Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kung-fu Hillbilly presidential campaign update

I got a call from the Jerry Springer show today,they wanted Me to go on the show. I had to tell the young man that called I would only come on the show to talk about liberty and what the founders intended for us to have as a republic. He sounded very negative,wanted comedy. I had to tell him that there is nothing funny going on if you are a common man.

Here is the mail I sent to get their attention.

I think its high time we had a president in touch with main street (or the trailer park) We need a candidate that knows our beer and tobacco are over taxed.

Just think about it,we could send all the Whitehouse staff home,get one of those Air Force tugs that move planes around at the base and pull Hillbilly's trailer and park it on Pennsylvania Avenue,run a water hose and an extension cord out there and our leader could be accessible to the people for a change ! Think of the money we would save without all that staff and secret service. He wouldn't need body guards cuz nobody would hate him, he is so down to earth and un-assuming.

When the congress-critterers get out of line he could just kung-fu they ugly asses.

I do hereby volunteer as chief of his election campaign. Our platform would be thus


1.Legalized prostitution.

2.Lowering the consensual age to 16 (thats My favorite)

3. Legalize bud ( I no longer smoke that horse-manure but I think you should have the right).

4. Legalize kicking a liberals ass.

5.Tommy Chong will be drug zhar.

6.Move the capitol to Alabama,what the hell have the damn Yankees done for us but tax us and grab our guns?

7.Get the US out of the UN and round up all foreigners in DC and send em packin !

For more info or to make a contribution (only full cases of beer will be accepted) call 830-325-XXXX

And I got a response. I cannot do comedy while My country is going down the toilet. I asked the staffer Damon to reflect on what liberty and freedom had meant to him and reminded him that the Springer show only shows because of the liberty given by the founders. I don't expect to hear from them again. Sex sells and neither I or the framers have much sex appeal,controversy yes, sex no.  I will continue to defend freedom on the street,at the market or anywhere else anyone will listen. Lift up the flag of freedom,revive the spirit of the fathers,and do it today.  I will not compromise.


  1. HOO HOO!! You is krakink me up, Kamrade Korn!

    Hoo boy-- gud think I aint no "liberal." Nyet! Ptui! Speet on "liberals!" Reactionary stooges of global imperialist-capitalist-fascist hegemony!! "Liberals" WAY too reich-wink for Kamrade Waldo!

    DA! Put glorious worker's trailer on pig-Czar's lawn! With hose and cord!! Mebbe use hose and cord to help Czar do light-pole dance above street if he shouldn't listen up!

    Arise, Kamrade Korn! When Glorious Peoples' Revolution come, Commisar Waldo give you HERO medal for GOOD IDEA! Ptui, Jerry Springer! Fascist stooge!

    Budskis! Little 16-sveetkins! Brewskis! Is Glorious Workers' PARADISE!

    (damn, dude... I KNEW you'd come around sooner or later!)

  2. Shut up waldo and focus on yer fusion-center monitor.

  3. KVATCH!! where did I PUT that thing... oh yeah... here it is... under the pile of old Nation magazines... right next to my copy of Das Kapital.

    Now it plays "The Internationale" whenever I fire it up... and hmmmm... I see you've disguised your 5-ton air-source heat pump as a rain-catchment barrel.

    Nice try, Kamrade Korn!

  4. You were replaced by more important news events.

    I actaully thought Springer was dead. I had to check dead or alive to find out.

  5. Ooooooh! WP, you got the lab under your manifesto?

  6. Patrick... every time I think a celebrity is dead and they are in fact still alive, within days I'll read in the paper that they have just passed away. WEIRD SUPER POWER I have! Btw, I have several witnesses who can attest to this ;)

    I only wish I'd think cockroaches like Cheney or George Bush Sr were dead ~sigh......Oh wait, Dick is dead, the living dead.

  7. 16 will get you 20,thats allright,you should be rockin and rollin on a livingston saturday night. And God is a moderate,except when feeding 5000,but he's a conservative when raining down fire and brimstone on homosexuals,but then liberal with free miracle healing,conservative kicking em out of the garden,but liberal with toads and locusts for pharoah,oh whatever.

  8. Thats not a rain barrel,thats Jimmy Hoffa. And quit cyber snoopin around lest ye git yer PP whacked.

  9. Is not MY PP... is Glorious PEOPLE'S PP to make Glorious People's Workers for Revolution with 16-year Sveetkins! Get with Program, Kamrade Korn!

    No Sveetkins, Brewskis or Budskis (ok- you say "nyet") for you... unless you say "DA" to Kamrade Waldo's Glorious People's Program for Everything for Everybody All The Time!! All feces-flinging eeek-eeek Springer Chimps say DA to Waldo Program!! YOU get with Program!

    Commissar Waldo say "wink-wink" to Jimmy Hoffa "rain barrel." Unless you want 16-sveetkins Waldo want. Then you stand in People's Waldo Line. You get HERO'S first... nyet greedy capitalist "sloppy seconds." Kamrade Waldo make sure it safe for HERO Kamrade Korn.

    No charge for this. Kamrade Waldo sacrifices himself to test first of ALL Brewskis, Budskis and Sveetkins for Kamrade Korn! All for Glorious Cause! Join now People's Waldo Party!

    Commissar Waldo still has Homosexual ray behind belt-sander.
