becomes too "expensive," they'll just drop it. Sorry, but I think worrying (or being "outraged") about "taxes" is... well... silly.
I don't think the "govt" is going to "fix" anything... because there IS NO SUCH THING. And you can forget about the "NWO" (which is real, btw) and start thinking about the ankle-biters right in your neighborhood.
You are highly unlikely to meet a "Rothschild" or a big-wig financier anytime soon. You see these douche-nozzles every day. THIS is who you need to keep an eye on... not HAARP or chemtrails. THEY are the ones who will "denounce" you for not being a "team-player." I care less than a wet-fart about fucking "taxes." If I have enough shit that is that visible... they are welcome to their shake-down whatever if that makes them go-the-fuck-away for the time being.
Now... act like a "team player" and don't have any visible shit laying around where the ankle-biters can see it... and it aint gonna be a problem in the near future. Who-the-hell pays "taxes" any more anyway? Except at the well-head... and the pump... like "sales tax" and "property tax." But "income tax?" It's your own fault for having a (visible) "income." Or buying anything "over-the-counter."
The ankle-biters are the problem... not the "NWO."
Sorry, cop out answer. Everyone that has a job, that isn't under the table, has to pay taxes or risk being carted off to prison. And it doesn't matter who collects them.. Lord Rothschild himself or the government. It buys more war and military weapons to be used against the people. It's certainly not going to go to save the planet now is it?
You didn't answer the question. The government is planning to bilk the already dying middle class out of more money with their global warming scam. Again, what is their solution to save the planet besides taxing us out of existence? Don't you get it? They are pointing their crooked little fingers at US instead of the big corporations that have been fouling the earth for decades and getting away with it while the govt looks the other way.
What kind of DFH worth their salt would let them off the hook by saying that it's all the people's fault for driving autos that the big auto corporations AND oil companies refused to make earth friendly(the technology is there and you know it) and the govt consistently let them off the hook?
Why is it all the little guy's fault?? I think my view is more hippie like than yours. Yea save the planet but from whom and HOW to go about it is the real question. I don't trust these sickos to do anything but pass more draconian laws and take more of our ever dwindling salary all in the name of saving the planet from global warming while the fat cats laugh their asses off at our naivete as they count their ever growing piles of "green" cash.. BULLSHIT
Sister JG, I think we are saying the same thing... just along slightly different tracks... therefore there seems to be some kind of "disconnect."
When you say, "government" to me-- there's a disconect (for me). To me, it means whoever the closest extortionist is... that I have decided not to fight... because it's more efficient to pay them than to try and slay them. And right now, "Capital One" has debt-robots that are far more annoying right now than the "fed."
See, I paid off my "Capital One Card" and cut it up into a million pieces and haven't used it since 2005. I told them to close my account (over the phone-- didn't get anything in writing-- my bad) and ever since then, they have been charging "fees" for fucking NOTHING. Now... the factored "debt-buyers" are told they can get $2500 out of me for fucking NOTHING. And every time some other "private enterprise" blood-sucking debt-buyer thinks they "purchase" the "debt," they tack on another $800.
At least the "fed" tells you right up front how much they are going to rob... and hey-- SOME (although not enough) of it actually goes into shit I think I SHOULD pay for... like the roads I drive on and the electricity I use. Easier still... the "feds" take it before you even fucking get it. I don't care. It's "funny-munny" I never saw to begin with.
No, it's not a cop-out answer. Global Warming is real and CO2 contributes to it. Now, whether that has shit to do with what the "fed" takes, that's another issue. Like I (hope I) said, they don't even need a "pretext." They're taking it because they CAN. THAT'S why I think getting all in a wad about "taxes" is dum. Apparently, the FATs think it's still more "efficient" to keep trying to bleed you from a thousand cuts than to ship you to Gitmo-Birkenau and turn you into Soylant Green. Cool with me. Buys me time (for now).
Is it a "scam?" OF COURSE it's a fucking scam. Everything "they" do is a fucking scam. But I am more than happy to pay their blood-money to keep from being diagnosed as a "useless eater" and sent to Birkeneau to be rendered into fertilizer.
To me, people who piss and moan about "taxes" really don't understand what the FATs are capable of doing. So that's your choice if you keep working at a "regular job" (which is getting more scarce these days):
Of course neither but they intend to do both. First they will squeeze each and every one of us out of every penny, then after they've taken ALL of our jobs and houses they will ship us off to debtor prisons (fema camps). Those of us that survive their mass slow kill poisoning that is.
Little people are ASSETS to perform or be dissolved. I don't know if Waldo is retired or still still grinds away in a meat factory, but his status in the Committee portfolio is in question.
The war is little people against green. FIAT. Ed Begley Jr. gets to live. My redneck neighbor with the three cars gets to die.
If WP is retired, then saluting the green flag might keep him in the active asset management side. If you are retired and waxing your SUV on social security, then you are slated for liquidation.
HAW! "Retired?" What's a "retired?" The only thing around here that gets "retired" is my 40mpg compact when it gets as bald on the bottom as i am on top from schlepping to my "contract jobs."
"Social Security?" hahahahahahaha.... ...they're gonna welch on that deal too.
As we said in the old days, " they want 'cha-- they gotcha." Now about that ol green flag...
I never needed no steenkin flag. I've been "green" all my life. How can anybody look at the horrific pictures Kamrade Korn posted... and NOT be "green?"
I used to THINK I was a "capitalist" and a "libertarian," until i came to my bloody senses. But "green?" As a boy I saw them poison the shit out of everything... no birds... no crickets. I heard Rachael Carson's Silent Spring for myself. I thought it was obscene... more than that... EVIL.
But the future WILL be Green... with or without the stupid human population. Green? yep. guilty as charged.
aye, fer the fekkin love o jazus boyo-- will ye fekkin give the fek over with the "green" malarkey? Only cos o me sweet feelins' about me Sainted Mother Earth... a saint, I tell ye... and the divil take a rumblin skumbag wot speaks ill of 'er in her Saintly passion and pain <> and I swear I'll sink me blade into any reeking rat-bugger who besmirches her Holy Name .
Seriously, me lad... it's the "flavor of the month" for the fekkin FATs. They don't give a fuck about "green" any more than they give a fuck about drugs in the "war on drugs" or "terror" in the GWOT or "poverty" in the fucking "war on poverty." It's all packaging... and YOU of all people-- should know that.
It's the newest costume for the puppets in the puppet show we all call "government," and if they didn't use "green" to fuck you, they'd use grape jelly... or LaBron fucking James (who the fuck is that? who the fuck cares?) or whatever else has momentarily caught the 10-second-attention-span of the slobbering stupids. Now (other than "jobs") they're "concerned about the "environment." That's a good thing.
But rest assured... like everything else... the FATs will wrap themselves in "green," fuck everybody, and the slobbering stupids will blame "green" instead of the FATs. That's the way they work... and this shouldn't be anything you don't already know. So... is the Geneva Summit on C02 a "globalist scam?" Of fucking course it is. Does that mean C02 is not a problem? NO. The reason I don't give a fuck (personally) is because the time to act hard and fast was 30-some-odd years ago when we "greens" were all "tree-huggers" and DFHs. Now it's irreversible.
So... the environmental nightmare is a done deal. But before that, the "money" as ass-paper "crisis" will hit (because "finance" is a fucking fantasy) and the slobbering stupids will flock to the "Tea Party" in droves because they haven't been paying any attention for the past 50 fucking years. Get ready for "president" shrieking-cow Palin, the ULTIMATE sock-puppet. This is almost exactly how it went down in Nazi Germany.
So Puddo-Brother... could you please lighten-the-fuck-up on the green-bashing? Please? I'll ask ye, bucko, not to help "green" get co-opted wid a quickness just like every other good idea ALWAYS IS by the FATs. Best example- Cap'n Trade. Over the side with his ass, matey.
Waldo, I refer you back to Oz's latest excellent and very informative comment on the DFH post. It will explain to you why we don't buy the global warming bs. Btw, we are just as concerned about mother earth as you but that doesn't mean we have to buy THEIR hype.
I will however continue to drive less that 8000 miles per year, skip vacations, avoid TSA hubs that burn jet fuel, recycle my garbage, eat foods without processed and packaging, flush my toilet less and wear my clothes until they begin to get gamey.
Right-O Boyo! I want gubmint Mafia in the Dungeons and the corporates in the bellies of the Dragons and the fine committee of 300 swingin' to dixieland.
Then we can have a real free first election and get the green machine on it's way to getting us back to work with a living wage.
That's the COTO number one rule. Committee running both pathetic sides. That way whoever wins it just winds up at the top of the heap. And what a dung heap it is.
If we can crawl out of the bottom of this manure pile and drop the CO2, WOT, ECONOMY and all the other little fear campaigns to divide and conquer and just agree to halt their takeover agenda in a civil disobedient coup d'etat followed by firm resistance, these pimps would run for the hills or roll over like the cowards we know them to be.
Gotta get mad, real mad and real serious, because they are going to hit us hard sometime in this year or early next year. The death blow!
"...get the green machine on it’s way to getting us back to work with a living wage." THAT'S THE TICKET MATE! Spot-on! There's plenty of work that needs to be done with energy and infrastructure. Get the FAT shills out of the way, and let's get to it!
Even "liberal" Rachel Maddow is a shill: "...she is quite indifferent to the conditions of the working population."
Oh we'll hit back, Dunne-lad. We'll hit back like a fekin whirlwind.
"Who is Rachel Maddow? The daughter of a former US Air Force captain and raised in Castro Valley, California, Maddow attended Stanford University. Later she won a Rhodes Scholarship and studied at Oxford. She was apparently the first “openly gay American” to receive a Rhodes Scholarship."
Good Song.
ReplyDeleteMost of the words work for me. I agree with the original tea party that started with Ron Paul supporters and not the right wingnuts that have taken it over. I hope Ms Branch isn't part of the latter.
YEAH, I like this sentiment....
ReplyDeletewith the same precautions as Jersey
Nice Song
ReplyDeleteDivide and conquer,
The Moneychangers Triad, planned for this event. The question is was the teaparty a scam from the start? I'd like to really know the mind of Ron and Rand Paul.
More evidence is becoming clear that this is designed for the showdown that will eventually become the fourth party. This is truly represented
in the murals of Denver Airport.
A world war with no discernable enemy but a war of economic-religious ideology. Mano y Mano.
Proles vs Bougousie. Muslims vs Christians. Government Globalist vs Freedom.
International Civil War where the Agent Provacateurs have infiltrated both sides as well as the third wheel or alternative party and have raised the temperature over the last twenty years by openly supporting the criminal theft of law, wealth and human rights.
Then they will light the fuse with the collapse or equal event and to war we go.
Quick now- the greenhouse effect aggravated by consumption of hydrocarbons is real. That's a fact, Jack. Look it up. And of course the FATs are going to use it to turn a profit if they can, just like they use war, drugs, grape jelly or greenwash.
ReplyDeleteSO- on behalf of all us DFHs still surviving... we know that. We are still right. And if you parse the REAL philosophical difference between how "conservatives" and "liberals" see the role of "government," it is this:
"Liberals" think the "government's" role is to "help people." "Conservatives" believe it is to protect their "property"... in other words, "coercion." Of course it is not either-or... that's a false dichotomy. And the question is moot anyway because THERE IS NO FUCKING "GOVERNMENT."
Here we see an interesting connection between the "I am America" video and this one. Yeah, yeah... "voices in the street" being ignored blah blah. Welcome to my fucking world 40 fucking years ago. Difference is... the baggers aint sayin shit. What- "freedom?" Well... that's nice. From what? To do what? "Taxes?" To run your leaf-blower?
Oh yeah... and "entitlements." We see how that works. It's only an "entitlement" when it goes to somebody else. Naturally, the FATs come down on the side of "coercion." They want all the boom-boom shit there is to protect their "property," and right now- that's just about everything. The FATs have always known that "property," like "rights" is only valid if someone else can't take it away from you.
So naturally, the FATs were scared shitless of "communism," even though they really didn't understand it... they know it had something to do with "common property," and they had to smash that shit wid a quickness. Welcome to 100+ years of "red-bashing" and red scare... that continues to this day. Oh- and thanks to the FATs in the Soviet Union-- who hoodwinked the people with meet-the-new-boss, same-as-the-old-boss.
So what were we saying? Give Peace a CHANCE. Oh yeah... and "freedom," mostly freedom to smoke weed... but we fucking did that anyway and a lot of us still do. That's one of the reasons I totally lost patience with the "2nd Amendment" Elmer Fudds. You want your pop-gun? Well, keep your fucking pop-gun. You just can't go waving it around on Main Street... just like we couldn't go wave our bongs around on Main Street. "Rights?" Oh brother... here we go again.
So the "conservatives" got what they thought they wanted... a "government" whose primary function is coercion... except- whoops-- it wasn't supposed to be coercing THEM. Surprise... the biggest "defaulters" on mortgages are not "welfare queens."
So the baggers are up in a lather that they might have to pay "carbon tax" on their fucking leaf-blower. Well, of course. They sure as hell aren't going to "tax" THESE fracking fucks:
And as long as there are silly-heads who are hopping mad at a "government" that does not exist, they'll continue to think sad old Dr. Paul is the answer to everything. He is, after all, the runaway favorite of the ankle-biters.
I suppose, COTO brothers and sisters... some things are not "obvious" enough... yet.
whoops... i meant to drop this under "The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right." It doesn't matter.
ReplyDeleteI'm more worried about what's happening to our Divine Mr. M.
Give us a shout, buddy. The FATs have decided the Gulf of Mexico is their "property." I'd like to see the baggers go there and "demonstrate" about their "freedom."
" voice, united we stand." What bloody pish. Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Paul.
Oh yeah... and peep Krista Branch posing with her pal, Glen Beck:
ReplyDelete"Branch, the wife of a children's pastor, incorporates her Baptist faith into the song and warns that those who deride the tea party will have consequences to face when "judgment day" -- not "election day" -- rolls around:
I've got some news, we're taking names
We're waiting now for the judgment day"
How nice. Plumping up the brown-shirt TPfurters for their very own "Night of the Long Knives." Surprise TPfurters! They'll use you and your Sturmabteilung to get rid of their "political enemies," the "librulz" (and anybody else who impedes korporat profits). Then the Xe-nophobic SS black-shirt uber-opportunist mercenaries will sweep in and settle your hash but good. Won't you be surprised! I know I won't.
"Social Network marketing" is doing its thing already. How does it feel to be a Koch brothers' tool?
"Make a joke of what we believe
Say we don't matter 'cause you disagree..."
Memo to Krista and her fellow brownfurters:
Oh you DO matter, alright. You matter because you're fucking dangerous. And you're still not over hating DFHs, are you? Well that's ok. The SS will get to you long before you can get to us. We have learned how to become invisible over the past 40 years. You are dangerous because you are the primary tool for the tyranny you THINK you are opposing.
And that's the joke, Krista. It's not what you "believe" because you don't "believe" anything. It's what you THINK you believe... because the FATs packaged poison soma in flags and kitsch... and you ate it. And YOU are helping them do it. You are a cupcake-decorator, Krista. You write pretty songs that get the weenies all riled up because "I've got a feeling that the tide is turning." Oh, that it is, dear. It's a rising ocean. It's not "disagreement." It's physics.
And hey-- we DFHs had our pretty songs too, like "Imagine." Ever hear of it?
Quick now- the greenhouse effect aggravated by consumption of hydrocarbons is real.
ReplyDeleteYea, it's real but it's aggravated by the MIC's weather modification.. chemtrailing. The aersosal holds all the heat and humidity IN. Shouldn't they be cooling us off in summer instead of trying to boil us like the proverbial frog under layers of steaming chemicals?
Come on now Waldo. You don't think the phantom government is controlling the weather?.. IT's REAL. They even admit it now because it's become so obvious to anyone that ever looks UP!
And of course the FATs are going to use it to turn a profit if they can, just like they use war, drugs, grape jelly or greenwash.
Waldo, tell us how believing the govt will fix global warming with carbon taxes will save the earth?
"Waldo, tell us how believing the govt will fix global warming with carbon taxes will save the earth?"
ReplyDeleteWell... again... "broken record" time... but there IS NO "government." What- "taxes?" Do you mean the pretense the FATs use to take whatever they want whenever they want it? When the pretense becomes too "expensive," they'll just drop it. Sorry, but I think worrying (or being "outraged") about "taxes" is... well... silly.
I don't think the "govt" is going to "fix" anything... because there IS NO SUCH THING. And you can forget about the "NWO" (which is real, btw) and start thinking about the ankle-biters right in your neighborhood.
You are highly unlikely to meet a "Rothschild" or a big-wig financier anytime soon. You see these douche-nozzles every day. THIS is who you need to keep an eye on... not HAARP or chemtrails. THEY are the ones who will "denounce" you for not being a "team-player." I care less than a wet-fart about fucking "taxes." If I have enough shit that is that visible... they are welcome to their shake-down whatever if that makes them go-the-fuck-away for the time being.
Now... act like a "team player" and don't have any visible shit laying around where the ankle-biters can see it... and it aint gonna be a problem in the near future. Who-the-hell pays "taxes" any more anyway? Except at the well-head... and the pump... like "sales tax" and "property tax." But "income tax?" It's your own fault for having a (visible) "income." Or buying anything "over-the-counter."
The ankle-biters are the problem... not the "NWO."
Sorry, cop out answer. Everyone that has a job, that isn't under the table, has to pay taxes or risk being carted off to prison. And it doesn't matter who collects them.. Lord Rothschild himself or the government. It buys more war and military weapons to be used against the people. It's certainly not going to go to save the planet now is it?
ReplyDeleteYou didn't answer the question. The government is planning to bilk the already dying middle class out of more money with their global warming scam. Again, what is their solution to save the planet besides taxing us out of existence? Don't you get it? They are pointing their crooked little fingers at US instead of the big corporations that have been fouling the earth for decades and getting away with it while the govt looks the other way.
What kind of DFH worth their salt would let them off the hook by saying that it's all the people's fault for driving autos that the big auto corporations AND oil companies refused to make earth friendly(the technology is there and you know it) and the govt consistently let them off the hook?
Why is it all the little guy's fault?? I think my view is more hippie like than yours. Yea save the planet but from whom and HOW to go about it is the real question. I don't trust these sickos to do anything but pass more draconian laws and take more of our ever dwindling salary all in the name of saving the planet from global warming while the fat cats laugh their asses off at our naivete as they count their ever growing piles of "green" cash.. BULLSHIT
Sister JG, I think we are saying the same thing... just along slightly different tracks... therefore there seems to be some kind of "disconnect."
ReplyDeleteWhen you say, "government" to me-- there's a disconect (for me). To me, it means whoever the closest extortionist is... that I have decided not to fight... because it's more efficient to pay them than to try and slay them. And right now, "Capital One" has debt-robots that are far more annoying right now than the "fed."
See, I paid off my "Capital One Card" and cut it up into a million pieces and haven't used it since 2005. I told them to close my account (over the phone-- didn't get anything in writing-- my bad) and ever since then, they have been charging "fees" for fucking NOTHING. Now... the factored "debt-buyers" are told they can get $2500 out of me for fucking NOTHING. And every time some other "private enterprise" blood-sucking debt-buyer thinks they "purchase" the "debt," they tack on another $800.
At least the "fed" tells you right up front how much they are going to rob... and hey-- SOME (although not enough) of it actually goes into shit I think I SHOULD pay for... like the roads I drive on and the electricity I use. Easier still... the "feds" take it before you even fucking get it. I don't care. It's "funny-munny" I never saw to begin with.
No, it's not a cop-out answer. Global Warming is real and CO2 contributes to it. Now, whether that has shit to do with what the "fed" takes, that's another issue. Like I (hope I) said, they don't even need a "pretext." They're taking it because they CAN. THAT'S why I think getting all in a wad about "taxes" is dum. Apparently, the FATs think it's still more "efficient" to keep trying to bleed you from a thousand cuts than to ship you to Gitmo-Birkenau and turn you into Soylant Green. Cool with me. Buys me time (for now).
Is it a "scam?" OF COURSE it's a fucking scam. Everything "they" do is a fucking scam. But I am more than happy to pay their blood-money to keep from being diagnosed as a "useless eater" and sent to Birkeneau to be rendered into fertilizer.
To me, people who piss and moan about "taxes" really don't understand what the FATs are capable of doing. So that's your choice if you keep working at a "regular job" (which is getting more scarce these days):
Would you rather "pay taxes" or be potash?
"Would you rather “pay taxes” or be potash?"
ReplyDeleteOf course neither but they intend to do both. First they will squeeze each and every one of us out of every penny, then after they've taken ALL of our jobs and houses they will ship us off to debtor prisons (fema camps). Those of us that survive their mass slow kill poisoning that is.
I believe it's all part of their "divine plan."
ReplyDeleteLittle people are ASSETS to perform or be dissolved. I don't know if Waldo is retired or still still grinds away in a meat factory, but his status in the Committee portfolio is in question.
The war is little people against green. FIAT. Ed Begley Jr. gets to live. My redneck neighbor with the three cars gets to die.
If WP is retired, then saluting the green flag might keep him in the active asset management side. If you are retired and waxing your SUV on social security, then you are slated for liquidation.
HAW! "Retired?" What's a "retired?" The only thing around here that gets "retired" is my 40mpg compact when it gets as bald on the bottom as i am on top from schlepping to my "contract jobs."
ReplyDelete"Social Security?" hahahahahahaha.... ...they're gonna welch on that deal too.
As we said in the old days, " they want 'cha-- they gotcha." Now about that ol green flag...
I never needed no steenkin flag. I've been "green" all my life. How can anybody look at the horrific pictures Kamrade Korn posted... and NOT be "green?"
I used to THINK I was a "capitalist" and a "libertarian," until i came to my bloody senses. But "green?" As a boy I saw them poison the shit out of everything... no birds... no crickets. I heard Rachael Carson's Silent Spring for myself. I thought it was obscene... more than that... EVIL.
But the future WILL be Green... with or without the stupid human population. Green? yep. guilty as charged.
Plastics, chemicals and WMD are way ahead of the Carbone de oxide for killing the cells. Brain cell included.
ReplyDeleteNow the COREXIT is sprayed and flying around the atmosphere in the El Nino grande. It's only five times as toxic as the crude.
So once again my point is made. CO2 and Crude are smaller problems to the global green goons and their gubmint grinches.
aye, fer the fekkin love o jazus boyo-- will ye fekkin give the fek over with the "green" malarkey? Only cos o me sweet feelins' about me Sainted Mother Earth... a saint, I tell ye... and the divil take a rumblin skumbag wot speaks ill of 'er in her Saintly passion and pain <> and I swear I'll sink me blade into any reeking rat-bugger who besmirches her Holy Name .
ReplyDeleteSeriously, me lad... it's the "flavor of the month" for the fekkin FATs. They don't give a fuck about "green" any more than they give a fuck about drugs in the "war on drugs" or "terror" in the GWOT or "poverty" in the fucking "war on poverty." It's all packaging... and YOU of all people-- should know that.
It's the newest costume for the puppets in the puppet show we all call "government," and if they didn't use "green" to fuck you, they'd use grape jelly... or LaBron fucking James (who the fuck is that? who the fuck cares?) or whatever else has momentarily caught the 10-second-attention-span of the slobbering stupids. Now (other than "jobs") they're "concerned about the "environment." That's a good thing.
But rest assured... like everything else... the FATs will wrap themselves in "green," fuck everybody, and the slobbering stupids will blame "green" instead of the FATs. That's the way they work... and this shouldn't be anything you don't already know. So... is the Geneva Summit on C02 a "globalist scam?" Of fucking course it is. Does that mean C02 is not a problem? NO. The reason I don't give a fuck (personally) is because the time to act hard and fast was 30-some-odd years ago when we "greens" were all "tree-huggers" and DFHs. Now it's irreversible.
So... the environmental nightmare is a done deal. But before that, the "money" as ass-paper "crisis" will hit (because "finance" is a fucking fantasy) and the slobbering stupids will flock to the "Tea Party" in droves because they haven't been paying any attention for the past 50 fucking years. Get ready for "president" shrieking-cow Palin, the ULTIMATE sock-puppet. This is almost exactly how it went down in Nazi Germany.
So Puddo-Brother... could you please lighten-the-fuck-up on the green-bashing? Please? I'll ask ye, bucko, not to help "green" get co-opted wid a quickness just like every other good idea ALWAYS IS by the FATs. Best example- Cap'n Trade. Over the side with his ass, matey.
And hoist the Jolly Roger!
Rand Paul is a war hawk and scares me.
ReplyDeleteWaldo, I refer you back to Oz's latest excellent and very informative comment on the DFH post. It will explain to you why we don't buy the global warming bs. Btw, we are just as concerned about mother earth as you but that doesn't mean we have to buy THEIR hype.
ReplyDeleteI just have to say to brother Paper;
I will however continue to drive less that 8000 miles per year, skip vacations, avoid TSA hubs that burn jet fuel, recycle my garbage, eat foods without processed and packaging, flush my toilet less and wear my clothes until they begin to get gamey.
Right-O Boyo! I want gubmint Mafia in the Dungeons and the corporates in the bellies of the Dragons and the fine committee of 300 swingin' to dixieland.
ReplyDeleteThen we can have a real free first election and get the green machine on it's way to getting us back to work with a living wage.
That's the COTO number one rule. Committee running both pathetic sides. That way whoever wins it just winds up at the top of the heap. And what a dung heap it is.
If we can crawl out of the bottom of this manure pile and drop the CO2, WOT, ECONOMY and all the other little fear campaigns to divide and conquer and just agree to halt their takeover agenda in a civil disobedient coup d'etat followed by firm resistance, these pimps would run for the hills or roll over like the cowards we know them to be.
Gotta get mad, real mad and real serious, because they are going to hit us hard sometime in this year or early next year. The death blow!
"...get the green machine on it’s way to getting us back to work with a living wage." THAT'S THE TICKET MATE! Spot-on! There's plenty of work that needs to be done with energy and infrastructure. Get the FAT shills out of the way, and let's get to it!
ReplyDeleteEven "liberal" Rachel Maddow is a shill:
"...she is quite indifferent to the conditions of the working population."
Oh we'll hit back, Dunne-lad. We'll hit back like a fekin whirlwind.
Quite interesting, eh???
ReplyDelete"Who is Rachel Maddow? The daughter of a former US Air Force captain and raised in Castro Valley, California, Maddow attended Stanford University. Later she won a Rhodes Scholarship and studied at Oxford. She was apparently the first “openly gay American” to receive a Rhodes Scholarship."
Rhodes scholarship says it all........
That's for certain JG. That is a guaranteed ticket to the committee stooge theatre troop. And we got all the poop to prove it.