Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Committee Locusts

Obama enlists Bill Clinton's aid on economy

I must be in the twilight zone. This is the loose zipper who gave us the WTO/NAFTA kiss of death and created the Greenspan free money. He signed off on the repeal of Glass - Steagall.

 The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act passed the Senate on a 90-8 vote, including 38 Democrats and such notable Obama supporters as Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Dick Durbin, Tom Daschle -- oh, and Joe Biden.

This was the clearest message of the two party system which is made up of 1.criminal globalist bankers and their henchmen  and  2.Idiots, cowards and lone Ron Paul.

Now Bill the shill is going to provide some other master strategy to finish us off for good. I can't wait to get his thoughts and recommendations on the empty tank known as the economy.

The globalist administration will be dropping a new report about some 3.6 million jobs created or saved by the stimulus. This pack of lies will be creative accounting like ENRON where the census workers, new IRS agents and new military and government workers on the payroll will be included in this massive new tax and spend agenda coming after the elections. Whoopee!


  1. Globalists own both parties. They love unemployment, keeps peons desperate and self-medicated.

  2. DEAD SOLID FACT Laudy! And it's working to perfection, eh?

  3. Oh yeah, Billy Boy.

    We know him well:


    On May 30, 1992, the United States imposed an arms embargo on the former Yugoslavia, preventing the Bosnian government to obtain arms and defend themselves against the powerful Yugoslav Army masquerading as the Bosnian Serb Army in the early 1990s. The Congress, however, voted to lift the arms embargo and sent the President a bill. Mr Clinton vetoed that bill... The results of Mr Clinton's policies were devastating for Bosniak people. Just in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina, over 10,000 people were killed, including 1,500 children - by the Bosnian Serb Army who kept the defenseless city under the siege... In Zepa, Serb Gen Zdravko Tolimir (aka: Chemical Tolimir) proposed Bosniak Muslim women and children to be gassed with chemical weapons, while in Srebrenica 8,000 to 10,000 Bosniak Muslims were summarily killed, buried in mass graves, and then re-buried in secondary mass graves to hide the crime.

    Many people in Bosnia and elsewhere are grossly misinformed when it comes to the legacy of the former U.S. President Bill Clinton.

    etc. (go to link above for more)

  4. Yes Indeed Curt. He, Madeline Albright, William S. Cohen, Janet Reno, Tony Lake to name a few, are all purveyors of genocide. Rhuwanda was even more agregious and the do nothing or do the wrong thing was all part of the UN plan for depopulation of Christian and Muslim alike.

    I hate Clinton more than I could ever hate Bush because he a an open killer while Clinton was a shadow committee hack and far more intelligent than lil Bush. I always figured that Magog Bush Sr. used to tell Billiy boy that he'd wished for him for a son over knucklehead Dubya.

    We still have Jeb to deal with and he's smarter than his older brother too. Obama picked Tony Lake for UNICEF Executive Director. Great, just f***ing great. That's like making the Vatican a day care center. What next? How about Marc Rich as UN Security Council Chief?

    Ask a random American stooge about any of these people and watch the headlights do dim. Your sheep are better informed than these muttonheads."

  5. "tax and spend"... wow. get out the Brasso and polish up that ol Ronzo Ray-gun meme. Haven't heard that one since... yesterday.

    Methinks this smells of the ole "liberal-conservative" "left-right" false dichotomy. Like lawdy sez, "Globalists own both "parties." And they aint really "parties" and they aint really "Globalists." They're just a tiny cadre of Fat Fucks trying to gobble all the pie for themselves... right NOW...and (as a by-product) YOU get NOTHING... only because they're too fekkin stoopid to understand "sustainability."

    It should be OBVIOUS that the "liberal-conservative" paradigm is bullshit by now.

  6. I think you're right about Bush Sr wishing it was Billy C that was his son instead of W. He sure has that look of love for him when they appear together.

    It's funny but I remember Clinton appearing out of nowhere during the Dem primary and wondering where the hell did that hillbilly who does that annoying thing with his lip come from? He was catapulted into the limelight much like Obama.

    Of course Clinton's coronation came before my "great awakening" so I hadn't yet learned about the forces behind him. With Obama it was glaringly obvious how he became the "it" boy.

    The locusts have all flown away to foreign lands with our pension funds.......

  7. WP, if we could get that one message to everyone, we'd change the world. For Green and every other color.

    JG, I said the same thing twenty years ago. Bilderberg brain child. He was marked in school as a IQ leviathan and swifty carried to Oxford under the hellish Rhodes Scholarship. Just like K Kristofferson, Dean Rusk, Bill Bradley, Strobe Talbot, Georgie Stephanopoulos and others.

    But the secret Freemasons and Fabians are schooled at Oxford as well as Yale, Harvard and other Ivy trash schools.

    I mention the politicians but included Kris K because he was listed as a MK-Ultra handler she (Cathy O'Brien) was involved with in her book. Boxcar Willie, Merle Haggard, etc. Senator Robert Byrd was apparently the major fudgepacking pedophile for her and yet the committee ranks just praised this decreid degenerate to ad-nauseum. Racist, Pig and Criminal he was. Yet loved by all.

    Spare me, please. Wipe the tears congress, you'll have more kids to ram now that he's dead.
